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>watching 70s japanese scifi movie
>music sounds familiar
>realize it was used in evangelion
It keeps happening.
What movie specifically? I’m curious
Is that his wife? Nice.
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>Yet another Gainax detractor who's too busy attacking the studio's tendency to pilfer old stuff for ideas, instead of honoring the works that got buried by the mad dash to push "Teen Angst the Anime" as the best thing ever
I like Evangelion well enough, but I personally prefer Space Battleship Yamato (even if Harlock has more flair and does more with it's themes), Patlabor and Bubblegum Crisis.
The former because I like adventure stories, the latter two because of the characters and designs thereof.
How do I unsubscribe?
For me its UFO, its fun to see his whole style is based off a fun 70s british sci-fi show.
>his whole style
Just the intro and some designs.
It's not at all to the point where I'd call it plagiarism, but Gendo's character does seem in part inspired by Straker.
Yeah she’s a successful manga artist and writer in her own right.
Japan was huge into Gerry Anderson even Big O was ripping that one

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That's her dressed up. This is her in more normal clothes
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Anno was strongly influenced by Kihachi Okamoto's visual style, calling The Battle of Okinawa his favorite movie ever.

She kinda looks like the Mari character from the Rebuilds.

Was that intentional by Anno?
This movie is great.
Yeah. It's criminally underrated. Evafags should give it a look
What do you think?
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Lurk 5 years before posting.
>Rewrites time and reality to be ANYTHING he wants.
>Could play any role he wants in the new world.
>Shinji chooses to be a middle age Japanese Salary man.
Wow Anno dropped the ball here.
go back to /a/
I never really thought of Shinji as an Anno self-insert. I thought Shinji was just a low self esteem and emotionally scarred teenager. Anno didn't seem to grow up in a broken home or anything like that. Does Anno really think of himself as Shinji ?
I only browse /m/. I don't get your reference. It's weird that you think others would understand your reference.

Not everyone is like you and browses multiple boards and understands every single board culture and jokes.

You've been on this site too long and lost perspective.
Still would. let's not pretend like Anno is a charmer either even when he's gussied up.
>belong in the subhuman board
The fact that you have this knowledge in your brain make you the real subhuman here.
Why would I care about a board that I don't even visit?
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>70s japanese scifi movie
You don't say
To be honest...that sounds normal for Asian families. They pressure their children unbelievably hard.
Interesting. Now we know his inspiration for making the Evas have gruesome injuries.
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>70s scifi
The War in Space. Anno requested Sagisu to do a remaster (and also a remix) of the track "Clash! Goten v. Daimakan" for the ship battle between AAA Wunder and NERV vessels.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmR_q257Txc (original)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm4wsN1HmOs (remastered)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0s6sMn5bBw (remix)
>another eva thread

The Evangelion version is unironically better.


That is funky as hell.
I don't know how to feel about this. Mari was such a weak character. He didn't do anything with her or tell us her backstory in the movies.
Sadamoto straight up admitted Gendo and Fuyutsuki's designs were rip offs of Straker and Foster
>and some designs
First of all, the whole "Mari is Anno's Wife" is bullshit.

>The character was created after a request by Toshimichi Ōtsuki, producer of the original anime, to introduce a new female character to the Rebuild to attract a new audience. Hideaki Anno, director and main screenwriter of the original series and the films, decided not to meddle in the pilot and replicate the other main characters, all of whom were based on his personality. He entrusted its development to other members of Khara studio, particularly Kazuya Tsurumaki. The concept went through a complex chain of changes and second thoughts; neither Anno nor the others knew what kind of heroine to create, and were undecided until the last minute. Her character design was entrusted to Sadamoto, the series' character designer, who played on stereotypical elements associated with England.
woah its almost as if Eva is one of the biggest, most well known mecha franchises on the planet
sorry i promise the next thread will be something more unique like how zeta sucks
Anno wasn't a normal Asian child though. He was highly intelligent and sensible. Maybe a normal kid would take it as a bad experience but not Anno
THANK YOU! This movie was a first guess of mine actually
>believing corporate approved answers
>corporate approved answers
nigga it's a cartoon
NOTHING you wrote actually proves that Mari wasn't designed to look like Anno's wife. Nothing.
I don't understand why /a/ is obsessed with Anno's wife as if that's some kinda gotcha.
It's more like some people casually pointed out the obvious similarities, but then a few obsessive posters when crazy saying no. They didn't just disgaree with the theory. They denied even the tiniest possibility of it being true.

