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Gundam Victory is the worst UC Gundam Series. You can't deny that.
Shit taste, you cant appreciate Tominokino
Very original opinion, I bet you think that Turn-A is the best entry.
Fuck off tourist.
Watched the first 15 episodes so far.
The first 9 were pretty good but the series starts to drag on later with Shakti being a retard and the female pilots being fucking useless. Their deaths range from forced and overly dramatic to unintentionally hilarious.
>hurr durr filtered
This, Turn A and G no Reco are the only Tomino works I haven't watched.
>worst UC
laughs in 0083
Those 3 are some of my favourites. Tough to choose what is over the other. I love Uso and the mechanics of Victory and it's bleak feeling. But those are honest complaints, especially with Shakti.

Subhuman trash typed this.
maybe on planet retard.
Victory drags a lot but the final battle is genuine masterpiece. The last 2 episodes are 10/10 among the best episodes in the industry
>Victory drags a lot
god forbid the characters get some development, we only need guns and explosions all packed in 12 episode format at MOST
Funny you say that because of the fact that there's a team of pilots that are pretty much nothing but bodies to add to the body count.
side characters die??? holy shit!!!!!
Zeta drags way more than Victory. Around episde 30, it’s painful how boring it gets. At least the action is always creative and entertaining in Victory.
victory had some good sections and ended incredibly well but it looks like shit and the character writing was abysmal on average
Some of the most popular Gundam shows are the slowest paced ones tbf

You're thinking of Hathaway's Trash.
Obviously you haven’t watched Gundam ZZ. It is fucking painful.
Absolutely this, 100%.
I find the first half of Zeta to be really interesting and engaging, as you're reintroduced into the universe and meet all the old cast again while settling into the new version of UC. It falls off a cliff when Kamille gets the namesake Zeta of the show, and stalls before repeating the Four arc three times, including by ressurecting Four for no good reason. Victory is great the entire way through, with no consistent stretch of episodes being uninteresting. Complaints about Shakti being retarded are overblown and are justifed by the fact she's like, eleven, and very naive. Usso is a far better protagonist than Kamille too, might I add.
Victory consistently has the best action choreography in the entire series and all of the action is beautifully animated. Zeta has terrible choreography and very average animation even considering the time period it came out, it's hard to believe Zeta started airing right after Layzner which is one of the best looking TV anime of all time.
ZZ's first 20 episodes are indeed, fucking painful to watch, but after Puru appears and they arrive at Earth the quality improves considerably and only drops again around some of the final episodes.
Zeta feels like a series that had enough great ideas for 35 episodes, but around the second half they just start making redundant plotlines or characters start acting in the most stupid way but with no consequences for their action, only for them to keep doing the same shit like with Katz.
The good parts are great but my God if the series doesn't absolutely suck when the writers don't know how to keep thee plot going or force another fight scene.
Marbets lovely dark pussy
>ZZ's first 20 episodes are indeed, fucking painful to watch, but after Puru appears and they arrive at Earth the quality improves considerably and only drops again around some of the final episodes.
Yes, the quality does improve about midway. They dump the slapstick, but the damage has been done. The cast are despicable, unqualified cunts who contribute virtually nothing to the story and devalue all the villains by their presence and success. For god's sake, Judo's whole piloting approach is to shout at the enemy; they then hold still like a deer in headlights and let him kill them. The slapstick may be gone but the writing and the protagonists still SUCK
>Victory consistently has the best action choreography in the entire series and all of the action is beautifully animated.
I've been watching the Gundam series on release order and yeah, OVAs aside this is the best one in terms of action so far. Not only is the choreography better but they even feel more tense. I had the idea that Tomino sucked at action scenes but at least this time that was not the case.
>it's hard to believe Zeta started airing right after Layzner which is one of the best looking TV anime of all time.

It didn't, Zeta came out about 6 months earlier, and the character animation in Zeta is much stringer than Layzner, especially when it comes to raw draftmanship, and the layouts tend to be more complex save in specific big action scenes by Okiura and Yoshida. Tomino's boards are really demanding when it comes to perspective and having stuff constantly moving in and out of depth, and accounting for reflections and other minute details that adds immersiveness to the scenes but increases the labor, and Zeta doesn't back off on that at all. The mecha drawings tend to be tighter and more rich as well. It's actually a really strong production overall - just not that obviously flashy like Layzner is. Layzner has the best mecha sakuga in TV anime, but that's a given when you have mid 80s Anime R and Dove animating your whole show.

