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Something incoming for the 10th anniversary?
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Maybe an OVA or a new model kit?
something's incoming right here
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>It's been a while since I got in!
>Thank you to everyone who responded so quickly to my tweet, even though it's been a while since my last tweet. I think you'll all be fine with a sudden announcement. I look forward to working with you again when that time comes.
>I gave "likes" to people who responded to my posts as a little test, but I realized that it's not a good idea to "like" posts without guaranteeing the content. It's been a while since I've done this, so I got excited. Sorry.
I thimk I just got a dopamine hit with those tweetsHOLY FUCK WE ARE SO BACK.
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Yea my dick into Aida's pussy
if I was her I would Su so many Cords ifyawhadimean
Bluray box for the movies would be my guess
Xitter is banned in my third world shithole, what does it say?
Look up, stupid.
RG G-Self please
Wtf is going on with Brazil?
The current huehue President got butthurt that Elon Musk made fun of him or something.
Oh bother....
first country smart enough to ban that plague of a site
Fora Bolsonaro
Judge asks Twitter to cooperate with something, Musk says no, judge says give the data or we'll kick you out, Twitter abandons ship before the judge can do it, now Brazil has no Twitter access, this is very simplified and lacking in context and details but I'm lazy.
Probably reissued model kits, p-bandai apparel. HOPEFULLY a new kit and the films getting a US license.
MG or Full Mechanics G-Self maybe?
you're pretty fucking stupid, aren't you? Muskrat raves on and on about free speech but he immediately censors and attacks anything that offends him in any way.
no shit, simping for ANYONE is shit in this day and age

look out for yourself before any billionaires
I dislike Musk too, but in Brazil's case, what kickstarted the block was a judge from the supreme court demanding that certain users be doxxed for "spreading misinformation."
Now whether it was actual misinformation or not, Idk, it was censored lol
I can settle for a Full Mechanics. Ideally though I'd prefer a Real Grade, feels like both MG and RG will never catch up with all the protagonist suits
calling world-renowned diver rescuer a pedophile because he told you your shitty idea is shit is pretty bad and very stupid, yes
don't bother trying to argue with these retards
giving one of countless examples how Musk is a whiny manchild that stopped even paying his pr team at this point
You're all retards. Shut the fuck and post reco shit.
>Now whether it was actual misinformation or not
yeah but nothing major. Just you know, genuine actual nazis and child porn.
can't even hate on things without fucking bleeding hearts complaining about it nowadays
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Have you guys been able to convince more people to watch it after the movies came out or is that a lost cause?
The only thing I've convinced anything of is myself to not bother dealing with retards. Oh hell I just did it again.
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still no kit
New OVA releasing.
20 minutes of it will be Mask bitching at Belri
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It has got to be the MG/RG right? Maybe even a new Blu-ray box.
I would be really surprised if they're coming out with new content for G-Reco.
you guys are so darn horny
Has Tomino himself said anything? I thought if he was gonna work on anything new it would be that Himiko Yamato whatever.
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He's only been talking about Himiko Yamato but he did meet with Akiman and Yoshida a couple of months back.
Most likely Blu-Ray. They barely reprint G-Reco kits
Some has to keep the flame alight for the Age of Onee-san Tomino prophecized.
He said he had multiple projects too.
Though I think he also said he wasn't working on Gundam
then again, he keeps refusing to call G-reco "gundam" kek
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Cute butt.
all will be forgiven when they finally made that poll-winning G-Self Ver Ka
I really don't want the G-Self to be KATOKI'd. I'd rather have it closer to Akiman's design.
G-Self is pretty fucking ugly so honestly while I'm a bit tired of Katoki I have to say I disagree.
You're ugly. And gay.
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Su-Cord bless that manga
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New chapter when?

