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thoughts on Gun X Sword?
I personally found it really boring, but would like to see what /m/ says about it
Loved it
A contender for best /m/ show of its decade
The way it changed the setting every episode and had an incredibly eclectic set of robot designs was great, Taniguchi's trademark style of bringing back everything you thought was just an episodic oneoff thing rewards you for paying a lot of attention, and it definitely has some of the most unique character dynamics among mecha shows. Nowhere else will you see both the protagonist and antagonist be so completely deranged
I personally liked how getting revenge never left Van's mind even through a bunch of other character development. Every time someone tries to get him to give it up and move on with his life, he always ends up reaffirming his desire to kill that claw hand fuck and actually follows through with it in the end. Really surprised me back in the day.
Really good. A top /m/ show.
Interesting setting and they did some stuff I didn't expect with the characters, but every time I started to get into it there was some lolrandom wackiness (as was the style at the time) and I just found it obnoxious. So, uh, mixed, I guess.
El Dora V is great, though.
Solid action, well-written and paced plot and an entertaining protagonist, what's not to love? I liked the dub.
It really sticks to its guns and I respect that. It acts like it has irreverence for standard mecha tropes, but you see the heart shine through the cynicism of the characters. The El Dora V episode really pushes that home best.

Also based of Van for never falling for the memes about revenge, and doesn't hesitate to kill a man as monstrous as the Claw.
G Gundam of the 00's. It also shits on Seed Destiny.
It's a top 5 show for me. Seeing so many of the side characters from previous episodes show up for the finale was great, really helps with the big dumb adventure vibe it has.
I like that the one time Van is about to give up, it's just him getting into his own head about. Strangely realistic for a show as goofy as this.
Cutting Claw off in the middle of his monologue was the best part of the finale.
I wanted KooCryingKroo to break character and chew out his followers for their incompetence after his plans get messed up the first time, only to collect himself and none of them bat an eye to it.
Really good show, though I will admit some of the early episodes suffer from padding, not like they're filler episodes but the episode itself has a long stretch of nothing fucking happens.
I really like how Van and Ray are total mirrors of each other both in their designs and on how the revenge is affecting them.
Ray's obsession causes them to throw away everything in the quest to kill claw including his own health and this eventually is what ends up getting him killed. While Van despite also being a quest for revenge wasn't afraid to get help from others and make friends and allies along the way so while he also never abandoned the quest, he didn't let him consume him and so he came out of the revenge a better person.
Beyond that I do just find it really funny Van has a sword that uses a Gun Holster, and Ray has a Gun that looks like a sword.
I liked that about him, honestly. He wasn't a faker full of shit, he was legitimately fucking crazy and sincere about all the horrific, hypocritical shit he was doing. He was a monster, but he wasn't disguising himself as a saint he seriously believed he was one.
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Good, a lot of fun.
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It was absolutely fantastic
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Really good fun, not clever at all, just conceptually simple well-made fiction. I don't honestly have much else to say about it. Really better than a lot of shows from this era (post Eva, post Gundam Seed) which got bogged down in their own convoluted nonsense (I'm looking at YOU Eureka 7 AO) whereas GXS just accepts the nonsense and runs with it
Fasalina best girl??
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loved it enough that i bought the moderoids.
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I knew I was in for some truly wild shit when these fuckers showed up
> Fasalina best girl??
I thought Obari's stuff (Gravion Zwei and Dancouga Nova) from this era did the "conceptually-simple and well-made" thing better than Gun x Sword. Also, convoluted shows can be pretty interesting -- it's why I like SEED Destiny so much while I'm not that into the original SEED.
Well he has friends now. That's the difference between him and Rey. Rey's on a death mission because he can't bear life without his love, and he's proud of Joshua for being able to keep on going and accept death where he couldn't. Van was always an aimless lone wanderer, the first time he ever tried to settle down and his wife was murdered at the altar. He just ended up reverting to type. But for all the show goes on about the cycle of revenge he quietly does find other stuff to live for. That's a nice change of pace.