>and stalls before repeating the Four arc three times

That's too low resolution, those arcs entail very different things for the themes, character arcs and plot, just all involving female cybernewtypes. Rosamia adds on a ton that isn't there in Four's arc on what newtypes are and how Kamille's worldview deteriorates after choosing to kill her and he tells Char " I guess newtypes are just meant to kill one another", for example.

Victory is amazing, of course, so is ZZ. Tomino hasn't done a bad TV show since Reideen.

Also, 80s TV anime tended to be more elaborate than what came after for quite a while - so the "for the time" clause is way off.

"But when I think about it now, I seriously believe we couldn't make a work like that anymore. The works of that time had more lines than modern ones, and used an unimaginable number of frames. It was an era when we could invest a tremendous amount of resources into a work. This was also true of Layzner, which we were working on at the same time, but we'd use 7,000 or 8,000 cels and were always way behind schedule. (laughs)"


>those arcs entail very different things for the themes, character arcs and plot, just all involving female cybernewtypes.
Honestly you can dismiss anyone who says that the cybernewtypes were all the same off hand. The only things their respective arcs had in common was that they were brainwashed soldiers that kamille tried and failed to save. It was an overarching theme that played out in different ways and had different impacts and effects on the story, as a theme typically does. It's not exactly a hard concept to grasp, but a lot of people who whine on /m/ are genuine retards who can't get such a basic storytelling aspect.
They both have the same plot beats and one is a pretty unbearable character that gets allowed to live in the Argama cuz moon logic. I don't see how Zeta would be a lesser show if Rosamia was removed.
The only thing of value I can see on her is how utterly fucked the whole cyber newtype concept is with how mentally ruined the test subjects end up being.
I liked Four a lot but making her show up again after surviving miraculously could have been handled wayyy more gracefully.
That's incorrect. Rosamia is brainwashed and sent to Kamille because they know that he will try to help her due to the Four arc, he and the rest of the AEUG instantly suspect her, have Hasan check up on her, and keep her under watch. Rosamia unthinkingly leaves her suitcase behind, to the dismay of the Titans officer watching her, suggesting that the operation was simply botched, it probably had a bomb in it.

One of the the most important aspects of her arc comes from when her and Kamille speak to one another about four, in that conversation Kamille realizes that the newtype connection is the same with both Four and Rosamia but yet there is no romantic aspect with Rosamia, which leads him to realize that the romantic aspect he experienced with Four was illusory and a misunderstanding of what was really going on. Kamille also chooses to kill her, something he would have never done with Four, and his cynicism that arises after the fact is also something that devastates Char and puts the Aeugs entire cause into question. Four's death on the other hand was the catalyst for Kamille to demand that Char take the reins to achieve those ideological goals in the first place, so the two are vastly different. Four's death is never shown - or even really suggested - she gets into the nearly indestructible Psycho Gundam injured and her fate is left ambiguous. Her death in 36 and Kamille's reaction is important for the plot progression and how his rivalry with Jerid ends up.

