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What are your hopes for Shin Sakura Wars 2?
I thought people didn't like this game for dropping the old cast.
They didn't like it for a lot of reasons and they'd have been more amenable to them dropping the old cast if they didn't drop them into hell
Shin didn't die after the catastrophic attempt at a gacha?
PC version.
i have no hopes, only despair.
only good thing sega can do is port the older games with 3's bonus scenarios intact, it'd be nice if sakura taisen online wasn't lost media too but im not holding my breath.
I would like for that to happen but it seems very impossible. I don't think people care about Sakura Taisen anymore. It's a shame, I really had fun with this game. I wonder what this game's reception was in Japan?
The reception was anger at killing off the old cast and even Sakura's actress was like " this is bs Sakura would never be a villain, this is bad comedy."

Yes. I know they are not technically dead but for all intents and purposes, Sakura Wars is done so they may as well be.
I don't really care that much myself either way, but it seems like there's always some yahoo in the writer's room of these revivals who says "hey what if we killed all the original heroes off screen". You're not daring or creative for coming up with that, you're just a hack. If the old actors are not accessible and you can't recast, just write a soft sequel and keep things vague and let people fill in the blanks with their imagination, it's not that complicated.
I like the Kubo designed characters.
Meh, the cowgirl was better. Not my Sakura Taisen.
No that was a completely unrelated thing and wasn't even sega, another company licensed the IP (and then used none of the things about the IP people liked)

Shin died after the game bombed
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The some of the reactions in this game were funny.
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Sakura was cute.
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There's evidence that Sega division 2 is making a new RPG but its likely going to be a new Valkyria Chronicles instead of Sakura Wars since there's a new survey by SEGA that had VC among the list of Games they are reviving (VC and Altered Beast are the only ones on the survey that suspiciously don't have any new game or announcements involved with them)
I don't like any of the uniforms in this series. They should stick to their normal day outfits.
I honestly think the game would've done better had they just kept to the same VN-style as the previous entries instead of going the effort of making 3D models that already looked years out of date at release.
It's an astounding level of desperation and arrogance to get people over on your new cast buy absolutely muck dragging the old cast.
that was Nagoshi's fault.
He oversaw the whole project with hubris, forced the creator out, decided to add the musuo gameplay cause he thought the SRPG gameplay wasn't sell-able, Supposedly got into arguments with the team, Went embarrassingly silent after the poor sales, Got de-promoted, left sega in shame to make his own studio with a Chinese company thats gonna shut him down at some point cause they realized they dont need japs making failures to sell well after wukongs success.
Honestly I want to see a sequel where they just improve on everything that could have been better from visuals down to the gameplay parts of it. The also have the best opportunity there to tie up some loose ends on some plot points.
That they just give up on the reboot and make remakes of 1-4 with English translation.
At least I can read Chinese at an ok level so the Chinese versions are playable for me.
I'm sure the gameplay didn't help, but honestly they threw way more budget at the project than it deserved. It got a pretty heavy marketing push too, though I guess as far as the west is concerned, "any" is more than what Sakura Wars had in the past.

Without nostalgia on its side it just looked like a terribly generic anime RPG with mostly bland character designs and environments. The game came out the same year as Fire Emblem Three Houses, Kingdom Hearts III, FFXIV Shadowbringers, and whatever Kiseki games were coming out on both sides of the pond. It stood no chance.
Good. VC4 shoulda never happened. Hopefully a new game will wash the bad taste of that one out.
I will never understand how people pretend to like these games. 4 was embarrassing.
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VC4 is fine, it just didn't innovate and tried really hard to appeal to VC1 fans since no one bought VC2 and VC3 didn't getting localized. VC3 had stuff like weather and terrain conditions, specific equipment for said weather and terrain, a cool class and potential system, uniform camos, Different romance options, but VC4 didn't really do anything with these.

Granted Fencers and Techs classes sucked ass and Grenadiers were better designed. Taking a sword out in a warzone filled with machine guns and rifles is already dumb but atleast give give Fencers decent defense to handle crossfire if you want it to work. Or just combine the class with Lancers to give Lancers a necessary buff.
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Cause Active & Realtime Machine System (ARMS) gameplay mixed with arcade mechanics rules.