There's that moment with Wendy where you get the sense he kind of knows what he is. But then there's that part where e stabs one of his men to death in a moment of senility and you realize THAT'S how Elena died. Nothing flashy but a load of little character bits that add up to more than the sum of their parts. Taniguchi does that a lot but nowhere more effectively than this show.
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>he quietly does find other stuff to live for
Does he really, though? The ending is just him leaving everyone behind and going back to being a drifter. Friendship doesn't really seem to have been important to him; he never asked for it and did a lot of lashing out against the people trying to follow him
I liked how Dann onlynhad swords and most of his wins were just quick thinking.
He still has the group photo with him after all those years, and he was never big on possessions to begin with. Not to mention odds seem good he's going to stay with Wendy, the only person on the planet who can cook just the way he likes it? Van the Virgin no more. He thanks the people who helped him out along the way before he fucks off, the old Van wouldn't have done that. Small changes, but they're there. He might not stick around, but he could. That's his character arc, no matter how slight it is.
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I wouldn't say that he does outright, but it's pretty clear he's looking to at least try. I doubt very much he's ever gonna move past his wife. Too much of his character was tied to him realizing that he was still head over heals in love with her. In fact one of the best parts of the series was when he finally solved that puzzle. He really was less consumed by blind madness and hate by then. Oh he was still gonna merc the shit who hurt him. He wasn't suddenly out to be a hero. But sorrow >>22802522
I doubt very much he and Wendy have any romantic pull at all.
I wasted a Haro on this nigga in SRW30.
It was worth it.
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So what was Van's deal? Is he some kind of natural superhuman? Like before he got reconstructed after being wounded at the wedding. We see him ostensibly working with his wife on the project that would later be used to find Michael to operate Saudade without it's satellite, thus needing some kind of special person who can do it without reconstruction? Does that make him some kind of double-special person?
I think he was just there, was eager, and was basically just a bum nobody would miss should things go wrong.
I think it was the fact that Elena and the other dude just took a liking to him.
I watched it as a teen therefore I like it. But it's probably a biased answer so take it as you will.
Van is cool, the armors are cool, and the girls are hot.
Worldbuilding is very lacking, but it's passable. But the thing that I like the most is the "original seven" with their special prototype armors. Not only that, they're named after days. It's very chuuni and I like it.
It's very overlooked nowadays which is weird considering how much it takes from stuff like Xabungle and the 2d mecha designs.
better than bravern
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Practically all of his problems could have been avoided if he didn't have the urge to wear a giant razor sharp metallic claw at the most inopportune moments or if one of his subordinates told him to stop wearing it, but i can't really fault him for it it seems pretty sweet.
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>SRW straight-up made him an ayylmao and it makes complete sense due to how fucking werid he is
I would say so, but Yukiko is super pretty, and Priscilla is very fun as well. I don't think there's a wrong answer.
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I prefer her dead grandma who never actually appears in the show but seems like she is totally best girl and I would absolutely drink myself retarded if she died before I did.
Its aright, didnt really love it, I thought the villains were pretty weak. They keep saying how claw is so charismatic and then you see him and hes just a run of the mill psycho
Chizuru's certainly top tier, no doubt about that. But she's from a different story, a different time...
>no prequel show showcasing the El Dora team telling (unrequested) stories about their past adventures
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I didn't like claw man as the main villain since he didn't seem to have that much charisma that so many talented people would throw their lives away for him.
He was just the childish sort who despite what he says ends up following his emotions rather than reason.
I haven't watched it in years (over a decade actually), but I remember being really frustrated by the show when I watched it.

It had some quality /m/ stuff but I remember the overarching plot and characters being retarded beyond belief, and not in a fun way. Maybe if I revisited it now with a different mindset I'd feel different about it, but I have a bunch of other shows I want to catch up on before I do that.
Well by the time the series started his dementia pretty much kicked into over drive. You can definitely seem him get worse as time goes on. Watch when he first meets Wendy compared to far later on.
