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Site: https://www.carddass.com/new-tcg-2024/en/
A worldwide one? Could it even survive in the west against the bigger hitters?
Will it be as good as Gundam War?

> Could it even survive in the west against the bigger hitters?

You already know the answer to that.
nice, I expect long periods of no reprints so scalpers can control the market like they're doing with Bandai's One Piece TCG.
I'll never get over Bandai calling Gundam a global franchise while keeping a huge part of their franchise Japan only.
The website is in Japanese and there's not announcement in English.
>A worldwide one? Could it even survive in the west against the bigger hitters?
I mean most of the other card games Bandai's been doing over the last few years(Dragon Ball, One Piece, Digimon) have been doing really well in the West so I imagine Gundam will as well
I’ll have to see what art direction they go but as long as that checks out I’m playing.
Only reason I see Gundam TCG maybe working out at my lgs is because once it branched into 40k and supported a critical mass of hobby supplies, a gunpla club kinda took root there, so there's cross appeal.
They got an official eng twitter account
I, for one, will be making a Cosmo Babylonia deck
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They don't really care if it does or not.
For the past half-decade, they've been shotgunning licensed TCGs. And every now and then one of them just randomly makes an insane amount of money for no reason.

Regardless of how well this performs, they're going to release another new game in 6-9 months, and Gundam's going to quietly chug along in the background for another couple of years before quietly hitting EOL. We've seen this song and dance from them several, several times.
Launch series:
>Witch from Mercury
Why no Zeta, Victory, 00 or IBO?
You know why, they mixed things series that are also popular outside Japan.
They might loose money because abroad it's not an IP that's as strong as DB or OP
I know that over the years thanks to covid the card collector market had a huge boom, and a lot of collectors are insane will spend a lot of money for sparkly paper cards, so who knows what'll be the appeal
*lose, im retarded
Looks like it plays identical to every other Bandai TCG, but a little watered down. That's disappointing.
Mentioning that it's built with 2v2 and 4-player FFA in mind is interesting, though. Encroaching on MTG's Commander might be a good angle.
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How to Play the Gundam Card Game
I forgot the link:

I think it looks fun. But almost impossible to get the beta in EU.
At the very least I will be collecting
>for Latin America
Huh. If the cards aren't too hard to get/expensive I might get into it. I'm not buying shit until they release 00, Victory, AGE or G sets, though.
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Long-ass thread about the TCG (from a player)
They can't help themselves and it fucking sucks. I love the Digimon TCG and then they watered it down and made OP but because OP is a way bigger IP Digimon is getting crowded out. Not to mention relaunching DBZ too. Eventually all of this shit is gonna cannibalize itself in a few years time and we can't do anything but watch.
Why are people reacting like Gundam War/Nex-A/Tryage/etc didn't exist, some of which were axed very soon only for bamco to bury it?

Why are twitterspheres and normies getting excited for this, is it because of One Piece's TCG success?
>Why are twitterspheres and normies getting excited for this, is it because of One Piece's TCG success?
This, but also because they are a doing a worldwide release everywhere. IDK about playing TCG i know people who collect, and i heard stupid numbers for certain OP cards personally I have no idea how they can have a similar market since Mecha is still very niche.
There's been a resurgence in card games post Covid and Bandai has had recent success with DBZ, Digimon and OP. The worldwide release is notable too because that's only a recent trend and those previous TCGs you mentioned were Japan first and then later brought over.
I just want to collect me some G Gundam cards.
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Apparently the preorders have already sold out, what are you doing, Bandai?
Char (twink)
That's not a surprise, scalpers always buy up the first set of a new TCG as a long term """investment"""
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Quick rundown from the video if you don't want to watch a 40 minute overview
>4 colors of cards, 2 colors per deck (No indication on what each color represents but you have Blue as EFF (Both OYW and Unicorn), Green as both OYW Zeon and Wing , White as WFM/Seed, and Red as Neo Zeon (UC))
>4 copies of a card max like MTG
>Separate resource deck that you get one of each turn instead of having to manage land like in MTG. Player who goes second gets a one-time use EX Resource as a catch-up mechanic
>"Resting" a card is just their word for Tap
>Card Level is the big mechanic, can only play cards if the level equals the level of the number of resources you have (ex: RX-78-2 is a Level 4 card but only needs 2 resources to play). I think the highest Level shown off so far is 6 on the Sinanju and Wing Gundam
>Units are mostly MS from what's been shown so far, but they mention Mobile Armors as an example in the video so expect them in a future set.
>Pilots can be paired with any MS, but pairing them with the proper MS gets bonuses alongside them being able to attack the turn they come into play
>Some Command cards also double as Pilot cards (The example they use has Quatre playing his violin as both a Fog-like effect for the Command and a basic Pilot)
>Bases act as a wall to protect your shields, need to be destroyed before you can attack the shields
>Shields can be played immediately when they're destroyed if they have the Burst keyword, if they don't they go to the Trash instead of your hand
>Shields are removed one at a time, when all 10 shields are gone and you're attacked it's GG
>Some keywords seem to be sorta like mechanical carryovers from MTG (Breach is Trample for example)
>MS deal damage simultaneously in combat, damage stays on the card afterwards like in Hearthstone instead of falling off after the turn is over like in MTG (They use dice to show it in the demo)
>Alt art cards are a big selling point
>First release info in pic related
I hope the DBZ digital client did good enough for them to justify this getting one too.
only way to get the beta in eu is to join some convention in the netherlands, and their homepage doesnt even show off anything about the gundam tcg. Damn, i wanted that beta edition it was sleek, i dont wanna buy it off a scalper i wanna BE the scalper just this once

