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Why is F90 so popular?
you fucking wish it was, it took ~35 years for all A to Z packs to get released and a ton of them are p-bandai
>project started in 2019
>35 years
I wish people weren't this fucking stupid.
UC Next 100 was meant to bridge us into Late UC but they'll take 100 years to actually release entries, so people who want late UC go for the few manga that actually gives them what they want
F90 is named the way it is because it came out in 1990. The idea of having 26 different packs all named after different letters of the alphabet is the F90's original gimmick, not something they created in 2019.
ALL of them are p-bandai
The project to create kits of all the mission packs started in 2019. What you're saying is as stupid as if someone said that the Lord of the Rings movies took 50 years to make just because the books were first written in 1954, discounting the fact that the majority of the filming was done over the course of fourteen months.
That's asinine because there was no intent to create a movie when the books first came out. This is more like announcing you're going to create an anthology series of 26 different standalone stories, you have titles for all 26 parts, but you only ever wrote like 8 of them after a year. Nothing much happened for another 25+ odd years, and then you sped through and did the all remaining parts in ~5 years.

There's always been 26 possible packs when the F90 was announced. There's ancient as fuck forum posts from the mid 2000s where they talk about what the unknown F90 mission packs might look like based on just the random ass list of names they had, but the designs behind each letter have never been properly fleshed out until Bandai started the F90 A to Z project.
>F90 is named the way it is because it came out in 1990.
I thought it came after the F91 movie which was in 1991
If the F90 is so great, why isn't there a....oh
To be honest, it could benefit from an animated series. I like the story and have been reading up on the newest manga. But shit is kinda lazy in a few ways.

>no F 70 Cannon kit
>no F 89 kit
>No Heavygun kit
>New story outshines the old one
>Bergh is prototype Seabrook
>F90 has all these mission packs but only the V pack matters
>Learning computers of Char, Kamille, Amuro, no other newtypes. Even though, it would be beneficial to have data modeled on Sirocco, Haman, Judau, and a few others

>no anti newtype pack even though the suit is supposed to be the easiest one to pilot in UC history

>Jegans & Karl Gustav / Rezels are outdated, but there’s literally machines from OYW and Gryps that still kick ass.

>No tie ins to past UC works like Unicorn or Hathaway’s
>Bosch is a hokey villain
>F91 literally happens months after and future Formula gundams are treated as garbage
You must've missed the tie in to Unicorn. They make frequent mention to UC. f90!/ doesn't need an anime

Kinda hard to use Judaus data when he fucked off with the Zz and Haman and Scirocco suits were destroyed. Cantn pull data from what you don't have.

OYW suits are super up Jegan/Gears Doga parts.
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>missed the tie in
Most likely. I don’t recall seeing anything despite reading every volume on Zeonic
>f90!/ doesn't need an anime