I love that Eldora Soul turning gold is just the upgraded engine being too hot and burning off the paint. Such a fun detail.
more like meme x meme
more like go x back x to x
It's been a long time since I watched it, but I remember liking it.
Revenge Good
I really liked how interconnected everything winds up being. There's always some connection trivial or major between Van and Wendy's actions on the world that ripple back to The Claw. Lots of it you don't pick up until a second rewatch. Like the twin town where all the twins wind up hating one another for being exact clones, and the implication that Carossa and Melissa are a successful take on that twin experiment or an even wider reaching one is The Mustache Men's big robot being co-produced by the Claw's org in exchange for Metal Blue salvaging and delivering Saudade's casket to the Claws base. Van smashing that causes the Claw to send that one guy to hire literally anyone he can to winch the casket up leading to Van/Wendy/Josh's involvement. Then even later still the Claws org arranging the purchase of that big hover base to ship Saudade the rest of the way from the train town to their secret undersea tunnel winds up abandoned because Van manages to scare Michael into activating it, so he can just fly it back, so the company selling the hoverbase just goes "fuck it, we already got paid, just give it away" in the later tournament.
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>Good animation
>Good characters
>Good fanservice
>Good writing for the most part
>Excellent OST
>Perfect length
>Very cool and unique mech design with lots of variety
>Captain Kaiji
It's a really solid show with very little issues or filler episodes, baby.
Easily one of the better executed revenge stories in anime too.
Wendy's brother getting BTFO'd made me chuckle. What a retard.
It's actually kind of a brilliant fakeout. Everyone keeps hyping Saudade and Michael up, but that's really only to give Michael the resolve to do something as fucking crazy as get fired up into space. Even if Saudade is the strongest of the Original 7 mechs, Michael didn't have even a 10th of the experience Van did at actually fighting in it.
>All the side characters are cool
>Main character is a vessel to enjoy the side characters
>Animation doesn't suck
>Pacing is good
It's good
The washed up gattai team is pretty great in a Logan way
>best girl lost
Fuck this show.
Everyone's pretty good
Even carmen
But who is best?
Wendy wins though
Priscilla and it isn't close.
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Lol. No.
It's Van. No one wins.
Delet that this instant.
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>Wendey, Carmen and Priscilla ended up falling in love with him plus he was going to get married to a woman who only bet due to getting pilot a robot
Someone's jealous chicks want to get CHESTO by Van of the Dawn.
The only one of these that's actually sad is Allenby, the rest of them all dodged bullets by not ending up with their love interests
Classic side girl cope
How hated was Joshua back when this first aired?
This. I have no desire to rewatch it at all despite it being over a decade since my first viewing.
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I don't recall much discussion at all about GunXSword in 05/06 at all really. I do vaguely remember fuming over New Translation, and arguing about Seed Destiny, Aquarion and 2nd GIG.
I liked how the El Dora team were kind of fucking retarded, but in that one moment where Chizuru's mech moves in an absolutely impossible manner even with Dann throwing it to link up with the rest and give them full power, you get this sense maybe there was something really there to these idiots and maybe they really did save the world.
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Hated might be a bit strong. He got plenty of shit in the actual show anyways.
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>Legal Wendy >>>>>> every other girl
Also this show has so much western reference i might've missed some
>Pulp fiction couple
>Mafia boss called Tony
>A whole episode based off Yojimbo(theres a western version of this movie)
>The last episode when Van was gonna leave the BG music sounds kinda familiar to the music from Once Upon a Time in the West
>>A whole episode based off Yojimbo(theres a western version of this movie)
A fist full of Dollars.
Yeah that was the thing. So many fucking people in that world worshipped the ground he walked on despite him being a creepy old man with a murder claw who was pleasant sometimes admittedly, but not nearly enough for that.
