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Why didn't VOTOMS get as much of an attempt to bring it to the west like Gundam did?
why is this nigger doing this?
Why ask about VOTOMS in particular? Why not the thousand other shows that weren't ported to the west?
I mean Gundams attempts were all pretty half hearted until the year 2000. Votoms being released in 84 almost guarantees that someone in the west looked at it around 85 to 1990 and passed it for adaptation. Either the subject matter, the graphic violence against humans, or the pretty derpy early toys would have been enough for someone to pass it over for something safer and more immediately attention grabbing to kids.
It got a VHS release
There was that first episode dub. So at one point somebody must've thought VOTOMs had a shot over seas.

If I remember right the attempt to dub it ran into various issues technical and financial. And the subject matter probably wasn't enough to warrant pushing through. Probably could have faired better if they tried during the Toonami days. I don't think anyone could argue the series wouldn't appeal to western audiences.
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It definitely has an appeal, but it would have been a really off side pick during the 80's or early 90's. The aesthetic is pretty low key and american tv was super geared to cartoons with a much more episodic nature and larger casts of characters you could buy in the store. It would have been fucking hilarious for it to get swept up in 85 and air alongside Robotech though. Imagine being able to buy vintage Christopher Carter and Fiona dolls.
Part of it is that Votoms missed the anime boom from things like Toonami that helped make Gundam a known franchise in the west. It also was not as kid friendly as things like Macross/Robotech and Transformers were in the 80s so it wasn't on the list of import demand. The most respect Votoms got was in the niche anime circles in the west and has a strong underground influence imo. For example Votoms is what directly inspired Heavy Gear and I could also see it's influence in other western mecha media like Titanfall. So even if it never got any mainstream attention it's influence can definitely be felt.
did robotech get censored
i don't think they'd have away around zentradi pilots getting ripped up by gunpod fire
I also don't think the gritty war robot western fandom was really as well defined as a market. They were bringing over G and Wing and everyone seemed happy enough. I don't think they would've assumed there was a massive audience to make them slot it in after zoids.
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Favourite Scopedog Variant?
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Does the Grantly dog count? I guess it's more of a mass production Bloodsucker but it still looks cool.
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Grantly dog is great but it isn't a Scopedog, any ATs with the ATM-09 prefix are Scopedogs.
However we could start posting different ATs in general.
I wish there was a place to get high quality images of different ATs from.
Id take the bastard reality where VOTOMs replaces southern cross as the third chunk of robotech.
Christopher Hunter battles dudes in the wastelands post zentradi war in his scopedog, the inbetween of destroid and cyclone
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Wasn't Southern Cross the second part of Robotech while Mospeada's the third part?
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Special Ability Survivor(異能生存体)
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It did though
>a show where the opening quarter is spent massacring cops

America would never
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Get that pitiful attempt at western mecha out of here and behold what true splendor looks like.
Don't dunk on BT guys too hard anon. Heavy Gear stole just as much from Votoms. It just wears it on it's sleave as a point of pride more.
Eh, it ain't about who stole more than the other though HG is a clear homage while early BT was literal plagiarism and sometimes tracing. I just don't like the BT aesthetic that much (King Crabs get a pass though, those things fuck). A shame, for me, that the HG vidya scene is dead due to that one unreleased flop while BT thrived.
Buying rights from someone who it turns out wasn't in a position to sell isn't plagiarism.
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No but not just having artists to make more original designs wasn't a good look either. I'm sure an anon here will bring up the atlas scopedog trace gif, even if the atlas is an otherwise original design. If Harmony Gold hadn't flipped their shit there's still a chance that BT would have just used the Macross and Dougram designs as if they made them. People are too harsh on BT for "muh plagarism" but there's also a good reason why it would cause some butthurt. Anywho if Heavy Gear is not-Votoms, wait until you guys learn about Jovian Chronicles.
>Jovian Chronicles
Never played it or checked it out but wasn't it DP9's not!Gundam?
At the very least, Minmay's bath scene after she & Hikaru got marooned in the aftermath of the initial jump to Pluto was removed coz of her nude backside.

People like to frame muh plagiarism as this one-sided burger thing, but it should be noted that the Peregrine/Horned Owl was initially a JP-exclusive BT design by someone from Victor Music Industries, and it turned out to be a traceover of Sizzler Black from Gunbuster given a Zeon-esque head & other disguising bits. VMI's a rights holder to GB's OST, but come on now.