Neither did Unicorn but here we are.
>F90 has all these mission packs but only the V pack matters
not really? There's a few that don't amount to anything, but frankly there should be given they're all about reevaluating old concepts and some will inevitably not work well. But there's a ton of packs that foreshadow Crossbone and Victory, nevermind other minor things.
>Learning computers of Char, Kamille, Amuro, no other newtypes. Even though, it would be beneficial to have data modeled on Sirocco, Haman, Judau, and a few others
They're clearly very advanced tech, SNRI doesn't have the means to make an AI out of every significant pilot in history.
>no anti newtype pack even though the suit is supposed to be the easiest one to pilot in UC history
what does that even mean?
>Jegans & Karl Gustav / Rezels are outdated, but there’s literally machines from OYW and Gryps that still kick ass.
these are either Oldsmobiles which are anything but OYW machines or the actual old mobile suits in which case they either fight similarly dated stuff or get roflstomped by F90
>No tie ins to past UC works like Unicorn or Hathaway’s
there's a shit ton of them
>Bosch is a hokey villain
the Bosch character development is some of the best character glowups Gundam has ever seen
>F91 literally happens months after and future Formula gundams are treated as garbage
again, wut?
Finally, F80 is real
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here's hoping the ABSOLUTE LEGEND shows up again
they will NOT escape the mega boost
We made it, they look great
What's the deal here, they stole the F80 units?
CV manufactured the F80s since they have both the F90 and F91 data.
We don't know at this point. Death Guns are mercenaries so they could very well be operating on Freddie payroll here, tasked with something the regular soldiers aren't supposed to know about.
We see what appears to be another F80 before this (the one that gets dunpstered by Mars F90) so if nothing else they're using Federation-sourced machines.
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anyone got pics of the new Monthly Mobile Machine?
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part 1
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part 2
some really cool stuff, describing the Mars F90 we see in Cluster chap 1 and potentially some more things
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excited for Neo Gundam to finally shine somewhere, F91 Prequel treated it like shit
I think the biggest thing this could ultimately lead to is the revelation of what the F92 looks like, that would be pretty significant
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gonna cry and piss myself it it's not based on Ishigaki's idea
They could actually
It isn't. It never will be and your forcing it doesn't help.
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this cope ain't strong enough to protect you, boy
>psycommu grenades
the what now
The weapon which Nu Gundam HWS has in plan.
They'd modify it to remove body fins and jewel, since those make it look more like an After War or Wing suit
I will never be into late UC
too toyetic
>what does that even mean?
I think anon is asking why the F90 doesn’t have an NTD mission pack and why oldtypes can’t seem to pilot the F90 like newtypes

>again wut?
F90 isn’t used and is dispatched for the F91 (or so we think) I think he’s alluding to the fact that F90 has all these mission packs and various uses but becomes irrelevant because of the new F91 unit
F91 does not render the entire F90 line obsolete, it doesn't even cover the capabilities of some of the weirder F90 loadouts. They're just different programs, the F90 was a massive project to test every possible aspect of MS combat and equipment load and the F91 is a general purpose model. When it came time for the next project after the F90 was largely completed, they opted to investigate the F91 as an extension of the F90V because it was a balanced package with both next generation protection (beam shield) and attack (VSBR) that needed additional refinements.
>why oldtypes can’t seem to pilot the F90 like newtypes
Isn't that the point of the next project (biocomputer) which is part of the F91?
>think anon is asking why the F90 doesn’t have an NTD mission pack
That's "technically" what F90Z would be, even though F90Z is actually being planned as the direct Unicorn successor, called "F-0"
i LOVE spreading misinformation on the internet
F90Y "Youngstar Type" became the F90III-Y Cluster Gundam
F90Z "Zero Type" is more than likely going to be given a new codename, as like the Cluster its modifications are so vast that it's no longer recognizable as a normal F90
there is zero relation between F-0 and RX-0, the former has been a proposed name for the continuation of F9 series past F99 for decades before Unicorn
F90 A-Z, F90FF, and F90 Cluster are all part of UC Next, which also includes UC2
Y-type was the core fighter variant
Z-type is going to be the NT-D Psycommu variant, F-0 would be a fitting name change since it fits with the RX-0 naming convention
this is literally just a fanfic
Unicorn wasn't the end of Universal Century and it's bizarre how many "fans" of that timeline want this to be the case
You're why part 2 of Hathaway's Flash keeps getting delayed and might get canned
>You're why part 2 of Hathaway's Flash keeps getting delayed and might get canned
this is literally just fanfic
DEI credits are given from whining "fanfic" like a bitter WGA member, aren't they
>whole point of the biocomputer
Sure, except our guy Seabrook is a newtype. It’s pointless. If the same bio computer was installed in Harrison’s F91 (which it wasn’t) or even in units like the heavy gun / Jegan where they could be utilized I’d be all on board. However, they weren’t ever implemented.

