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SEED Freedom's use of NTR defies critical analysis
I love how the mind control shit wasn't even needed by Orphee, Lacus was just a retard in every single scene in the movie and has zero loyalty to Kira.
Lol, I know that some people here don't like SEED, but Lacus basically tells Orphee that she don't care a shit about him after he kidnap her, even with all the mind control.
I dunno it seems pretty simple to analyze
Fukuda wanted to direct a hentai
Damn, so you paid like zero attention to what was going on, huh?

You're definitely right. Its hilarious watching these morons present such low IQ takes about a movie that wasn't even that complex in the first place.
It's so silly and out of the blue, it's hard not to read it as fetish material, or perhaps sheer desperation on the part of the author, trying to tell a story about a rift between Kira and Lacus in an action movie format. Such a story could've worked in a more low key, focused movie, but it's been 20 years, everyone wants to see their favorite characters again, and this is Gundam Seed. Explosions and action and high minded ideals at the end of a superweapon is sort of the point.
You don't even need to critically scrutinize it, the movie itself tells you pretty clear these 2 are genetically designed to attract each other. Once they explain this to her she understands and promptly rejects her own genes, which has been a recurring thing since the first series with Kira rejecting his role as ultimate coordinator.

I did find it hilarious that it gave us Kira going full Eren, before Athrun knocked some sense into him.
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Is seed freedom an anti DEI agenda? Destiny plan looks like metaphor for wokism by pushing advanced person(上級国民) like blacks,muslims,LGBT/coordinators, negating human's insticnt and desire, forcing the agenda with violence. Bamco turned into durandal themself ironically. Fukuda will be very very unhappy about that. Since Fukuda is anti-woke netouyo guy.
Anon, I am going to tell you something you're not going to want to here, but need to: Get OFF the fucking internet. Completely. For like 6 months. Buy a dumb phone and use it, and keep your computer off except to check email.
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Bout this. I think Lacus would not like bikini and prefer one piece more, while Cagali and Luna would like bikinis.
Was Fukuda not that anti-woke either?
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He called Taiwan a country, woke as it gets
Was he on fujo in seed too?
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Anyone like Gold Rush?
Why did you bump this thread when it was clear nobody wanted to post on it?
Will Fukuda support or against DEI?
CE timeline is anti DEI.
Reminder that Dearka got demoted for racemixing
Why didnt he mind-controlling when he rape?
Cross Angie’s main villain is racism
For consorting with ugly Earthlings who poop. En taro Patrick, Na adan Zaft, Korshala Nicol.(Zaft dialect-for Partrick, we stand as Zaft, until we meet with Nicol). How did Milly understand Zaft alien's language?
Was Fukuda not that Netouyo actually?
Fukui is the one who wrote Gundam Unicorn, Fukuda's low-key a leftist
Both are inspired by Tomino.
And Unicorn becomes anti-war by accident
Yeah, I did watch the movie.
Lacus spends the whole second half of the movie saying she loves Kira in every single scene she's in, it's a shame she acts like a complete retard in her stay at Foundation and nobody seems to call her out for it.

She is so "genetically attracted" to Orphee that the first time she sees his face she gets scared and is normal in every interaction with him outside of the 3 resonance scenes where she is a stuttering idiot and Orphee is in total control.
Also, you can't "reject your genes" and it's not comparable to Kira being the Ultimate Coordinator, that just means Kira has the highest potential out of every human and if he set his mind on something he will do it at the highest level possible.
Another anon summarized it better but I think the issue is less that she's not loyal (she is, the movie makes that claer) and more that in the first half she just acts retardedly naive, spending time alone and dancing with this guy just to NTR tease the audience and kira. You'd think someone with more intelligence would know better than to do something like that ,even if completely loyal.
Everyone knows that Lacus is loyal to Kira, let me be clear that when I'm saying she is not loyal I'm referring to Lacus from the movie, who is a completely different character that only shares her design with Lacus from
the series.

Dancing with someone else in front of your lover when there's no reason to (she shouldn't be in that situation in the first place seeing as she's the head of Compass and not a princess), going to have a private talk with the same man and accepting a single rose, run away when your lover is defending you from someone accusing you of cheating on him are all signs of Lacus not being loyal to Kira.

