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Rozé episodes 1-10 available on nyaa, Hulu and Disney Plus.

Lost Stories R2 story section ends this week, Re; story chapter to follow.

8/30: Ep11
9/6: Ep12

Previous thread: >>22761232
>Lost Stories R2 story section ends this week
Maybe. Depends how far the new chapter goes.

Still though, looking forward to the new chapter and seeing Disel's story
I just hope Pendulum gets energy wing plus Sougetsu lightning attack when Re; begins.
Roze event confirmed for the 10th in Lost Stories
There is already a Code Geass thread still up >>22598925
it seems close to the limit though.
>Duel thread
given the way it seems and having C.C. Lancelot Frontier and Gino's Tristan Divider I guess it will include 2 episodes in this Chapter 14 with involving the last of of R2 for a 15th chapter
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>hand-drawn lineart
>3DCG in anime
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So she just glued a bunch of Sutherlands together to create the new body attachments.
Thats for a manga
Assuming its just the KMFs included as a bonus? Seems like R2 won't finish this chapter, but I'm hoping to be wrong
To hell with the cameo, but why is Lancelot for Oz, designed for close and medium combat with blades and harpoons in the scene of repelling the attack of Norland drones, presented with an autocannon?

No, adding a long-range weapon as an additional option would not be superfluous, but Oldrin's KMF is a model for attacking with melee weapons and, perhaps, it would be more reasonable to present it in the scene with slicing iron salami from killer robots rather than shooting from a bridge?

Isn't this "out of character" in the context of mecha?
According to the data mining, its Roze and Ash/Zi-Apollo
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>Person who never read Oz whining about what they think is appropriate for something he doesn't even like

I just wanted to call you retarded, and have image to do it
A specific mission against all the other manga where the Grail fought with swords and harpoons?

A specific mission against all the other manga where the Grail fought with swords and harpoons? You could also give an example of Grail's combination with Bradford, when Oz could use the transformer's railguns.

Not convinced, rude.
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It's normal to expect that the Britannian KMF from the Lancelot line can use the Empire's assault rifles, but how does this ability change the fact that the Grail is a close combat machine and it would have been better if the authors of Roze had emphasized close combat in the scene where it was shown?

After all, in the compilation films, the Grail used blades in the battle for Damocles.
You never read Oz
You can repeat this mantra as much as you want, but you can't change the fact that Oz's Grail's main weapon is swords. Even when her KMF was upgraded, the equipment upgrade was to a new type of sword as a weapon, not a super gun.
Its not a mantra. I'm saying you never read Oz because you're trying to talk about something from a series you've never read like you know anything about it while you use general language.

Its using guns because Oldrin chose to use them. Thats all there is to it, and even despite melee being her preferred method, she has still used guns in the padt during Oz chapters.
>...and even despite melee being her preferred method,...
That's basically the whole point.
>she has still used guns in the past during Oz chapters.
Well, yeah, and? I'm not talking about the fact that she can't or has never used firearms in combat (of course she can, that's the basics), but about the fact that Oz is a swordswoman and that's reflected in the customization of her Grail. And since her KMF focuses on swords, it would be appropriate to show her cameo in mecha using close combat.

That's all. Why you reacted so violently and started "refuting" everything is not very clear.
Probably with OZ finale right after then finally Re

Chapter is up. Wish there was more of a close up on Magdala
so they stopped to the point of Lelouch getting through the fortress.
I hope next ch will have a good amount of Pendulum vs Magdala. Lancelot vs Guren feel like it would take too much time for a roughly 1 hr chapter.
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Episode 11 was pretty good, I think, after the mess of last week. Nice to get something of a mecha operation in place. Roze is no Lelouch but that's fine.
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I liked it, looking forward to the ending. Don't understand why nips complained about the writing so much for the writing for the final act so much, it's not the original but it's not that bad either
No, it's bad.
Mommy! I love C.C.!!
Calm down Mao.
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>almost couldn't come up with a retort of how I'm not Mao
Joke's on you, I actually want C.C. to be happy
>can't poke her on the home screen or give her new outfits via gacha rolls
>Don't understand why nips complained about the writing so much for the writing for the final act so much
They like Roze, their only real complaint was Ash's seeming death.
It's not terrible but it's not very good, either. But neither was the original.
Still, this one really suffers from its short run time. Not near enough character and daily life shenanigans like we had in the original series. I'm glad they didn't just recycle the "royal in hiding going to school" with Roze. But more of her trying to live her double life, more Ash/Raspberry interactions, more of the Seven Shining Stars getting some actual development.
Of course, the show would have needed at least 26 episodes to pull this off and it's doing what it can in its measly 12.
If anyone actually thinks Ash is going to die, I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell them.
>If anyone actually thinks Ash is going to die, I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell them.
No I agree, hes probably gonna show up alive in the next iteration. I'm just saying, thats really the only thing from the finale that bothered them.
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No, the original is still good. Roze is just bad.
The original is good. Roze is also good.
No, Roze is bad.
Why Kallen was the only pilot not show in Rozé alongside the other cameos?
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Not her time yet
Why does she unironically look bigger here than she did in the show
Getting older, of course.
They tell you her bust is still growing in the movie, and now she's hit critical mass.
Is that something that happens
Aged larging I mean
>They tell you her bust is still growing in the movie
They what
>and now she's hit critical mass.
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Yeah, nips watched over 5 times the final act to mostly weep about Ash's death. Also the nips are buying Ash's merchandise like crazy, all his products cost the double over others even Roze/Sakuya
There's a line around the prison infiltration scene where she mentions her oufit doesn't fit and then she complains about her boobs getting bigger again. I'd have to rewatch to confirm it, but I'm pretty sure it's brought up.
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Who is she
Nagisa Chiba.
could someone upload those moments when she said that?
Really wonder how much of that was upgraded after Re. Thing could probably take on Lancelot and Guren together if it can handle Zi-Apollo megistos speed easily.
the Bondage scene was pretty wierd. No idea why they just let her go within a few moments of her waking up.