My point is you’d think by this time, they’d learn their lesson but they don’t
when it was introduced in the F91 movie, the intention is that it works with oldtypes just like neo-psycommu or quasi-psycommu system, but it also happens to have higher potential with a newtype

F91 prequel manga has biocomputer inventor explain that, but the feds only care that biocomputer development is slow compared to the the rest of the F91 development and proposed dropping it from the F91 entirely since at that time it wasn't producing results

still since most MCs tend to be newtypes, the biocomputer will almost always be positioned as a special system to them. Even if biocomputer somehow became standard equipment on every suit, newtypes would still lord over most oldtypes
There is drawbacks with bio computer (gen 1).
The Vitals were underperformed due to having conflicts with their pilots' decision. That is also the reason why the MS were lost at the end of Prequel.
In Formula Report 0122 Bergh Scred mentioned the bio computer on F91 was giving him trouble while dealing with the OM (but still made world record with it).
He's being way more reasonable than I'd expect for a feddie higher up bitching about MS development.
>>Jegans & Karl Gustav / Rezels are outdated, but there’s literally machines from OYW and Gryps that still kick ass.
OYW era suits are AKs to the Jegan's M16. Sure, the Jegan is superior to the Zaku on paper and even largely in practice, but move away from ideal conditions and the Jegan starts having a lot of problems while the Zaku keeps right on trucking.
As for the larger suits like the Gustav, they were obsolete for the start Tha ks to things like the beam magnum. Large, slow firing platforms disguised as mobile suits lose 10 out 10 match ups against small, nimble glass cannons.
There's literally like 3 or 4 beam magnums in all of Unicorn and they are mostly in soredemo's possession. Who is the Karl Gustav even fighting that will be bringing a beam magnum to the fight?
The beam magnum itself is less important than the footprint it left. Banagher slapped his dick on the table and everyone had to react to it even if that dick wasn't meant for them, because the people it was meant for had to adapt and then other factions had to adapt to that adaptation.
If powerful beam weaponry can be weilded by individual mobile suits, and if that beam weaponry rips these big, uparmored suits to shreds, then those suits are a liability and you need something that can dodge instead. They're a design born from complacency.
The AK is not really as durable as people make it out to be, you know. The sheer number of them out there has more to do with their persistence than anything else.
Then which way should the arms race go? Small units that can disperse to have a chance of avoiding beams or all-in on firepower to have an arsenal of beams to fit every situation, range, angle, and coverage to always come out on top in engagements? What about other factors?

Somehow beam sniping and launcher type of attacks didn't become dominant, and generally stealth is largely neglected in UC. The side that invested in large numbers of basic suits all equipped with adequate but nothing-special beam weapons somehow keeps getting their asses kicked by enemies that field a mix of higher quality grunt MS in smaller numbers supported by the occasional expensive custom machine or large mobile armor bristling with beam weapons. It's not a matter of one side out-ranging the other, and it isn't also tactics like concentrated fire or accuracy that wins every battle either.

No seriously, how effective would it be to just have a beam launcher sweep the battlefield? In space maybe not so much since enemies can be at any angle/elevation/direction, but on land and in shitholes where collateral damage doesn't matter, literally point a continuous beam at the known direction of enemy troops and draw along their axis. No amount of natural cover will protect against that for long. You either hit something and blow it up or force enemies to take cover and stay in in defilade, pinning them down.
>No seriously, how effective would it be to just have a beam launcher sweep the battlefield? In space maybe not so much since enemies can be at any angle/elevation/direction, but on land and in shitholes where collateral damage doesn't matter, literally point a continuous beam at the known direction of enemy troops and draw along their axis. No amount of natural cover will protect against that for long. You either hit something and blow it up or force enemies to take cover and stay in in defilade, pinning them down.
i don't know how you missed this but blowing up half a city in 3 seconds is generally not the intent in MS battles
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no fucking shit, what do you think
>in shitholes where collateral damage doesn't matter
meant? half the time they're fighting in some uninhabited place. when a mobile suit explodes as violently as possible, it'll leave a crater the size of a city block anyway
that's just wrong on every account
oh yeah well how come zeeks keep their zakus for like 8 years after the war and it works fine and feds keep their jegans for 30 years after they came out and they also work fine
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i really want a MG RXF-91 Kai.
Depending on build quality. Some cheap ass AKs were sold for high profit margins. But even they can last very long.
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For me it's Hardygun, even if that's significantly less likely than the Gundams. Not entirely unreasonable though, they could reuse some F90 runners and it can also use the mission packs so it'd be easy to promote it
Still coping for F89 MG, also paving the way for Anchor while they're at it
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same question for this one, vol 19 I believe
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Love the Fujita F90 reference
not seeing the core fighter parts
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there it is, the F80
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new MMM reveals they were hired by Buch, officially to protect the assets of their Mars branch
No one tell Galemson...
I dunno why people thought rhat they are part of CV, when they always were mercs.
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that's so cute
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Mars Zeon Gundam may not be the actual F90II but the copy of it.
Come to think of it
There are just too many copies of F90 around which makes F80 (the mass production version of F90) less desired.
not really? ~4 units is absolute peanuts compared to the numbers of a mass produced unit
M16s are more durable than AKs. Soviet durability is a myth. Now they did make an easy to maintain jet with the MiG-21 but the rest are maintanence monsters like their western counterparts. That maintainability also comes at the cost of being shit at current warfare.
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it appears that there might be two - the one refurbished from base F90 and a newly built one
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There are still many Anaheim mystery units unaccounted for.
some kind of Heavygun II variant? neat