>i was watching gundam today when this scene happened, the ultimate cliffhanger
One thing that was specified on the P-Bandai store but not here is that the Beta booster packs contain 51 of the cards from the later full release although some alt arts are unique to the beta packs.
Breach is not trample
I hope they make a mobile/steam game like Duel Links/Master
It's not just new TCGs, those vultures are there to pick the carcasses of dead TCGs in case you ever got hit by a nostalgic desire to revisit some games.

You fucking try finding a sealed box of TrekCCG 1E Blaze of Glory, if such a thing even exists anymore! Motherfucking scalping ass motherfuckers I just want to do a fucking dead card game legacy draft of some sort that spans the entire 1E print run!
Well hopefully the buy in for starter sets are cheapish. The Digmon prebuilt decks are a pretty good price for what they are. As long as it's not 50 bucks like Magic Commander decks are.
I pray everyday for Total """""Investor""""" Death. The Commander rules committee recently banned a few cards and it sent the retards who think cardboard is worth anything into a meltdown, shit was hilarious.
>trailer only featured cards for 0079, G-Bitch, Destiny, Unicorn and Wing
>nothing for the other shows
Fuck you, Bandai
I'm wondering if it's sold out in Japan as well, with the hassle it is to even get on JP P-Bandai I bet they have plenty.

But it's great to see a newly posted video and get to the pre-order page to know it's been up since 8 am and already long sold out. Wish I knew this was even coming over here before today.
It's gonna suck.
>Anon learns that tcgs use expansion packs to put out additional cards over time
it just shows that Bandai don't have an honest heart to make a tcg/ocg Gundam, just taking advantage of what's trending now to sell merchs until you get "hehe thanks for your money, this project is now discontinued because nobody cared enough about it except retards like you lmfao xD" as usual
Give one legitimate reason why they wouldn't include the most popular titles first to get as much interest as they can.
see you crying next year when they shut down this project lol

this is like the 10th time they try to push a TCG Gundam but it always fails because they only focus on what's trending in [current year].
Japan is obsessed with twitter's trending hashtags but they never learn from their mistakes
You're so right anon the first set should be Age, X, ZZ, and Build Divers instead, that'll sell great
Gundam Evolution flopped so hard and it didn't even live for 1 year even though it had 0079, Unicorn and Aerial lol
Yeah because it mostly had a bunch of random crap mobile suits nobody cared about instead of the big popular ones
>Gundam Evolution
Stop talking bro.
>comparisons to Magic
Did I walk into tumblr or something?
Question, but the Beta pack will have cards for 1 or 2 decks
1 deck that can be split into 2 for a smaller two player game.
My understanding is that the card isn't actually enough to finish a deck. It's just a static set to make a foundation for two or three decks with the booster packs you open.
Sounds like the whole set should have enough for 2 decks. But their viability probably depends on what you get in the booster packs.
>4 card types
I wish there was more to it. I'd be worried the game gets too simple and boring.
Hasn't every Gundam TCG for the last decade been shackled to a fucking arcade cabinet to actually play the game? I for one welcome a return to actual table top play.
They can add more, and they will probably add more later like the DBZ card game.
The opening set mechanics are actually already more complicated than most TCGs are on release. The cards we've seen are extremely bland though and don't really give us a good idea of how the actual game will be played in practice
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>Hasn't every Gundam TCG for the last decade been shackled to a fucking arcade cabinet to actually play the game

Gundam War was a traditional MTG type TCG, with colour factions, card tapping, all that traditional stuff. It also had the best longest run. As a JP ver player who lived in the east and played it until Bandai killed it out of nowhere, I can say it was actually really good and powercreep was kept to minimum, had health aftermarkets, had competitions, enjoyed small scenes and big. It did not require arcade machines, as it was tradition paper card TCG. Rules were pretty consistent and underwent little revisions. It lasted from 1999 to 2011.

