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ITT we post robots designed for construction.
this nigga slaps your gf at the club with his drillcock, how do you respond?
Do futa mechs exist?
Woundwort is THE futa mecha
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Hi newfag
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I love him so much
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You better not try anything funny in those construction mechs.
I would never, officer
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From Zeonic industrie.
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Hitachi? As in the sex toy? Or is that a different company that makes those?
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all the same company
That's kinda wild but it also makes a little sense.
A lot of companies have surprisingly more varied products than just what they're known for, either due to some kind of tech or material overlap or just expanding into completely unrelated markets because it's lucrative.
A shit ton of industrial companies have made weapons at one point or another, for example.
do burgers not get hitachi TV's?
Imagine this thing holding a gun
The sex toy was initially developed as a back massager, but consumers repurposed it to be a backside massager. Hitachi manufactures the product to this day, but only under license for another company, and they don't market it as a sex toy.
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what's stopping Japan from turning this robot on a crane into a Robo-boxing sport?
the fact its not about shilling cute anime girls.
A 357 magnum preferably.
i like this little guy :D
need to get his kit at some point
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An entire thread about construction mecha and not a single mention of Barga?
You're losing your touch /m/aggots.
>Isaac, if he was a Jager:
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