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Watching Age for the first time, enjoying it so far
I like the concept, and the main mobile suits have some interesting ideas, and it seems like a perfect way to get kids introduced to Gunpla with all the different forms

The dub is fucking atrocious though, like seriously bad
Does anyone else think this is why it failed as a series?
are you a retard or something? cant read?

I dont understand moonspeak
If only you could read English text.
And no, nobody thinks it failed because the dub is ass. Actually good dubs are quite rare.
It failed because the writers couldn't cram worthwhile character development into 15 episodes per generation. Gen One only slightly gets a pass because of the worldbuilding leading up to the showdown at Ambat. But once Gen Two starts, there's hardly any time to really flesh out Asemu and Zeheart other than "They became friends, but are on opposite sides" and it just becomes a race to get from Point A to Point B because the plot demands it.

The dub should only be watched if you want a hearty chuckle at cringe acting. I say all of this as the only AGE fan here.
Not him but it got really hard after I lost an eye and the other got damaged
>it just becomes a race to get from Point A to Point B because the plot demands it.
So, Stardust Memory?
I don't think this series was ever counting on overseas success, it's biggest push for marketing was the card based arcade game and a PSP game that has no plans for release outside of Japan. The dub probably didn't matter.
That said, I think it failed in Japan because it didn't really fit any niche. It didn't really have much identity of its own, it was just a weird sampler platter of early UC history. It has the aesthetics of character designs of a series for younger kids, which turned a lot of people away, but then you watch it and it's such a cruel and callus series it almost feels like it's trying to out edge other Gundams. The first portion gave this expectation of the alternate Age forms being a big deal, but then Age-2 only gets one and it feels like a straight upgrade, Age-3 jobs horribly as soon as it gets a second extra form and FX drops it entirely. Apparently the game was all about this and the show dropped the ball entirely.
Finally, everything hinged on the vegans having more to them than just being a bunch of brainwashed zealots following a horrendously evil shows Super Robot style villain. But that's exactly what it was.
>it's such a cruel and callus series it almost feels like it's trying to out edge other Gundams
What? What was even comparable to SEED microwave massacre or a teen girl's sex manipulation

>Vagans followed an evil guy
So did Germans and every other Axis country, and we didn't genocide them.
If Hitler got some weepy sentimental send off like Ezlecunt did, I'm pretty sure it would piss people off too.
>So did Germans and every other Axis country
>and we didn't genocide them
American education.
Hitler didn't but people whitewash WW2 Japan
Yurin being a much crueler take on the whole misguided newtype girl thing (having literally no agency or piloting history, essentially just being thrown into a flying coffin to die, forced to watch in a completely unaltered state) and the explicit vaporized baby from the beginning of Kio's story come to mind.
I am a Pole and you are a left winger that caries more about criminals than their victims, so you sympathize with fucking Axis countries.

If Allies wanted to genocide Japan it would have do the land invasion or a blockade to starve it off. Much bigger death tool, just less flashy.
I dunno, I think that would be a hard sell even with Tojo.
The thing was, everything about Ezlecant's history, deeds and goals painted him as this horrible monster of a man (not to imply people like this don't exist) yet the show all the sudden acts like his story is enough to enlighten Kio and then doesn't even give us a rematch with him, he just gets to die with a smile on his face in the arms of his loving wife after causing almost 100 years of innocent suffering.
Them putting Yurin in Gundam Vs. is such a fucked up joke.
I thought that was a problem with the Vagans as a whole. Like at first, they're portrayed as irredeemable monsters but then the show wants you to feel sorry for them.
part 1 - Vagans are aliens -> weird people
part 2- Vagans are weird people hell bent on destroying humans
part 3- Not all Vagans are weirdos hell bent on destroying humans.
There are Vagans who are non-combatants and they are living normal lives.