>10 years since this incoherent brain rot first aired

I'm so happy i watched and did better things with my time.
>He's only been talking about Himiko Yamato
Recently? I don't remember.
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kits never ever ever
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sex with Arcane
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My treasure
It's never happening in this universe unfortunately, try the next one.
>10th anniversary
oh no...
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10th anniversary illustration by Kenichi Yoshida
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Reconguista in G 10th Anniversary Event on November 16th will all 5 movies to be shown. More details to be announced at a later date.
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HG 1/144 Gundam Base Limited G-Self (Perfect Pack) ("Reconguista in G" Movie Ver.)
>The head, chest, shoulders, and joints are recreated with new molding.
>The eyes unique to the movie version are recreated with plastic stickers.
>Each mode can be recreated, including space mode and atmospheric mode.
>The backpack can be deployed to transform into assault mode.
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METAL ROBOT Spirits <SIDE MS>| G- Self (Perfect Pack)
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Based as fuck
that's really cool!
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Hah hah. Time for death!
Cool but much prefer if they reprint most of the G-Reco kits
>HG 2.0
It's not a 1/100 but hey it's something. Hopefully fixes some of the issues that kit has.
>Gundam Base limited
It's no RG' but it still looks great. I might cough up if I have to
Can it be bought online? Or do you have to go to the actual Gundam Base store?
you have to buy it in person, so this fucks over even japanese people that can't go there
it's gonna be on p-bandai eventually, but it's still fucking bullshit when it should have been regular release
It's the Robot Spirits for me then...
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New vs Old HG
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I love them so much!
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Akiman is at Sunrise again
Himiko Yamato is gonna be so fucking good I can feel it
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Did Tomino say anything yet? Also, that date seems to be close to his birthday.
Anyone have a copy without the captions? Looks good for a wallpaper
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Arcane a cute
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I remember watching some of G Reco a few years ago and not liking it. Production feeling super cheap was my main complaint, besides the editing feeling nonsensical.

I still love the designs and am a huge fan of Yoshida and Yasuda.
Would you say the movies are worth watching? Or do they suffer the same faults?
>Production feeling super cheap was my main complaint,

Were you stupid or just retarded? Because while you can say things about reco looking cheap is certainly not one of them.
The movies are almost 1-to-1 with the series with only a handful of new scenes and a couple slight adjustments here and there. If you didn't like it before then the movies will do nothing to change that.
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>Production feeling super cheap
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Not crazy about the new head, but I'll live. I just hope they opt for a vanilla version with the atmospheric pack.
I haven’t consumed anything G Reco after the tv show. Did she win?
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Why is Mask such a loser anyway?Even though he got best girl
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Because he's so consumed with his people's history and his own sense of inferiority because of it that he lashes out at anyone who has an easier time of things.
>Even though he got best girl
Lol. No. Especially after what she did to her hair.
Mask is the ultimate anti-Char
>Blue instead of red
>Stick on left side instead of the right
>Shows his true self while using his mask and hide his real self in his real identity
>Didn't even need to go full anonymous but did it anyway
>Keeps fucking up
>Overly emotional
>Actually gets a good ending and manage to outgrew his issues
And it's why I love this autistic weirdo.
After 0079 Tomino realized people missed the point and thought Char was cool so he set out to make every single rival character either a complete unquestionable loser or a polar opposite of Char. Mask is in the former category, but in fairness a lot of it is due to being radicalized by Kumpa to serve as his attack dog.
In many ways Mask reflects G-Reco's main themes even more than Bellri, here's a nice analysis
He's someone who was part of a historically oppressed group of people, who while nowadays they face no significant barriers to their life pathways but who place massive weight on most interactions they have with society and others on his ancestors having been oppressed. Even though nobody currently alive even was participating in said oppression and the entire world has moved on if not for people within that class hammering in on how it is such a great injustice that they're still harmed by it and even if they hold some of the most prestigious positions in the world and their group status is never brought up in any significant capacity still believe they're being actively oppressed.
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I don't get people who don't want Char to be a loser. Char is such character that being a bit of a loser is literally the main point, it's what makes him so human and that's the case with many Tomino characters. It makes the story a lot more real.
Well like most things, people miss the point completely. They see a mask, a custom MS and him being called an ace and that's enough.
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I think the stuff that ultimately makes Char a loser most people find amusing instead of disappointing so it doesn't really detract from their perception of him
The funniest thing is that many of the fellow loser Char clones do a lot of things Char also did, but they gets shit for it while Char gets away.
It's like that "Hello, Human Resources?!" meme.
OGs always gets a pass.
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>It has been announced that Director Yoshiyuki Tomino, Yu Shimamura (role of Aida Surgan), Minako Kotobuki (role of Noredo Nagu), Kenichi Yoshida (character designer), and Akira Yasuda (mechanical designer) will appear at the screening event "G Reconguista 10th Anniversary Event ~This is our Reconguista!~".
>The event will be held on Saturday, November 16th at Shinjuku Piccadilly in Tokyo. In addition to screening all five movies of "G Reconguista" in movie form, the above five people will also give a speech on stage.
>Tickets are available for pre-reservation (lottery) from today, Wednesday, October 16th. Don't miss this opportunity.
>Also, the 10th anniversary SNS campaign "All Earthlings Should Watch G-Reco!" is currently being held. If you post your passionate thoughts about "G-Reco" or your interpretation of the work along with the designated hashtag on X, it will be picked up and introduced at the stage greeting, so get posting in!
No Bellri?
In fairness, 99% of people miss that in-universe too.
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Never meet your heroes, kids.
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This show had so many fun little bits.
>Especially after what she did to her hair.
I mean she can just grow it out again since she stopped being in the army
>B...bu but she'll grow it out this time
Any woman who cuts her hair like that once is bound to do it again. Don't be a perpetual victim. You have the power to walk away from girls who cut long black hair.
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>This is something to celebrate.
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If Gundam is meant to sell toys how did they release five whole ass movies without any new G-Reco Gunpla or figures?
Suddenly Bellri is my favorite MC
G-Reco isn't Gundam according to Tomino
Outside of putting the Gundam title, Tomino pretty much had full freedom for Greco. He is highly respected of the current Sunrise main executives since they either were former staff of him or were people who grew up with his shows.