Zeta is extremely dense without much direct exposition, so you really have to look beyond the broad strokes to get it. Modern anime is generally the opposite, and modern life is all about divided attention and easy quick gratification, so expectations are different with many fans who got into anime a later. That would be my guess. I think it's more of an attention economy thing than them being dumb.
>They both have the same plot beats
What? Kamille was attracted to Four because of a romantic aspect of their relationship. Rosamia was his attempt to save her due to a sense of obligation. Her arc was janky but to conflate her arc with four is retarded.
>he and the rest of the AEUG instantly suspect her, have Hasan check up on her, and keep her under watch
Yet they let her inside the ship, only questioning who she might be until later. They're in the middle of a critical military operation playing the roles of the underdog yet they do something so baffling. Not only that but the way Kamille acts towards her just seems to be as if he was mildly inconvenience about the whole deal.
A random woman calling Kamille brother enters the ship and barely anyone questions this until later is just wayyy too contrived to not feel like bullshit.
They both are redundant to one another
>kamille finds beautiful but mentally unstable cyber newtype
>decides to help her and fraternize with her
>she is too volatile and things spiral out of control
>she has to be killed, with the experience affecting Kamille
The fact that you only have to change "he wasn't in love with one of these" already shows how little difference there was.
>The fact that you only have to change "he wasn't in love with one of these" already shows how little difference there was.
Because you removed about 90% of what actually led kamille to helping her and her actual effects on him and his development. You're either being reductionist because or an actual retard who can't understand the concept of a theme, both of which aren't even worth engaging in a discussion.
*reductionist because you have no point
Or maybe they could have changed the characters a bit more? She's too similar to Four without benefiting from it.
Don't make everyone act like a retard so that she can get into the ship while you are at it.
This is why I'm saying plot beats, rather than them being the same. Things are changed but a lot of it is way too similar to the point the experience starts feeling redundant.
Rosamia feels like an excuse to have another tragic beautiful woman to keep the audiences who enjoyed Four and her drama hooked, rather than a character who got added naturally into the plot.
>Yet they let her inside the ship, only questioning who she might be until later.

That's incorrect, even from the initial meeting in the colony Fa and Kamille discuss that she is suspicious as a quick aside, and everyone pays note to her and is cautious the instant she comes aboard.

>They're in the middle of a critical military operation playing the roles of the underdog yet they do something so baffling

That's how the AEUG had operated from the beginning any time Wong wasn't around.

>A random woman calling Kamille brother enters the ship and barely anyone questions this until later is just wayyy too contrived to not feel like bullshit.

Except that's objectively not what happens.

>Not only that but the way Kamille acts towards her just seems to be as if he was mildly inconvenience about the whole deal.

Same with this, he becomes extremely cynical after killing her and rejects newtypism. Unless you mean while they are first interacting - but thats the point, he wants to help her and is empathetic, but its not the whirlwind of emotion he had with Four, another big difference.

>she has to be killed, with the experience affecting Kamille

Four is killed by Jerid, sacrificing herself to save Kamille, Rosamia goes out of control and has to be killed by Kamille, which he does. The only similarity is Kamille getting close to a female cybernewtype who dies, in so many other ways the two differ greatly.
>Or maybe they could have changed the characters a bit more? She's too similar to Four without benefiting from it.

>Don't make everyone act like a retard so that she can get into the ship while you are at it.

These issues are coming from you getting facts about events objectively wrong though. Have you actually watched Zeta in the last couple years or are you criticizing a 10 year old memory?
>Except that's objectively not what happens.
She entered the ship, and the most the other characters did before she entered the ship was go "she's kinda weird, why is she calling you brother?", which just seemed more like an observation rather than a genuine concern over letting a complete stranger inside the ship. It is exactly what I'm describing.
Letting a woman that's apparently crazy and delusional inside the ship without heavy justifications is just lazy writing.
> Unless you mean while they are first interacting
That's what I mean. His whole reaction to a woman who seems to think she's his sister is not involved enough to make it believable or feel like genuine concern or empathy.
>That's how the AEUG had operated from the beginning any time Wong wasn't around.
And everytime it happens it feels stupid.
>Four is killed by Jerid, sacrificing herself to save Kamille, Rosamia goes out of control and has to be killed by Kamille, which he does. The only similarity is Kamille getting close to a female cybernewtype who dies, in so many other ways the two differ greatly.
Change it to "who dies tragically" instead then. Very similar plot beats still.
Watched it for the second time less than 1 year ago. You can get mad at me all you want but Rosamia has too many contrivances to make her not feel like a more deflated version of what was going on with Four. So far the only thing of value that I feel I missed was Kamille going cynical after killing Rosamia.
>Letting a woman that's apparently crazy and delusional inside the ship without heavy justifications is just lazy writing.

The AEUG by that point had adopted Char's neo-deikunism, the fact that she may be a cybernewtype is exactly why Kamille is so adamant to bring her aboard and is what gets brought up right away with Bright and Char, helping newtypes and gaining knowledge on cyber newtypes is a good justification given where the Aeug's ideology is at by then.