CC must have a real skill issue because she could have just asked to be released from the geass researchers by this anime logic.
>kaguya sama

So what was the point of her being in the show at all? She's not femlulu's mom and doesn't do anything.
Its EWs are an upgraded version of the Marishiten's which were already superior in mobility to the Albion Zero ones.

Foulbout is a monster KMF.
I'm not prepared for that "thing" in the final episode anons
>Foulbout is a monster KMF.
>needles go directy into the brain to pilot it
>no one considers giving it a good knock to induce an aneurysm.
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The bloob will defeat the OP mecha with the power of pissing and shitting herself in utter fear. Like all post 2010's anime.
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>le bloob defeating the OP mech like
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so how does that necklace she wears change her breast size? does she have anchor boobs? Im fairly sure roze has a flat chest while lebloob is... lebloob.
Just waiting for the inevitable mechs that can use geass as well since nightmare of nunnally and re'code did
The necklace has its own geass, you should pay attention
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>The necklace has its own geass, you should pay attention

When was any of this super technology ever explained in Roze? I still want to know why the mosquito robot didnt make another appearance.
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That is probably the big reveal in episode 12. Though the amount of point defense guns on that thing is ridiculous and sliding back into "boring untouchable gundam" territory.
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>when the necklace activates, so do the breasts
>geass and sakuradite are the only superworldly elements in the world
>most women do not run on sakuradite
>therefore it has to be geass
The show makes it implicitly clear that the necklace has a geass that commands the owner to change breast sizes, which anyone would be able to catch if they weren't too distracted by taking screenshots, what am I going to do with you anon??
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>most women do not run on sakuradite
But they do run on sakuradite flavored coffee and tea

>The show makes it implicitly clear that the necklace has a geass that commands the owner to change breast sizes, which anyone would be able to catch if they weren't too distracted by taking screenshots, what am I going to do with you anon??

You were saying something? I was too distracted by the dorkiness of lebloob.
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so we getting our version of the femshep meme?
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>But they do run on sakuradite flavored coffee and tea
I guess the real speed-watcher was me all along, gomen..
>You were saying something? I was too distracted by the dorkiness of lebloob.
I don't remember anymore, I was distracted by Leboob and her Nippon Nips over here in >>22815362
Now you guys undestand why Ash fell in love at first sight with lebloob lol
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Why does she throw up gang signs when using her geass?
Leboob is a sudden name I've never seen anywhere else and it feels forced, but it's cute and fitting enough that I'm allowing it
Because she's a dork who should be bullied frequently
>should be bullied
Don't worry, next episode she is going to cry hard. me too
Tears of joy, I hope...
Why does lebloob have an entire cat colony in her trailer?
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Ash adopts them and she doesn't say anything against.
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looks like a MMZ boss.
her ass single handedly kept the franchise alive after all these years.
>her ass single handedly kept the franchise alive after all these years.
Lelouch friends, I thought /ourguy/ was the one who kept the franchise alive.
Sorry, CC is the one who revived the franchise after Akito and brought back /ourguy/ from the dead.

I dont know why the fujoshi overestimate lelouch's impact on the series. Even he seems to be done with it all in Roze. They must really want that lulu x suzu action.
lulu's only saving grace is that he is not damn near omnipotent and in every single story as a main character like darth vader was overused under disney.

Does Code Geass have a deal with the mouse? Roze is airing on disney + for some reason.
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H-holy fucking shit
>can never pull her or hear her lines translated
And keeps me alive each day
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>can never pull her or hear her lines translated