specialized for close quarters combat and minimal collateral damage. equipped with a bunch of grenades, short beam gun, and a beam lance.
>Neo successor
>99 becomes a new Delta
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why hello there
more like ZIV
Fastest Formula having a ReZEL team was random, honestly.
Holy shit I was wondering just a few days ago as to “I wonder when this guy will show up in f90 cluster at all, would be nice” and then it does
OYW era ms are more like WW2 Semi-auto and full auto weapons. Their outdated but not obsolete. Both the Geara Doga and Jegan are like AK74M and M16A4/M4 their cost, performance, and quality are so good. That it took a doctrine shift in MS combat for them to lose relevance. Gryps conflict would be the AK47, M14, and FN FAL era.

Space is vast, and gravity makes ms combat a different beast. Is what i would assume why.
That would make some sense. I wonder if F90II was built from a copy, as it seemingly replaced C.A. program, which I doubt Zeeks would be able to reproduce, with a Bio-Computer.
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odd typo on the model number there
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off to the guillotine with the editing team
apparently the Death Guns are part of Dunsinane PMC, matching with Birnam Woods theme
This implies that they are not completely independent mercenaries and have been connected to Buch for a while before working as mercs for CV.
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lots of interesting stuff in this one, GD Strikers from Double-Fake were used by EGUM for example. Also some on Anaheim's approach with purposefully not monopolizing the MS market and the fact Federation considered encountering hostile alien life a possibility, even if unlikely.
Meaningless War isn't considered canon, so its ZIII and High-Streamer designs are not used
ZIII was an early development name for ReZEL
F6 line mentioned, neat
>F6 line
Speaking of, can someone explain SNRI lines to me?
Like, I'd assume F90, F91, F97 and F99 are a part of the same F9 line, as all of them are limited production general purpose ace mobile suits. Similarly F70 and F71 are a part of F7 line, even if the later suit came from Anaheim.
What's up with F89 though? Just a retarded way to call F9 minus 1?
F9 line is the flagship high performance prototype
F8 are the general purpose mass production unit
F7 are fire support
F6 are local combat, allegedly discontinued due to F9 and F7 performance
F5 are AFV-esque designs inspired by old Guntank that only achieved proving this isn't an alternative for miniaturizing MSs

F89 is not really its proper name but an internal codename as a preliminary stage of F90's development
Thanks. Sounds about right, I guess.
A bit sad that most of that didn't get traction, as Anaheim rolled out Jamesgun and SNRI got busy supporting reformed CV.
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F9 were never intended to use as production models. They are prototype models mainly for research purpose.
F91 mass production type is a Hasegawa thing just to backup his infinite F97 Crossbone Gundam variants.