Bandai then rebooted it into Gundam War-Nex-A for some reason, and while the new game "allowed" the use of old GW cards in some limited form, it did not see longevity remotely anywhere close to GW's run or balance. Or the array of artists employed for the card art, which was pretty good in GW. Many people who have sunken into the old GW ecosystem did not migrate, which did not help Nex-A's growth.

Around this point, Bandai were focusing more on Battle Spirits, perhaps to try and rival Weiss Schwarz, which saw them put a lot more Gundam stuff in BS.

Try-age was released in 2011, in the same year Nex-a was released, and this was the one that needed an arcade machine. Far from a deck-dueling TCG like the former. Try-age was also more aimed at the younger audience with the arcade machine style of animation, machine venue placements, and business model.

You can see where Bandai started doing the same shit they are doing nowadays with mobile game: launch, cashgrab, kill, repeat.

Then a couple more came and went. You can see how some may feel sceptical with Bandai with their history of TCG launches.
From the thumbnail it looked like he was pregnant
>see you crying next year when they shut down this project lol
Realistically, this is going to last a fair while.
The one saving grace to Bandai's endless waves of TCGs is that none of them have actually been shut down yet, regardless of performance.
The way I see it is if the game does good and develops a decent scene, that's good and I have a new game to play at my LGS. If it doesn't, then I have a couple decks I can break out for like a board game night or something.
Arsenal Base seems to be getting all the attention lately though.
This Beta product is a really nice set, but if its not getting a restock then desu I'll just pass on the entire game. Dont want to jump into a new moneysink game when its easy to scalp and others get such a good advantage before the game is even released

Or ill wait a few years after power creep and jump in late
I think Japan actually has a lottory for a chance to buy the product. You sign yp before Oct 20th and of youre selected, you can buy
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Arsenal Base is pretty fun.
There's a 99% chance that the cards in the Beta will not be competitively viable. Bandai's TCG has notoriously shit starter products.
but arsenal base its not a real tcg but an arcade game, you need the cards to play in the arcade (like aikatsu) but a lot of people just collect because the illustrations are pretty and they give good fanservice (like the card you posted).
I hope we never get G Gundam cards because I don't want to read names like Burning, Dark and Shadow again. It's already hard in video games.
So, which series do you think will be the first expansion? IBO? 00? Zeta?
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Anon at it's core it's pretty much just MTG with some Pokemon and Hearthstone rules thrown in with a coat of Gundam slapped on top. The only really unique things are unit/pilot combos (And let's be real, pilots are basically just Auras) and the card level thing.
Most of the cards in the beta are confirmed to be part of the full release, and at least some of the unconfirmed ones are just tokens. So if you just wait and buy a box or two and a basic deck when the full game comes out, you'll probably have most of the cards in the beta and more.
If I can't do 20 minute long combos turn 1 to dab on my opponent then I don't wanna play.
>Digimon already being cannibalized by One Piece
>now it has to compete with Gundam too
It's so over.
WfM clearly. You put your best foot forward.
Sounds like you need to get over it.
Shining to Burning makes more sense than Shining to God.
Probably 0079 or SEED, maybe a mix of 0079 and Wing or WfM. I doubt the cards in the Beta set are enough to make actual full decks of any of those series, so they'll probably start by expanding on the series that are already present before introducing too many new ones.
Did you say Digimon? Oh you're funny.
Don't think this TCG will reach the point of have an Amuro card signed by Tomino but it would be funny to see it.
>proceeds to piss away 300 words explaining "yes, actually"
My bad, 2011 didn't feel like a decade ago for me. Fuck I'm old.
In some areas, sure. The strangest things happen at game stores, one of my local ones had their Star Wars community for both card games and minis games killed by a bunch of them jumping ship to the One Piece TCG for example.
>makes more sense cope
Censorship is censorship, Americans should get over of their fear of fictional gods and devils.
Comparing it to MTG as if MTG were some kind of gold standard is ridiculous.
Why not compare it to any of the dozen other Bandai TCGs?
>fear of fictional gods and devils
It's more like fear of activist groups, and fear of profit loss.
Anon it's quite literally the most popular TCG in the world. Sure as shit isn't gold but is the standard.
MTG is the most popular in the US.
It's not even Top 5 in the world.
It's also a concern from the fucking 90's that doesn't apply anymore. Unless they still put them as Burning and Dark Gundams even in modern localizations, which if they do that's fucking retarded.
Then what is more popular worldwide, Pokemon maybe?
Yugioh, Duel Masters, and Vanguard are the Top 3 in that order.
>Doesn't apply anymore
How do you figure? Did all religious groups vanish from the face of the earth? Did they manage to pull the sticks out of their asses? No? Well, then trust me, it still applies; And yeah, they do still censor them. But that's likely because that's just what the suits are called in the west. Might even boil down to copyright technicalities at this point.
According to who?
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MTG is the gold standard for the sole fact that every other TCG wouldn't even exist if not for it starting the trend and being used as the basis for most TCGs
Merch produced primarily for the US market like the Gundam Universe toyline still use the Burning name, if only for consistency. The English translation for Super Robot Wars T also uses the Burning/Dark names over God/Devil even if the japanese dialogue still refers to them as such. Honestly I find it stupid since even Dragon Ball's moved on from calling Mr. Satan Hercule, and that's a much bigger IP over here than Gundam is.
because only fatherless retards like 00 or UC
>Latin america