>And keeps me alive each day
lebloob keeps me alive each day. I hope they will add the roze mechs to lost stories.
>CC saves /ourguy/'s ass yet again
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I liked poking her in the global mobage, but starting over on JP and translating it is going to be ass
>lebloob keeps me alive each day. I hope they will add the roze mechs to lost stories.
I hope you're able to enjoy them anon
it seems that rainfall has finally updated with both parts of chapter 10 of the comic version of Re;surrection back on August.
What are you wearing C.C?
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Bandai needs to make a Foulbout model kit stat. Such a great final boss design.
why else do you think they made 3D models of all the knightmares?
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Im torn between making a 3D model of lebloob or more custom KMFs.
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We should have beach episode
Bamco believes more in an AMAIM plamo line than a Geass one, so we get one p-bandai plamo per year.
3-episode beach+hot springs epilogue OVA when
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According to nips on X, the director said we could even have a second season if they got enough support (that could mean if the merch sells well?)
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but do they have any merch?
Uffff.. From cologne, stands-ins, keychains, plushies, etc
Try to guess who has the MOST expensive merch because nips are buying like crazy that even the merch of that character are out of stock .
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For example
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A nip collection of mercj
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>an entire second season
What would even be left unresolved for them to deal with
>Try to guess who has the MOST expensive merch because nips are buying like crazy that even the merch of that character are out of stock .
Narah's pillow-shaped pillows
Gino-scented sandpaper
Cornelia-flavoured grape peels from her mouth
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>left unresolved
That really doesn't matter, all it matter is how much money you can get. (Though Director @/yoohmish said that He did wanted more episodes)
Hint hint hint
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>That really doesn't matter, all it matter is how much money you can get.
But what about the compelling plot
>Hint hint hint
You will have to explain it to me like I'm retarded
I want those
Just buy the merchandise, plain and simple.
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Well if yoohmish have stuff that he couldn't told it in this season, he could do it on a second season
Explanation for retard: killing the fav character in the last episode is a good tactic to milk it . ESPECIALLY if you leave a lot of ship tease hints , it works for women
Search in ebay, expect your wallet to get hurt (specially if you're looking anything related to Ash)
I really don't understand why Bandai went ham in whoring out Kyoukai Senki landfill bullshit. Such a waste of engineering man-hours.
>specially if you're looking anything related to Ash
Phew. Good thing lebloob is overshadowed thanks to the fujoshi cartel.
>they want to scalp a pair of STICKERS for $100.
This should be illegal. We aren't even talking like 200 year old historical memorabilia. This stuff came out last week....
better go to the Japanese scalpers on Mercari
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Rise of the Ash's...
I keep misunderestimating women, hopefully it won't be the death of me
Like Ash has even a 1% of Lelouch/C.C popularity, lol. Not really seeing much fanart of him or the supposed difference of price between Sakuya and Ash merch in Ebay.
Gundam SEED and Code Geass had more or less the same popularity in the 2000s and the same audience. Why do you think that Code Geass is failing in becoming big again like SEED did with Freedom movie?

Freedom movie did five times more box office than Fukkatsu and Roze is doing okayish at most.
I can’t help but miss ruby sometimes. I don’t know why they bothered to introduce her just to have roze kill her off 30 seconds later.
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Wake up we have new merch
Search with japanese like "アシュサク"
>superior in mobility to the Albion Zero
Nope. Stop lying.
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Anons, I dont even think Lebloob can comfort me in these trying times.

I miss ruby so much
It's depressing to come back to Roze after watching SEED Freedom in the cinema.
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Ash's Harem vs Lelouch's Harem lol
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New C.C's figure
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I take it that roze season 2 is confirbed?
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Nothing, just yoohmish being strangely happy https://x.com/yoohmish/status/1829882982246810100?t=kk7mHzKPo5rq9I-m8vlsGw&s=19

We have to trust in the shippers so Roze can get enough support
Mommy's design... could be improved, something about her face is throwing me off
2D anime faces do not transition well into the physical 3D world.
Robots can do it, why not women? It's not fair
Because robots are inherently cooler than women.
You are undoubtedly correct, but sometimes I want the sort of warmth that a heated cockpit cannot provide
So is Lulu canonically dead in the TV series ending?
yup, separate universe than movie timeline which Roze follows
When was this confirmed? It just seems like a bunch of butthurt OG fans coping. Its not like this anime ever had a huge expanded universe that took place after R2.
Tomorrow last episode...
Are you ready?
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Preview for Tomorrow
do they just shut down the droid army?
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Jjaro looking MF gundam
Geass was definitely left behind by them in this story as a joke.
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its technically tomorrow already in JP. Did the last episode air yet?

Because it wasn't confirmed. Thats why the manga version of Res follows the TV series
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>Gundam SEED and Code Geass had more or less the same popularity in the 2000s and the same audience.
SEED was popular with general audiences whereas Geass was mainly otaku when it tried to appeal to general audiences in R2 it turned out badly at least TV ratings wise.

>Why do you think that Code Geass is failing in becoming big again like SEED did with Freedom movie?

You have to understand that fans have been waiting for a SEED movie for 20 years its was very much anticipated up to its release whereas NOBODY wanted a continuation for Geass since it had the perfect ending and its so clear that Taniguichi doesn't have nearly the same amount of passion as Fukuda has and just wants to move on and Banrise has no idea what to do with this franchise. Why would anyone want a movie that invalidates the perfect ending people liked? Why would anyone want a sequel with none of the charm of the original? Its baffling how they can't let sleeping dogs lie.
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Just say leboob it's funnier
that when they tried to make the movie they did it as an alternative cont based on the Recap movies which changed character interactions and developments like with Leouch with the other others almost nonexistent besides C.C., even though they had him and Shirley casually dating since the first year of high school.
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Huh Roze with red hair...
Anyway they released the staff's talk for 3rd Act here:
Would Rozé with rose colored hair have been better received?
what did they say about the cats & dogs and of Akito's group?

2nd Almaria chapter has been translated
Can't wait for this manga to begin
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Imagine that they had enough brains to make an anime about Clovis' younger sister - Lila la Britannia - and her revenge on those involved in the death of her family. The whole family. That is, both BK and UFN representatives would be under threat, as Lelouch's brainchildren led to the destruction of Pendragon.

