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> the kind of tired sex wont fix
I heard she likes big girthy gun cannons
really? you'd marry and impregnate that?
hags need love too
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Kou, she could have been a mommy gf to me
>tfw few images of her looking pretty or dignified, it's either looking hella old or sex-crazed
>didn't even want to commit war crimes, just wanted to defect but the writing wouldn't allow her
She didn't deserve this, she didn't deserve any of this
any plans to make it 21?
You'd have to track her down for that, good luck.
she really does look sexy
tank uniforms are sexy
What a coincidence, there has been sexual tension between myself and the receptionist at work for years now, and she definitely looks good for a woman her age.

That's less of a concern once she's over 40.

Yes they do.
I'm pretty sure she knows by now, especially when she awkwardly pretended not to notice my hard-on one day. That was about five years ago.

A few weeks later, she bent over in front of me, while looking back directly at me. Her expression implied that it was not by accident.
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Is she Cima?
Her hair isn't spacenoid green thoughtever, but who knows?
Imagining the stubble on Cima's pussy lips. She's the type of lady who wants to avoid the bush but doesn't want to deal with the pain of waxing so she just shaves every few days.
Despite her precautionary hygiene, I bet it still smells like a barn down there ;-)))))))

Izayoi Seishin recently drew a really hot hentai doujin of her. It hasn't been scanned anywhere that I know of, but there's previews on his pixiv and in one of the many rough collections he puts out.
And can do 20 more, I believe in you!
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Milf master.

I just checked and the new Cima doujins (there are two!) are now on the pandas. Rough artwork but it's out there now. Enjoy!
Motchie draws her perfectly though, just such a shame of all the scat

That's always the stumbling block, isn't it?
Imagine going after bitch ass Nina instead of convincing this fine ass christmas cake to become your woman by fucking her raw and animalistic for a week straight non stop IN SPACE.
>convincing this fine ass christmas cake to become your woman by fucking her raw and animalistic for a week straight non stop IN SPACE.
We woke up in the wrong timeline...
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maybe. Delaz and Gato were added to the speech scene along with Chris from 0080.
No, look at 12:27
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Cima is delicious, but Kou deserved happiness and would have got it if he wasn't such a picky little cunt. Good on Kieth for catching the rebound and having the happy ending that Kou ignored.
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Truly the best.
Stolen from us by a young man having a severe spastic fit.
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Truly the top tier /m/ommy, she deserves to be happy!
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she'll never be :(
>she's just sobbing four separate times because of her hard life
I wanted to protect that smile...
>No, look at 12:27
>well after 4:52, which is depicting March 1st, First Earth Landing Operation
>timestamped post-Operation British II event is a little after the Solar Ray firing event, historically December 30th
>time between the two takes a minimum of 6 turns worth of event chain with each corresponding to 1 week I think, so a probable mid-February?
what a year+change of OYW does to a motherhagger
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>fake winglet is another heat sink
Cima seems to be the type of sluts that cums while she shits...
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What would you do with a captured Cima?
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>No gag
Cartel hands typed this post. Lemme guess, you wanna play Funky Town too while you're at it?
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release her and finally marry her
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She's not even as hot as her mech.
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take her to a therapist for the PDST
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What if she was the mech?

Means she's got experience.
Untie her, give her a hug, and tell her everything will be okay ;_;
Enema then record her begging to go to the toilet (I won't let her)
IIRC, Motchie made a new Cima doujin. Dressed as Sailor Mars no less.
Kill yourself

That was Izayoi Seishin. Not Motchie.
This but unironically
You sick fuck!
Thats cool af...sauce?

One of Motchie's Cima doujins.
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You were saying?
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Here's the title

Interesting. It's not on the pandas but the two new Izayoi Seishin ones are, one of which has a ridiculously similar plot of Cima dressing as Sailor Mars. You think this was convergent, or did they plan this?
Don't know if it was planned but apparently Motchie put it out last December, beforethe new year. Even had a Cima cosplayer dressed as Sailor Mars.
>yfw you will never be cradled by a Amazoness after pouring prodigious amounts of your seed into her statistically (look it up) tighter vagoo.

Looks like Izayoi's Cima Sailor Mars doujin came out at Comiket 103 as well. I mean these guys seem to be the last big Cima fans in the doujin world, maybe they planned it this way.
>Even had a Cima cosplayer dressed as Sailor Mars.
I admire his dedication
Looking her up, this isn't the first time she's done Cima cosplay. SEI even references Motchie's doujin.