So Tomino can pretty much do what he want beside a few marketing things. There’s a reason his next (final?) show will still be at Sunrise
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Is this better than a MG?
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metal robot damashii are roughly 1/144 scale premade figures with metal joints and a more premium surface finish than MG/RG, they cost in the ballpark of $150 to 200 USD give or take?

you don't get to assemble it but you also aren't meant to apply any details yourself, so it's up to you whether you like that or not
I understand people saying they don't understand the story. Because retards. But saying the production feeling cheap, is super retarded. Hope you're just pretending to be stupid, like you pretend you watched the show.
Where you do think we are?
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Hell. We’re All in Hell
Lol the Gundam Base HG G-Self Perfect Pack sold out
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Cheers to the 10th anniversary.
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I would unironically but a kit of her triangle
Boolean Matter Displacement?
yeah that head design is awesome glad greco got a proper kit
Am i insane or does she have a slight cameltoe.
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Holy shit, there's two of them.
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I'm gonna try and see if I can figure out what's going on in the third G-Reco recap movie. Wish me luck.
It's funny to come back to this and be reminded there are girls in this show called "Banana Peel" and "Mick Jagger".
Can't get no satisfactions
"Is this the G-Self?" It's a design called the Reconguista from 2008, which is when Turn A Space was being conceptualized
The movies are pretty straight forward.
No less turbo-boosted than the original show, though.
I'm watching this, and they go from a failed feint, to a failed negotiation, to Luin and Rockpie teleporting back from the negotiation to their fleets to shoot each other while it still takes Aina and company a while to rendezvous with the Megafauna during that shootout.
Turn-A Space? Just the idea that Tomino would be doing another show somewhat in the vein of Turn-A? Or was it meant to have more direct connections to Turn-A at some point?
It was a sequel to Turn A covering a budding conflict across the Earth sphere. It was also supposedly meant to try and connect Tomino's other worlds to Gundam. Akiman tweeted about a plot after Turn A's ending, which was probably about Turn A Space.

