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Official Sites:

>YouTube OFFICIAL Channel:

>Official Ultraman Connection Discord

>Ultra Pastebin:

>Ultraman Arc now streaming on ULTRAMAN official Channel
>Ultraman Arc english dub now streaming on ULTRAMAN Official English Channel
>Ultraman Taiga - The Complete Series + Movie Blu-ray out now
>Ultraman Blazar - The Complete Series + Movie Blu-ray to be released in October
>Premium Bandai/Ultra Replica News: Mebius Brace -ULTRA BROTHERS EDITION-, Evolthruster 20th Anniversary, Ultra Dimension Card Prop Design Edition 02 Set, Geed Riser, Gun Phoenix, Blazar Strone EX Selection, Ultra Capsule & Capsule Holder Set, X Devizer Compatible Cyber Card Set 02, Die-Cast Blazar Stone PROP EDITION, Earth Garon COMPLETE EDITION
>Figure-Rise Standard Ultraman Suit Jack -ACTION- and Geed Primitive has been announced
>Ultraman Blazar Comicalize manga being serialized in Televi-Kun.
>Ultraman: Rising released
>SHF Ultraman Arc released

Previous Thread: >>22800362
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I hope people take pictures of Father of Swoletra about to beat the shit out of other figures cowering in terror
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What does SKIP has that we don't?
Arc becoming a Sun in the nights sky would have been an iconic image referenced forever if this was from the 80s.

I don't know what I'm saying with this, but I keep thinking about how cool it was
What's the deal with the varying quality of the subs in Ultra releases? Gaia's subs were so fucking bad and it's not even like that's some kind of forgotten series nobody gives a fuck about.
Why the fuck is he so jacked? Like I know the original suit had some big pecs but goddamn.
More of Kazuo Umezu's Ultraman!

The only 2 one-off chapters, in contrast to the rest of it being serialized.

In fact that's something alot of 60's manga did, main serialized run in the main weekly magazine,
& longer one-off stories in that magazine's monthly sister publication, usually called a "bessatsu" (別冊, literally "supplementary edition")
i was actually thinking of using that scene for the OP but I figured the eavedropping arc would be easier to spot. kino scene though
an Abaranger
The subs seem to be provided by TsuPro themselves and they either had different teams or farmed them out to different companies, hence the varying degrees of quality
Competency in combat?
They want the Bara audience
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Does anyone have the 2018 Redman comic?
Not digitally. I own physical copies and had them signed by Matt Frank once, before I realized how much of a faggot he is

>Ultraman Arc now streaming on ULTRAMAN official Channel
>Ultraman Arc english dub now streaming on ULTRAMAN Official English Channel
>Ultraman: Rising released on Netflix
>ULTRAMAN and Mirrorman 2D currently releasing new chapters periodically on Comiplex
>Ultraman: Along Came A Spider-Man currently serializing in CoroCoro magazine
>Premium Bandai/Ultra Replica News: Ultride Chronicle Hyper Strike Chester, Ultra Zero Eye NEO, Arc Cube Premium New Generation Set 01, Eye Slugger, Zero Sluggers, Ultraman Leo 50th Anniversary Set, Ultride Chronicle GUTS Eagle, Ultra Zero Eye 15th Anniversary Edition, Ultimate Bracelet -Damage Edition-, Arc Cube Premium New Generation Set 02 & 03
>S.H.Figuarts News: Beta Spark Armor & Hybrid Armor Option Parts Set, SS Evil Tiga, Earth Garon Mod 4, Black King (When the Ultra Star Shines), Arc Solis Armour, Ultraman Belial (Clear Color ver.) Orb Origin (Ultraman New Generation Stars Ver.), Orb Trinity, Arc Luna Armour, Gomora Armour (New Generation Stars Ver.), Ultra Mantle (2nd reissue), King of Mons, Ultraman Zero (New Generation Stars Ver.), Ultradad, Geed Primitive (New Generation Stars Ver.), Zero Beyond (New Generation Stars Ver.)
>Figure-Rise Standard Ultraman Tiga has been announced
>Ultraman Blazar - The Complete Series + Movie Blu-Ray to be released by Mill Creek on October 29, 2024
>Ultraman: The Adventure Begins to get a home media release with a new english dub in 2025 alongside a novelization of the film
>The Ultraman and Ultraman 80 to get Blu-Ray boxes in Japan to be released November 22, 2024 and March 19, 2025 respectively
>Ultraman Arc Satur Armour unveiled at UlSummer 2024
>ULTRAMAN by Eiichi Shimizu and Tomohiro Shimoguchi released digitally on Viz Media app and receiving simulpub chapter releases.
>Ultraman Arc Blu-ray BOX to be released March 26, 2024
>Ultraman Volume 20 to be released in English on December 17, 2024
Dead thread
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What Ultraman topics do you want to talk about?
Why is Ultraman called Ultraman?
cause he's a super guy
But why "Ultra"? Is there any lore behind the name itself?
During the 1966 Olympics, "ultra" became a popular slang
Well, I guess they couldn't call him Superman. They needed to improvise either way.
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Peaceful thread.
The healingness of Arc reaches even to this thread. Truly the best New Gen series
everyone waits patiently for Arc kino tomorrow like good boys and girls
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Oh shit the mushroom ayy
What the fuck Yuma
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How was the 11th episode?
Ishido was trying to be reasonable here and suddenly Yuma acts like a dick
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The obligatory MC self doubt episode
It's another 6.9/10 episode of Arc but by the standard of the MC self doubt episodes it's one of the more interesting ones with Yuma's heel turn
Episode 12 preview.
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is Givas sofubi have the body-turn gimmick too?
Not as strong as the previous episode but it was a fine setup episode in any case. Givas is neat.
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I liked it, nice bit of conflict there at the end too.