It is not that hard to understand if you aren't a xenophobic freak who believes in collective punishment.
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>Terrans are evil because Ezelcant's people live in a radiation zone that's killing them
>Except actually Ezelcant could move them out of the radiation zone at any time, and just chooses not to
>Ezelcant is still portrayed sympathetically for this
And then Build Fighters had another Newtype girl with the same VA whose love interest successfully frees her from her brainwashing and saves her life, not by yelling "I know you're in there, fight it!" but by using his knowledge of her personality to push all her buttons until she gets mad and snaps back at him.
And doesn't Kio want to spare all of them, even the bad ones? I guess you could chalk that up to him being a kid and not realizing that just because some Vagans were nice to him doesn't mean all of them are.
It couldn't make up its mind.
Part 1 had a scene where they implied they literally had mind control devices on them. But literally everyone In their military is bloodthirsty, and none of the named characters seem mind controlled. Zeheart was the closest thing to a relatable Vegan pilot and he ends up going so far over the cliff that he starts killing his own guys.
Part 3 made it seem like even the regular civilians worship Ezelcant like a god figure and the epilogue implies the vegans are so addicted to murder that they kept attacking civilians even after all leadership was gone (to justify the 100 year war not actually being that long).
I still don't understand why he wanted revenge on random civilians for a project that wasn't even public knowledge instead of just targeting the government or military.
Ultimately this "show" fell flat for numerous reasons.

1. It wasn't a show, it was a promo for a video game.

2. The director had no idea how to direct a TV show. That's why the pacing was so shit.

3. The director somehow convinced the Bandai bigwigs to invest in this cool radical idea of tying a video game and TV show together (not unprecedented but extremely hard to pull off right, look at Enter The Matrix as an example). The game did decently, the show did not.

4. Purportedly the show was supposed to be something stupid like 100 episodes, and then had to be cut off once the bigwigs realized how badly things were going.

And then Bandai repeated the same mistakes with Gundam Metaverse, though in their defense Zuckerberg managed to pull the wool over everyone's eyes with that stupid thing.
>1. It wasn't a show, it was a promo for a video game.
I dunno, I have seen people say this for AGE but Ive played the game and it often feels like it's assuming you've been introduced to many story elements in a more fleshed out manner as if you're following along with the anime. Just feels like normal multimedia cross promotion that assumes you're checking everything out, like Bionicle or Level 5s other project, Yokai Watch.
>though in their defense Zuckerberg managed to pull the wool over everyone's eyes with that stupid thing.
I'll never understand how. The completely insane shit people who don't understand technology will buy from grifters beggars belief. Those old TV show episodes about video games always seemed completely inane and out of touch to me and I couldn't imagine how anyone thought that was how this shit worked, but as I got older I realized it's a huge amount of people with zero grasp on this shit.
The game was essentially failed cross promotion. It didn't come out till like two years after.
>Does anyone else think this is why it failed as a series?
Are you retarded?
Anyways, finish watching the series before you come to any conclusions. It shits the bed by the last arc.
The PSP game did poorly relative to the scale of the project, it's the arcade tie in that did well, and that wa mostly because it was a general Gundam game. They ended up dropping features like the scannable AGE models and toys pretty fast.
>The completely insane shit people who don't understand technology will buy from grifters beggars belief.
It's FOMO, they wanna jump on the next big thing that can send their company (and stock portfolio) into the stratosphere
>The director somehow convinced the Bandai bigwigs to invest in this cool radical idea of tying a video game and TV show together (
Probably an easy sell since Danball Senki was doing decently well, pushing an anime, games and Bandai kits.
They probably assumed adding a recognizable long running IP to the mix would only make things better. Oops.
Third generation happened. If you look back into the early threads, people were really fucking worried about it being Smartphone gundam but warmed up to it and the second generation really won people over because Asemu was great, but the third generation started really strong but then basically murdered itself in one of the worst fucking cases of "UNDERSTANDING!" in the franchise.
The problem was that it turned out that the Vagan really were just irredeemable assholes because the entire reason they were fighting the war was bullshit because they could leave the cancer planet whenever they wanted.
It was the wrong combination of setting and tone. The setting/concept of a multi-generational war can be great, and the strength of the concept alone shines through in characters like Flit. The tone/art being more kiddy/super-robot like can also be great which already had been proven by G Gundam. It's when those things were clashing (like the oft-mentioned Kio solving all problems with magic understanding brainbeams) that the show became a clusterfuck. Like imagine if in G Gundam an actual war was in the story and Domon had to martial arts fist bump his way into forgiving a Gihren-tier war criminal or something, that's essentially what AGE tried to do.

