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I am sorry but what about this bitch screams big booba office lady? Cima would maybe make more sense.
>another haman thread
Zoomers need to watch more anime.
What a women
>another haman thread
yes, I love them. Keep'em coming
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>tfw no Haman gf
Marshmallow bros, how do we cope?
>Cima would maybe make more sense
Cima doesn't have 1/10 of Haman's popularity to carry a series.
You are right. It should have been a SEED thread.

She also doesn't have a pre-existing connection to nearly as many, or as popular, characters to parody in some way as Haman. A Haman story can tie to Mineva, Kamille, Judau, Char, Puru etc, in some way, twisting the relationship in various ways to poke fun at or homage the original work. Cima is limited in that regard solely to the cast of 0083. Which is not nearly as popular, and has a lot less and lot flatter characters.
She lied about being on birth control. Do you forgive her, /m/-kun?
Sex Chara
Haman platonic admiration
Is this /m/'s most forced waifu?
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No, Haman fans are legitimately and effortlessly weirdos.
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Shut your mouth
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Most of her fans seem to be into cock and ball torture, but then they also make her moe? What gives?
Lalah Sune v Haman Karn
Qubeley Mirror Match
New type fight

Making it fair, Char is rooting for Lalah.
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Haman is a better pilot, but Lalah is a better Newtype. If Haman rejected Kamille she would probably also reject Lalah too. Also, Haman has nothing to lose in this fight. I am the first to admit that I am biased as shit, but I really dont see Lalah winning.
Haman sweeps, Lalah's merely okay as a pilot and even if she's a powerful newtype there's nothing that says she's as good or strong as Haman, especially when it comes to handling the Qubeley, keep in mind Haman herself is one of the more powerful newtypes in the setting, even Scirocco didn't want to start shit with her and Kamille couldn't do shit to her either.
Plus, Haman is much more ruthless and driven than Lalah, she'd fight to kill with no real hesitation.
Now, young Haman, that would probably be a different thing entirely.
Did Judau beat Haman or did Haman kill herself?
Haman could stop beam cannon shots with her brain so, defacto, it's the later.
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she killed herself because Judau rejected her by actually beating her
I wonder how things would have progress with Haman if Kamille wasnt vegetized for ZZ. ANT makes this a viable thing to consider but its neat to think about on its own tbqh.
kept as her personal sex pet
ZZ isn't anime
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I dropped ZZ twice because I don't like Judau. I think he is an annoying Gary Stu, and I really don't give a shit if he lives or dies.

My question is how do you watch a show where you actively hate the MC?
I'd say Cima is more forced.
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I am sorry I want my characters to have flaws. I guess I will be a bitch and go read a book without pictures or something.
Judau has plenty of flaws, you're just mad being a faggot isn't one of them.
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What are his flaws? Wow this kid is strong headed and loves his sister too much! Have any of those "flaws" had actual consequences for him? Judau is so boring to watch.
>muh flaws
these people have so little going in their lives that they spend their time nitpicking chinese cartoons
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Damn. I am sorry I was taught critical thinking skills and to engage with the text like some kind of absolute jackass. My bad.
Judau is impulsive, reckless and stubborn, and he gets plenty of punishment for that. He is imprisoned all the time, almost gets Bright killed and is not taken seriously by the crew for most of the series.
He becomes less annoying as the show goes on, his retard friends stay retarded though. ZZ has the worst cast of characters of any Gundam show. Could have been good but had shit writers.
But like he doesn't learn anything from any of that does he? Judau beats up Wong at one point, and Beecha gets promoted for some reason. When Amuro and Kamille were punished you really felt it, but with ZZ kids they are like always falling upwards somehow. It really makes me hate them.
After what happens to Lenia happened I liked him a lot more, but then that was magically fixed and I felt actually cheated.
Roux and Elle are top tier side characters.
>Judau beats up Wong at one point
That's Judau not being a faggot, like I said before.

>Beecha gets promoted for some reason
Yeah I'll give you that one. Beecha and Mondo should have been court-martialed and executed 10 episodes in.
>That's Judau not being a faggot, like I said before.
There needs to be a hierarchy of power for me to make sense of your world otherwise adults bad teenagers cool is just retarded.

If in the next series of DBZ Tien just started wailing on Broly I would be a little confused.
Wong is not an AEUG officer and has no right to dispense physical punishment as he sees fit.
He is the money dude and if they want ammo they will take his shit.
Judau didn't and the money didn't stop coming, so...
It should of! That is what I am saying. ZZ is so boring to me and the characters are boring because none of their actions have any real consequences. Even when the show gets less goofy the stakes remain kinda non-existent compared to 0079 and Zeta.
You think Anaheim funding of AEUG is dependent on Wong being able to beat up pilots? Shit, i'd say the opposite, it is ridiculous how in Zeta Kamille just let it go. Keep in mind we are talking about the kid that hijacked a mobile suit in order to get revenge on a cop.
>Damn. I am sorry I was taught critical thinking skills and to engage with the text
>Hates ZZ for Judau being a "Gary Stu"
>Unironically simps for Zeta
Every fucking time.
>how do you watch a show where you actively hate the MC?
Well, I've managed to sit through Zeta..