Perhaps the real takeaway here is that FASA has terrible luck when it comes to legal matters.
No cute girls for guys and transbians to simp for, no cute guys for fujos to simp for.
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>no cute guys for fujos to simp for.
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Yes. Mostly. It actually started out as a Mekton setting that DP9 then fostered over to their own silhouette system. It sadly has gotten the shaft over the years since Heavy Gear is their breadwinner. But if you like the idea of a Gundam-esque TTRPG it's worth checking out.
Yeah, It probably also stings since FASA also had to deal with the legal battle with George Lucas and "Battledroids". They really did have terrible luck when it came to legal matters. Also Harmony Gold was able to get away with milking Macross far more at the time, the plague that they are, so any hint of Macross material in BT meant lawsuits up the ass (also kinda ironic since FASA caught Harmony Gold trying to pawn off a Timberwolf in the Exo-Squad toy line. Battletech at least wasn't just 3 seperate mecha shows stitched together.)
Nah, Chirico is the cooler deity.
Picrel: me waking up knowing I'm not Chirico McMotherfucking Cuvie.
At least you can be Gotho irl. The body image isn't hard to obtain.
He got that Califlower Ear now.
So long as a get a perky redhead sidekick, I'm in.
We don't even know of they weren't allowed to sell it, FASA didn't let it go to litigation. They might have had a case.
TCI was a distributor and reseller but there's nothing indicating they understood IP laws.
Which makes it even less plagiarism!
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Buried in some parts of TCI's paper trail are "special thanks to Nippan(sic) Sunrise and Tatsunoko" but you get the feeling they bullshitted their way into convincing FASA that they made these kits and weren't just repackaging excess stock from Japan.
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I think the bigger issue really is just FASA not doing enough research in any of the areas to be certain. All things considered how they handled it was probably the best option, just redesign them to be more legally distinct and just go on with life. Little could one know that Harmony Gold would be willing to sue over just using the concept of a mech, but who could have predicted that.
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I don't think Sunrise ever took notice either all things considered. Issues were always Macross mechs. I actually wonder if Sunrise even knew an American company was using Dougram designs for a tabletop game.
If only FASA's original designs/redesigns actually looked good.
They had gone as far as to put together a toyline pitch with Kenner who probably did do their research before going any further.

This mockup is partially made from an ED-209 toy and has a Brutishdog arm in its crotch.
>This mockup is partially made from an ED-209 toy and has a Brutishdog arm in its crotch.
Huh, you're right. I didn't even notice that. The fuck Harmony Gold? Kinda hypocritical to be so lawyer happy when they almost pulled off shit like that.
I see the Warhammer, Awesome, Atlas, Urbie, and Maybe a really jank Hatchetman or Scarabus front center. But I can't for the life of me figure out the two front right and the back right? The yellow desert camo one looks like a tiny Stalker? The Grey one looks like maybe some fucking nightmare mock of up a Blitzkreig? I can't even fucking fathom what the black one on the right is, from the weapon layout it's like someone tried to merge the Thorn with a fucking Bobcat skid loader.
imagine the bizarro world where ocean dubbed votoms for UPN or toonami and we get Chrico voiced by brad swaile and rochina voiced by David Kaye or Mike Kopsa
They're just mockups made of bits of other figures. Just like that heavy E-frame, they were just proof of concept.
If you look close, this one even has an old RX-78 backpack for its crotch.
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It did though. We got it officially while Gundam was still all fansubs. CPM had a comic made for for it in 1996 and CPM even attempted to dub it for TV, but the project fell through.

So, would Alaine Burnett or Lisa Ann Beley voice Fyana?
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I'm still pro keeping Dan Green as Chirico.
I think Saffron Henderson or Kathleen Barr nail that archetype voice better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOSt2hoVU7w&t=162s
I think Alaine or Maggie Blue O Hara could voice coconna. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQHcTzz6GCQ
No idea who could voice vanilla, but Gotho could be voiced by French Tickner (dozle) or Ian James Corlette.
Cheery Ko.
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>pilot is shirtless wielding a hatchet
unfathomably based
Jager Longbow my beloved
The toys from Takara were incredible. The Dual Model scopedog was incredibly articulated, detailed and accurate to the anime for the time and holds up incredibly well as a solid fig. Takara reissued it like a billion times.
Sunrise apparently knew about & was cool with it, such that it readily gave permission to use the Dougram designs when either Fanpro or CGL was planning an artbook which included old art with the Unseen designs. HG had also tentatively agreed, then changed its mind (as usual).
Not even justice I want to get source because that does not sound like a Japanese company at all.
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If you don't use a tomahawk as your main weapon while off your robot, what are you even doing?
I'm watching this show for the first time and let me tell you, for a mecha the beginning has barely any mech action.
You'll get more in the later arcs. Right now Chirico is doing his 80s action movie stunts.
Check the article on Sarna about the 'BattleTech: 25 Years of Art & Fiction' artbook. However, the copy floating around on the IA seems to be the unaltered version.
What would you carry with you if you were an AT Pilot?
It's like you barely paid attention to the first episode.
Install a Microwave inside the AT for convenience.
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Same energy:
Doesn't help that the other HG games are a bitch to get running on modern hardware
Not as shiny. It's stupid but when executives are looking at hundreds or thousands of shows to import they'll go for the one with bright colors and over the top spectacle first and might not even notice the drab, down to earth post-war drama.
Those 100 in 1 bootleg NES handhelds. Maybe some porn.
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