By the way Hasegawa is having ideas for the Crossbone Gundam 30th anniversary in 2 months. Probably another X1 variant is going to be released.
Jamesgun (and by extension Javelin) may or may not be based on Silhouette Formula data, so at least some of that went to live on in them. And Victory itself is primarily based on Formula series. Not to mention all the Zanscare stuff. Fastest Formula confirmed that even Super Psycho Lab is part of SNRI.
Virtually every Gundam ever was hoped to be mass produced, it's just that it was never practical due to cost and maintenance limitations. Mass Produced F91s in Crossbone are exactly why it doesn't work out and they're limited in numbers even after minor reworks. At the same time, they're not different enough to be categorized as F81 models or similar.
Meanwhile Flint probably would have been called F87 when presented to the Federation if things had gone differently.
>By the way Hasegawa is having ideas for the Crossbone Gundam 30th anniversary in 2 months. Probably another X1 variant is going to be released.
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>Spam X for Double Mega Boost
new vegas reference
Love these deep cuts in Monthly Mobile. Is there some compilation of all the volumes? Zeonic has only like half of them.
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Lehr Doga is so cool
Feddyfied Zeonic suits are the best.
How about Zeek'd up Federation suits?
I want someone to design an RX-93-Z1 that's inspired by this
it's like halfway there to looking like Nu Gundam already
Gerbera and Sinanju did it better.
Don't act like Banrise wouldn't put a Zeon Custom Nu in one of their future late-UC stories
i mean, there's at least two different old post CCA manga that feature Nu Gundams (not mass produced ones, the "genuine" ones) so sure, go for it
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As far as Mars branch of Zeon goes, I prefer pic related.
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F80 looks like a cross between F90 and F70. Makes sense, really.
It really does, ideal for a mass production mobile suit as a worthy successor to the heavygun and even the F71 G-cannon
well now let's not get hasty
If the design took a similar approach as F70 then it's positively dog awful for mass production or large scale deployment, but if it makes up for that with performance and utility close to F90 for a fraction of the cost then it's gonna be a great ace use unit, even if not a proper GM equivalent. Which would explain why Anaheim-produced grunts were still the way to go for the coming decades.
>If the design took a similar approach as F70 then it's positively dog awful for mass production or large scale deployment
Lunarian propaganda.
>Which would explain why Anaheim-produced grunts were still the way to go for the coming decades.
And a reason why EFF military stagnated and was ill suited to fight Zanscare.
Its a bash of both suits
F70 legs. arms , helmet, and torso, F90 skirts
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excited to see more of it, there's a lot of space for ace customs with the mission packs
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mystery niggas
Has the neo gundam appeared yet in the manga? Apparently the vigna zirah made its appearance in a recent chapter
>Has the neo gundam appeared yet in the manga?
In a flash forward from Chapter 0.
Neat, a sign of things to come
Not necessarily.
Cmon just let me believe
Bosch you absolute legend
Mars F90 Unit 2 confirmed
Highly uncharacteristic of Bosch. He's not even a Zeek himself.
You mean F90 Unit 2 Unit 2
The given model number is OMS-90R2 so I figure Mars F90 unit 2 is more appropriate here, but we'll see what's the official name sooner or later. It's shaping up as the main Gundam of at least the first arc so it's probably getting a kit too.
We know that Cluster is Unit 3, so unless EF will decide to redesignate OMS-90R2 as one, that's not going to be the main Gundam for long.
Since they already have an RF Kampfer, I wouldn't' be surprised if Mars F90 becomes developed into an "RF Sinanju"
RF Kampfer makes sense as original is still an OYW suit. I don't think Martian branch had a lot to do with Sleeves or even Char's Neo Zeon. Not to mention that it surely would just stay a Gundam.