I will say that upon rewatching it, it's a lot easier to appreciate the quality mecha designs/actions when you already know the story disappointments are going to be there.
Pretty sure the Dub was by a SEA based company that had VA's with English as their third language. Same thing happened with Gundam Build Fighters.
Last minute Social Darwinism motivation that was added. Interesting idea, but poorly written.
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You're not the only one. I'd wish it got 75-episode rewrite with a movie for the final Three Generation Arc.

Mobile Suit Gundam vAGE.
I actually really enjoyed AGE, the Gundams/battles have a real sense of weight to them and then intra-planetary politics was a welcome change, rather than the usual Earth vs. Colonies of most series. I don't know how far you are, but I liked that it was a generational story as well, and you get to see a lot more of the world of the show than in many other series. I think this is better than 00, though, I'm also one of the few people that think that 00 is atrocious in direction and storytelling.
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I like AGE, but you're way off base to think this is better than 00.
Why does everyone defend 00 so hard? It's two seasons of exactly the same thing, and there are no real stakes because everything just gets undone in usually the same episode. It's also the "save the whales" of Gundam series, and is so heavy handed in its push for globalist propaganda at the time (global warming myth).
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absolutely zero rebuttal, enjoy your low-quality slop
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NTA but 00 is some of the worst cases of "UNderstanGiNG" faggotry in the series, AGE does it too but it at least didn't turn on the gas until part of the way into the 3rd generation.

00 also has some of the most obnoxiously blatant protagonist centered morality and schizo bullshit in the franchise, with the protagonists being straight up terrorists committing mass slaughter to try and facilitate some old faggot's evil plan to create a literal New World Order and prepare for the birth of a master race, using slave labor and societal manipulation/suppression as a shadow conspiracy, only for the protagonists to throw tantrums the when other people do the same thing without once reflecting on or regretting what they were doing, down to their only problem with said one world government being that they arbitrarily decided it wasn't being done right when THEY weren't doing it.
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You know Celestial Being didn't actually try to rule the World.....right?
>without once reflecting on or regretting what they were doing
But they did do both of those things.
Aeolia's plan via VEDA was for them to unify the world into a one world government via being a boogieman, it's just that VEDA planned for them to be killed at Taklamakan and it would just manipulate things from the shadows there. Alejandro and Ribbons tweaked things a bit to keep them around longer as a scarecrow to vastly accelerate the timeframe and let them grab more direct control, but VEDA created the new global regime and ruling over it from the shadows to prepare the world for the arrival of Aeolia's Ubermensch was always the plan.

The only reason the three powerblocs EXIST and shit like why the elevators and so on exist is to enable them to be more easily set up to sweep aside opposition when they megazord together into the One World Government, VEDA explicitly set that all up and if you pay attention a lot of the missions they're given by VEDA explictly are all aimed at furthering that goal by crushing internal dissent in the powerblocs and allowing them to more easily blob harder on the map like with Moralia or that shit in South America.

I just finished a rewatch of 00, the closest they ever get is going "But we're different" or scoffing at the unenlightened like when Saji confronts Setsuna and Setsuna just doesn't give a single fuck. You have Allelujah briefly struggle for a bit with blowing up the hospital but the show never actually confronts the fact that he planned that entire operation with the intent of mass innocent casualties in the name of killing the super soldier program's personnel himself and submitted it to VEDA and Sumeragi who then approved it without caveats. Hallelujah brings it up for five seconds but then it's never addressed again, same with them toppling a country, actively betraying their supposed mission statement in the name of helping the Union blob harder, or the however many thousands of civilian casualties they rack up in Season 1 we get soundbytes of in news reports. The narrative glosses it over.
You say it glosses over it; I'd say it expects you to be able to read between the lines. Even in Azadistan early on you have Setsuna realizing he can't become the angelic gundam he aspires to be and save those kids just like he used to be; they're well aware that they're not overly righteous, that their hands aren't clean, and are just hoping that this is going to lead towards a better end (even when it's increasingly clear, including to them, that it doesn't seem to be improving anything).
Understanding faggotry isn't some inherent problem, it's all about the execution. 00 does have it's problems but I don't think it ever got to the weird point AGE did where it included forgiving a genocidal dictator who could've just moved his planet instead of letting millions die and having the main character let a lot of his allies get merked while he goes around the battlefield preaching pacifism. Kio is so ridiculous that you could tell me he's supposed to be a parody of the whole understanding meme from Gundam and I'd believe you. I honestly find Kio's shit endlessly entertaining but probably not for the reasons the show intended.

