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>get turned evil
>become a better and more entertaining character
Every time.
She wasn't evil, just following orders.
Why did Tomino recycle her for Katejina? Lazy bum.
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I mean her outfit is charming, sure, but she's not a friend. I like the real Elchi.
Has anyone ever made a drinking game for every panty shot she has onscreen?
That's not a drinking game, that's ritualistic suicide.
Not lazy, he just love bitches. Anno should've ripped that off from him too. Would've been...cool.
The real one is in the OP.
No, she's evil
Silly anon, that's just Kashim King in tights.
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She fucks Fatman
Is that Maria or Chill with Jiron?
It's grown-up Chill.
I mean the part where she's a good guy love interest who gets brainwashed evil and then gets blinded at the end as punishment.
>as punishment
That's like a rape victim being impregnated only to die in child birth. Tomino was/is a evil fuck.
She gets fixed in the movie.

It’s fun to not watch the show.
>She gets fixed in the movie.
Irregardless it was a heinous thing to do. I've yet to see it but in Zambot 3 didn't Tomino at one point have the big bad spout "you humans are the real monsters" when at some point in the show he made people into living bombs?
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>It’s fun to not watch the show.
Katejina, not Elchi.
https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=irregardless more real than twerk
Is that really the bar you want to set?

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