Well, yes, this is not entirely true, but the lack of data and the miracles of female logic work wonders with the perception and interpretation of the picture of events.

In addition, this would allow us to reveal the dark sides of the "new world order" and the far from brilliant plan of Zero Requiem.
raw, doko?
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Rate Roze's finale and series.
6/10 the show lost its footing after introducing the death roombas. Instead of focusing and relying on the new cast, they immediately switched to dangling the old cast to the viewers. Tuning out the old cast as just another muscle for the main protagonists.

Ash and Sakuya, the part of the show I did like, had to be given a really unnecessary death at the end for seemingly no reason besides muh tragedy. Damn shame about this show and so much for Code Geass' "10 year plan"
Bad and bad.
>tripfaggot offs himself after shilling Roze for months

How convenient
Welp, that was a bunch of nothing. It wasn't bad, more like a fast food that doesn't really feed you enough.
It was pretty bad.
Everything after the roombas showed up was a trainwreck.
The show sucked right from the start.
Code geass started with lelouche who is all brain and absolutely no brawl and this weak Japanese resistance setting out to overcome what seemed to be impossible. That's interesting.

This show started by establishing neo-Britania as a minor league. The main characters are powerful and they had Sakuya toying with this Britannia big shot, then they do a big reveal right on the first episode. It is all fucked up.

Mecha anime is a rarity and sunrise keep fucking up their mecha anime projects and wasting the hard work and talents of animators.
This series would improve a little if it was it's own thing with no relation to the Geass world.
Even if this has good sales (which I doubt), what second season are they going to do after that last episode? Lol.
Using the code geass world put a massive restriction on what they can do with the story.

As a standalone, the story is weak and neo-Britannia is not that much of a threat.
As continuation, it is like watching someone playing guitar on the street after going to a concert.
Roze had some really breakneck pacing. Even the fanservice scenes didn’t seem to last yet they’re acting like lebloob was in every episode. The higher frequency of welll done mecha fights were welcome but the untouchable plot armor antagonist gundam dude was so boring. Even charles was a better antagonist than the edgelord with a droid roomba army.

Im just upset that Ruby was built up to be a shirley esque chatacter and they kill her off not 5 minutes after shes introduced. Like holy shit. Let us at least see her talk for a moment first.
Would have been easier to accept if it was a side story in another place - kinda like they do with Gundam's One Year War all the time. Akito was almost that but even then it became too weird. This one became too sterile. Original's trainwreck format was lightning in a bottle.
Lelouch’s zero requiem was just as corrupt as the world was under charles. Only difference was a change in management hellbent on disarming everyone with the black knoghts doing the invasions instead of britannia. Then they fucked off to go wander the the eons together sight seeing in some shitty fujoshi love story.
Should have explored CC and Lulu and their journeys into the geass ruins.
Orange visits Sakuya and accidentally ungeass her right when she's says ______
Nips are coping so hard right now.
Who thought killing Ash off was a good idea?
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Forced drama. Geass is a supposed to be a Faustian bargain, but the way Sakuya loses ash is so fucking forced it's not even worth doing. It's not earned at all.
>Nips are coping so hard right now.
I'm almost convinced we're being shown something different then what they saw in theatres. Either that, or they're braindead.
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Anyabros. our time is now!
The real horror is that the roombas can steal shit and use gas pumps.
I don't think that they are coping that much when Code Geass isn't even in trendings on Twitter.
>I'm almost convinced we're being shown something different then what they saw in theatres. Either that, or they're braindead.

>the last 15 years has been nothing but slice of life garbage and literal pussyworship
>nips unironically would rather just titties all day instead of make any decent stories
>fujoshis dont care as long as lelouch is boning suzaku

Anon... I have some bad news.
so uh... why did ash not just eject from his mech and have sakuya catch him? like holy shit this ending was so cringe. She decides to have a hysterical fit instead.
>the moment you realize that the roombas were actually kagura sumeragi's bid for power
>realize this shit is unironically like the darth jar jar theory.
>but its real.
On the contrary: Ash himself was an assassin and had to carry that baggage, so he's not exactly an innocent person, plus he had the complex of not being able to save those he wanted to protect. Sacrificing his life in the end is fitting for that kind of character. Sakuya also has to learn there are consequences for using Geass on other people, directly and indirectly, not simply repeating the specific tragedies of Euphemia, Mao or Lelouch.

My own problem with the ending isn't what happened to the two of them, nor the battle itself which was pretty exciting...it's just the pacing and that they really couldn't come up with a better enemy than Norland after all, huh? He was disappointing to the end.
>and that's why I will forever be a crazy cat lady.
>but couldn't you have saved your fujoshi BF?
>NOPE! Not allowed. Because I have a habit of usin mah geass on myself to uh. What's a geass?
The old cast was never going to play a big role in this case. If anyone expected that after the first few episodes, then they are terrible at interpreting media. That Lelouch/C.C. scene literally spells out they wouldn't be intervening anymore, after giving out Geass.
He very well could have, so we'll see if they ever play that card, but did Ash really care about his own survival to such an extent? His priorities were different.
I agree with you that the death roombas were not a great idea. Unlike you though, I think it's fine for there to be a tragic end. Most tragedies, both real and fictional ones, aren't inevitable in the first place. It's often about the characters and how they view their respective situations. You could have also concluded the original Code Geass without Lelouch dying, but that was his decision.
They don't, but the third act had everyone ranging from the old cast to the gacha game and other spinoff cast having to deal with the conflict. Taking away screentime and focus from the new cast, also the conflict becoming much larger, reducing stakes for everyone involved.
>I think it's fine for there to be a tragic end.
Sure, fine, but it seems awfully mean for a character like Ash to be the one dying. Man who has lost everything gets a new lease on life and happiness with a new person he loves is the one that tragically dies. Nevermind that his death is entirely preventable by ejecting himself off the KMF.

