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It was funny how the cour ended on this and the marketing had the tonal whiplash of some engagement tour until the second cour. Canon Miorine was having a horrified mental breakdown while Suletta's MK Ultra programming was active. G-Witch really messed up a lot of the good things it created in the second cour. It was building itself up so much to an actual confrontation between Suletta trying to have her own unimpeded free will vs. a thoroughly villainous Prospera who sacrificed her own kids.
I wish they'd committed to "Prospera is legitimately encouraging her daughter" or "Prospera has brainwashed her into a killing machine" or even both lol. Any more focus on how fucked up Prospera and Sulettas relationship was would be nice.
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Only reason to watch
she's the worst character of the show and not even that hot
I find it very hard to figure out her motivation in the second season of the series. It always just seems that she's just going through the motions. Even the gundam company thing in the first season is a bit tenuous because it feels like she was pushed into that direction by circunstance.
The yuri twist at the ending also makes no goddamn sense considering that she barely interacted with Suletta in the second season other than humilliating her and calling her names.
It seems like they tried to cram 2-3 seasons of plot in 12 episodes in S2. Everything is half-baked. Prospera, the earth plot, Miorine, Jetturk and the Schwarzette (lol), the retarded council thing. The only thing that was handled well was the graslly thing. But I still think it's a pretty fun series.
Nu-Anime is incapable of being dark or atmospheric.
Ichirou Okouchi messing up the second cour after an intriguing first one, that wastes all the plot potential and character relationships?

Gee, I haven't heard of him doing that before.
Wonder what this schizo is upset about
To be fair I'm used to the protagonists in Gundam getting with bland girls.
I haven't watched G-Witch but I saw a webm here of that guy getting smashed and I couldn't stop laughing. Are you saying there is more DARK ATMOSPHERIC KINO to cackle at later in the show?
its hilarious how you will get a random 3 day ban for calling it "bitch from mercury".
Why is that lesbians hand all bloody?
no not really. whole lot of nothing for the most part
No, that's pretty much it.
>bitch understand forced marriage sex but is totally oblivious when it comes to blood and murder
UC Gundam is nu?
I seriously thought she was going to have an alternate personality or something.
They just basically pulled the most cowardly way out of the cliffhanger by skipping over and then never having her act like that ever again, with it just result in some minor tension for a while, and it was mostly focused on her following her mother's orders.

I generally enjoyed tWfM, but backing out from that cliffhanger's implications was by far the worst choice they could have made.
>I generally enjoyed the bitch from mercury
And this is why wokeism continues to infest every hobby. People like you are 'ok' with franchises being ruined when you should be gatekeeping harder.
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Lad, this is why we'll beat the feminists and troons. Our banter is simply too cheeky. My cup runneth over with the toppest of keks every single day, mate.I'm kekking from Bristol to Ho Chi Minh city!
Lesbian period blood. A constant reminder from their uterus that it will never be used for their biological purpose, because they decided to go against gender roles and natural laws.
My ex left me for a woman. Makes me so happy that this generation is growing up to hate this freakshit.
Mad because bad. You're so shit you actually made her gay, that's an achievement in of itself. Have fun with your skill issue, anon!
Nah. Valverave is perfect all the way and isn't woke like Gbitch.
Probably dodged a bullet there, anon.
>tonal whiplash
This post reeks of falseflag
Nigga got roasted by chatgpt.
Splitting up the main characters in S2 was a mistake, the good parts of S1 was them interacting and then Saki/Shoko are just background props for most of S2.
>Splitting up the main characters in S2
They didn't. Haruto and L-Elf are always together.
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Tried my best to get into it but couldn't get into it. Watched it with a buddy and, to my shame, quit mid episode 2 (technically 1, idk how the prologue counts). Lost my shit when picrel claimed himself to be head of the duelling club or some shit, and new I could never take it seriously. The animation was also choppy and shit.

That said he has the only design I like in the show and his suit is fucking sick. He should've been the protagonist.
UC stuff made recently can be, sure. It's a fictional timeline, what really matters is who writes the entries and when.
And I got commented on by a twitter bot. What difference does that make?
It reeks of poorly made bait, or legitimate autism.
Well, I've heard some are into fisting on the rag, but that's just ridiculous.
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Elnora has no idea how good she had it. I need a brain-damaged girl like Suletta too.
A terrible character, but at least she was a character compared to red bitch
Valvrave's students starting their own country was more fun than Gwitch's students starting their own company. Okouchi is truly a master at downgrading his on concepts.
>school shooting
>Not a single earth student dies
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Gas all earthians.
I think this show turned me off anything Yuri forever.
They had a whole new Gundam universe to explore ideas with and did pretty much nothing. It doesn't reinvent the franchise in any particular way, it doesn't even commit to the Yuri plotline in the end, and then it just ENDED. They don't even seem to be doing anything with the universe apart from spinoff manga, although after the second cour I think I'm honestly happier with this outcome.
Seasonal moetrash at its purest.
But there’s no yuri for most of the show. It’s literally there only between episodes 2-8ish and out of nowhere in the very last. They had no chemistry at all, it was such a weird choice.
Makes dogshit show, no one talks about it because le yuri because two women are randomly kind of together at the end of it. If they were smart enough to do that then good for them.
>people calling this shit yuri
Do retards not watch anime anymore?
Sounds like IBO.
Why do they suck at writing second seasons?
Nee-san is better.
>ou should be gatekeeping harder.
Can't gatekeep companies.
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I feel like it's a general Japanese fiction thing, or maybe fiction as a whole. Like, the longer something goes, the more likely it is that the original ideas might be forgotten. Naruto might be a great example.
More like they made a somewhat bland romance. Which is odd, because otherwise the entire show is a solid backstory as to how Suletta and Miorine became best friends, before being lovers.

I swear to god, this show relied heavily on the teasing of the main pair without even committing to show us properly a good writing in romance.
Why nips have this obsession to make stuff like this as...ambiguous as possible?
"I generally enjoyed-"
this is nearing zetarager levels of autism
It's not?
I dont know. I also don't know why they bothered teasing Suletta and Guel for like 3 episodes in the second season (more than what Miorine got). Just a red herring, I guess.
It's by far the least developed/explored Gundam setting.
>"bitch from mercury"
>posts this phrase in /e/
>gets a week long ban
few months ago I said "flopped LGBT propaganda" on /m/ and I got a 3 days ban
free speech and land of freedom my ass
>Why nips have this obsession to make stuff like this as...ambiguous as possible?
wife # 2 best wife
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Worse than that, it attracts the undesirable into Gundam fandom.
>free speech and land of freedom my ass
This is 4chan, not america.
Probably has to do with being one of the most puritan nations on Earth when it comes to how they live normally.
You could appeal that.
They wasted too much time on the school BS in the first cour, this should have happened way earlier.
Why are you lying?
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The school stuff was fine. A bit of slow burn before things explode. A calm before the storm in the form the plant quetta attack that prompts a greater focus on a conflict only hinted at through words of discrimination. Season 2 dropped the ball though.
I finally finished the last 6 episodes while clearing my backlog of WfM kits. Dropped it during airing since I couldn't keep invested in the writing and didn't bother to keep up with the threads. So I'm curious how was the general reaction of the final few episodes?
Never gonna watch season 2 btw

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