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File: Voltes V Legacy.jpg (1.31 MB, 2000x2826)
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Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXajrfFfshQ
Twitter Link: https://x.com/voltesv_legacy/status/1834396596756521133
Steve Armstrong/Kenichi Gō: Chiaki Kobayashi
Mark Gordon/Ippei Mine: Yamato Kinjo
Big Bert/Daijirou Gō: Hiroyuki Kagura
Little John/Hiyoshi Gō: Makoto Koichi
Jamie Robinson/Megumi Oka: Megumi Nakajima

Prince Zardos/Heinel: Junichi Suwabe
Zandra/Katherine: Riho Iida
Draco/Jangal: Yusaku Hiyama
Zuul: Kosuke Echigoya

Key Art by Idea Oshima and Naochika Morishita
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Message from Junichi Suwabe:

>Prince Zardos Role: Junichi Suwabe

>I belong to the generation that watched the original "Chōdenji Machine Voltes V" in real-time during its broadcast. Five machines combine into a giant robot! Even now, it excites me. It feels like it’s ingrained in my DNA. I had known for a long time that this story was also popular in the Philippines. Moreover, when I heard early news that a live-action adaptation was being produced with such passion, I immediately posted on social media, saying, “I want to play the voice of Heinell (Zardos)!” To think that it would actually lead to this opportunity...

>When the casting was decided, I was genuinely happy. As for my performance, I was much more conflicted than I expected, as I had to consider balance and various aspects compared to what Steve and the others were doing. I hope my acting has blended well into the work (laughs). This work is full of the passion and dedication of the creators, and I hope it conveys their feelings to each and every one of you. I would be delighted if many of you enjoy it. Please look forward to it!
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Message from Riho Iidai:


>Zandra Role: Riho Iida

>From the beginning to the end, the unpredictable development and even more surprising twists made me cry during the script check. That's how immersed I became in the project. I’ve always wanted to take on a role as the only female member of an evil organization. While staying true to Zardos' loyalty, I made sure to bring out the charm of a smart and wonderful woman as Zandra. This is a special work where a historically significant anime from Japan is being faithfully brought to live-action in the Philippines. I gave my all in voicing her. This work is filled with the creators' serious intentions.

>For long-time fans of the work, as well as those encountering Voltes V Legacy for the first time, there is no doubt you will be drawn in by its charm. Please enjoy it as many times as you like!
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Message from Yusaku Hiyama:


>Draco Role: Yusaku Hiyama

>After reading the script, I felt that the sincere message embedded in the work was conveyed strongly, making it something that original fans could also appreciate and enjoy. During the dubbing, without losing sight of the character image from the original anime, I took in the performance and worldview of the actor playing Draco in the live-action version. I added my own touch to the character by asking myself, "What would I do if I were in this situation?"

>Why is Voltes V so popular in the distant land of the Philippines? I hope that through this work, Voltes V Legacy, everyone will feel the passion and great love that the people of the Philippines have for this series. Please make sure to watch it in theaters!
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Message from Kosuke Echigoya:


>Zulu Role: Echigoya Kosuke

>Japanese anime becomes live-action film in the Philippines!!

>Voltes V is filled with love from people with that much love, so there's no doubt it will be of amazing quality! I truly feel that this feeling will be conveyed to many people. I'm sure that if my Filipino mother-in-law finds out, she'll be able to show her filial piety to her parents who live there, and they'll be happy! I felt happy. And I wanted to deliver Voltes V to those who are looking forward to it as soon as possible!

>For everyone looking forward to Voltes V, the fusion scene will be shown on the big screen at the theater!

>I think this is extremely exciting! Ah!! I want to ride it!! I sincerely hope that it reaches as many people as possible and that they can enjoy it.
>dub over sub
>mfw the Japanese dub actually fixed the horrible acting
i heard they're using the local names for the characters on the dub. so yeah instead of Kenichi Go, you'll hear them say STIIVU ARUMUSTRONGU, which is a very awkward decision.
Can't manipulate lip flaps that much in live action.
I can't believe Junichi Suwabe did it.
I fucking knew they were gonna get Megumi Nakajima for one of the main roles. Was kinda hoping they would cast her as Katherine, but Megumi is fine too.
There are Voltes V Crew Interviews too right?
If you mean the production staff then yeah. They have some snippets from the director.
Oh thanks.
Unfortunately I'm on my phone right now, so I can't post properly.
Damn that looks so badass.
oh it's doing the tenkuken pose.
Do you want to listen to Filipino?
Haha Zandra boy
Been a week anon...

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