>b-bb-but the freakin scout rush broken!!!!
Yes you're suppose to use the others classes to make way for your foot soldier to run across the map and take over enemy bases as fast as possible. Its a SEGA arcade game, speed is part of the journey. Its not a boring SRPG were you spend 100 hours wasting time on a faggy little grid-based map. Try again.
It's a very risky decision. Soul Calibur V dropped a ton of characters such as Sophitia and Taki in favor of their kids or apprentices, but they were so unpopular, especially Sophitia's son Patroklos, that Soul Calibur VI rebooted the franchise and erased them from existence.

>Soul Calibur V dropped a ton of characters such as Sophitia and Taki in favor of their kids or apprentices, but they were so unpopular, especially Sophitia's son Patroklos, that Soul Calibur VI rebooted the franchise and erased them from existence.

Whether it was intentional or not, the game was rushed and had that not been the case, maybe the rest of the new generation would have been fleshed out.
how many part of the Yakuza Studio had worked on this game?
Did they ever bring some new stuff they learned from this game to the Yakuza series?
Shin Sakura Taisen also got a stage show and a anime adaptation with a new story following the game. Seems to be a lot of investment into this project that probably did not meet their returns goals or goals for a successful IP revival.
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Of all the characters you would have expected this particular artist to draw, they picked Azami....
Are they still trying to bank of shin? Just bring back the original cast already, it’s not that difficult, you don’t even need to reunite the entire cast, just give off clarification that will satisfy the fanbase
So, who's your favorite girl in Sakura Wars. I like Shinguji the most, but I like Kohran too.
This motion capture is goofy
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I just looked it up out of curiosity but there *might* be a new game in development. Seems like unconfirmed rumor to me though.

Yeah and back when I was playing it I thought it was reminiscent of the wonkiness of the new Yakuza game animations. It ironically makes the funny scenes better though I think.
Sumire and Erica
Natsu was trash no matter what. A late effort attempt to try and push a genderbent naruto.
I think she is one of the most beautiful girls ever
I like how she blushes when she's angry.
For me its Hatsuho, her theme song is my favorite as well.
>Natsu was trash no matter what. A late effort attempt to try and push a genderbent naruto.
People seemed to love her in Project X Zone 2.
Wasn't Sakura Wars worked on by a few Yakuza staff members too?
That it's not actually Shin 2 but rather Sakura Wars 6: Stronger Than Love
>Enters the story to say some things in one cutscene.
>Leaves the story from there
I don't mind V (being my first SoulCalibur game), But I do get why not a lot of people weren't down for it.
I did. I thought she was a fun constrat to the other ninjas.
If we did get a new sequel taking place before Shin. Should the MC be Ogami, Shinjiro, or someone new?
Didn't VI have some hints that Amy would still become her in the future?
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What, you think they wouldn't pick the cunny?

If it's your first Soul Calibur then you wouldn't get why as most of the new kids where bad replacements of the classic roster.
I think the one of the few games to actually succeed at doing a New Generation thing was Tekken 3. It probably helped that there were only two other games before that so people probably weren't as attached to some of the older characters. Of course, they all came back in future games.
The 30th anniversary is in 2 years. At this point all I can hope for are the porting and translation, the franchise is pretty much dead at this point.
I love this Ruskie bitch like you wouldn't believe. Her pinstripe suit outfit does things for me.
Shit forgot image
Speaking of Project X Zone 2, I love that they referenced this commercial.
If you played the game, you'd know Shin Sakura is more like a "next generations" kind of thing rather than a actual reboot.
>remakes of 1-4 with English translation
I rather they just properly translate the originals and add some visual enhancements to make them suitable for modern platforms.
I don't believe that was their intention, they just didn't handle the narrative quite right in some places and maybe didn't make it clearer to some fans what the new series was about....so the result was some people got expectations heavily crushed. Also, maybe most of the people that worked on the older projects/games were no longer involved with the series and the new teams just don't quite get what the direction for many things should be.
I'm pretty sure I might from looking on cases of this in other media. At least negative cases.
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I'll be a bit of a nerd, but I'd like the new game to tell more about the situation in the world. What's going on in China and what are its relations with Japan, which has abandoned (?) colonial policy in Asia? What happened to Russia after the Revolution? Has India freed itself from the British Raj? etc.
I can practically hear the
from here, even though there's no sound.
VC3 should have been on PS3/4 rather than mobile, the story and constant map changes for what were larger battlefields were a lot closer to VC1 than VC2. I do recall there were talks about possibly remastering them for PS4/PC at one point, but I don't know if anything came out of it. I would be willing to buy a proper remake that made VC2 and VC3 more like VC1 in terms of large maps and deployment points.