She lives in the Rebellion manga! I take that as the actual canon now.
>Squats down to show off her ass
>Literally no ass to be shown
literally me
Did nothing wrong
cmon dude
Me and my boyfriend and his best friend
Hnnnnnng my butthole
This makes me want to suck a big fat cock so bad
Holy shit he totally destroyed him
Lol me too
My butthole is throbbing right now
Me on the right
Wow. I'm only one third of his size... this makes me feel so smol
Anon, how big (small) is your cock? He's only about 8"... big but not that huge...
skinny bois always have the tightest assholes
Just about 4" but it's hard for me to stay hard at full length for a long time
Kek you might still be larger than most /m/ posters
Jannies plz ban every poster above me, holly shit! ERP is explicitly against sitewide rules, and they were practically encouraging this shit.
Everything between >>22865375 and >>22866077 should not be left up as is, somebody better delete this garbage right now.
At this point the whole fucking thread should better be canned. It was dogshit to begin with anyway.
It was better when people were posting about Cima, but the fags only care about pornspam now. Guess with a title like that, it really was doomed from the start.
>make a Gay ass ERPing thread
>complains about ERPing
The complete state
I blame jannies for allowing retarded OP to begin with. It was only a matter of time.
Cima isn't gay you pedo. We don't want trannies on our board, simple as.
I bet you crossdress as Cima you fucking faggot
It's ok anon, we are all homosexuals here
Came here to post this.
This thread is moving so fast nobody will notice I am drinking moonshine out of a dixie cup and reading Cima doujs.
This. To hell with women. Only men are worthy of lust and love.
Cima was one of my first crossplays
Funny enough she got it kinda bad in a Motchie doujin
>t. delusional pederast projects his sodomy fantasies onto commenter he doesn't like #1023
More news at 11.
This whole disgrace of a thread has been a gay erping fest you stupid retard
>m-more Cima y-yesss
>a-anon h-help me cum!
Yes, you are a faggot
Trips of truth. I wanna see the pics.
>Haglover is a closeted fag
Color me surprised. No wonder your ilk likes a washed up whore whose eggs dried up like a decade ago. Lol... lmao even.
/qa/ LOST!
>still projecting this hard
cope and dilate, degenerate.
wanting to fuck something so unable to reproduce is a clear symptom of repressed homosexuality. Seek help.
So... haglovers have been secretly gay all along? Sad
>tranny trying not to mald while he explains why his kiddy diddling is perfectly okay
unironically kys.
this is what happens when you let a fucking faggot make some faggy erping thread on /m/
>groomer promoting his home boards
like pottery.
Those two fucking faggots try to do the same thing in any thread with hot /m/ girls. Macross, Geass, Anything.
Yes the very, very rare Macross thread on /m/. Only come around once a decade amirite? You fucking retard.
Holy shit has it been 10 years already?
>kiddy diddling
You sure talk a lot about that, huh... anything you want to share with the class? Who was it, your uncle? Tell us the whole story anon... go ahead.
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She is the GOAT no less.
her face is slightly too chunky for Cima buy shes pretty good
BASED. Greeks were absolutely right, men are the superior gender, so man on man love is inherently better.
Looks like a man. No wonder there's a lot of talk about trannies and gay erping ITT.
Face first, no hesitation.
>That short doujin that Dorthy from Gundam Wing made Cima shit herself and she sprayed all over Nina.
Good man.
>TFW you'll never Fuck The Zeon out of Cima
But why would I? If anything she should be fucking the earthling outta you. The spacenussy is inherently superior and the next step of human evolution.
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what a time!
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Zeeks make the best women
>Lalah could have been a mother to him
>forgets about all the actual potential mothers in his workplace
I refuse to believe we're smarter men than Char, what the fuck
He didn't want a dommy mommy
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>He didn't want a dommy mommy
I refuse to believe that Char was a HOMOSEXUAL
Interestingly enough, the novel has him marry Kycillia only to kill her later
What why, she looks so pretty here
I need to cum...
Fuck off. Shut the fuck up erp fag. Nobody cares.
I'm touching my weewee for zeon!
i find it funny the undisputed best cima artwork is solely in authentic shitting doujins.

you get a good fap going then the story starts going into the pooping parts and then you remember where you are.
The Curse of Motchie: Top Tier MILFs, Shit Tier Shit
Because he's unironically Raysexual to the point of autistic obsession, and the funny part is that Amuro doesn't care and just wants to kill this faggot.
What is with Japan being obsessed with their main characters getting with blonde white women?