Just saying "the man I love is not you" or having a confession scene is useless if the actions of the characters don't show they are in love. Every single scene in Destiny showed the two were in love, a love scene after 20 years is redundant and only made to appeal to the 30 years old housewives who couldn't care less about the characters and plot and just want to see people kiss.
>30 years old housewives

You have to ne over 18 to post here.
It's just bad writing. They wanted to have some tension for both audience and Kira so they teased some gay ntr shit in the first half and then the second half she refuses to betray kira even under threat of torture, death, etc.

They just wrote her to be retarded in the first half to make drama happen.
I know, that's my point. It just makes Lacus look bad, the fact that nobody calls her out for her behaviour is insane.
Lacus herself doesn't think she is doing anything wrong because the first thing she does is cook some onigiri like she's autistic.
I think it's one of those "stupid writer doesn't understand how to write smart people" moments.

Lacus supposed to be charismatic, savvy, able to win hearts and mind. So of course in order to make the plot happen via MISUNDERSTANDINGS she has to act like an autistic, naive, retard who simply doesn't understand why spending time alone with another man who obviously has the hots for her could possibly be misconstrued.
>They just wrote her to be retarded in the first half to make drama happen.
Unfortunately this is extremely on brand for the Cosmic Era.
What I'm getting at here basically is I don't really see her as being written to be disloyal in the movie, more written to be a pure hearted autistic idiot in order to make plot happen.
How is Lacus running away after Kira defends her from Agnes' insults not disloyal?
How is accepting a single rose in a private conversation from a man who offered you a matching dress not disloyal?
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Kira NTR'd Sai way back in SEED. Embryo Jr. wouldn't even have stood a chance if Kira was allowed to be a bit of a dick again. Not that he stood at chance to begin with. Homeboy was so bad at his NTR guy routine that he couldn't even score with mind control powers on his side.
>nobody calls her out for her behaviour is insane.

Sounds consistent with Destiny
Like I said, written as pure unbelievable autism and white dwarf level denseness. She literally acts as if she does not comprehend how those count as disloyal or even just being easily misconstrued.

Nor does anyone else, it's just a big dumb MISUNDERSTANDING that happens to make gay fake drama before and then is brushed aside so we can get to the actual funny part of the movie.
Other than not bringing backup when confronting Meer (Lacus fucking had a hit squad in case Athrun tried something at the White Symphony in SEED), what do you think she should be called out for in Destiny?
Was Destiny plan in seed not similar to DEI/ESG? I thought Hari Juggernaut as leftist who supports ESG.
Was DP opposite to DEI ironically?
It's for the best. He'll marry Yzak and make the finest test tube baby with him.
Those guys better give us a Freedom doujin, featuring Shura getting an aneurysm from witnessing Athrun dicking down Cagalli, and Orphee being mindbroken by Kira declaring the large amounts of kinky shit he does with Lacus
i am pirate captain now
>he couldn't even score with mind control powers on his side.
It gets even worse for Orphee considering the novel states that Lacus was genetically built for his dick, and was genetically meant to be attracted to him, but Lacus chose the genetic failure his mom kept seething about over him.
Accord "men" just can't compete. But, I love Fukuda's fascination with dudes like Orphee and Embryo. I hope we get a good interview about how intertwined Cross Ange and SEED Freedom are as far as their productions go.
I don't know what that means because I'm not a forever alone virgin. Don't you retards ever feel embarrassed for talking like this?
They used NTR because Japs really like NTR. That's all.
>Kira rejecting his role as ultimate coordinator.
Anon? He spends his life using his ultimate coordinator power to get what he wants by shooting anyone who disagrees
He’s being manipulated by Lacus.
>Lacus (((Klein)))
Somehow, YOU are the biggest loser in a SEED thread
why is this fetish actually mainstream in Japan now
SEED is a euphemism for CUM
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>SEED is one letter short of SNEED (formerly CHUCK)
>has a cuck shit plotline
It's been around for years. I guess fat otakus love to self-insert as the fat guy stealing girls or girls find it hot. Apparently, women love Redo of Healer more than men.
Freedom if written by Hollywood