One thing that still doesn't make sense with me is why in the world would a planet be a Prison Planet? Like if theres so much criminals i'd start chucking them at the sun. Unless theres some kind of resource to be mined in that case they're using inmates as extremely cheap labor
It's basically an upscaled Penal colony. Take a bunch of prisoners and send them over to a random planet to turn into an actual colony, after the first generation spends their dues all their descendants get a relatively normal colony to live on after the groundwork was broken by prisoners. That's where the Mechs came from too, they served as a way for the first generation's overlords to actually maintain order and get things down in case of a rebellion, that's why stuff like them being able to use each other's repair satellites if needed comes from too.
TLDR; shoot a colony ship full of criminals at a planet and forced them to make it survivable, then when said criminals have kids those kids will not be criminals and boom you have a functional colony with the backbreaking labor needed for it to start working being done by criminals.
My god the whole planet is basically Australia.... some madman wrote this shit and its genius
I think him being long past his prime was part of it, but on another level I think you're supposed to be like Wendy and Van and be completely disgusted by the guy. There's something ABOUT him that's getting to all these people, but for you you're only seeing what an absolute freak he is and that he needs to die.
It kind of bugs me that the series talks about Endless Illusion being a shithole prison planet that's apparently bred all of these people who are so desperate for some kind of future that they flocked to the Claw. But from Van and Wendy's perspective, outside of literally shit caused by the Claw himself, the world seems pretty nice for the most part. There's talk of a brutal war in the somewhat recent past, and the empire that the El Dora V guys say they overthrew, but as it stands in the time we watch, I can't see this mostly peaceful world with a super massive centralized rail network, and technology ranging from super space tech to contemporary earth circa the 00's, creating the droves of people the Claw would need to actually execute his plan.
>go to find a torrent
>only good rips are raws
>only subs are garbage quality
Ah the trials of finding niche things from the mid 00s.
What retard shit hole did you look in? Because you should be able to find official DVD rips really easy. You fuck.
try looking for it as "Gun X Sword"
Is the gold lining separate parts or stickers?
Yeah people in real life would never throw away their lives for an obvious grifter haha
Lots of things happen in real life that don't make for good stories.
There's a moment where the Claw's mask actually breaks -- when Ray jams the machinery and the Claw realizes he's fucked, since Van will absolutely kill him before the machine can function again. The Claw certainly did have several problems, but there was a core person who had corrupt goals and tried to use his own injuries as disguises if need be.
I liked the fakeout at the end with the rock too.
Don't mistake realism and entertainment value.
And even then, in real life the sort of grifters that get a large following are usually the fiery charismatic types. Claw was too subdued.
Because he was in the tail end of his plans. He had already won people over. Now he was their leader and basically doddering grandpa with the plan on auto.
Ya seriously did not get that it was a reference to current political events?
I am not well informed of political on-goings in the early 00s of Japan and it doesn't exactly strike me as a critique of war on terror.
What I wonder is who the fuck was the Zaurian Empire that El Dora 5 fought in the past? Like how the fuck did the colonial authorities allow that to form?
What part of "prison" planet are you not getting? This isn't a colony. This is were we sent refuse.
Yeah at first, but it eventually became developed like >>22804669 and >>22804679 mentioned. Even the 13 colonies were used as a dumping ground for convicts and undesirables by the Brits.

It's evident that the planet became civilized and maintains links with the motherland from what's alluded. What were the Zaurians? Local inhabitants? Prisoners that formed an evil organization? Aliens that crash landed?
Prisons rarely operate on Escape from New York rules. There's usually still administration and order of some kind.
In all likelihood that empire was the prison admin. Whatever catastrophe fucked up the earth and cut it off from the EE probably forced some of them down onto the surface of the planet just to survive. Hard to keep a space colony/moonbase or whatever they had running without regular shipments of supplies from earth. So one day all of a sudden a bunch of popy space douchebags show up with armors and start throwing their weight around conquering shit.
>but it eventually became developed
But not space fairing so that means not anybody else's problem. Just because they got their act together doesn't mean the people who dumped them are magically going to start giving a shit.