>Before her death, Lady Diana seemed to be doing well for a year, and at that time, Roland received a message from the moon about a conflict that was occurring over the Mountain Cycle that was discovered on the continent of Gallia. I think it would be fine for Lady Diana to work in secret for that one year in Gallia, without coming to the public's attention.

Gallia is a region from Turn A implied to be europe, since Gallia was a real word name for Gaul. It's pretty likely that the Ameria-Gondwan war that's mentioned in passing is a reference to the original Turn A Space plot.

In G-Reco, Gondwan is a nation to the east of Ameria (America), directly over the ocean, so it's implied to be a western european nation, meaning it would be in Gallia. Considering there was a Gundam called the Reconguista during Turn A Space's planning it's pretty likely the conflict with Towasanga/Moon-race was also from Turn A Space. IIRC the Crescent Moon ship is also a directly recycled design from Turn A Space's concept phase, so maybe the Venus Globe plotline is also recycled from Turn A Space. Based on what little we know about Turn A Space it seems like G-Reco was Tomino's attempt to revive or reuse some of the plot, concepts, and even the staff he wanted for Turn A Space.

Maybe in some alternate universe Loran is fighting in Europe while Bellri and co are fighting in South America over the Capital Tower.
Love how many classic SFX G-Reco managed to insert. Helps it feel even more like a Turn A follow-up.
Why do they keep calling the G-Self "YG"?
Jesus these subs are terrible. So many spelling and grammar errors.
What the heck is a "Floor Collapse"?
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YG-111 is the G-Self's official model number when it was made in Towasanga. The G-Self never had a proper name until Aida decided to call it that.
One of the Towasanga ring colony's floor caved in and made a hole.
After the 1 hour mark, the 3rd recap movie gets extremely sporadic and bizarre, mostly just idiots yelling at each other not to damage each other's motherships because they're scared the Hermes Foundation will withold supplies from them.

What's the Hermes Foundation, again? Are they what Bellri and Aida are prince and princesses of?
Crunchyroll should either fire Iyuno or start giving them more time and money to sub shit.
It's the Venus Globe foundation that started the Ag tech taboo and photon battery delivery/embargo system. It was founded on Towasanga and the Rayhunton family was a big supporter of it until the Dorette family wiped them out for imposing limits on Towasanga as well as Earth, since Dorette wanted to use their superior technology to conquer the planet and settle down there. It's implied it was founded before humanity's collapse at the end of UC since they maintain the Rose of Hermes, a database from UC that holds all of sorts UC technology, even the Moonlight Butterfly, according to Tomino and Akiman since they said the G-Lucifer has the moonlight butterfly.

The website is helpful

>Hermes Foundation
>An organization that has a monopoly on the production and supply of photon batteries.
Founded long ago in Towasanga, it is currently based in Venus Globe, an orbital planet near Venus.
The photon batteries it produces are transported to Earth via Towasanga by Cassiba Mikoshi and Crescent Ships.

>Rayhunton family
>A noble family with a long history in Towasanga. A family that has protected science and technology since the Universal Century, it had deep ties with the Hermes Foundation and Venus Globe.
It disappeared from the stage of history due to a coup d'état by the Dorette family, who were in charge of military affairs.
When was that glossary first published anyway? 2016?
Or is this like FF13 and they updated that as the show was running, taking direct reference from Tomino's notes about Jewish conspiracies and exterminating anyone older than 19?

Man, this show needs Maechen from FF10 to explain all this backstory.
you can understand it all by watching the movie
Started movie 4.
Kia calling himself "Director of Technology Preservation" and the general hostility towards outsiders reminds me of the Brotherhood of Steel.
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Happy 83rd, old man!
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Finished the fourth movie. Feels more like a tour of a setting that we're getting as opposed to an actual show.
Have you never read Foundation?
It's been a long time. I really ought to reread it one of these days.
Damn, he shares the same birthday with my brother.
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Tomino didn't create Roux. Endo did.
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Definition of actual design diversity done extremely right, look at the range of insane design work going on here.