So it's funny watching them get upset.
Well anon lets see if I can help. Anno has always been the man with no talent other than the ability to steal others work. Once the rebuilds started coming out he even had to steal from his own life and put his wife into the movies. Mari comes out of nowhere, was sexier and overall better than all the other girls as far as the movies were concerned. She also is the one that Shinji chooses to live his new life as a wageslave with even though they never had much chemistry. Everyone and I do mean everyone saw through this shit for the pathetic "my wife is the greatest in the universe" wank that it was. Now it is Anno's series, he can do what he wants as long as the money keeps rolling in and to be honest its good on him for loving his wife that much. Its just that nobody should ever take him seriously as a writer after forcing Mari into Evangelion. I hope that helps :)
Trips confirm.
I honestly had no idea about the wife thing before this thread. I just watched Rebuild and thought she was a new character from America. It was implied she had a big secret back story and infiltrated Nerv like Kaji did. But then nothing happened with her. I was very disappointed.
Ackshually, she's British.
>the obvious similarities
The only reason Anno and the Rebuild staff are saying Mari is not based on Anni's wife is....cope.

Clearly you don't know the Japanese Eva community. Online Fan feedback was VERY negative against Mari. It spiked very high in the 3rd and 4th Rebuild films. Anno tried to pull a Fukuda (Gundam Seed) and self insert his wife into the franchise. Like how Fukuda is a self insert with Kira Yamato and his wife is Lacus in Gundam Seed.

But because Japanese fan feedback was so bad against Mari, Anno is trying to save his wife's feelings because many Japanese fans hate Mari. And his wife knows they don't like Mari. That's why Anno came up with these coping reasons about Mari being something else.

You bet your ass if Japanese fans loved Mari, then Anno would be telling the world about how Mari is based on his wonderful wife (like Anno constantly does in real life). And how Mari saved Shinji just like how she saved Anno.

Anno's plan was ruined.
Is this what netflix zoomers really think?
What's wrong with believing that? It's not affecting You directly, is it?
No this is what Japanese Asuka and Rei fans think. Anno pissed off the shipping crowd. That's why Mari merchandise doesn't sell.
>Mari merchandise doesn't sell
It does though.
Prove it.


Asuka, Rei, and even Misato are vastly more popular than Mari.

Mari can't even top in Jap popularity polls.
Look at any release of new eva merch.
Nobody denies there's more popular characters, but to say her merch doesn't sell is just straight ignorance.
The problem with Mari is that she doesn't actually act like a character living in the Evangelion universe. The world turns into the apocalypse and she doesn't care. Mari acts like none of it really matters. No self preservation instinct. She like a kid acting in a school play.
Mari is consistency ranked one of the lowest when Japanese Magazines and online polls do rankings of Evangelion characters with Japanese fans.

Try again.
According to Anno, that was the point. A character born outside his neurosis with the mission of destroying Eva. It just that Anno went too far in some places
Why do you act like you know any of those things? You watched NGE in netflix during the pandemic.
I watched Eva before you were born
You are underage.
You're on 4chan.
Anno is really the Tarantino of Japan. Not in their directing style or writing whatsoever but both of them are "remixers"
They are both good at taking media they like, copying it and making it more appealing to a mass audience. Their fans have similarities as well. Just as Tarantino fans love to praise his originality, even though movies like Kill Bill Vol.1 are taking elements far beyond being just a homage, Anno fans love to give him credit for stuff that has been a staple of the Mecha genre for decades.
>making it more appealing to a mass audience
You have no idea what you are talking about.
shiro sagisu is a well known hack. He's great at what he does tho, like yoko kanno.
>X is a hack
>Y is a hack
>Z is a hack
What's the point of having a space of discussion if everyone just acts like a retard. I mean, you guys are all acting right? You are not actually retarded, right?
>A character born outside his neurosis with the mission of destroying Eva.
But how does that improve the story in any way? Mari didn't do anything. She didn't "destroy Eva" at all. You could delete her entire character and nothing would change.
the "anno hates eva and wants to destroy it" meme is just that, a meme
It was just a cash-grab, a bad one at that.
The DNA of the soul.
You're just going to bump these threads with these accusations or something?
>You're just going to bump these threads with these accusations or something?
>thread on page 1
What other explanation is there for those one-sided posts? Simply disagreeing and not following up the post with an argument? It's clearly an attempt to keep this thread afloat.
>one-sided posts
Kek what?
Stop posting Eva
I thought that 3.33 + 1.11 + pie - phi * tau was fucking bad enough, but after seeing this... holy shit, it's truly, truly pathetic.
True ending would have Shinji having a harem of Misato, Ritsuko, 29-year olds Asuka and Rei, and possibly Yui included. Maya could join too.
What about Kaworu? Can't forget the essential part if the storytelling.
Saigado doujins are the true canon
He is needed when Shinji needs to double penerate and spitroast the harem.
Not much of a harem when you let another man use them.
Us men don't share our toys.
Especially our waifus. Heresy.
Damn, you did not read the room right base on
I don't trust men who'd go in for bad kinds of threesomes. Bugman behavior.
ESL-kun here.
What does bugman behavior mean?
Weird little dudes who do betamax shit.
Zoomers out.
Don't be a big*t. Let the zoomfugees in. You voted for this.
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She really went "I can fix him" huh?
U mad?
>She really went "I can fix him" huh?
I think she knew Anno was loaded and had money.