Just seems awfully tacked on so they can have a bittersweet ending
dont forget she literally caught him falling from the sky at least once in the previous episode. But they cut that part out for some reason.
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They tought that Ash wasn't going to be that loved
I can definitely appreciate that his survival would have been more to my liking, sure, but I can also respect why the character himself might have decided to do otherwise and embraced an exit from the stage. Then again...Ash's voice actor seems to be jokingly or otherwise lobbying for a sequel, so maybe in retrospect he might have.
Truly the best ending for Sakuya
If they do make a sequel with Ash somehow having ejected off-screen or whatever, it's likely going to have a happier ending, so here's hoping.
I could have understood if he had enough trauma and loss for one life and wanted that to be his kamikaze attack as its built up suffificently alongside him calling out Sakuya on her geass bullshit. Especially after she learns he came to protect her anyway.

However there's no time for that to land and he's just like "oh btw im dying now. later bitch" to sakuya's cringe 15 year old meltdown instead of rippling off the pilot block from the back of his mech and flying home.
Why did Sakuya mute herself instead of just ordering herself to always introduce herself by saying "Have a good day!", etc. and auto wasting her geass like that? Or just ordering herself to never use the Geass again? She clearly has the power to control its use (at least for now), and if I remember correctly it grows stronger WITH USE, so if she never used it again it wouldn't become permanently activated.
She's an autistic crazy cat lady anon. Nothing she does makes any sense.
As someone who lost a loved one extremely suddenly in a way that could have been prevented on paper, I've become a lot more tolerant of anime characters having an emotional breakdown when someone dies like that. I wish I could call God a shitty writer though, that would make me feel better.
She was way more self-critical than Lelouch about the use of Geass, whereas he wanted to exploit the power even after deciding to destroy the Geass cult. Different way of thinking.
It was pretty mediocre however I liked it way more than Akito
I'm guessing his mech only had power while he was still connected to Sakyua's.
any more pics of the KMF that appeared?
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It took me 17 years but I finally realized this is where the Sutherland's true "face" is
She became an orange mother.
Overall it was pretty meh, but not nearly as offensive as akito or re;.

This is definitely a good example or why you write a rough draft for a story.

Anya didn’t even get any screen time or dialogue in re;. It was just a quick shot of the mordred hovering over a lake.
>Overall it was pretty meh, but not nearly as offensive as akito or re;.
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So there's this drama about a lady building model kits with her grandfather

He uses the Lancelot kit and Suzaku to teach her a lesson about how different people can have different opinions and that doesn't mean either side is wrong, just that they're different, and how Suzaku and his best friend Lelouch end up on opposite sites because of that

She reads the manual and sees the part where it says Suzaku becomes Lelouch's knight and says she's glad that managed to become friends again and grandpa makes this face
Most of its knightmares were new and it was a fairly self contained story outside of the clearly forced fanservice with the other spinoff characters on the beach just there to sell toys. It didn't try to force diversity via gypsy garbage like Akito did and kept to the spirit of R1 but without any decent pacing to it in the second half. R1 had 26 episodes. Roze had 12.
>Most of its knightmares were new
And they looked like shit

>new and it was a fairly self contained story
Its literally a fucking sequel
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That's fucking sweet. Reminds me of a drama that had a scene of a woman who was obsessed with Guel from G-Witch in the manga it was originally Domon instead
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Is the franchise going to be put in the freezer after this ?
100% chance a fujoshi wrote this and it was actually about suzaku boning lelouch.

Series is gonna be on life support until they make an actual game for it. Not gacha.
Most competently designed systems like that have mechanical systems with explosive bolts just in case of that contingency.
lets not forget he somehow got out of the powered down knightmare before the final battle too.
Nah, the fourth movie wasn't the best but it still seems to have done well enough. Can't say for sure until December, I imagine.
Doing that in the air doesn't sound that easy.
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Why were the Loki so OP? Why were so much cuties sucked up?
I swear this scene was bullshit the pilots were all walking around and Loki can just catapult themselves with each other into the hangers? Why even are these things you can’t have super human killers and knightmare killers too
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Is it bad that this is the only thing from the last episode that stuck with me?
Feels awful seeing a random Knightmare pilot with a cute design meet her demise for nothing but pure shock value and to cement the fact that the Loki, and by extension Norland, are evil incarnate
What was the LOKI acronym again?
Them catapulting themselves was just goofy and why were the hangers unguarded? Rip random republic of Britannia pilots
LOKI were overpowered to make us angry these things were knocking tanks, and knightmares like it was nothing
Is there any actual strategic merit in this shit?
Now you understand why Im upset ruby died.
Im glad the writers have no idea what a cybrid is, we might have gotten a competently written droid army instead with varied support units. Instead of hentai blenders.
SEED Freedom also fixed a lot of the shitshow that was Destiny. that movie was entirely made as an apology letter and hook fans again
Destiny was better though and Freedom ruined all the characters.
I wouldn't say NOBODY, because people did ask for more Geass, but it's true the ending had more closure. It wasn't the utter desperation and accumulated anxiety of the SEED fans, especially since the movie was in development hell forever even for a show that was more popular.
It is curious that her costume is decorated with a plant ornament in the traditional imperial style. This is a bit strange, because if Britannia was super-evil, then the new and democrapic Republic should have in every way disowned the cultural heritage of the "Empire of Darkness", right?
Was a bit busy, but now I can watch the rest of the series in one sitting. So...