But then SEGA released the abomination that is Valkyria Revolution, although Brunhilde as the Selvaria clone was sexy as usual. And she sang quite nicely too. But that game wasn't even a distant prequel or even a distant sequel, just some half-random JRPG with a Valkyria tag on it.
If there's ever a new Sega All-Stars game, I hope they include Sakura Wars characters in it.
Honestly the franchise is so fucked beyond repair that SEGA should just remaster VC1 for next gen and reboot the entire timeline from there.
I love how they have VC3 and VC4 take place during VC1 just so Selvaria can appear in them. Was she in VC2 as well?
>Was she in VC2 as well?
Only as a cheat code character, sadly
I don't think it's unsalvageable. The issue is more that SEGA doesn't have a fucking clue as to where they want to take the series. As well, RAITA is a pretty popular artist still and his waifus sell.

- They could easily do a full Imperial side, since we only got fragments of them in VC1, 3, and 4, and it was just across 3 different fronts, while the rest of the war was still going on across other fronts.
- They teased at a possible Alternate Imperial Japan with the Japanese character who's a part of the Penal Batallion.
- VC2 teased a portion of the Civil War and the advent of artificial Valkyrian weaponry, and the fact that it has leaked to the Federation and the Imperials too.
- They could do a prequel focused around Belgen Gunther and his sidekick Theimer, Welk's and Isara's fathers.
- They could also expand upon the ancient Valkyrian war, and show a futuristic magic-vs-science past where Valkyrians were firing literal Valkyrian ICBMs and magic-nuking the Darcsens back into the stone age then blaming them for being the monsters who turned vast areas into desert.
I'd be interested in a fantasy magitek take on the pacific war, but I am not sure the Japanese would want to do that. Could have the Japan expy be a neutral country/heroic, but given how woke these owning corporations are becoming I am not sure if that would be greenlit.
>since no one bought VC2
VC2 sold more than VC1 initially and was the main reason VC3 remained potable because PS3 titles were doing poorly back then
I unironically want to know what's going in the Philippines too. Since it's still under American rule, it's undergoing a peaceful golden era.
How were the reviews? Would they have had a hand in VC3 being Japanese exclusive?
Eh, it wouldn't be the first time Japan does a "good guy" revisionist take on themselves. Probably even make themselves the surviving Valkyrian royalty.

Personally, it would also be neat to see a reliance on naval bombardment and light/medium tanks instead of heavies across rougher island and beach style terrain, if not outright seeing a Valkyrian Yamato coming in and blasting away with 9 massive beam lances late-game and just being able to call in a massive area wipe.

And maybe expand on the lore about Valkyria having conquered from Alt-Europe all the way across Alt-Russia and Alt-Japan.
>Eh, it wouldn't be the first time Japan does a "good guy" revisionist take on themselves
Quattro be like:
I think they played their hand with Selvaria a bit too early and they should have kept her around for the long haul. I'm not saying she couldn't suicide bomb the Gallians in a noble last stand, I'm just saying it shouldn't have happened in the first fucking game.
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They dont have to reboot shit. Just do a 20-30 years into the future or have it take place in a new continent with a new war. The creator can finally make Fighter Planes an actual playable unit like he always wanted to.
Yeah but it wouldn't be the same and everyone would hate it, then we'll never get another one after that.
>it needs to be a reboot or people will hate it
this is what kills nostalgic franchises
That's why 3 and 4 take place at the same time as 1, so she could appear in them, isn't it?
>reliance on naval bombardment and light/medium tanks instead of heavies across rougher island and beach style terrain
That would be pretty cool. I'd like to see some amphibious tanks too.
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I want to see more of these cool airships/battleships. This one has a castle on it.
Pretty much. Seems SEGA themselves realized it after 2 underpreformed compared to the first.
>this is what kills nostalgic franchises
Unless your name is Dead Space or Resident Evil, that is...
I agree. It seems like they had low expectations about the viability of the then-new IP to the point that VC1 was made as a self-contained story. It's obvious they had no clear idea about how popular it'd become. It would have been nice to see Selvaria survive at least 2-3 more games, with the final showdown vs Alicia or some other Valkyria leading to her choosing to self-destruct.