Anno literally jokes in his real life interviews and manga that his wife has expensive taste. That he has to make more Evangelion movies to pay for her spending habits.
Anno spend lots of money o his toy collection
>his wife has expensive taste
How is that different from any woman on the planet?
Unlike other women, her husband Anno actually has the money to (mostly) pay for it. It would not surprise me if Anno is a millionaire with how successful Evangelion is. That means she's married to a Top 0.1% man.
>enter eva thread
>it's all headcanons about Anno
when did anime discussion turn into celebrity gossip?
When the /m/echa show was about the creator's depression.
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this thread is all gay bullshit, so I'll post rare Anno drawings of /m/ stuff
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Final, especially the last somewhat-quarter, makes more sense when you consider it's Anno trying to both make something very emotional as a last farewell to Eva, repeat once again the moral of Eva (go outside and talk to people, in a few words) and give himself a farewell to the characters and the franchise as a whole. Final it's a messy movie, with questionable action scenes and a even more questionable ending. Whatever idea Anno had back in mid 2000's on redoing Eva wasn't honestly there, but it would be untrue to say that there is some sincere feeling of closure from Anno part.
Also, since this is an Anno thread, do you ever think he will do a "Shin Gundam" of sort?
No, sunrise would never.
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I can't really see him doing another TV show, at least not as a director. Any TV production he's been a part of left him drained and depressed and at this point he's too old for that shit.
I could see him producinga and maybe writing for Gundam at some point, but not much else.
I also can't really see a Gundam installment being part of the shin-series.
The entire idea behind them is that they're sort of a "true" version of their respective source-material, Shin Ultraman being based solely on 1966, Shin Goji being basically a modern reimagining of 1954 and Shin KR being a mix of the TV Show and Ishinomori's manga.
What would Shin Gundam even be? It would have to be UC, but an alternate UC and also in movie format.
I think it's much more likely that he's gonna keep doing tokusatsu stuff, he said himself that he wants to adapt Mighty Jack and Mirrorman and there have been plans for Shin Ultraseven, Shin Return of Ultraman and Shin Kamen Rider: World of Masks.
In addition to that he recently broke his leg, after having already stated that he wants to take a break from working for a while, since he spread himself pretty thin over the last few years, especially for his age.
He's gonna focus on teh Yamato anniversary project and maybe do a few books for a while, in addition to whatever Khara is cooking rn.
>they're sort of a "true" version
your personal feelings on this matter are irrelevant.
I agree, that's why you are incorrect.
basically stop chasing bpd sluts and weird girls that wont love you and take the mid girl that will love you
What does Gundam Victory have to do with anything?
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Yea baby.
>weird girls that wont love you
How does Rei fall into that category?
rei is in love with gendo because he saved her from the crushed plug
That's make sense, the only feasible way I see him doing Gundam (0079) is with amovie compilation, but at the end it would be a retelling of the OYW with him as director. Maybe if they are still interested in doing something a-la "Doan's Island" he could direct such a movie.
Lmao. And when She betrayed Gendo in EoE, was that love too?
>rei is in love with gendo
I'd say Rei is implied to have feelings for Gendo in the beginning, but this changes after episode 6 and by EoE she actively chooses Shinji over Gendo
Clearly. She had feelings for him as in a child would have feelings for a parent, but that may differ in how Gendo saw Rei. For all we know She was Gendo's "doll". Whatever that may imply.
>Rei is implied to have feelings for Gendo
yeah like any teenager that looks up to an adult
She didn't "betray" Gendo you speedwatchers. She did as was told and started the third impact. Shinji is the one who betrayed his father. Rei was still in love with him but she saw that Shinji's(in this context all of humanitys) will was greater than just being reduced to goo.
