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not with that generic dime-a-dozen shit

Saudis be odd.
Meh, where is Torkaizer?
This is done for the 94th Saudi national day.
Who animated this ? Cannot be done in-house. I don’t think Saudi has any animation studios.
But isn’t manga a Japanese studio ? Why is it written in Arabic if so ? Are they a Japanese studio fully owned by Saudi ? Was this commissioned by the Saudi government ?

Surprisingly well animated though and the design are pretty good. I don’t like how Arabic sound but the Voice acting is decent.
Do Saudi lads just really like falcons ? The grandizer fan design winner also was falcon inspired
>Do Saudi lads just really like falcons ?
Oh yeah big time. Not even joking. Falconry is a huge deal.
Video in HD https://youtu.be/6CMIFRzuStg?feature=shared
Manga production isn’t an animation studio. They only produce projects as they commission studios to do so (aka they handle the finding and such) it’s why they produced Grendizer U even if it’s a Japanese anime. Ever since the mid 2010s they have started to commission more and more project. And they got quite big in Saudi.
The short was animated by SUNRISE
Though it’s fully owned by Manga production

Full staff : (part 1)
Joji Furuta
Masashi Imagawa

Executive Producer
Dr. Essam Bukhary

Production Supervision
Sara Oulddaddah

Supervising Producer
Yoshihisa Nakayama

Joji Furuta

Hatem Alamri

Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc.

Art Supervision
Mohammad AlDhafeeri

Creative Direction
Riyadh Dowsari

Sound Supervision
Abdullah AlHaeeti

Production Manager
Mayumi Suga

Assistant Producer
Lamees O Alsantely
Jihan Mika Kanisawa

Original Character Design
Sara AlHazmi

Animation Character Design
Wataru Yasutake

Mechanical Design

Design Works
Wataru Inata
Ju Ishiguchi

Concept Space Station Design
Mohanad Alzahrani
Raghad Baidas

Animation Director
Wataru Yasutake

Art Director
Yushi Honjo
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>Do Saudi lads just really like falcons
Falconry is srs bsnss in Saudi Arabia. The falcon is recognised as the country’s national animal, the official air force aerobatic team is named the Saudi Falcons, falcon racing and hunting are considered average pastimes like riding a bike or reading a book. They really like falcons. It’s like how Americans have the bald eagle, except they take it even more seriously and it’s engrained into the country’s culture
Color Design
Nagisa Abe

Compositing Director
Masaharu Okazaki

Sound Director
Shouji Hata

Kumiko Sakamoto

Key Animation
Wataru Yasutake
Kodai Nomura
Hirota Yuki
Tomoko Fukui

Secondary Key Animation
Inho Jeong
Risa Yamashita
Sakurako Era
Moe Matsuda
Yurina Oizumi

Animation Check

In-between Animation

Color Coordination & Color Check
Yuki Yamabe

Miku Kanda


Yushi Honjo
Kouji Nagasawa

Takuto Yamada

Masaharu Okazaki
Hsu Tingchen
Natsumi Irie
Tomohiro Maeda
So Minamikawa
Zhang Ziying

Line Test

CG Animator
Yu Kojima

FX Artist
Shota Kimura

CG Supervisor
Hirokazu Yokohara

Compositing Supervisor/Grading
Masaki Mizuno

Production Manager
Kazuma Kase
Yuta Sasaki

CG Artist
Nozomu Akazawa

3D modeling Artist
Takehiko Hoashi

Senior CG Artist
Naoki Takano

CG Producer
Tokihiko Tsukamoto

Joji Nishimura

CG Animator
Ayaka Wada

Lighting Artist
Yuta Miyoshi

Music Production
Fun Media Studio

Music Director
Mohammad Rubat

Dubbing Director
Fuad Rajeh

Creative Coordinator
Osama Hasan

Shoji Hata

Sound Design
Hiromune Kurahashi

Assistant Sound Editor
Akihiro Makino

Assistant Sound Editor
Nanami Akiyama

Sound Engineer Assistant
Keisuke Tsurumaki

Saleh Alkahlan
Anas Alsajwan
Lama Saad
Bader Almania
Abdulrahman Alsultan
Mohammad Aldamkh

Yasufumi Kobashi

Production Coodinator
Hiroaki Sato

Animation Production

Produced by
Manga Productions

©2024 Manga Productions. All Rights Reserved
What inflight movie are they watching?
That’s crazy.
That famous Hitchcock one. You know. Vertigo.
The Mountain Eagle. Wonder how they got a copy?
Holy shit im suprised someone remembers this, ive been waiting since my freshman hs year for that
I want a mecha show where all the pilots are literally dozens of Falcons
3 days of the condor
Do they have communal showers on those flights as well?
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But Islam (at least in its radical versions) directly prohibits drawing people and music - doesn't it turn out that the Saudis, by sponsoring anime, violate their own religious tenets?