That all being said, I do agree with you on general points of 00 even if I still like the show overall. I do think S1 of 00 at least did do a good job with having it come across as the protagonists knowing they are hypocrites but going forward anyway. S2 is a disappointment to me not because the heroes aren't justified in defying ALAWS, but rather the fact the situation was turned into a largely simplistic good vs evil plot at all when S1 implied the show was doing more than that. 00 is also the only Gundam show which does the whole transhumanism "humanity will literally evolve and solve everything" aspect of the franchise completely unironically. In every other Gundam show the emerging superhuman is either addressed with way more nuance (Newtypes, Natural vs Coordinator) or it's just an excuse to have cool fight scenes and powerups for the main characters and really isn't expanded on as part of the theme/story (SEED mode, X-Rounders).
If it was aiming for you to read between the lines, it wouldn't constantly be setting up double standards like the Trinity Team without a hint of introspection and irony or just completely refusing to address it outside of side commentary or characters who are framed as being, narratively, in the wrong.

It just works and the protagonists are right because they're the Good Guys*tm and they're right because they are and actually the new global regime is Good actually because we killed all the people who made it Bad, also conveniantly here's some metallic genocide aliens who we can Understand now who magically remove all logistical realities and who make people immortal so the question of "hey isn't this just fucking setting up the Federation from UC who were a clusterfuck of a parasitic regime that spent its existence constantly wracked by generations of war over resources and political independence?" just magically goes the fuck away because the protagonists were right all along, don't question it and completely ignore how much their bullshit excuses, hypocrisy, and insanely arbitrary and unrealistic standards went basically unfuckingchallenged.

Fuck, Setsuna is scooped up and indoctrinated to worship an idealized philosophy and trust in the words of a prophet he's never met, who tells him he'll reach a better more perfect world so long as he implements extreme violence against any and all opposition or dissenters in the name of a higher authority. That describes his relationship with Ali's organization and Celestial Being equally, this is never addressed. And this isn't even getting into shit like how one of Ribbon's sticking points about the plan other than the God complex he developed was "The Innovades are slaves forever" and "Also we're gonna kill all the Meisters to end phase 1" and he was bitter about that or any of the shit from the side materials like the slave collars.
>, but rather the fact the situation was turned into a largely simplistic good vs evil plot at all when S1 implied the show was doing more than that.
Yeah, I really wish the show had gone further with that and at least showed more of the regular army as a third party that's not necessarily ok with ALAWS. It does that a bit with the coup d'etat and at the very end, but that feels really self-contained.

Also there's supposed to be a bunch of extra conflict once innovators start showing up in the world properly, but it's all in side material.
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Kio was meant to be a parody? I thought we were supposed to agree with him.
>In every other Gundam show the emerging superhuman is either addressed with way more nuance
The way I see it is more that 00 is aiming to solve the problem of the superhuman. Ultimately the flaw with every other type of Gundam superhuman is that it's a privileged elite few who get to have powers in a world where everyone else doesn't: you're either born a Coordinator or you're not, the only way to become a Newtype also drives you insane, etc. Innovation is different because everyone can become one, and that fundamentally changes what it means for the setting. 00 is, ultimately, trying to offer a solution to the problems that the rest of Gundam has highlighted, rather than simply restate those problems, and I appreciate it for that even if I wouldn't want other shows to be like it.
Except it's not, because it's solution is "the arbitrary space magic bullshit might, maybe, be possibly something you can become if you're lucky." which is no different from any other gundam series doing more of the messianic master race bullshit Zeon Zum Deikun started back in UC, you don't have to work, you don't have to actually come to grips with the problem, shit will just magically get better and you're absolved of responsibility because you're an inferior breed.