Episode 9, could it get any worse???

The staging of the scenes continues to amaze! You have to see it, but I'll try to comment on some of it. An angry Ash walks off into the sunset (I guess), Scissor Blade sighs in relief and continues torturing Sakuya as if nothing had happened. First, they hang her back up on a rope, and then angrily throw her on the floor. Why? Scissor Blade didn't immediately realize that Ash had killed all of his henchmen, so there was no one to drag the prisoners into the cage. Sakuya had to go to Scissor Blade herself. Ash, as if nothing had happened, returns from the sunset and saves Sakuya for the second time. Ash turns out to be so indecisive, how cute... In order not to become Sakuya's slave, Scissor Blade blew out their own brains, which didn't stop them from giving a short speech afterwards! After a while, Ash finds out that Malina is Sakuya. I was sure that Ash would definitely shoot Sakuya now! TOOK THE LAST!!!

The most stupid politics awaits us next. Damn occupiers! Surrender immediately! Do you know that the world doesn't like Britnanians? Damn it! There's nothing to counter! We've been beaten! We urgently need Kaguya! She'll sort everything out. Ugh! Little Kaguya is such a formidable opponent, not like these old farts...

Norland had no questions about the "scientist's" self-will, although they lost Geass because of him, in fact. But why do we need Geass when we have a horde of robots ready to devour all the people and disperse their corpses as fertilizer, just like the tripods from "War of the Worlds", at least the ones from the movie.

They showed Gino, Guilford, Nanali, Zerozaku, Akito and Co., as well as characters from "Oz". Yes, guys, now you too are inhabitants of this madhouse, you are welcome...

And there are still 3 episodes ahead. Wow, how much more firewood can be broken!
Episode 10. The masks are off!

Even in the previous episode I suspected that Akito and co. have the Nightmares with them and within a minute's reach, although this is complete nonsense in all respects. Further proof that this gang is nothing without their cuttlefish.

A lot of screen time was wasted on a pointless scene in the basement. The exit is there! Why do we need an exit? We're hiding here, actually.

How did Natalia get out of the jail where she was shoved at the end of episode 7? Did the authors even remember this?

It's a pity no one mentioned aliens...

Yes, spoilers for the 4th film were confirmed, Norland is a clone of Charles. Oh! I don't even know where to begin to explain why this is idiotic. Well, first of all, as we know, Charles didn't need a backup, he had his own road "to eternity". Secondly, the place for such a clone is in the lab, not at the table of the knights of the circle, and also to govern some territory. Thirdly, why then are these the only clones? It would be logical to have several of them. What do you mean "took measures against Geass"? Punched out his ears? He seems to hear pretty well. Why would he kill all the people? Maybe it would have been easier to invent a virus? Or at least supply those robots with pesticides? And I even liked how Sakuya lists all the possible motivations of the villains, it was funny!

If I had written the script:
Since Norland is a clone, he really is not a person from the point of view of the "collective unconscious". He is not part of the whole, so Geass does not affect him (and no countermeasures are needed). For some reason, this situation saddens Norland and he wants to "join the team" by force. Maybe even "God" will get scared and accept the renegade into his bosom before there is nothing left of "God".
Episode 11. Why am I still watching this?

It's impossible to comment on the trash happening on the screen. This is simply the level of the 5th OVA "Akito". Or maybe even worse...

Even when Sakura was just made empress, I thought, what's stopping her from calling Nordand a jerk and asking if there's someone who can rid her of him? It turns out, nothing.

It turns out that the scientist wasn't eaten in the last episode, he was eaten in this one...

Let's place bets on whether the final episode will hit another rock bottom.
As usual, our ESL retard remains a retard
A shitty ending to a shitty series.

Why did the main characters even have to bust their asses to defeat the villain? The glowing wall is gone, anyone can do it now. Or, like, everyone is a little busy now...

The boobs survived! Well, no one doubted it. It's such a safety cushion!

In the end, FON didn't do anything for the series! (Okay, he only sent a couple of anti-Frey.) But in the end, he snatched Hokkaido from Japan. What losers the Japanese are! A minute later, Sakuya is called the empress. WHAT??? A minute later, the empress becomes mute. She'll be a great ruler!

It's hard to name the main problem of the series, because there are so many of them. The absolutely insane plot is not even the worst thing. We, anime fans, have long been accustomed to this. But what really kills the interest is the contradiction of the world-building with itself. The glowing wall's protection can be bypassed, but it is declared impregnable. An army of lawn mowers appearing out of thin air is absolutely unrealistic without a bunch of resources, but here it is. And so on and so forth.