By cheering for Zeon obviously.
He becomes boring cardboard.

Beecha and Mondo are good characters with relatable motivations, unlike mr "oh, apparently I'm the main character now"
>There needs to be a hierarchy of power for me to make sense of your world
So you can't handle reality where politicians get hurt by random literally who bozos?
You're forgetting that Bright & top brass were pretty desperate for any good enough help
>any good enough help
Literally any person other than insubordinate kids
Kamiyu just lost his straightforwardness in confusion of war at that time
Feels like late pre-veggie Zeta Kamiyu would give Wong the Jerid treatment for vanity
Judau was as stagnant as a rock. Him being le epic badass who kills zeon and doesn't afraid of anything gets old fast. Roux would have been a way better MC.
Not any other person is an elite-tier newtype
Imo Amuro and Bernie are the only decent mcs in this joke of a franchise
>people who like characters and story that actually have progression don't like judau
Shocker. ZZ sucked. Cry about it.
It's such an overused plot crutch to keep annoying children you should be ashamed of mentioning it
Wasn't this supposed to be a Haman thread..
If you wouldn't have been a NEET you'd notice how often employers keep zero soft skills spergs just because they're good at their job and aren't ambitious about the career ladder
>zero soft skills spergs
How's that relevant for our hormone ridden imbecile teenagers?
They got no skills at all
>give Neo Zeon a run for their money with different mostly obsolete MS even before getting the ZZ
>no skills
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Do you think she ever gets stuck in the Qubeley cockpit seat?
Careful with these posts
Ireland got colony dropped for less
It's disappointing we have so little anime with Haman.
OL Haman is going to get animated. R-r-right?
Sakakibara and the rest aren't getting any younger so it's now or never, it's actually never ever
Did she just gain a bunch of weight between Zeta and ZZ or was she always caked up?
I want to go drinking with Haman-sama
/m/ still has never answered the question. Does she go good with Rye?
OL Haman is fun fluff, but she bears almost no resemblance to Original Haman outside of appearance and a handful of moments.
>My question is how do you watch a show where you actively hate the MC?

This is extremely stupid and I don't know why people do it.
I think that's what make it so charming, because in-universe most of the other characters treat her like the real Haman, they're afraid of her and respect her, but the joke is 'what if that Haman is just a persona and the real Haman is just a normal girl'
big booty office lady
I have never watched ZZ and only read OL Haman.
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That is okay. Just imagine Haman's ass is too fat for her desk chair, and she gets stuck in it now, and go to your happy place.
Stupid sexy Haman.
Could Haman beat Lalah in a fight? I don't mean in mobile suits I mean in like a face to face cat fight. Because I can see Haman ripping out one of Lalah's hair buns, and forcing it down her throat.
Lalah has that slutty hooker experience bonus but Haman is full grown and more innately inclined to being vicious
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The fan art I commission makes her an office mommy
Hey, I colored that :D
Haman wins the oiled up twerk off
>Viscous Haman
>Gentle soul Lalah

Yeah, it's not even a fight. The only thing would certainly happen is Char carrying Lalah to safety.
Why is there a rectal thermometer on her desk?
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Lalah grew up on the mean streets of Mumbai and might be able to yoga fire or some shit. I doubt Haman could even land a tatsumaki. Lalah would beat her ass.
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Now I am imagining Lalah floating around behind Char with a skull necklace on and I am laughing my ass off.
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It can still be
>t. Mashymre
>She was way more in to Jewdough than Char
>People ship her with Char more for some reason
I dont get it
Can I be 100% real with you? Judau Ashta is a boring as dirt character and these two child molesting assholes were made for each other.
She litteraly stopped caring about Char once she realized that he was a bitch who ran from his responsibilities.
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>Char once she realized that he was a bitch who ran from his responsibilities

She really enjoyed toying with him at the end of Zeta.
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She didn't want to kill him. At the end of Zeta she is surgically dismembering the Hyaku Shiki, ripping its arms and legs off with her funnels, because she doesn't want to actually hurt the pilot. Char blows himself up. It is actually really subtle and a beautiful display of how amazing a Newtype Haman is.

Judau seems to be a desperate rebound for her oneitis.
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I also really like the fact that Char and Haman are Mineva's divorced parents. It's just funny.
It's funny
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Char is more popular and most of those dumb shippers didn't even bother to watch ZZ or are just zetafags in denial anyway, simple as that. But yeah, with Judau there was objectively more tension. I mean, Judau literally risked his life for Haman, despite all his apparent hostility, while Char was just pretending to be nice but in reality he wouldn't have touched her with a ten-foot pole.
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>he wouldn't have touched her with a ten-foot pole.

He would touch Haman's friend , Natalie
I also don't think the ship makes sense when both would rather not have anything to do with each other, but hey Char is the most popular Gundam character ever.
If Haman is Cleopatra then Judau is Mark Antony, but Char is Caesar.
t. Wong
>didn't even bother to watch ZZ
the parts of ZZ before haman takes the stage are worthless anyway
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The part where she gets scared of Judau after she shoots Leina makes me sad. Scirocco and her were like projecting demons and shit at each other no problem, but Judau makes her scared. Boo.

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