All of this shit is the same faggotry where everyone in Gundam is looking for a magic super weapon they can use to solve all their problems or the magic super person who will miraculously do it for them. It's fucking scathing that X doing a fucking dismantling of the shit as the third AU fucking EVER with DOME and yet all that faggotry still continues to be relevant almost 20 years later to the franchise because writers keep fucking doubling down on it and instead of addressing the problems with the core thesis they keep pushing, they just keep fucking trying to make up more ludicrous ways to "fix" them that never actually fix them and just further and further undermine the commentary they're trying to make or, really, more just mindlessly aping. Contolism unironically became dogma within the sphere of writing for Gundam as a franchise, it's just a baseline assumption they don't question.
>and we didn't genocide them.
Are you familiar with the Morgenthau Plan?
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Are you? Putting aside that the plan was rejected on various grounds, and that the actual plan enacted was essentially the opposite by fiscally empowering Germany to the point it's still benefitting today as one of the world's superpowers, the Morgenthau Plan didn't call for genocide and was more about demolishing Germany's industrial infrastructures to ensure it couldn't be a major combatant again in future. A plan that was projected to create a famine, but was not actually geared towards it. Again though, rejected in favor of actually helping Germany because Hitler and WWII were basically proof that trying to punish a nation for a past war was kind of a bad idea and just stoked a hatred guaranteeing future conflict.
bit of a hail mary, but does anyone here have a video of age's third intro?
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Might wanna trying /wsg/
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AGE's entire issue is that Bandai was sold on the misguided belief that some game studio's idea would make Bandai millions more than what they made with 00. On top of that, Bandai was in a highly experimental mood trying to push multiple ideas that were simply too advanced for the time.

- Gunpla with RFID tags to scan into a game. Good concept, but the lack of game support and the inclusion of such tags caused the cost of AGE Gunpla with them to be anywhere from 1.2 to 1.5x more than Non-AGE Gunpla. Later replaced the RFID tags with in-box codes to cut down on cost.
- Tried to aim at young boys with "Baby Grade" Gunpla that were basically just arms/legs/torso that also had RFID tags to interact with the G-AGEing device. Another good concept, except again it only worked with like 3-4 toys and the AGE Arcade units meant to be at toy stores and arcades.
- Tried to push a massive game that was hoped to draw in the same crowds other Level 5 games did. Instead was delayed a year or more and came in too late for anyone to care, despite the few players stating it had a better storyline than the anime and would have been worth a playthrough.
- Bandai believed the director's idea that selling the worst and most basic-looking Wears as kits while teasing all the cool ones in the game would entice players to buy the game then vote on what Wears they wanted kits of afterwards. Instead, it just led to a mostly forgettable series of Gunpla.
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I want a MG Legilis so bad.
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Still need the AGE-3 and AGE-FX first.
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With that short runtime and videogame tie in, it could have been three separate factions like Shining Force 3 instead of a generational story
Vagan women should be enslaved.
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So this guy was Level-5's second attempt at a Flit protagonist right?
>unironic AGE apologists and defenders on /m/
Truly dark times we live in
You think that's what we should about.

We already have the Church of Yamato and not enough people who hate the pointless "ending" of Witch from Mercury.

And not enough people have actually watched GBD Re:Rise.
Kind of? He does go from wanting full alien death to falling in love with one and wanting to find a way to coexistence relatively quickly.
kill yourself spammer
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You first!
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That but more rushed since it's trying to do the same thing three times in 50 episodes.
Neat, someone else saved that.
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It's a funny joke at least.
>And not enough people have actually watched GBD Re:Rise.
As they shouldn't, it's shit.
Fuck off. Macross 7 is great.
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It's a shame they finished the Gundam AGE Development line in Master Grade form.
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We need these as Master Grades as well.
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Vagan mechs are underrated
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So were the EF Mobile Suits. I don't have a pic for them though. Just the AGE Series.
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AGE-1 actually has a lot of armaments that didn't make it into the anime. You can tell Level-5 really went all out with these.
If only Level 5 was hands off on the episode-by-episode writing scripts though.
I’m probably one of the few AGEfags left around here.
I’d love a MG G-Exes.
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AGEposting is good fun I say
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I will watch AGE after I finish all of Sneed, which I am beginning to thoroughly hate.

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