That said, I wonder, how the fuck could Mars Zeon replicate F90 in such a short time between recieving Unit 2 as EFF should've been right behind them. I mean, chapter implied that the suit is kinda rough, so it might be a hack job, but still. Would be funny if they tried to substitute a pseudo-personality computer with EXAM.
I'm trying to remember when F90 even started, but I think the only dates that were stated were when they were supposed to arrive at Mars, but that doesn't give an idea of the total duration of the trip, and except from the point where they were hit by a mine en route when they were 40 days away
so they probably had two or three months
No, the F90 stuff came out before F91. I remember, I was there.
>how the fuck could Mars Zeon replicate F90 in such a short time between recieving Unit 2 as EFF should've been right behind them
Before the end of FF F90's data has been leaked worldwide.
>Not to mention that it surely would just stay a Gundam.
The Sinanju Stein was a Gundam-type MS before being stolen and repurposed by Neo Zeon.
The use of its image would be a psychological one, to instill fear in the Federation
It could even act as a bridge to the first Zanscare suits
Odds are the capture team sent data to Mars ahead of time via laser or whatever, so they could get started on redesigning the suit already and have it all prepared by the them F90 makes it there, plus replicate the design at the same time. Like how AEUG steals the Gundam Mk-IIs and by the time they are delivered to Anaheim on the Moon the Mk-II based Hyaku Shiki is practically done.
It'd have to be a bit of a rush job, sure, but Anaheim made Nu (itself, not including prototypes and earlier planning) in like 2 months. Echoing Nu is also a big theme with Mars F90 so it fits.
And the thing about Mars F90 is that it's built around being more reliable and practical, eschewing the whole hard point system for better performance and easier maintenance using their standardized parts. Then the new shoulder and arm hardpoints are added for specific optional weaponry, rather than general use whatever SNRI thinks of.
Sounds gay, why do this when you can go for RF Psyco Gundam II instead (complete with a cyber-newtype loli to pilot it)?
>It could even act as a bridge to the first Zanscare suits
I don't think that Side 2 branch of SNRI needs this kind of bridge.
>And the thing about Mars F90 is that it's built around being more reliable and practical, eschewing the whole hard point system for better performance and easier maintenance using their standardized parts. Then the new shoulder and arm hardpoints are added for specific optional weaponry, rather than general use whatever SNRI thinks of.
Fair enough.
There are no suits at the time of F90 that are Psycho's size, it would be 18 meters at the most
Moon Gundam already has an 18 meter Psycho Gundam
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F90 isn't Sinanju's size either, which was what original poster asked for. Not that it matters for Oldsmobile, considering that RF Gyan and Charles' RF Gelgoog are over 20 meters tall and they still making ~40 meters tall mobile armors like Grand Zam.
And well, it's not like there are no solutions for enlargening smaller suits.
what AI system does it use? Copy of C.A.?
The design would be a copy of the original Psycho with a new backpack, then. Oldsmobile stagnated in their tech development and customizing the F90 any further is clearly illegal
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We don't know yet, including whether it uses any at all.
I remember Job John mentioned that the AI are unable to be copied/duplicate.
But somehow they can be updated.
I wonder if it's some other person (who?) or an entirely different system mimicking the AI's function
Yeah. It was a big roadblock with F80 IIRC and likely got removed in the production version.
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I wonder if there will be any AoZ references again, maybe one of the old Mars Zeon suits somewhere in the background?
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After careful analysis I come to the conclusion that the base F90, the B Type, the U Type, the G Type, the F90 2, the V Type, the Mars Type, the H Type, the J Type and the L Type are the only good looking ones.