saying she is "in love" is a childish way to analyze her character
So when She ripped his arm off. Was that part of Gendo's plan? And how does Shinji betray his father? Was he told what to do when all of humanity is in his hands?
i mean she is literally an alien doll implanted with the soul of shinjis dead mom, she never was romantically inclined towards shinji, where did you get that idea?
gendo wanted to wipe humanity just so he could be with his wife in the afterlife
when the gates of guf opened all of humanities souls mixed together and she saw the thoughts and feelings of Yui and saw that shinji wanted to just be alone with asuka
>i mean she is literally an alien doll implanted with the soul of shinjis dead mom, she never was romantically inclined towards shinji, where did you get that idea?
She was made from Yui's liquid that was inside the cockpit when the incident happened. Yui's soul is still within the EVA Unit 01.
>gendo wanted to wipe humanity just so he could be with his wife in the afterlife
>when the gates of guf opened all of humanities souls mixed together and she saw the thoughts and feelings of Yui
Where was that implied?
>and saw that shinji wanted to just be alone with asuka
And you are the one calling others speedwatchers. Lmao.
>Yui's liquid that was inside the cockpit
So explicit, lol. It was the Entry Plug. And it was said that from "what was left of Yui" Rei was created.
>she never was romantically inclined towards shinji, where did you get that idea
where the fuck did I even imply this?
That confirms it. That anon is a troll. The facts simply don't add up.
>be alone with Asuka
So he can choke her? Lol.
>where was that implied?
ep 20 21 fuyutsuki says "gates of guf have opened"
yep rei saw shinji jacking off to asuka in the hospital and went so thats how it is
Anno made the rebuilds because he wanted to get into the mainstream and be able to play with his toys. He was close to fulfill his destiny and direct the Devilman live action but lost because the studio wasn't willing to trust Anno with a big budget project. And then the Devilman live action happen to be one of the worst movies ever. Next year Anno was close to direct an episode of Ultraman Max but again he was rejected because he made enemies among the toku world for his Gamera behind-the-scenes documentary. It was enough for Anno and decided to force himself into the mainstream by using Eva and it worked. See the Shin trilogy
>he made enemies among the toku world for his Gamera behind-the-scenes documentary
What's wrong with it? I watched it but it had no subs.
Nowadays you get praised for that.
The interview he gave about his wife was around the time Rebuild Movie 2 or 3 came out. He joked that he needs to pay for his wife's shopping habits. How much of that is truth? I don't know. But within every joke there is usually a kernal of truth.
>my headcanon is true because I say so
You people abuse the word headcanon too much. I post on several mecha forums and this is the only board thar yells about the word headcanon
>I post on several mecha forums
No wonder you spout bullshit like it's fact.
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Apparently Anno incitated a rivalry between Gamera's special effect team because he's convinced once you film it, it's fiction anyway. Anno is dificult to work with, even his defenders accept it
>Apparently Anno incitated a rivalry between Gamera's special effect team because he's convinced once you film it, it's fiction anyway.
What the fuck does that mean?
>Anno makes joke about wife having expensive shopping habits.
>REEEEEEEEE h3aDcAnNon!!!!
That once you film it, the scene is done filming. No infinite redos that will delay production. Anno comes from an old school background.
It's delusional to blame rebuild to Anno's wife only for a single joke. Especially when Anno had interests on expanding his career beyond ultra low budget indie flicks, see his attempt to direct Devilman
>I want to advance my career
>Wow my wife has expensive taste. I need more money
Both can be true at the same time
That sounds completely false considering the special effects director is a friend of his.
>someone makes a joke
>hmm I think he's for real guys
And you get mad people use the word headcanon kek.
>I am unable to grasp subtleties and grey areas. Everything must be 0% or 100%. Nothing in between.
>subtleties and grey areas

