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What’s the hardest part about frying your vegetables?
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Getting past the wheelchair!
You don't fry vegetables you steam them idiot
America is mostly Zeon's territory during the OYW and Io Fleming himself is a Spacenoid fighting for the Federation from Side 4, so the answer is no.
Oi guvnah, didn't know fish n chips was Yankee food now.
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>thunderbolt season 3 never ever
>the mango is fucking amazing
Why even live?
>frying your vegetables
do americans really?
>anons don't know what pan frying and stir frying are
That's not frying though.
It is, deep frying isn't the only kind of frying.
What is happening in the manga?
last volume I read, which I think was 20, had the nanyang alliance mounting an offense on side 3 with the perfect gundam, psycho zakus and the big zam, while the feddies and the main group (that's being backed by AE) are trying to defend their ground.
There some other stupid bullshit going on but that's the gist of it
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Currently, the newly declared Republic of Anaheim has sent 5 mass-produced Big Zams to BTFO the monks
This shit is so fucking dumb
>This shit is so fucking cool
Kind of emblematic of Thunderbolt.
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I like it
>the monks
Tell me more. I always held off on Thunderbolt since I don't like gritty Gundam, but this and the Republic of Anaheim stuff sound interesting.
>literally the coolest shit ever
The monks are a group of terrorist that are being led by an ex feddie newtype that recruited brainwashed his believers and veterans of the OYW to fight both the feds and AE, because with them on the picture they can't reach their promised future or something along those lines.
An artificial Newtype (Fuu) with a brain tumor joins a buddhist group salvaging OYW wrecks, searching for escape pods and burning dead soldiers, untill they find a bit from the Elmeth, with that , Fuu can use his newtype powers to stop the tumor and convince half of asia that he's a newtype Buddah.
Also, Thunderbolt has the character Karla Mitchum. If you belive Nina Pendelton was bad, boy you're in for a ride with this bitch. Seriously, Gundam makes the worst waifus to ever exist.
The anime looks amazing too, it's a shame it never continued
I prefer the grilling pan
Wait, is that the Dom pilot from the beginning of the series?
Yes, Fisher iirc
For me, it's the drying pan.
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>This man has never eaten a french fry.
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>this "man" eats fr*nch cuisine
TB Big Zam's torsos alone being a large battleship in size (surprise they also store MS; they're just that with huge ass legs) makes this even dumber imo
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Your mistake was thinking anything is supposed to make sense and not treating it like a fancy version of schoolyard children making up shit that sounds cool trying to outcool each other.
Zeon can never catch a break

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