>That's what I mean. His whole reaction to a woman who seems to think she's his sister is not involved enough to make it believable or feel like genuine concern or empathy.

But she is ultimately a stranger to Kamille, and he's matured enough by that point to not let his emotions totally get the better of him like he was with Four, taking the risk to bring her on the ship most definitely demonstrates genuine concern and empathy, he doesn't need to be crying about it.

>So far the only thing of value that I feel I missed was Kamille going cynical after killing Rosamia.

Emphasizing the point that the newtype connections that have been continually showed up to that point are not actually romantic ones and that that is a misreading of what is actually going on is extremely viable to understanding newtypes and that comes out of the final face-to-face meeting between Rosamia and Lamille in 48, however you may feel, that definitely is something valuable added.

>Rosamia feels like an excuse to have another tragic beautiful woman to keep the audiences who enjoyed Four and her drama hooked, rather than a character who got added naturally into the plot.

Her first appearance and her cybernewtype issues were shown prior to Four's introduction in 17, back at 14 when she attacks in the Gaplant. So they likely had a plan for her the whole time - so the assessment here isn't very convincing.
One more thing - when Rosamia is brought aboard it is directly after the colony gets a hole in it and air is leaking out, so thats part of why she is brought aboard as well.


At 22:17 Char and Emma already are claiming that they are suspicious about her coming aboard - this is literally the first time we see someone on the Argama react to her.
I will never get this meme. Aside from a handful of remarkably stupid moments it was at the very least decent.
I swear you might be the same anon I talked about this with a few months ago. Anyway you are right, I always had it in my mind that Layzner came before Zeta. I still can't excuse how terrible the choreography is though, which probably doesn't help in appreciating the actual animation quality you speak of.

Obviously the cyber newtype stuff was different in specific and each of the girls had a different effect on Kamille's character. You could sum my favourite anime Tekkaman Blade up as "man kills his friends and family one by one" as well and it would sound just as repetitive. So yes, it is being overly reductive. But also, it does feel very repetitive and comes after the show's worst parts where essentially nothing of interest happens and there's a bunch of shit space battles with shit choreography. Even the OP gets significantly worse and less interesting.
Rosamia does have more of an effect on Kamille as mentioned in a later post, and I think it's fundamentally different enough as its more of a sibling-like relationship than romantic as it is with the others. I would keep Four dead and ignore Sarah, neither of those moments really affect Kamille enough to be worth keeping.
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>I still can't excuse how terrible the choreography is though

I've never understood what is supposed to be wrong with Zeta's choreography during the space battles. I find most of it thrilling due to how three dimensional the trajectories of motion are, all the little directorial flourishes, the focus on the pilots and what is going on with the displays to remind you of the human factor, and having the suits constantly zip in and out of different combat ranges.
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>>22827310 (You)
This is a good example of where Zeta really innovated in terms of the mecha action. The first thing to notice is the incredible sense of speed that they achieve through really wide spacing, going from the Gaplant barely being visible in the first frame with a single final frame being an extreme close-up of the Gaplant's face, which kind of gives it the same kind of intensity as you could get from an impact frame, the show also will often begin a cut with the camera right inside the thruster of a mobile suit and then use super wide spacing between drawings to have it blast forward away from the camera to really get you that visceral sense of the thrust power. They really understood how to manipulate the drawings to immerse you in the action. Back to this cut. Then we move on to all the complicated camera work with really tight drawings moving fluidly on 1s as the mobile suits slash at each other. Followed by a Yamashita style effects loop with dynamic irregular timing that subtly incorporates color changes in the mobile suits to represent light and shadows. It's not super flashy and bombastic, rather it feels far more immersive and visceral, giving the viewer that sense of realism and danger, and technique-wise there is a lot of 90s Mecha animation, like most of Endless Waltz which in principle isn't doing anything more other than switching out the Yamashita styled effects for more contemporary ones. You get lots of sequences like this throughout Zeta particularly once they return back to space after the Hong Kong arc and most of the young aces on the show like Shin Matsuo and Hiroyoshi Sano had really figured out a good way to give Zeta it's mecha action a unique identity, along with Yorihisa Uchidas emphasis as mecha sakkan on consistently loading up the mecha with an amount of detail that hadn't really been seen in TV anime, and focusing on accounting for light and shadows. You get the odd weak cut, but it's a TV anime, that's not surprising.
>I would keep Four dead and ignore Sarah, neither of those moments really affect Kamille enough to be worth keeping.