Again, what is the context of this story, if the Arabs are lousy warriors and depend on the USA in many ways? And then, of all the Middle Eastern countries, only Iran, perhaps, can implement its own independent space program...

And then, Arab culture is of no interest to non-Muslims - for example, the Egyptian gundams from G-Gundam refer to the Pharaonic era, and not to the Islamic one; in Code Geass, the KMF MEF and Zilkhstan practically do not have any corresponding references in their design (except for the sabers), etc.

So, what do the Saudis want to achieve with such a strange action as creating their own mecha anime? Really interesting.
Saudis are producing cyber-newtypes now?
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Isn't Islam divided into two sides or something?
Saudi while saying they are using Islamic law, is actually a monarchy, it’s not a califat. Which means there’s a few things that SHOULD be prohibited that they still do
In AC4's universe, there's a company called Eqbal, a common Persian and Punjabi name meaning "Prosperity" and "Power" in those languages. In AC4, their parts are predominantly named after Arab influences:
>SALAF - Entire AC schematic - The first three generations of Muslims, the original tribe
>INJIL - Integrated Shotgun Arms - The Christian Gospel as it is in Islam
>TAWHID - Reverse Joint Legs - Islamic concept of monotheism and the oneness of God
>AZAN - Rifle - Call to prayer
>RAJM - (the most powerful) Pilebunker - Stonings (lmfao)
>SHAITAN - Shotgun - Demon
>IBLIS - Heavy Shotgun - Devil-like figure
>ZAKAT - Machine Gun - Giving of alms
>QADAR - Shoulder-Mounted Shotguns - Predestination
Ironically, the moment they became Algebra, which is a loanword from Arabic, they rebranded all their parts to have Hindu and Indian inspirations. Algebra/Eqbal's Lynx had always been Indian, however.

Given their historical interest in the sciences (that has been lost in many regions due to political upheaval), I really think the Middle East is underutilized. If the French are knights and poets and Norwegians are vikings and explorers, Arabs are mathematicians and astronomers, which should lend pretty well to space-faring robots. Of course, nobody's really asking for Arabs to be involved in mecha except for the oil prince who paid for this and the people who would want to put Arab influences in these days are the worst people to trust to do it well, but still.
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Well, for example, in "FMP! Another" one of the main characters is a real Arab prince, but he never got a "national AS". There, in the Middle East, Soviet "Savages" in various modifications are still widespread, the prince's guard uses AS from the USA, and the prince himself pilots a custom version of the German "Wolf" (the original design is similar to a WWII German soldier), and later a Japanese "Raven" (from which they simply removed the samurai type of armor and modules). Nothing original-Arabic.

If the Arab affiliation of Maganac Corps (which wears Turkish clothes) from Gundam Wing was not directly indicated, then their MS could be of any origin (well, at least they don't explode from a sneeze). In Gundam 00, Middle Eastern countries, even centuries later, still only buy MS from world centers of power.

In general, something truly domestic, with clearly recognizable national elements in design and application, with I haven't met any Arabs or ME sides yet...
>So, what do the Saudis want to achieve with such a strange action as creating their own mecha anime? Really interesting.
It really is as simple as "we like mecha so we want to become big backers for mecha content". It's part of the current push they're making to become a big player in the entertainment scene by funding projects they think are cool, it's the same reason they bought SNK
Could this technically become a full anime and be put in SRW? It’s still animated by sunrise and manga is already the producers of Grendizer U
Though in the flip side, it could also lead to censorship of some content to adhere to Saudi customs…
Key art