Is Anno not allowed to joke about his expensive wife?

Are you the joke police?
teh rei
>those proportions
Yeah, Eva character did have a problem with having abnormally long legs. Where are her organs stored? That body surely can't hold them all when her body is that small.
Also. What is this character? Another one from some spin-off?
are you really retarded or just pretending
It clearly says Maya Mizuki. Surely Rei wouldn't go out looking like a whore. Right?
Kill yourself.
Unfortunately he won't
What's wrong with you? Is that really Rei? She doesn't look like Her.
>Grammar nazi
The last plan of every loser in an argument
So that's where they got Rei's design. I bet that mangaka must be seething.
Thanks anon. I'm the one that thought this was some doujin or some spin-off. It all makes sense now.
>she never was romantically inclined towards shinji
are you unironically autistic?
>What the fuck does that mean?
Anno did the GAMERA1999 documentary about the BTS of Gamera 3, but Anno has outright said that he doesn't believe in documentary filmmaking, because once you edit anything, there's a dilution of reality and a narrative being created.
His approach is to make it interesting with not considerationj of reality, so he edited the doc to make it look like there were tensions between the regular crew and the SFX department.
Wow that's a massive grifter cope excuse for creating a false narrative. What a piece of shit.
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Eh, he even put a disclaimer in front of it and it comes off as pretty obviously made up in the actual doc.
Kinda your own fault if you're so autistic that you fall for an obvious joke
Nah that's not a proper explanation nor an excuse and you're a fucking idiot sheep for defending it. Go fuck yourself low IQ scum.
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you're being gay again
have more art
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Looks nothing like Rei.
>she never was romantically inclined towards shinji

the anime does imply she's romantically inclined towards shinji several times.
rebuild did the same (i want to spend the rest of my life with the boy i like)
evangelion anima did the same.

are you retarded or something?
I thought it did. I haven't read that manga so I thought that it was Rei with colored hair from some EVA spin-off or doujin.

Honestly that's pretty adorable.
I'm definitely visiting that train station next time I'm in Japan.
Don't forget to take pictures.
Are there any other eva pilgrimage spots?
Chitose-Katsurayama station, where the live-action parts of EoE were shot.
Additionally, all of Ube.
she's my νtype
>his favourite VF-1 is the A
>prefers the manga design of Mazinger Z over the TV design
Anno will always be my nigga.
What's a vtype?
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>doesn't know what a v type is

It is 100% real. There's an obscure french interview where the interviewer asks Kaneko about Anno's work on Gamera 3 competely benignly and Kaneko puts him on blast (in a way you never see in Japanese culture).

It didn't involve Higuchi but rather the assistant SFX director that did effects for GMK.

The project got him black-listed from the live-action Japanese studio-work which is why he really made the rebuilds. Evangelion's international appeal and Anno's willingness to co-direct with Higuchi is why he was allowed to do Shin.

There are all kinds of rumors that he was not very kind to the crew on Kamen Rider but those are just rumors.
>got him black-listed from the live-action Japanese studio-work
So how did he make Cutie Honey, a live-action movie produced by 3 of the biggest studios in Japan 5 years later?

It was funded by international companies (Toshiba, Warner) and television companies. It wasn't an expensive production.

It's hard to imagine if you are an anime obsessed gaijin, but Shusuke Kaneko had more clout than Hideaki Anno in the early 00s.
your argument doesn't make any sense and you type like a faggot
>The project got him black-listed from the live-action Japanese studio-work which is why he really made the rebuilds.
Anno was never a big studio guy tho, was he?
He spent the first 15 years of his career at Gainax, which was a shitty small studio that couldn't stem its own projects, then made 2 movies with small production companies, then made Cutie Honey, which was a smaller production too and then founded his own studio and made the rebuilds to build a financial foundation for said studio.
The success of the rebuilds and the staying power Evangelion had as a brand made him attractive for Toho, who approached him to direct Shin Godzilla with Higuchi, which makes sense, as Higuchi had more experience working on a production of that scale.
Where exactly do you see any evidence for him getting blacklisted here?
Not that anon but >>22833258

>Rejected by Devilman
>Rejected by Ultraman Max
I never did. How do (You) think I ended up in this place?
You were looking for azumanga porn.

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