Four didn't die in 20 though, there's zero indication of that, she gets into the Psycho Gundam and that is the last we see of her, 36 and her actual death leads Kamille to putting pressure on Char to take on leadership which he does, it's literally the reason Day of Dakar was a thing. So that's a huge deal. Sarah was there for Katz, so that he could become a degraded form of Amuro who he idealized, and accidentally kills his own Lalah, but instead of finding a place for himself despite the loss, thrashes about in anger and resentment until he gets himself killed. Kamille's arc with her is interesting because he basically just gets fed up with her attitude on the moon instead of trying to be a white knight for her no matter what. So it gives him so extra dynamism - and Sarah in herself serves as an interesting rival for Reccoa when she betrays, so she has tons of stuff to do in the story beyond Kamille.

>where essentially nothing of interest happens

That whole section is extremely dense with new characters coming in and establishing themselves, different alliances forming and certain characters who hadn't been elaborated on much getting lots of development, it's also the most heavily focused on the thematic core of the show which is the consequences of integrating women into formerly male-dominated spheres, we get that with all the stuff that was going on with Fa and Reccoa. That if anything is probably the most interesting part of the show with a lot of the most thrilling combat scenes as well.
>retards have repeated the same shitty Zeta speedwatcher complaints that people are starting to take them seriously
well said. the action in this show is absolutely wonderful. even if the plot of the show drags in the middle, I don't care about it that much because they pace out the (admittedly pointless) actions scenes extremely well while looking fantastic and almost never re-using footage
>it drags
>it's pointless
Stick to isekai retard.
the action scenes in the middle are ultimately pointless because they'll be fighting and then for no reason the enemy force has to retreat. but that's fine, there's nothing wrong with action for action's sake
>hurr if they are not war defining battles then why are they fighting?
>durr why is the enemy not rushing with all their units? that way the show could be shorter and I could move onto something else
who are you quoting
duh it's a bastardized and warped version of what you said
This board is actually fucking retarded
F91 sucks and I tired of pretending it didn't
>that are pretty much nothing but bodies to add to the body count.
It's amazing how mecha has some of the greatest visionaries in the medium, and then the people who watch it are the dullest retards of all time.
Nothing is worse than Narrative, in fact you probably forgot it even existed OP
>The cast are despicable, unqualified cunts who contribute virtually nothing to the story and devalue all the villains by their presence and success
10000000% this
You were able to cherry pick sakuga shots and even then these clips are not nearly as exciting or creative as anything in 0079. Kamille has a transforming agile MS and in the first clip his fight is just him in a static pose floating around and shooting an enemy. Meanwhile, in Victory (what this thread is about), Usso does something special with his MS in nearly every episode. Even in 0079, the way the mecha move even in space battles is much more exciting and fluid by the late parts of the show, where Amuro has mastered the Gundam. Zeta has terrible stiff choreography that makes the action scenes a chore to watch.

>Four didn't die in 20 though, there's zero indication of that
The last we see of her in the first half is her crashing with a plane from what I remember, granted its been a while since I last watched the show but I remember that when I first watched I was convinced she was dead and wondered how she returned later.
>That whole section is extremely dense with new characters coming in
I'm pretty sure Haman and Neo-Zeon are introduced prior to Kamille getting the Zeta, which is when the show spins its wheels doing nothing for a long stretch of episodes that only ends when they go down to Earth again, so no it's not introducing anything. Even if they are introducing Neo-Zeon, guess what? We already fucking know what Zeon is, we watched 0079.

Anyone psuedointellectual moron who complains about "speedwatching" immediately outs themselves as a midwit at best or downright retarded at worst. It's a show aimed at Japanese children, not high art and not designed to be particularly dense.