Who gives a fuck what someone's skin color is if we can't have 7 eyes, golden plating, electronic panels and helmets the shapes of magnets and sharks?
the sheer irony of this when talking about Tomino's work
I mean Tomino works are extremely diverse with skin colors too, especially CCA.
I meant "especially post CCA"*
Tomino outright said he believes the world will be more and more diverse as times ago. One of His daughter marrying with someone not from Japan probably had an effect too. (Tomino is a very strange individual with many issues, but he apparently always was a very good father )
even before CCA, really. He wanted Ryu to be black but apparently execs considered that worse than latino so he had to change. And with Victory he remarked how nice it was that it he made a pretty big part of the cast black and nobody batted an eye.
It's strange how so many people complain about "modern anime wanting to be diverse" when they are in fact, far far less diverse than anime in the 80s/90s, especially Sci-fi/Mecha shows.

And there's like 10 times more anime produced now than back then
Modern media frame things this way to try and create an image of a fantastical perfect society where some people (who just happen to be the target audience) lived the high life and that any perceived problems only sprang up recently to drum up support for causes that use these issues as a springboard for other projects that would not garner public support if they received too much attention.
Watched episodes 15 and 16.
Man, they straight-up say that the G-Self is called YG-111, that Raraiya was sent by the Rayhunton House to scout Earth and maybe find the heirs, that the house built the G-Self from a rejected Dorette Fleet design, and that the Rayhunton family fell from grace because they supported Venus Globe's monopolization of Photon Battery, air and water ball production.
If any of this was in the recap movies, I didn't notice it.
Old stuff new how to be diverse in a way that was, for want of a better term, "normalized." That is to say the diversity was there, it just didn't feel the need to insist on itself because the audience has goddamn eyes. In any case you didn't pay it much attention either way which is really how it should be. Nowadays "writers" (whom I only call so in a show of extreme generosity) have so little understand of subtlety and nuance that they think the only way to be at all diverse is to call constant attention to it so characters are less interesting and frankly annoying.
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Raraiya wasn't directly sent by the Rayhunton supporters, rather she was secretly working for them while in the scouting corps. She got her hands on the G-Self because the army considered it just a reject that wasn't special, but that was because the G-self can only reveal its true performance when someone with Rayhunton biometrics uses it. So it's more like the loyalists snuck the G-Self into the military tests so they could have one of their spies, Raraiya, get her hands on it to go to earth to deliver it to any potential Rayhunton survivors.
Watched episode 17.
Okay, this is a little clearer. Everybody still briefly gets into a fight, but it's because the Amerians were paranoid about Towasangans touching the Megafauna and G-Self, Luin and Barara being firebrands, and Raraiya fumbling in piloting a Neodu. Then Rockpie goes "You idiots! If anyone damages the Kashiba Mikoshi, we'll lose hot water and electricity privileges!" and everyone goes and does their chores together.
Then Cap Colonel Cumpa comes aboard the Megafauna to talk to Retainer Whatshisface and let the audience know he apparently delivered the MCs to Earth for the house while having his own interest in building up Earth's tech and military in defiance of the Taboo. Aida takes all this episode's drama in and decides "Maybe we should go have a chat with the Hermes Foundation if they're a big source of these issues. Set course for the Crescent Ship!".

Still no explanation for when Ringo got a crush on Raraiya, though.
I mean, is there much explanation needed for a boy having a crush on a cute girl?
Raraiya is cute and retarded and best boy is already taken.
I would have liked to have actually seen it happen. Then again, Gundam's never been good with character moments - anything that fleshes out the cast probably means less time devoted to showing new toys for kids to buy.
>less time devoted to showing new toys for kids to buy
Toy franchise, toy board. Fuck off to xitter or /a/, tourist.
>I would have liked to have actually seen it happen.

