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>Takahiro Kimura creates the hottest girls in mecha
>Last girl he made before he passed away
Who will replace him?
As in creating the hottest girls in mecha?
But which girl is the best?
Kallen from Wish < Viletta from Temu < Femlouche from Alibaba
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The undisputed best boy.
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The hottest man in mecha.
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I'm going to say Carmen 99
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can I watch her show without ever watching the original Code Geass series?
I see somebody has taste in brown girls, too.
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He worked on two episodes of Mazinkaiser. Can you guess at least one of them? I bet you can.
He worked on that particular episode? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
And the finale.
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>mfw Kallen's boobs got even bigger
How old is she in Roze?
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Cumming inside Kallen without a condom

Dear god.
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At this rate she's going to knock herself unconscious while running.
Why is one tit swelling?
Kallen of the oppai.
I think Kallen looks the best with her hair down.
hair down kallen is for hair pulling
Considering all his other work, I was surprised it was him who did the designs in Brigadoon
Ashford Kallen is love.
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Ruby is the best
No, Nina is.
Are you a table?
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not-kallen doesnt fill the role of Kallen very well and she doesn't really become her own character over the later half of the show. She's just some punk kid who gets handed a knightmare and has a pep talk with her CO.

Ruby on the other hand has an entire character arc in less than 10 minutes.
No just a photograph of Euphy.
>Table-kun was in shambles after reading this comment:
I love my wife Ruby
Are there any girls that don't get enough love?
My wife Milly doesn't, there's only so much a boy like me can give!
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Legs for days
Ruby is the best waifu. I dont care what trolls claim.
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Best couple?
Guy and /m/e are the best couple.
Are you Mikoto? If not, l disagree.
Yes, yes I am
Are there any non-/m/ Kimura stuff you like?
me and ruby are the best couple.
Is Ruby the new Oldrin?
I like to imagine when she and Keita have sex, they say "YOU HAVE CONTROL!" and "I HAVE CONTROL!" when they switch positions.
she's literally me
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What's wrong with loving your own waifu?
Loving your waifu is one thing, but constantly talking about them nonstop gets annoying after a while. Like, I get it, she's your waifu, but that doesn't mean you have to be obsessed with her.
Ye, at least back in the day waifuposters still talked about /m/. Nowadays they aren't even trying to put effort into discussions.
Yeah basically.
How does it come off as obsession? Im just really happy about her.

Retards always sperg anout MAI BOYFRIEND MAI HUSBAND in every fucking post but its not okay for me to also gush about my waifu? What the fuck is this double standard?
Im not whoever you think I am and unfamiliar with the lore of this board. I only started posting here recently.
??? I don’t know who you mean then.
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Shout outs to Godannar's bridge bunnies. They even become pilots themselves later on.
Ruby wouldn’t be one of those. Bridge bunnies are too prone to be killed.
Do you have a shrine dedicated to Ruby?
Whenever you're talking about her nonstop, even in threads that have nothing to do with her like the Symphogear one, it's borderline obsession. It's like you're trying to start a cult dedicated to her, though I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
No that would be stupid. I just like Ruby because she’s my waifu and I don’t get to talk about her enough.
That's an understatement.
I do love Ruby a lot!
Beware cults.

I love Ruby and she loves me.
Kallen after going into labor 5 times.
Ruby is super cute!
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Built for an Ashford Academy size family.
Okay, Barney.
Tell that to the Rubyfag.
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The rubyfag isn't even here. You're retarded and have anger issues if you think someone harmless gushing about a character they like is a problem.
Then who the hell is this? >>22848126>>22848215>>22850658>>22850782>>22851011>>22852106>>22852126>>22852180 I have /m/ girls I like, but I don't gush about them nonstop like I nothing else to live for.
>hmmm lets make snap judgements about this person's life with my retard redditor logic on an anonymous imageboard.
>does not ask a single question about them.

Go back
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I feel weird knowing this guy from his work all the way back on Variable Geo, more than his "mainstream stuff."
You're right. I've seen the error of my ways. I will join the Church of Ruby now.
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I think most people from back then early on hentai sites are quite familiar with the Viper series
Is it weird I find her more cute than arousing? Something about that late 80s early 90s artstyle really does it for me, and is indefinitely more appealing than 90 percent of the fotm slop that comes out these days.
Kimura is good with cute girls just as much as sexy ones.
pay some tribute to Kimutaka you fucktards
Did this guy create Ruby?
Who is this and why does he look so sad?
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Is Dirty Pair Flash any good? I only ever watched the OG.
It's decent.
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The undisputed best girl of the Roze anime.
Substantially less so than the original, but it's fine. Gets better as it goes on and remembers that it's best suited to being episodic.
It's cool, I'm very fond of it.
I find it hilarious that he almost takes Darkness's head off when he freaks out.
You're retarded
Irregardless. It is still hilarious. Checkmate Mr. rocket surgeon anon.
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Did Kimura create Ruby?
Didn't you already ask that?
Learn to speak properly.
I don’t know if he did. All i saw was “character designs by CLAMP” in the credits on the main site page for Roze which doesn’t mean much.
Do I now have 5 seconds to comply?
One of the OG Dirty Pair girls is a Big Bad
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Oh they're DD alright
No she's not.
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Wasnt it CLAMP who designed her?
It is basically Clamp did the concept art, then Kimura did the final rendition for the animation team. Clamp has no animation experience so they need a middleman to translate their designs into something more practical.
>so they need a middleman to translate their designs into something more practical
lol, how do you mess up a design that badly that you need to bring somebody else in to fix your shit?
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Because they're print artists not animators. What works on the page doesn't always translate to a screen, particularly in a way that's efficient for frame after frame.

Obari did the same for them for Rayearth.
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It's less fucking up and more doing something that's unsuitable for that particular medium. I'm all for shitting on clamp, but it is a different skill to draw for animation versus stills, same as how novel writers aren't necessarily any good at writing screenplays.
I'm getting slightly reminded that the Rayearth had a centaur but the anime changed it to a bipedal design.
You sound autistic. Just because you can make a fictional tank doesnt mean you can make a tank that can be used IRL
I want to fug slut grown up chibiusa
Wasn't Viletta already grown up. Hell, by Roze she's gotten be in her 30s.
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I still hate the scene in Re;Surrection where he tried to commit suicide.
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