>Kira very explicitly kills normal grunt enemies in comical ways and relishes the carnage
>Lacus and Orphee actually fuck no mindcontrol involved she just cheats on him
>end of the movie Lacus tells Kira to spare Orphee because she loves him so he does
>lesbian sex scene between Luna and Hilda
>awkward throwaway joke that Luna pegs Shinn
>Girl boss moment where Cagali twerks in a pantsuit
>Athrun is made into a dudes rock loser uncle drunk type character
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The guy got off on baiting after Cross Ange and wanted to do more like it.That's all.
>Lacus and Orphee actually fuck no mindcontrol involved she just cheats on him
>end of the movie Lacus tells Kira to spare Orphee because she loves him so he does

Lacus actually cheated on Kira without mindcontrol being involved and still tries to save Orphee even after knowing he is a genocidal maniac who tried to rape her 10 minutes before.
You left out the much needed cameo by Barkhad Abdi during the Millennium takeover.
How in the fuck is it anti DEI when we've got Athrun who wants to racemix with Cagalli?
Was Destiny plan actually opposite to DEI?
Like a lot of other fetishes, it's mainly made up of gigaconsumers. It's the fetish version of 10 percent of the audience consuming 90% of the product.
>women love Redo of Healer more than men
I've also heard that's probably bullshit. It wouldn't shock me much either way, but I do notice I hear about it a lot more than I actually see it.
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Was this retard really trying to save someone who tried to rape her and runs an authoritarian state?
Will Kira Yamato support wokism/DEI?
Left, right, or middle?
me bottom right
Which one?
Will Kira be pro wokism/DEI?
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It's over... Orb has fallen...
Cagalli marrying Athrun is a bad thing?
She'd marry a retard who left her alone at her lowest point in her career, joined an opposing military force and stayed in it even after knowing Durandal tried to kill Lacus, what do you think?
Assrun wearing dress. This is the problem.
Maybe it's payback for the time he thought about her naked.
Nope. Assrun being drag queen is bad.
Athrun is of Japanese descent. He can't help it. Crossdressing is in his blood.
I thought Athrun as Korean due to his BTS hairstyle, and loving kicking.
Can't fuck Athrun up any more than Destiny did.
better than what we got
I prefer schizo Athrun from Destiny over coomer Athrun from Freedom.
I don't because schizo Athrun is only due to being shackled hard by the bad writing. Freedom Athrun is what he was really supposed to be.
What is Freedom Athrun even supposed to be? A walking infodump that knows everything about everyone and can't fail at anything?
He fails at escaping the friend zone.
>Lacus and Orphee actually fuck no mindcontrol involved she just cheats on him
>end of the movie Lacus tells Kira to spare Orphee because she loves him so he does
That's actually fine. Just like Scott Summers clearly has a thing for psychic women, Kira has a thing for women engaged to other people.
What's with the culture war shit infesting /m/?

Little to no willpower from the moderators.
It's literally one guy who seems to have actual brain problems. Also >>22828567
Pure Chicanery!
I read somewhere that Kira finds out that Flay had been manipulating him in the bonus material for ‘Freedom’. Any source for this?
I thought he already knew or had an idea of it.
How could he possibly know? Only Flay knew that and she took it to death with her
Apparently there was bonus material? I don't know, I was hoping someone here might know.
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Happy Birthday!
It was never this bad. Freedom was just shit
>It was never this bad