It seems that any attempt to expand the CG universe or make a sequel is under some kind of curse (is it Disney's fault?) and so far the only successful addition is Resurrection with Zilkhstan, but they immediately neutralized it by destroying Shamna and Shalio...

It seems that now all hope is on the "clones" and "followers" of CG from the anime because the fate of the series universe is shitty.
So they still do fucking have Guren Type Special and Kallen, who wiped out all the Lokis in no time. Why the fuck did they not deploy her from the start?
Why were there no additional guren pilots like kallen already stationed in hokkaido?
Foulbout's wings really are just imitation Energy Wings like I thought
low IQ
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glug glug glug
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Lebloob was truly the hero we deserve
>協力: Disney+
Plug that into google translate.
Because they need the BK to be retarded so the. story could start
Rozé only works with Black Knights being retards that act like the UN and not like the BK.
it suffers from the cliché: "all the past characters needs to be dumb and only the new characters can solve the issues"
Lelouch, Karen and Suzaku doing nothing while all murder roombas were wiping millions of people out of nowhere is the worst part. Specially Karen and Lelouch, since she still has the Guren Special and is the best pilot in the series and Lelouch seeing britannia commiting world wide genocide and doing nothing
Honestly, the more you think about it, the more insane it is. They had the Gurren firing its long ranged microwave thing at the Loki, which destroyed them instantly... and probably anyone who was hiding in the surrounding buildings... but who cares about them?

More to the point, where are the laser rifles? The Loki armor doesn't seem to be capable of tanking a shot from anything above normal rounds.

But even moreso: Why the hell doesn't Ashe have any guns? And why didn't Sakura use hers? Foulabout literally stood still the entire fight. Like, I thought what they'd go for was blowing up the stumpe emitters one by one, but nope. In the end, Norland doesn't even put up that much resistance. Anyone with a laser gun could've 1 shot foulabout. Easy.
Sasuga, speedwatcher-san
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the what if fanart
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She's getting art.
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no joke I think she was a geass user.
so my guess that geass was sabotaged by the mouse was correct!?
They're the strongest peacekeeping force in the world and you cant just throw Suzaku and Kallen at everything because they have other duties to attend to. Suzaku for example was busy doing guard duty and so couldnt drop it especially considering who his charge was. They probably just assumed that Norland was some low level shitter and they had more pressing problems to deal with worldwide before the roomba shit.
why doesnt ruby get any more art?
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Lost Stories update:
Literally who?
Tough to say. That wasn't my point.

That guy was using the credits as "proof" that Disney owns Code Geass (and everyone just believed him), when in reality the credits said that they were just collaborating. What does that mean? Who knows.
I literally posted her picture several times in the thread dumbfuck troll
That was a disappointment, Norland was a trash villian and there's so much question marks about major plot points. Sunrise needs to make a clean break and have their next CG if there's any series play out after a major time skip. Like only Lelouch and C.C should be alive at that point maybe a 100 or 200 years into the future. There's no point teasing us with cameos of Kallen or Cornelia here and there if they're not going to be playing a major role in the story anymore
>inb4 CC visits the geass moonbase in 2552 atb
Again, literally who?
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Running through my head, running through my head
>inb4 they reveal that ash survived in a gacha game and the rest of Roze and Ash's story is gacha exclusive
Ruby survived the assassination attempt by playing dead
Oh this series is great. I recommend it.
Well they certainly weren't kidding with that acronym.
I thought the roombas were a horrendous idea upon their introduction but they grew on me

I remember seeing some scifi Geass story anon wrote in an /a/ thread with a similar premise and it was great. I'd genuinely love to see something like that though it'd be sad if kallen were dead
I envy you anon. You can play it.
I try to play it on bluestack but it shuts down and a "bad request" appears
Lloyd would be salivating over that thing.
I use the DMM player, if you can figure out how to get it to work

I think there was an anon here who played global version on Bluestacks
any announcement of when Lost stories story update will come? Hopefully its end of R2
Next week is a raid as part of the Roze collab. And the week after is the story chapter.
so the 2nd part of chapter 20 of Re;surrection is out and it seems they changed the part of Lloyd's group facing the Geass user and his men which has them incapacitated instead of getting killed by electrocution.
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- countermeasures against hadron cannons were never installed on mega-tanks, and therefore the question arises about the point of using them other than large targets?
- but countermeasures against Geass (at least those that work with visual contact) were found thanks to Lloyd's efforts (it's a shame that Nina's role in the victory was cut)
- Pritven-type, it seems, received the ability to generate shields across the entire hull
- Fognar's KMF was equipped with a Zilkhstan assault rifle (now we can say that its production has been established at least in a small series)
- more combat activity for Cornelia and Jeremiah squads (Quinrose is still crap), Sutherland IIs have ejection cabins confirmed

They showed more local clothing and civilians, which added exotic diversity to the CG world against the stereotypically boring "Recapture" in this regard. After the end of "Roze" with its nonsense about Neo-Britain and killer vacuum cleaners, I liked Zilkhstan even more ;)
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In general, it would be interesting to see a Zilkhstan "variation" of this thing with an updated design in the style of Middle Eastern megatanks and with updated weapons like a railgun or a hadron emitter...
What worked about Roze of the Recapture?

None of it.