Still, it'd be neat to see some other Valkyria show up across other parts of the battlefront, in the sense that the background lore did state that they spread across much of Europe, Northern Asia, and all the way to Alt-Japan, before too much interbreeding led to the disappearance of their kind. We also know there was research facilities to force the awakening of the factor across the Federation, Gallia, and the Empire, so there could be more.
Am I the only one who prefers selfcontained stories? You beat it, it's done, you got a satisfying story, and you move on with your life. Hate these modern never ending soap operas with no payoffs.
I don't mind self-contained stories; but I would enjoy the occasional duology or trilogy. I agree that too many sequels reusing the same cast can get dull fast,esp. if the series is cancelled or aborted partway through the long tale. But a planned out 2-3 game series with a good plot? I wouldn't mind that. Esp. in the case of Valkyria Chronicles, given the massive war fronts to pick from.
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If these are good and interesting stories, then why not? Alternatively, a long and detailed story of the "ascent" of the main character, but without a stupid increase in the level of forces - the main thing is that he wins with intelligence and organization.

As for the Chronicles of the Valkyria, the 1st and 2nd parts were quite interesting and integral + they were interconnected with each other. And I would really like to play for the Empire and get to know it in more detail, besides, there was an opportunity to command Selvaria in the extra levels of the first part ... But instead we have a fucked up 3rd about some penal battalion that no one gives a shit about (and seeing their black uniform at first I hoped for the imperials - how disappointed I was :( Then the 4th about the fucking federals - these stereotypical and boring "warriors of light and champions of good" in the name of democrapy (ugh)

As for the Sakura Wars, I wonder what happened to the Paris Division, for example, and what is happening in the world during the missing time (Russia, China, India, etc.) - wars and uprisings could hardly have magically disappeared even with the appearance of demons, and the anti-Japanese policy of the West would not have gone away even with the adoption of some amorphous peace-loving policy by the government in Tokyo after the incident with the military. In addition, if the Japanese really do have powerful artifacts and advanced technologies, they will be subject to pressure from the same USA (I think this issue was touched upon in the full-length film).

In short, it would be interesting to look at the "dark" version of the Sakura Wars with the combat use of Spirit Armor and technologies based on them against, say, that army of armored demons from the full-length film, somewhere in Southeast Asia.)
I just want an Imperial side with a QT Yggdrist worshipper who appears to be borderline lesbian for the titular Valkyria of the respective game.
Trying to bump all the good threads about to be killed by the spammer
it's a shame it didn't get more art
It's crazy how Sakura Wars has infiltrated every type of media medium out there.

I will admit that the mechs they pilot are pretty cool.
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Sega should remaster the old games and bring it to current platforms if they want to keep it relevant, especially to new generations.

Still waiting on Sakura Wars being in SRW's mainline console/PC games.
It's in 30. Unless you mean not as DLC.
I like the mecha part's of the series, but the story is for losers, especially the third
As in integrated into the main plot the way some other series are such as FMP or Dunbine. The mystic elements could easily fit into SRW, and the youkai bad guys can fit into many different plots.

I did love having them cameo for DLC, but I'd like to see some of the actual story fully integrated into SRW.
Explain further
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You don't think evil Christmas trees are imaginative?
I remember a Simpsons Treehouse of Horror comic having evil alien Christmas trees in it.
This one needs sweaty hag sex!

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