Garma literally conquers North America and takes the mayor of New York's blonde daughter as his GF. Wtf.

You got Amuro banging Sayla.

You got Shiro banging Aina.

You got Kou banging Nina.

And APPARENTLY.....I just learned yesterday that Banagher Links from Unicorn is supposedly part Japanese and he is banging Mineva.
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Aina is a platinum blonde. Look it up.

Mineva is definitely a blonde.
Aina is green and Mineva is strawberry blonde (which is half red half blonde really)
She needs the motchie treatment
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>Aina is green
You are confused. Her eyes are green. Not her hair.
don't worry I photoshopped it green for you
Her hair turns green when Zonders are nearby.
he'll never do it for sure but i'd love to see SCS cover the musaka, clop, and squid
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1990s Gundams is so strange.

It had some of the best animation I've seen during the era.

But some of the worst writing I've seen. Very juvenile.

By contrast, Tomino Gundam shows during the 1970s and 1980s were very mature in writing. Ground breaking. But the animation was only so-so.

What happened during the 90s to make the writing so bad?
everything except one sentence on your post is retarded
>It had some of the best animation I've seen during the era.

Anime unironically peaked between 1985-1999.
*pat pat*
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Made for Spacenoid fucking
Cima is made for giving golden showers to
This guy's videos are cringe, feels very early 2000's nostalgia critic with all the cursing.
I-In a row?!
Yes we all cheered him on.
Absolute perfection
Fuck yeah
>he thinks Sacred Cow Shipyards is remotely similar to that dipshit Doug in any way
This is how I know you haven't watched any of his other videos, you retarded secondary.
I used to watch his channel, but it went from being an informative channel about space ships and sci-fi....to old guy complaining about everything.
That'd be cool, but I doubt the Dockmaster watches that much /m/ content outside Battletech or Pacific Rim. Heck, I'm desperately itching for him to talk about Titanfall lore at some point, because the Frontier Wars would be right up his particular alleyway.
I'm not even a primary? Someone linked three videos, I watched one and found it to be cringe.
Sorry, meant to say "I'm not even a tertiary". I've never seen any videos from this person aside from the ones linked in this thread, and I wouldn't want to. He is very cringe as I said.
Hello ser!
I don't really understand what you're trying to say, but I can only assume it's some braindead insult. I got called a secondary, so I was trying to make a joke on how little of the person's videos I've seen. If you know english it makes sense.
I know enough english to know it's cringe SER!
sauce? the style looks familiar but I can't place it.
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Cima's inspiration.
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Anon, that's a blue-haired gay faggot, and last time I checked, Cima isn't Kamille's sloppy seconds. If you're gonna make fun of Cima, don't post such blatant misinformation.
She’s like 33. Why is she so old looking?
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>Feddie vs Zeke betrayer
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Was she influenced by Cima?
character designer clearly has an old hag fetish
33 back in the 80s/90s was considered old unlike today.
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Sex with hags
I like Cina better with green hair than black.
Agreed. Gundam's lighting sucks a lot of the time.
Cima doesn't die like a wounded animal if that's what you're implying
She kinda does though.
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And no, the manga doesn't count
>lives in space
>guilt of doing warcrimes

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her crime was being a civilian with civilian priorities in a warzone. military training is super underplayed in gundam, mostly because i assume it's very boring to watch, but nina is the reason soldiers have to be trained so brutally to obey orders
No. She gets it worse
She's literally me (not a woman though)
Did you miss the part where she survives this somehow?

Literal fan fiction
scat queen
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Motchie really ruined her reputation, huh? I've seen shittier desu
Cima means "top of a mountain" in spanish.
never forget
never forgive
Asian women age like shit

>Not even off model, she just has huge tits
The perfect hag if I've ever seen one. Would be peak MILF material if she was even remotely interested in child care.
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>Would be peak MILF material if she was even remotely interested in child care.