What do you want him to turn into a Tex Avery wolf? People just like people. There's not always an in depth explanation. I know so much crap has trained your retarded monkey brain into think attraction can only form because of deeply explained justifications but that's just not how it is. People can like people for mundane or even less reasons. You'll understand one day.
>Gundam's never been good with character moments
are you stupid
>deeply explained justifications
I'm asking to be shown them interacting like characters instead of story automatons. That shouldn't be so difficult.
Well good for you the entire show is just that
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Kerbes is so lucky
have you considered sticking to Aldnoah Zero
I've never watched Aldnoah Zero. I was told it sucked because it was made by the Sword Art Online people.
wish I was the one making him lucky
Tell me what characterization is going on in episode 18. There isn't any. It's just more robots fighting other robots.
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Mick Jack is a tall glass
Episode 19. I want to say this reminds me of Planetes, but then I haven't watched Planetes and have no idea what it's like.
Also I think Tomino is still not over his "The Earth is a sacred place that must be purged of all life" phase.
>Also I think Tomino is still not over his "The Earth is a sacred place that must be purged of all life" phase.
If you're getting that from G-Reco you're literally retarded.
>Aida: "I think it's wrong for the Capital to horde all its photon batteries from the rest of Earth!"
>Noredo: "You're just saying that because you grew up on Ameria!"
>Whichever adult: "Ameria brainwashed you to believe the wrong things!"
>Harobe: "You were educated wrong! You were educated wrong!"
>Tomino is still not over his "The Earth is a sacred place that must be purged of all life" phase
have you not watched CCA?
we belong to Earth
Oh, they're called the "G-IT Corps" because their mobile suits are G-types.
>the G-self can only reveal its true performance when someone with Rayhunton biometrics uses it.
Given the events of episode 19 and 20, it seems more like the G-Self won't work at all unless the Rayhuntons are piloting it, and Raraiya is an exception they programmed in. That or everybody from Venus Globe has no idea how to operate mechs with abnormal control schemes.
21 episodes down.
Kia is a well-written villain for the story he's in. The leader of a war hawk faction who sacrifices himself to fix the mistakes his attitude caused, while telling his subordinates to see him as a martyr for his awful cause. Feels like an idea from Turn A that never got used.
You tell me what characterization is in Gundam 00.
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>Tomino: Today is a good birthday celebration for my 83rd birthday.
>Yugo Kanno: Director, please make at least three more new works!
>Tomino: No, don't say so easily (laughter).

>Kanno: I've always wanted to do an orchestra concert someday with only the music from “G no Reconguista”!
>Tomino Thank you very much. I'm very much looking forward to it. Please do it after I die.

>Tomino: I can't walk without a cane. I have prepared myself to die next year. Six months ago, I started organizing what to do with all the books I have accumulated. I can't die because I can't organize them at all (audience laughed).

>Kanno: But I heard through the grapevine that director Tomino is going to make a film, and that he is going to gather famous staff members from all over Japan.
>Tomino: No one is coming. I'm in real trouble because no one is approaching me.

>Kanno: But the tickets sold out immediately!
>Tomino: What surprised me most when I saw the faces of the audience was... there were a surprisingly large number of old people (audience laughed). I had heard rumors that G-reco was supposed to be supported by many younger people.

>Tomino: I am really feeling the harshness of reality, and I am depressed (laughs).

>Tomino: I am aware that age is something that cannot be hidden. When I said, “Isn't that Hayao Miyazaki, who is the same age as me?” He is on a different level from me, a genius by far, so he was able to create such a work and fooled the Americans (audience laughed).

>Tomino: We tried to achieve that with “G-RECO,” but there was still the “fetter of giant robots". There is a prejudice that giant robots will never become a masterpiece.