You needed a story that didn't just blatantly take elements of the original series, a faction of britannia taking some of Japan, calling japanese 11's with the racism toward them again (which didn't make sense considering Neo Britannia isn't a conquering empire like former Britannia), Damocles electric boogaloo, characters that resemble original counterparts but poor, and trying to have bland Kallen with ass shots to boot for example, Everyone made poor decisions in this show, even the old characters (Cornelia & Suzaku especially imo)! They could of easy taken that dumb energy wall down before this show even began by having submarines infiltrate neo britannia (because Nina easily got through), destroy the wall, and then ending Norland with his goons for good. Norland was an obvious poor villain, didn't even have a true motivation in the show that was present throughout it.

Also, why in the fuck were Kallen and Suzaku away from Japan when Neo Britannia took over the Hokkaido block? Most of us expect some competent story telling with competent characters considering the original show. Clearly written by incompetent nitwits that would of made only Tamaki happy about it's airing. This show as is should have never been made in my honest opinion.

I know some in this community must of loved this spinoff, but as an old code geass fan, I heavily dislike it for the reasons I listed.
If Norland wanted to do Genocide, these would have been a way better weapon. I mean the cyber-mosquito killer from episode 3. It would have almost none of the logistical problems that the Loki do, it would be just as effective, way harder to fight since you can barely even see the thing, and could sneak into basically anywhere completely unseen. It couldn't fight a Knightmare, sure, but neither should the LOKI be able to either realistically. Combine these with his super Knightmare and he'd actually just win, no contest. And it wouldn't completely destroy the tone of the series in the process.
>It would have almost none of the logistical problems that the Loki do, i
No, instead it has even more, and you're retarded if you think "Dur, it small so it easier!"
I should rub one out
So is this series a sequel to the original anime? Or does it take place after the movies?
Movies. Although it's not like Shirley ever appears.
Oh, it takes place after Lelouch's Resurrection?
Yep, you'll see how it ties through the series
Why did they make it canon?
Thanks anon, I could do it with DMM player. Too bad that it shuts down after a few minutes (it takes a lot of memory/RAM, my laptop is heating)
Overall profitable series so wanted to milk it more
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A couple of interesting takeaways from this list of Knight candidates for Euphemia:

Charmelle Finlay - Hokkaido is part of Area-11, apparently, each island there is a "zone", and not some separate "special zone" (Roze is a fucking retcon)
Earl Hunter L Leveque - Area-11 has its own House of Lords, apparently representing local government (Requiem is completely unrealistic in this case)

Let me clarify, the presence of the autonomy of Euro-Britannia and the House of Lords in the Areas, combined with the information about Rollon's murder of the representative of Parliament in the Motherland, we can conclude that Charlie did not have hyper-centralization of power in the Empire and, accordingly, Lelouch could not have destroyed the entire socio-cultural structure of Britannia at once at his own will.
As usual, dumb ESL retard
As always, you can't say anything worthwhile, shit-eater?
Maybe reddit is more your speed where people aren't allowed to call you a retard? You certainly love posting there
If there's one thing I've learned from watching chinese cartoons it's never to take english text seriously in one of them. Geass has astonishingly good English (and also French in Akito somehow) writing for anime but the rule still applies
She got porn as well. What’re the odds Sunrise will do a 180 on her?
Fuck, who am I kidding? This is the CG team. CG and random cute background girls dying horrible deaths is an age old tradition at this point.
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Look up "diversity of opinion" in the dictionary, asshole. And by the way, if you're whining that "it was on Reddit!", then you're a Redditor yourself, bastard ;)

Well, it's strange to me that the Britannian troops have the address "Yes, my lord!", but not "Yes, my lady!", although there are many women serving in the Empire's army, including Princesses...

By the way, the HBE anthem is a bit awkward in rhyme and meaning, but how fucking powerful it sounds!
If they will retcon Shirley's death, surely they will retcon the death of Ruby and that no name kmf pilot that looks like Rena.
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Rubybros we are so back
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>still have the last two episodes of Roze and no motivation to finish it
>not sure if it's because then it'll be over or because I think it might be disappointing
Tell me it will be worth it lads
>the first thing I think of whenever I see Dorothea is not her name, but rather "which one was the brown one with the mommy milkers"
Thanks anon
If they're felling cheeky, they could return the blood to be from some of the other base pilots, then it getd clogged by some debris, giving her a chance to board a kmf.
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I cant blame you anon. It took me 4 months to bring myself to watch any other episode besides the one with Ruby in it.
Thanks, but also what is it with anon(s) and specifically Ruby
Perhaps he just really loves her blonde hair and red eyes.
I love blonde hair (red eyes are okay) but I'm not feeling it
Maybe it's just the lack of maternal energy. To each their own, I suppose
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Ruby is the best waifu
Looking really hard at her...yeah Sakuya looks cuter with twintails.
I can understand why Ash fell in love with her
>troon colored eyes
Its over for sakuyafags

Ruby looks cuter than her in a maid outfit.

I can see why ash chose to die instead of spend the rest of his life with sakuya. She tried to enslave his ass with geass even though he was there to protect her as a request from her dad.

How the fuck can you build any trust with that when their "relationship" started by masquerading as his dead brother and partially rewriting his memories with geass?

Reminder there is no such thing as a board wikia and it's just duel's spam.

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