Why does that even matter?
The Zeon got fucked out of Cima a long time ago. She's a fucking traitor to the spacenoid cause and has no morals, her only allegiance is to the Feddies and corpos that pay her
Nobody show him a pic of 35 year old South Burning
Please spare me.
i have an oedipus complex
Absolutely top tier taste, why wouldn't anyone want to be doted on and breastfed?
>TFW you'll never make Cima cum by sucking her tits
>you'll never give her additional children to take care of
Hottest Cima I have ever seen.
Ew. Gross. How did a roastie christmas cake thread get so many replies?
It's clearly apparent many of you have some absolutely shit taste
>she found a nice, stable job doing something she can enjoy
This is the good ending
No, you are the one with shit taste faggot, Cima is the goddess of gundamverse
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Time for a bath, anon.
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Did Clara have a crush on Cima?
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>neither portrayed as exaggeratedly wrinkly old nor unrealistically smoothly young, that right happy pretty balance
Who would blame Clara
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Cima but in Seed.
>with long hair
I swear, my knees slightly wobbled
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Why does she have a mole?
>gigantic extra-large
Absolute top tier, thank you, would carry and worship
remember that (you) couldn't convince Gihren to abandon the colony gassing plan in favor of creating armistice occupation governments, you couldn't save her unbitter no eye bag smile
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God I love sharp evil eyes
Disregard hags. Go for pure young wife.
She doesn't really have a very healthy life, and has so much guilt she barely sleep.
I don't even know how she doesn't have eyebags
How about fucking both?
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Cima has a kinky side we never knew.
Where is that from?? Is that Oni-Cima?
I think it's fan art, but it certainly does look like Cima
It's Lum from Urusei Yatsura
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smug sharp eyed women are the best!
What a waste of eggs.
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Eeeeyyy she is not even that old! I like the PC engine aesthetic on that pic tho
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its from the ova when shes on that monitor
It's AI-generated, look at the eyes.
Holy shit, you are right...
Come one anons, lets finish the thread
>Cima giving orders
>imagine her smacking your dick with that
>Cima JOI
Yes please.

As somebody who really liked Cima and really liked her in Rebellion... Clara was fucking annoying. Like, she only existed to dump exposition and be a Mary Sue, also I thought her character design really clashed with the 0083 characters.
>Like, she only existed to dump
As does Cima
I'm honestly surprised this is still up after 2 months lol. Woulda thought the popularity would've dragged it down to page 10/the bump limit by now.
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Not sure which is creepier, the smile or the lighting, either way I'm horribly scaroused.
It's the look she gives you after she stole your first kiss.
i just got done watching this and was about to make a post about hot evil women.

by the way, stardust memory and 0080 where pure unfiltered kino and thank god it didnt have any newtype bullshit
kou is a newtype, actually.
The wife in that douj is the hottest character he has ever done.
Is she secretly a vampire, then?
Well his newtype-ness was considerably sidelined/downplayed in the grand scheme of things, and that's a good thing.
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kill yourself
Cima is m/ Prime waifu
She's a virgin btw
Fuck off tourist.
True, anal doesn't count.
No, it's necessary!
The more the merrier!
Automated bot is Automated
Well then he needs to make like Peter Cullen and roll on the fuck outta here!
CHARA IS NOT PURE! SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND! At least in the OL Haman manga. Also Haman was in an relationship with Char in that same manga. SHE BETRAYED THE OL HAG ASSOCIATION!!!
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Ours is saying sex. Theirs is screaming SEX
Thus, there needs to be a third one that asks "sex?"
Ooh! Make Mineva, Lacus, or Roux the OP!
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Nice to see Cima is moderately popular in Japan as well
I vote Lacus. If nobody else does one I will do it later today after I pick up some relatives for Turkeygiving.
Wtf, they made poccari hag out of her
She sees it
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Yes plz sex?
Back under the dirt, worm.
Haman is a 30 year old (Hag) office worker (OL) in her spinoff manga. That image is from the manga, retard!
Cima ended uo joining the Titans in her “true” ending right?
Do you guys actually like Cima or do you just jack off to her? I'm not judging, but most people never talk about her character which I thought was interesting
Probably a combination of both. Tbf it's kind of hard to have a meaningful conversation about her when the thread name is literally SEX.
I love seeing hags in outfits that are too skimpy or cutesy for someone their age.
A little bit from column A, a little bit from column B.
It's a great fetish
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Omg this one is great. She has perfect body type and massive boobs in that pic.
She's an OLDtype
...Are there any mecha or mahou shoujo animus with an all hag cast?
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SEED. I refuse to elaborate further.
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Thank you green mommy thread for the sex? thread.
Nah, we're nowhere near the image or bump limits, thread ain't dead yet!
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and unused eggs
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>Cima will never order you around

why live?
Mom! You wore it!
Probably the hottest expression ITT.
We can try to improve ourselves while telling ourselves that it's what Cima-san would have ordered or wanted... probably.

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