While the main art is by Sunrise. The character designer is I believe a Saudi lad.
So far, they've been extremely hands off with most of the projects after they fund them. So far.
The main body should have had less green on it. It would make the unique binder design contrast very nicely
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... Man, imagine how funny it'd be if it ends up flopping like Suicide Squad Isekai.
Based taste, ngl.
It's for the 94th Saudi National Day, someone just liked mecha enough to spend their oil money on this.
I'm curious what type of mecha show they would make if given the chance though.
The wing binders are great, but I have no idea what they say. Probably something from the Quran.
The head looks a little small, though.
>even the saudis cant afford hand drawn mecha
I like the design
Would watch desu
>Arab culture is of no interest to non-Muslims
lawrence of arabia? dune? arab warrior culture could be a good basis for a good mecha show
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>the show is going to start by 20 min of ALLAHACKBAR song, but the show is 24 min long
>all female be under that blanket cover from hand to toe

this is not /m/
>female pilots are all copilots
So it's gonna be like Darling in the Franxx, nice!
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>all female pilots are wearing these
if you think about it, it's just a visor
I mean if they actually do something original they could do some pretty original looking pilot suit concept
Where's the part where the mech blows up charging into the giant kaijuu?
Is it still even in production? Or did the studio shutter?
it was a fan organization that helped organize cons and theater showings of anime movies, not an actual studio.
there've been a few posts scatted over the years about it but basically it basically never got off the ground. Alter Ego/Ego Punch proved themselves to be pretty unreliable early on and after being unable to find an animation studio that would work within their budget, their government arts grant for it was pulled.
why is he telling that child "i will fuck your mother" is this some hentai shit?
Like any organized religious institution with tangible political power, the members of that power structure are under no obligation to actually follow their own rules when no else holds them accountable.

Saudis are branching out into the global economy to avoid collapsing when oil demand and prices start going down. Is this theoretically against the batshit version of Islam they preach? Yes but it’s that or go full North Korea and double down on bad ideological decisions.
Looks like another third world scam operation to me.
Delicious BRICS money…
It's not impossible; Saudi Arabia struck a deal with Japan early 2024 to both mass-import and translate a bunch of anime and games for Arabia, and also intended to fund more anime and game developments too.

If SA revives mecha anime, then so be it. Let them fund more obscure mecha anime adaptations as well as originals.
>what is the ocean
All food that's suppose to feed the Venezuelan Cannon fodder is going to the big fishes in the army and PSUV head lmao, we can't even feed our soldiers.
>violate their own religious tenets?
Images which do not have complete features, which do not have a nose or eyes, are not included under the heading of prohibited images, and the ones who make them are not included in the Prophetic warning, because they cannot truly be said to be images, and these images do not imply imitating the creation of Allah.
>With regard to dolls made of cloth , where the image does not have clear features, even though it has limbs, a head and neck, but there are no eyes or nose, there is nothing wrong with that, because this is not imitating the creation of Allah.” (Majmu` Fatawa Ash-Shaykh Ibn `Uthaymin, 2/question no. 330)
So basically they fine with drawing except trying imitate their god creation, Idolatry and Zina
>images which do not have complete features, which do not have a nose or eyes, are not included under the heading of prohibited images
They have actual human characters in this you dumb terrorist
>lemme tell you all about your culture and why you are a hypocrite
Roflmao even
>said the mutt while mumble rap was blasting on his chinese speakers
I don't listen to rap you american weapon using desert corpsefucker.
Why make fun of you're allies like that?
In practice it just means they cannot show anything from their own holy texts, sites, and music/singing.
human characters in this anime don't have realistic ears
And don't have eyelashes
Look, muslims aren't supposed to be boozing either but Balkan muslims booze like motherfuckers.
>saving mecha
>CGI shit
>grendruiner U

So do the non-Balkan ones when they leave their native countries and move to the west.
File deleted.
The new name is Grendizer FU.
i like how it looks
>it's afraid
>"I promise you, when we are off the air, I will teach you a new kind of defeat"
damn line that goes hard. if we get a saudi mecha show where they talk like this i'm all in
It's like Misato in EoE.
>inb4 they all have self detonation installed in the cockpit
No the detonation device will be in their cellphones.
what is this about ? Allahu Snackbar but with robots?
Does they still wear the burqa in those lands? I don't think so. Anyways, it's enough to make suits with darkened visors helmets, while the men have transparent visors.

But realistically I don't expect women at all
Kill yourself duel.
If they're basing the future off the current, then female pilots would only ever sortie with a male copilot who serves as their handler/commander.

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