>Kamille has a transforming agile MS and in the first clip his fight is just him in a static pose floating around and shooting an enemy

That's not true, it begins with, camera motion across the Zeta' body as the Zeta thrusts and Zeta moves out of depth, only to have the Hizack move in across the plane the Zeta was in at first before getting shot. Then Zeta transforms, moves out of frame, fires, which hits specifically the Hizack's hand while it was swinging, which allows Fa to start unloading on it while moving away from the camera while the Hizack falls back towards it, then the Zeta blasts through the plane the Hizack was in before it exploded before transforming while making combat with the Methuss. You can't just judge choreography based on " Gundam does x, then Zaku does Y" how the spatial relationships are set up in the motion in position, and how the camera operates is paramount to an exciting scene, and in this case your description is objectively false, there are 0 cuts of the Zeta where the Zeta doesn't have some sort of motion, even the hyper detailed shot that doesn't have the full body moving animates the beam cannon coming out from the side before shooting. Victory is next level when it comes to creative choregraphy ideas - but the actual execution is only marginally better, it may actually be the best mecha TV show in that regard. First Gundam has great ideas but lots of the actual composition is comparatively flat in comparison to what Zeta does.


>The last we see of her in the first half is her crashing with a plane from what I remember

No, the transport ship is blowing up, so she gets into the mostly undamaged Psycho Gundam's cockpit. And that is what we see of her.

>I'm pretty sure Haman and Neo-Zeon are introduced prior to Kamille getting the Zeta

This is inaccurate, Neo Zeon is mentioned, but not introduced until 32, the Zeta arrives in 21. Betwwen those two episodes we have Scirroco actually getting more than a brief appearance and making multiple major power plays and clashing with the other commanders, like on the moon operations. Sarah and Yazan are introduced and established, Fa finally gets tons of development that is extremely thematically relevant, as does Katz, as does Reccoa now that she is coping with her sexual assault at Jaburo by going after Char. The relationship between Jerid, Mour and how that plays out with Scirroco around is also explored a bunch. etc

>We already fucking know what Zeon is, we watched 0079.

You should have watched this show as well then, because a bunch of remnants led by a small child as figurehead after being alienated from the world is pretty distinct from Degwin's military dictatorship that actually had territory beyond a mining asteroid.

>while making contact with the Methuss
One flaw of this series is that battles had no sense of consequences
The victory gundam could lose an arm, leg, and head, then next episode be just completely fully repaired because they always had spare parts
that belongs to Gundam X, so unoriginal that it got the episodes reduced AND a rushed ending
The only saving grace was the Quattro Amuro hybrid character.
Based autist BTFOing zetarager
>gundam could lose an arm, leg, and head, then next episode be just completely fully repaired because they always had spare parts
this has been a thing since 0079
That's not a flaw.
Zeta's action scene composition is really good, but the actions performed by the MS tend to be repititive and not that interesting. It usually boils down to the MS shooting at each other, moving in and out of the way, with the occasional kick and saber slash.

0079's composition might not be as complex, but the action scenes stand out because the mechas' actions are really creative and out there. There's stuff like the Jet Stream Attack, the Gundam rolling in mid air, shield throws, the Gundam just fucking picking a Gouf up and throwing it, the Guncannon throwing a boulder so that the Gundam can jump behind it and close in on some Goufs, etc. It's a kind of creative thrill that goes beyond how well they portray a certain action.

Tomino's later shows like Victory and G-Reco bring together the best of both worlds.
Not the anon you're talking to, but I think it's because Zeta wanted to try and be the antithesis to 0079 so badly. I think they compromized on costs my making the MS actions more simplistic. Zeta is very pretty and better composed than 0079, but often times feels so cool, and robotic. 0079 felt more fluid, warm, and human. Especially the mobile suits.
To be quite honest with you anon, I last watched Zeta six years ago and while that was a rewatch so I remember stuff better, I think I mixed up events so I'll just concede here and say you are correct. However, I still think the second half of Zeta is a supreme downgrade, and I distinctly remember essentially nothing happening of note for like ten episodes after the Zeta is introduced. I think by the end they head back to Earth for the Dakar speech which is a bit better but it still is just much less interesting.