These will be the only versions of the F90 that will be allowed to be posted ITT from now on.
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Lol. Lmao, even.
There was the chest pack on the one Hi-Zack that borrowed from AOZ IIRC.
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There was a Marasai with the AoZ Hizack Cannon's gear, at least. FF clearly had no problems referencing stuff from there, even if just a little bit so I'm hoping they'll throw in a tiny something something in Cluster too.
surely they'll do something more with Draig after leaving so many breadcrumbs, right?
SNRI vs Anaheim vs Buch Formula mecha racing spinoff fucking when?
This really does look like if Toriyama had been asked to design a mobile suit pilot, holy shit.
The Federation economy and industrial base were in such fucking shambles at this point that they defacto shouldn't have even been running a new MS development program, their logistics were so utterly fucked that they could barely fight 1 more short duration, low investment conflict by themselves before promptly never managing to field a real military ever again.

SOMEBODY somewhere had to be somewhat reasonable and sane, and I guess it was this guy, even if realistically he should have pulled the plug on the entire program.
Is that really accurate? Federation was economically doing just fine, the issue came from belief that large scale military conflicts were a thing of the past and demilitarization was the way to go so EFF was losing funding and turning into a glorified welfare program.
Nah, in canon their entire economy was hurting as early as Zeta, if not crumbling, after ZZ they defacto were fucked and never recovered because the higher ups refused to knuckle down and re-establish earth-based infrastructure or anything like that in favor of leaning harder and harder on the colonies as a continuation of pre-OYW policy because, having military hegemony AND victory disease, who could stop them and why would they? Clearly they were right and this was a good plan because they won.

The result was that outside of money being thrown at boondoggle projects they couldn't afford, the Federation's logistical network just didn't fucking work, resulting in OYW and immediately post OYW MS being left on the roster because they literally couldn't even afford the cost of decommissioning them. The Jegan for example never actually reached full replacement and deployment outside out elite and flagship units and served alongside GMIIs and Aquas, Old Titans surplus, etc.

The main justification for trying to downscale was to cut material costs inorder to save money even though it didn't really help any or actually bring an appreciable increase in performance with the technology being what it was VS a regular scale MS made with the same advancements. And even then it didn't actually really help the logistical situation. The Federation proceeds to fight off the Oldsmobile Army with some real trouble, send a hail mary lone wolf fleet unsupported to Mars itself, and then canonically *never manages to fight another war itself ever again* needing resistance movements, militias, and other third party independent military forces to save them from Zanscare and Jupiter before they become so weak that their economic parasitism finally becomes unsustainable and they collapse into a rump state ignored by everyone and unable to enforce their will on the Earth Sphere anymore with the region entering a Warring States period of everyone fighting everyone as seen in Dust.
>The Jegan for example never actually reached full replacement and deployment outside out elite and flagship units and served alongside GMIIs and Aquas, Old Titans surplus, etc.
Pretty sure in Unicorn the Jegan reached full deployment for space use, same for F91's depiction of the EFSF. Land forces are a separate deployment since it's a different branch of the EFF, and I'm guessing the EF government expected newer serious threats to come from space. Not exactly wrong since the Sleeves, Mars Zeon, that loli Zeon faction, Crossbone Vanguard, etc were based in space.
The only guys we see in Unicorn field all Jegans are the General Revil, the pride of the fleet, and Londo Bell and ECOAS, special forces. These are pretty tiny forces, being *individual ships* in most cases, while high value targets like Torrington that have been struck before are literally getting their asses bailed out by some frankensteined together hardware from 3+ wars ago piloted by an unaccounted for war criminal.