>Tomino: We needed Yugo Kanno's music to break through that, but he did something (Dreams Come True) that destroyed his honor at the end. You can hit me.
Okay now tell us when you'll apologize for the sarin gas attacks
Man, the Dorette Fleet got handled like an afterthought in the show. They don't even go down to our heroes, they go down to Luin and the G-ITs.
TV finished.
Okay, that was the funniest possible way to execute on Tomino's classic "Fuck adults" moral. Just commit a drive-by squishing with a space carrier.
Movie finished too. That last one didn't acutally change anything. Shame, they really should've given more scenes to show off mechs that aren't the G-Self. Would've helped SRW immensely.
Thoughts? Feelings? Was it as impenetrable as memes say?
Kinda? I still needed a guide and help from other anons to figure out stuff like why the Kashiba Mikoshi matters (which is neither told nor shown by the show, and is especially annoying when it's redundant with the Crescent Ship), that the Hermes Foundation and Venus Globe are synonyms for the same society, and what the Taboo or Rose of Hermes is supposed to be. There were points where I had to check back and forth between TV and compilation for details like "Venus Globe also supplies air and water balls". What's probably the most damning is how a lot of my comprehension of this show is based on memories of very similar content in Turn A - the Reconguista Plan just being Operation Homecoming and several character types just being recycled from that show. Plus the constant self-reminders I needed to take about Tomino being a crazy hippie. I wonder where all the really great writers from Turn A went after that show was over...
All of this is explained in the show and movies and your purported similarities to Turn A and its characters are superficial at best. I'm impressed it took you several days of this nonsense to admit you're just a troll.
>honest response is trolling
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I'm surprised it took someone this long to realise this was one. It was quite obvious.
>Plus the constant self-reminders I needed to take about Tomino being a crazy hippie. I wonder where all the really great writers from Turn A went after that show was over...
I'd level that same criticism at Zeta, Victory and Hathaway. Don't act like this show is an exception.
that just means you're retarded, which was already an established fact
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Flaminia Kalle's typical height is achieved when she wears a bodysuit, while her natural stature is that of a shorter person.

This incident surprised me greatly.
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They did hint that early on
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Do the G-Arcane and G-Lucifer count as Gundams?
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Their HG boxes say "Gundam G Arcane" and "Gundam G Lucifer" right on them.
What about the other G-series mechs?
What's a Gundam?
worth nothing that so does G-Self
the new kit doesn't. For that matter the movies don't have "Gundam" in the title anymore either.
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>the new kit doesn't
Umm checkmate, sweetie!
Jokes aside, even the new Metal Robot G-Self doesn't have "Gundam" in its name too and IIRC, same in the recent mechanics book and the official website.
Gondwan gets its name from the "Gondwanaland" supercontinent made of Antarctica, India, Australia, South America and Africa
The joke is Tomino acknowledging the idea that Anaheim filed a trademark for the Gundam name at some point in late UC, either before or during Crossbone
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The Rose of Hermes blueprints has got to be from Anaheim right?
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>rose of hermes
I like the schizoposts this suit causes
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It's time.
For L-gaim?
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Yes please, along with more models in general. The Reco lineup has been left to boil in liquid shit for so long.
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>Akiman: "Yoshida-san is amazing at drawing over 70 different characters. I can't do it myself."
>Director Tomino: ``That's pretty humbling. I'm thinking you should watch it next year.''
im watching movies alongside the tv episodes now (end of movie 2 and ep10 rn) and the movies are fucking nonsensical. They omit so many scenes you end up with the characters just randomly doing things for no reason, then I switch to the TV version and it's properly explained that they're going to place X to do Y. Parts of fights are also cut turning encounters into nonsense (though this happens vice versa too, at least in one occassion when movies added animation for g-self shield bashing that was missing, not as bad as the movies though)

I've gone through all of UC and late up to victory recently and G reco is the most confusing one so far, so not exactly surprising someone wouldn't get it.
you're only outing yourself as a low value brain
ain't there better boards to fish for yous with shitty bait replies like this?
Himiko Yamato tease?
>He wanted Ryu to be black but apparently execs considered that worse than latino so he had to change
I had no idea he was supposed to be latino, I always thought he was black or at least puerto rican.
He was fat
Never understood why there was a borg cube in the zz intro. Anyone know any information about it?
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I will remember Cumpa Rusita's exit.
Tomino's so great at giving his villains suitably poetic and pathetic ends. I think it's a big reason why his shows are so satisfying and endings so iconic.
it's not just vilains but many characters
Tomino himself doesn't have a very positive opinion on himself
perhaps in his view, some patheticness is required for characters to be human
Himiko Yamato next year?
Either 2025 or 2026. 2025 for the announcement for sure

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