Judging from Givas' actions, it's seems likely that the interpretation is muddled again, rather than obstruct path, shield/ protect makes more sense, and "enemy" is actually "friend".
Givas is actually piloted by someone/something right? That's Yuma's big discovery next week?
that or he finds the corpse of its pilot like in that one Dyna episode.
i feel sorry for him now :(
Pretty sure he's still doing some "shady" stuff behind the scenes that they've hinted at but Yuma was just being salty with that comment, especially when we've seen that he has relented before in the past to use his GDF clout to assist SKIP and given sound arguments for his caution in situations like the alien at the inn.
I'm so fucking tired of Gubira
I feel like they should have translated Yuma's line as something like "GDF goon" or something. That way it would have felt more like he was calling Ichiro something harsher than just "guy."
I really like Givas design & the general feel of this episode, but it pales in comparison to the last few.
someone at Tsupro MUST have a boner for him
I finally got around to watching last week's Arc. What a sad fucking episode. They've really been killing it this season. I get that it was another pollution storyline but FUCK they did a good job with it and the guy that to play Kazuo acted his fucking heart out.
Arc was good this week
Still no explanation on who tf Arc and its host were
>As expected, you really are just a government slave
fucking mean man
Correct me if I'm wrong but Blazar didn't get any backstory until the very end
Even Ishido was hurt by it. I think Yuma is hoping Givas is friendly because it’s similar to Arc? Alien thing comes onto earth, beat up a kaiju, protects children, and on standby until needed again. I think that’s why Yuma has such a weird stake in this-he relates to Givas
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man, fuck yuuma and his naive tea-drinking ass
he looks like almost break down crying there
We still don't know shit about Blazar other than he's from some galaxy far away and got here via a black hole or something
I don't even remember where Faradan came from
Yuma is too idealistic and can't handle anyone who doesn't have that purity of vision
It's an interesting angle for growth
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nice Gavv Ariser there anon
Wasn’t there an Ultraman that transformed by eating chocolate?
Ultraman Nice, yeah
The fact that Rin pulled this weird shit out of her ass about moon civilizations somehow having convergent language patterns across galaxies (by the way, what the fuck? I thought this was a setting were intergalactic relations was a pretty new thing), and the fact that It seems likely the twist is that she translated the word wrong, really gives the impression of her being some ancient alien conspiracy nut.
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Whoops I used the wrong image.
To be fair
Is so retarded, it's worth getting mean about.
the news did say that the beams could have adverse health effects and the GDF took that as a threat. i know its a beam thats used to search for things but imagine Givas as a submarine that decided to use its sonar near a large population of fish.
Ultraman Gavv when?
That's Belial
Best planes.
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what is this from?
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desu that gives much more about her character and makes her more endearing than both of her character focus episodes
We need more Gubilas.
Joey Tsuburaya pls
Do we know how Arc is doing saleswise thus far?
Is Gubila popular or does someone over at Tsuburaya just love the guy? Because it shows up quite often.
Really trying their best not to design a new suit huh
Apparently kids really like him, something about him being cute
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I hope it's not something creepy like the sofubi being many kids' first dildo.

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