What? No, mexico don't count, biggest market there is brazil and only recently they got gundam localized starting from witch of mercury. Quite dumb.
We got Wing on Cartoon Network almost the same time as US but it wasn't big like other anime heavy hitters of the time (DBZ, Kenshin, InuYasha) and no other series came after. But in streaming there's many series available through Crunchyroll and Netflix. There is a niche fandom on Brazil but buying imports here are an expensive nightmare and since not even the DBZ and OP card games got localized and even Magic bailed out of the country recently after almost 30 years, there's no way in hell this game will have any presence outside of some close otaku groups.
Set one is 0079, Unicorn, Wing, SEED, and WfM.
Wing got sandwiched between big stuff, which was ridiculous dumb, franchise got bad rep of being wordy and confusing thanks to that, don't exactly help since super mecha have far better reception thanks to sentai popularity.

Still, ygo and pokemon got big on covid and digital clients boosted popularity further, on top of that both TPCI and Konami do local events. Real problem for bamco is complete lack of anime presence and nostalgia.

At least there is official exporting, even if is mostly due likes dbz or saint seiya.
Freedom and Kira will be banned cards during the first year.
what have your eyes seen, NDA-breaking playtester-kun
You honestly don't want your TCG to become as retarded as modern YuGiOh.
This, at this point i welcome slower, more methodical metas

YGO is doing well in certain markets and completely dead in others, MTG is hard carried by its shitty crossover and commander cards and Hasbro literally can't stop fucking it up

So I welcome the Gundam TCG, it looks fun, the burst mechanic is always fun as it adds an important layer of luck into the game

And since Bandai doesn't have a pathological hatred for it like they do for Digimon (and many stores are dumping YGO and MTG) i think Gundam can carve out a niche for itself for those that don't like Shonen stuff like DBZ or OP
So you still have a shot through a TCG+ event, supposedly we'll know what LGS locations got one in January
>And since Bandai doesn't have a pathological hatred for it like they do for Digimon
Should I just assume Digimon is now old and busted to Bandai's eyes how that they have One Piece and God forbid Union Arena? So how is the "rebooted" DB Super game doing anyway?

>(and many stores are dumping YGO and MTG)
I'm surprised that stores would actually consider dumping them since most LGS I live still carry those two
So this beta thing will keep going for some months huh, too bad because I'm excited for an actual release that is easy to buy, I really like the gameplay demo.
Gundam has some presence in Mexico. We got Wing on Toonami (as it was already said), Seed Freedom on cinemas and Witch of Mercury on a local channel. And said local channel/company made a commercial pact with Bandai to start promoting their products here, which is why they started showing Witch of Mercury (it didn't have a large audience though).
It doesn't ship until December and the store demos aren't until February. We're probably like six months from release, still.
>Gundam TCG announced
>When we didn't get G Gen mobile game yet
>Or whatever the fuck the Gundam metaverse was supposed to be

I'm probably the only one pissed about this since I actually have a VR headset and I'm addicted to gacha mobile games, but man how can they announce something new when they didn't even follow through with the last few things they announced?
That G Gen game is probably dead.
At least we have enough new sidestories and MSV to get another UC only G Gen.
I'm just here for the Zeta and G Gundam cards.
The restock sold out in like 15 seconds after going up lol, was gone by the time I clicked add to cart, the scalpers fucked the beta release
Getting into a Gundam Card Game sounds cool but I dont want cards from a Gundam series I dislike to become meta and be forced to use them. Heres to hoping they dont overtune cards from Wing and SEED.
I thought I saw a Lacus card at one point but now I can't find it. Anyone have it?
Are you thinking of this one?
You anons think there will be archetypes? So could you make something like a "Shuffle Alliance" deck or something? Or will they just do colors?

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