Yes it was. Freedom is just the time they fucked with Kira and Lacus's characters for needless drama instead of the other characters.
Nope. Destiny messed up Cagalli but the rest were fine. You could make an argument for Athrun but Durandal had him wrapped around his finger.
You're just noticing it now because this time it was your favs that got beat with the stupid stick.
I just picked up the immortal justice gunpla because it looked cool.
You mean to tell me that I bought a 1/144 scale vehicle for NTR?
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Wait so that's NOT Cagali?
No, this is.
I thought it was Lacus x Cagalli yuri. I'm disappointed.
Meer > Lacus
But even then that Cagalli lookalike should have used the power of cock instead of some poorly explained mind control. Or at least used a smartphone to enhanced his mind controlling powers.
afraid so
It's piloted by shinn, is it considered ntr to pilot someone else's signature suit line?
Only if it's involuntary.
Does Athrun care that Shinn was piloting a Justice?
I don't think Athrun really cares about Shinn at all.
Dude, Athrun is unironically responsible for everything bad that happens in Destiny, to the point that he could be argued to be as responsible as Durandal himself. I've never seen ANYONE be as utterly retarded to his own and everyone else's detriment the way Athrun was. If there were a coconut in Athrun's place throughout the entirety of the plot, Shinn's likelihood of coming to realize Durandal is evil and not joining up with him goes UP.
Did he ever? Maybe he used to, at least enough to not kill him during the final battle.
Considering he was secretly piloting a nuclear powered Justice while Shinn was lumped with a watered down battery powered Justice, probably not. If anything, Athrun actually got suit cucked by Lacus during the five minutes she was piloting IJ to deliver it to Earth.
All lulzing aside this reminds me of /m/en who saw the preview chirashi for Promare and then posted WTF I THOUGHT THEY WERE A BOY AND GIRL COUPLE HOW THE FUCK ISN'T THAT A CHICK in the movie thread from the first night. It was a line-trap syndrome.
>Athrun loses his Gundam
>Kira loses his chick
I love how that one instant was enough to warrant her being playable in the Dynasty Warriors games.
I mean, TV Tropes claims they have it. Maybe it’s in the novelization of Freedom?
>Listening to TV Tropes
TVTropes thinks Rau is in love with Lacus.
TV Tropes thinks a bunch of things are not true.
TVTropes are a bunch of no-fun allowed pansies. They've already removed various pages talking about IRL stuff, or drinking game results. Hell, they've completely gutted out the 4chan page into being a shell of its former self.
>TV Tropes
>IRL stuff, or drinking game results
Much as I enjoy shitting on them (and I do), the former seems like it's just going to devolve into flamewars and the hell's up with drinking game results? How was that relevant there at all?
Okay, but I still need to know: was it in the novelization or no?
No, it's not. Like people said, it's basically an impossible thing for anyone to find out because nobody realized Flay's plan and she died.
Some of the IRL stuff they deleted talked about cool cars, planes, or alcoholic drinks that are too potent. From what I've seen, the pages talking about IRL cars was deleted because one guy just said they're too common.
Also some pages have a drinking game section, such as the My Immortal page, where some users posted their results. Apparently that was deleted because some jannies whined that it would encourage drinking
Yeah, that makes sense.
He kind of sort of was fond of him enough to feel bad for him and obviously spared his life. I think he realized they're not really compatible as pals though
Yeah people seem to not notice this either because they think Schizo Athrun is funny or they just never liked the character anyway, but Athrun is supposed to be smarter than that and was hit with the stupid stick in order to keep Morosawa's lazy plot going.
Why is it always NTR porn scenarios for Elevens?
Movie just got rereleased in theaters. Won’t be long before we learn what the epilogue is.
...her own cock?
Why is Immortal Justice gundam such a shitty MS?
Because it was just something for Shinn's ass to sit in until they brought back Destiny. Rising Freedom at least had to opening sequence that it needed to look cool and effective in. Immortal Justice had no hype scenes at all in the whole film because in the opening Kira cockblocks everyone else from doing anything.
why are retards always obsessed with calling any male/female interaction NTR
> Unspecified amount of weeks later
> Cagalli and Athrun going over what most people already suspected (people on both sides are getting heated, Foundation ended up killing the lull they mostly had at the beginning of the film)
> Kira and Lacus walk in ready to return to duty but they say they'll need everyone's help from now on.

Nothing exciting or anything we couldn't already guess, just them confirming the universe continues as everyone expected.
in the context of SEED Freedom there is 100% an NTR scenario at play
>Immortal Justice
>is destroyed
What was meant by this?
Don't forget Agnes will be back in COMPASS as if nothing happened.
Sauce? Everywhere I see says it’s just Kira and Lacus talking on the beach
he's talking out of his ass
>Heinlein made her slut suit and Lacus liked it

Yeah I just made that all up. I just wanted to see if the Tvtropes and wiki people would scramble to get it in as "official" like they did last time
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Gundam SEED JUSTICE final boss revealed:
Do you ever think about the absolutely asinine names CE-era designers give their MS, and think maybe it connects to how people in that universe seem to just naturally become holier-than-thou preachy cunts?
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Well, this is CE we're talking about. Kira, Lacus, and all of their allies will always be portrayed as right in every decision
Gundam Seed Freedom Astray Ch1 Spoil is outed. The Atlantic Fed must be broke after the second war that they have to sell Destroy Gundam to private ms collector. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3525rpYKGC4

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