You're an idiot if you think I'm Zetarager, I praised parts of Zeta earlier in this thread. The first half of Zeta Gundam is truly great stuff, its well-paced and engaging. The second half is repetitive and dull and I really dislike the ending. But even with the flaws in the action I will always state that I enjoy everything from before Kamille gets the Zeta.

This puts into words what my issues with Zeta's action is and why I find 0079 to be superior in that regard. Thank you, anon.

That general sentiment is fair. Zeta had a greater emphasis on really honing in on the realism in comparison to first Gundam, which still has the fun rough and tumble style of action of the 70s. If someone doesn't find that to be as interesting to them I don't mind that. My contention is only with the idea that Zeta wasn't accomplished in what it was going for.

>distinctly remember essentially nothing happening of note for like ten episodes after the Zeta is introduced

The broad strokes of the plot definitely slowed down, but on the microlevel that section is incredibly dense and there's generally twice as much going on per episode than in a regular anime, it's just not big obvious discreet points of plot progression. Again, someone not liking it is no big deal, but I don't think the description here is accurate to all the stuff going on in the show around that time. If we compare it to the early part of Zeta that part of the show has less going on overall, but has a plot that is being delineated by going through different locations in a linear order, so there is more of a through line to guide you. The middle section of Zeta jumps around back and forth between a bunch of different locations in space and different characters, and is more about what is going on with the huge cast of characters at the time as they get bogged down in a war of attrition and the final confrontation is meticulously being set up, so it's just a different focus.
Worst Tomino Gundam, sure. Worst UC? Fuck no. Stardust, 8th, Origin, Unicorn are all far worse.
I'm not one of those retards who cries about newtypes in Gundam being unrealistic but how can you say Zeta tries to be more realistic when Kamille's friends come back as spirits to power him up like a shonen anime?
Name 5 shonen anime where that happens.
Because I'm talking about the general approach to the mecha animation and choreography, 70s super robot shows and first Gundam fight more like men in rubber suits in tokusatsu, Zeta attempts to give you more of sense of the machines really being mechanical war machines in how they move and what they do on the battlefield. The handful of scenes with newtype power ups don't change that, they don't wind up moving differently or start throwing boulders at each other or suplexing each other.
If you want recommendations, tourist, go there and stay there.
Victory barely manages to be in the bottom half of all animated UC. Unicorn, WitP, and Zeta are all worse while Victory is just Tomino having a schizo episode more or less but is still watchable enough that it's at worst as bad as like, Hathaway's Flash.

It's main problem is being a late UC series, and all of those other than Crossbone are weak as hell, not having crazy pretty animation and sawano to carry it, and not having a cultivated defense force of fags like Zeta or WitP to constantly pretend it's totally good because everyone knows Tomino was losing his mind during the production so it's way harder to AstroTurf "actually it's so Kino and mature".
>this is just like a shonen!
>can't name a single shonen show
tsk tsk
Oh, so you're just a normal retard who throw around nonsense then backtracked when getting called out. Lmao.
Yes I "backtracked" by not backtracking at all and simply admitting fault when I messed up the order of events in a TV show I watched half a decade ago. Of which the poster I'm talking to seems to at least understand my point of view and agrees that on a broad level someone might feel that way. I didn't realise that not being a stubborn asshole over incorrect information was "backtracking".
Seriously, what a worthless post. Why bother interrupting a relatively polite conversation with a stupid insult? Are you that starved for attention? You can start a different terrible bait thread for that, most of the fucking dumbasses on this board will fall for it and post in it.
>He got so mad at being called out for talking out of his ass that he went on a rant AND made a seperate bait thread
Wew and lad
Keep crying schizo retard, none of those garbage threads are mine. I haven't made a thread in years.
Why does Victory filter so many "true Gundam fans"?
It's better than 0083, 08th, and Unicorn though.
Narrative exists
I have trouble finishing this. I am on ep 18 and I just can't go on, been stuck for 3 years.
'cause it's shit
It's shit.
>Whenever bait gets posted just reply with an honest detailed discussion that the shit post tourists can't jump in
Do you swines like eva??
Did you actually watch ANY of these shows? What a speed watching indicter post. And you got corrected on this?
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>These posts is what buck broke jenny or zetarager for the remaining rest of the thread
You love to see it.

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