Meanwhile planetside the OYW never actually ended with holdouts lasting for years even before getting influxes of Titans and Neo-Zeon/Neo-Zeon 2 personnel and equipment and the Navy is actively so neglected they are defacto secretly in revolt against the Federation funding and supporting Zeonic holdouts with "new" war materials.
Pretty sure Torrington is a backwater base in UC 0096, nothing high value about it.
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It looks cool.
EGUM's last stand made me cry
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So this is interesting. The Metal Build X2 comes with a cannon that's clearly based on the F90 L Type, if not outright the same cannon.
X2 has always had the Buster Launcher that's very clearly based on F90L's Long Rifle, and X2 Kai has the Jupiter Empire-repaired version that ties it to Zanneck's Mega Beam Cannon.
they were believing a Sign of Zeta to the end...
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I hope we see Carazzo doing Iron Mask things
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Has he become the greatest character in UC?
What the hell was his mindset again? I admire Amuro so much I'm going to work for the enemies?
I'd be slightly less pissed if at least the base kit was retail
A Chinese company announced they are bootlegging the base F90. Will cut down costs severely for a collection.
He followed Amuro since Karaba, and was right next to Nu Gundam when Axis Shock happened.
He saw "the light of human heart" take his Captain, just a young man with his entire life ahead of him. There was nothing left, Amuro couldn't even get a proper grave.
More than that, his sacrifice changed absolutely nothing and the world - the Federation - continued on as before.
He saw Amuro be taken away by the Nu Gundam. He knew of the Psycho Gundams. Of Zeta Gundam and of what happened to Kamille.
Add in Unicorn Gundam, which turned into a psycho-monster and as far as the world is concerned the pilot was never seen again.
Xi Gundam, which Hathaway - a son of his comrade - tried to use to change the world and only got him killed.
Gundam is called the White Devil for a reason. It is a Devil.
So Bosch will take the power of the Devil for himself and force the world to change even if it makes him a monster. For Amuro.
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I eagerly await more Crossbone references. F80s having ponchos can't be a coincidence.
>Inb4 X11 shows the founding of CONSENT
That is objectively retarded. Amuro fought to stop Char from irreversibly trying to destroy human civilization on Earth, the whole fucking point of the Axis shock miracle was that it somehow worked and saved the world thanks to Amuro's (and several others') willpower and intentions to prevent the Earth from suffering an apocalyptic outcome. So the fucker joins Mars Zeon to shoot the Earth with martian railcannon because that was what Amuro would have wanted?
>because that was what Amuro would have wanted?
For my unborn baby!!
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imagine some kind of foreshadowing of Freedom
sucks the MG F90 is a PBandai exclusive
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seeing one guy repeatedly complain in the Gunpla about the proportions of the N Type compared to the lineart is starting to get to me
the angle of the shoulders plus them being bigger and the pointier chest on the lineart makes the N Type look buff as fuck
meanwhile the MG just looks like your average Gundam

I wonder who did the lineart because it doesn't look like Okawara
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So because Jamesgun has a higher power output F80 got ditched.
There you are, you daft Iron Leaguer Real Type! You look real good without a cloak.
More like the EFF didn't want the additional cost of manufacturing all of those equipment packs. A fucking 10 kW difference doesn't amount to anything worthwhile.
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Not sure about throwing away the one size fits all idea for the custom tuned for task cheapness.
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* (Exterior looks like F91)
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"A successor to the RGM-109 adopted in the RGM-X project. It was heavily influenced by the Formula project (especially the exterior, which closely resembles the F91), and is a solid, well-constructed aircraft with power output comparable to that of the Denan Zon."

>press X to doubt
I generally like F91 and Victory as a setting, but I really hate these simplified designs. The Vigna Ghina backpack is fine, it's got some complexity to it even if it's not my liking, but the backpacks like the one on the Jamesgun is some lazy shit. It looks awful, just a basic block shape, and some barebones circles, slots, and nozzles, like fucking cal arts drawing abominations. The RX-78-2 backpack is better detailed than this. I'm not asking for greebles, just something that looks like it wasn't sketched in 10 minutes.
I just realized most of the known mission packs don't have their own lineart like the N-Type. This sucks, what the fuck are they paying Okawara for?
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Nice touch with the Hexa-style antennas
I can actually kinda see it, mostly in the shoulders. Got pics of the whole Monthly Mobile volume?
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Is that a goddamn beam SPAS-12?

>beam pistol sideways gangster grip
fucking what
is it just me or that shield is insanely chunky? I don't necessarily hate it but it's a bit of an odd choice
It comes with a grenade launcher, and the top part of the shield can probably flip down with the spikes going into the ground or for close combats
so we know F80 received a limited production and was deployed with special forces such as ECOAS, and the Death Guns units specifically were provided by SNRI's Jupiter Divisions. Their ponchos provide a degree of stealth but can defend against only one beam shot, falling short of the later F97's cloaks.
In UC 0140s F80s were also used by private corporations and colony garrisons, not unlike Heavyguns and BR-GMs.
Jamesgun was chosen as the main grunt suit at least in part due to the political situation, as Hauzerie was a major proponent of Formula Plan's adoption and his assassination put a damper on support for the project in the Federation Assembly.

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