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What are some ecchi mecha anime like Goddanar and Cross Ange?
These sexless zoomers need a beating.
Not the OP and maybe I'm not up on my autistic genre definitions but what is it if not ecchi? It's not porn so it's not hentai, but it's definitely meant to be incredibly erotic with bouncing tits and ass on screen in revealing costumes 95% of the time, and an overall focus on romance.
>ecchi mecha

Mechi or Mecchi
What about porn mecha?
Any recommendations?
Gundam Seed
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They should've dropped the heroes and just made this a show about the Penguin Empire.
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GOD GRAVION! This is official art.
Ya that's called normal.
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Jinrouki Winvurga
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That already sounds fucking awesome.
Is this official art?
Anna's got a cute butt.
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Cross Ange was offensively bad.
Macross Frontier has a little with Klan Klan full size.
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Thoughts on these two?
Ecchi is actually delivering on the fanservice like Gravion does. >>22843155
Godannar is your textbook blueball series.
Yes, blueball
>nooo they don't show tits! my freaking balls are blue!!!!
Why you gotta be a cuck?
Maybe Vandread? I remember thinking it was better than what I was expecting
The early CG mecha battles might be a downside for some people tho
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For me it's when the ladies get mind-controlled by a big evil mecha, especially if there are helmets/visors and cyber stuff involved.
I also dig the cliche where a woman is testing some sort of proto-type experiment and the villain watches, and then a henchman usually says something like "it's too dangerous" but the villain says "keep going!"
source is Dual Parallel Adventure
Okay coomer.
Godannar is definitely over and above the average/norm for ero in anime. I've watched very few shows that are that PACKED with bouncing.
The four of them are definitely underrated

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