That doesn't make sense the Days of the week were all in storage and mothballed by that point, the planet was already a normal colony by that point and the Zaurian empire didn't have any access to the days of the week so they couldn't have been some kind of colony government linked to earth. Seeing as the Days of the week were all fine it seems more likely that whatever governed that was linked to earth was long gone and forgotten by the time of the Zaurian empire.
iirc Gadaved mentions that the first Originals save for him all fucked off and just kind of became warlords or rogues before he met the Claw had his epiphany and presumably hunted the other 5 down to kill them. So I think the Original's all sat out whatever the Zaurian Empire was. They probably just had access to Earth built mass production machines or lesser designs than the OG7's. That still would have been more than enough to have a huge advantage over the colonists until something like El Dora V shows up.
Could the Zaurian Empire just have been literal weirdos/ayylmaos that were living underground, like the Dinosaur Empire that it seemed to be referencing
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>I am not well informed

I'll say. I was referencing Cult 45
It's interesting to see how deep The Claw's hands went.
I enjoyed it.
The animation is surprisingly good and they know how to make a good fight.
I just wanna shed some light on how epic the bgm is
factory painted bits:
>gran header's shoulder trim
>pink amigo's wing trim
>nice footer's green gem
>head crests

>dark blue on body gander's wings
>body gander's eyes
>white bits of pink amigo's feathers
>(not visible) pink amigo's eyes
>(not visible) nice footer's rear skirt trim
>(not installed on picture) nice footer's... fuel tank? trim
>(not installed on picture) alternate power hander forearm trims
and there's some trim around gran header's thruster housing as well, but that's also not installed in the pictured config.
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This show had some good early 00s sluts.
Rip, Kimura
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Gunxsword's best theme.
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The island episode with the claw's guy trying to convince them to let it go really stuck with me.
To think it's been a over a year since his passing.
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I liked the English dub to this series in all honesty. I noticed a lot of anime from the early 2000s have likable English dubs IMO.
I second this opinion.
I'd pay good money to hire Fasalina as a whore.
I love this scene and the fight afterwards.
>How did you improve so fast?
>Ah, you too?
It's been a while but I recall that being a case, yes.
He was already compatible with the original Yoroi, or something along those lines, but he also went through an operation supposed to make people compatible with it, which seems to have strengthened his connection.
>tfw someone cucked the entire eldora team
IIRC it's canon that they did and the reason there's not that many armors around is because they destroyed them.
Why did you post ARIA screencap?
A toss-up between this and The Big O for best series.
I prefer gxs since it gave you a complete adventure
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>0 bebop mentions
people were screaming it's a bebop copycat back then
I was 13 when Gun x Sword debuted and remember the early fansubs and forum postings. People were saying it was more like a Trigun ripoff with shades of Kill Bill and Big O than Bebop.
I watched this anime but I completely forgot everything about it except for the mexicans, the pole dancer, and having to find the uncensored version of the water park episode.
Umi saikou.
I've been rewatching it. I remember there being a lot of "thing of the week" filler but there really isn't, that romcom episode really left a bad taste in my mouth on the first watch I guess. And almost everything ties back to the claw in the end, like the crazy mustache captain was supposed to give Claw safe passage somewhere.
>people were screaming it's a bebop copycat back then
And we were calling them retards for it.
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Loved this edgelord.
Welcome home.
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The el dora 5 episode gets a lot of attention but I really think it's super well done even outside of the brave showcase. The townsfolk being generally annoyed at the geezers to showing concern for them about to die while realizing their stories weren't just stories, the sheriff saying he doesn't want his childhood heroes to be known as obnoxious assholes to the town, it was done pretty well and I liked it a lot.
It was my intro and hook to Gun X Sword and I imagine it was likewise for a lot of people as well. Definitely a top tier cast of endearing retards, and that's not even to speak of Van himself
In certain parts i think it did better honestly. There are parts with a bit of accent that adds a bit of flare, like the eldora dudes, fuckin Tony the mafia boss, even Van himself
It is the best /m/ show of the its decade.
>Implying Bebop, Outlaw Star, Trigun, & Gun X Sword don't all take place in the same universe.

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