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22 years later, how bad do we think it really is?
It's cool.
We are not a collective you underage undead abortion
It's shit
I love OG SEED. Kira gets kinda dumb though in Destiny and Freedom.
Better than Zeta but that's not a high bar
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Athrun Zala has arrived and demands naked tomboys.
You're shit.
Seed is GOAT.
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Is it worth it?
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SEED is unironically fine. Probably my favorite official Gundam AU, since all of the others besides IBO are rehashes of UC, whereas SEED differentiates itself with its romantic fairy tale flavor.
Almost finished watching Seed Destiny. Nowhere near as bad as people made it out to be, and these Jesus memes about Kira are disappointingly way out of proportion.
SEED is literally 50% a 0079 rehash what are you talking about?
Very bad
>Cosmic Era
>2 shows, manga, a movie, a couple videogames
What did they mean by this? Why call it gundam seed when there's no seed gundam?
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20 years since the premiere of Gundam Seed Destiny. What would you like to say to Seed Destiny on its 20th anniversary?
Most of what makes it decent at all is just it rehashing 0079 or remixing concepts from UC. The only decent central idea it has about genetic engineering and the consequences thereof are poorly explored mainly because it's largely dropped as something they even address after a while.

Popularity amongst the casual audience was carried by its good character designs, soundtrack, and of course Okawara's mechanical designs. As much as people joke about the character samefaces, the character designs have endured in their popularity after all this time, whether through merch or the endless porn we get of them.
Honestly im surprised good character design is a factor here. I find both the design and the artstyle very ugly.
Personally? I was not fond of it all that much but it had its moments (Stargazer & Astray). DESU I found more enjoyment out of watching G-Reco than this.
I don't like the designs either but there's clearly something appealing about them to a lot of people. Someone who's more well-versed in cartoon character designs in this could probably explain better than I can but I think the simplistic samefaces that people criticize a lot are simultaneously what makes it so appealing to mass audiences.
The whole point of SEED’s production was to be a 0079 for dumbfuck young children in the early aughts
I finished watching SEED for the first time this last weekend and mostly enjoyed it (Athrun carries). It spends about 20 episodes being an EXTREME rip off of 0079 before starting to do it's own thing after the whole not-ramba ral arc. The gundam designs grew on me a lot, but that's also the problem. Most of the designs were just gundams. Grunts took a huge backseat and even worse they're just uninspired rip offs of UC suits (which seems to have gotten worse with Destiny and Freedom). Can't wait to watch destiny because I hear it becomes a trainwreck.
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Did anyone ever get the CellDX cards?
00 was a fucking Wing retread, you retard.
Watched it for the first time last year. The first episode was good but then it got pretty boring and I felt like it was just a series of battles with no stakes until like episode 8 or so when Flay starts becoming more important. Her overt Coordinator hate, manipulating Kira to become her personal kill dog, the on screen sex scene. She legitimately made the series interesting again and I got invested into what would happen.
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Yeah, that was pivotal.
To be honest Seed/Destiny angular designs always looked boring to me. Post-0079 UC Gundams are much cooler. Okawara peaked at Wing and after that his designs were just rehashes.
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Forgot the pic
Original Freedom is still the best Freedom.
>There's still no 0080 Gundam
>There's still no 0083 Gundam
>There's still no 08th MS Team Gundam
>There's still no Chars Counterattack Gundam
>There's still no IGLOO Gundam
>There's still no Trailblazer Gundam
>There's still no Iron Blooder Orphan Gundam
What did they mean by this
that's an origin-level copout and you know it
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Where's his smirk when he was thinking about Cagalli?
You're a copout.
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That makes it look like Cagalli and Lacus are going to kiss.
Kira cucked AGAIN!?
Poor man's DX
Too much melodrama.
Seed Astray is the superior choice.
It's terrible after the Kira and Athrun fight and Kira get the freedom. Before that it is ok. Even after that to be fair the climatic battle is fun. I especially like Yzak getting kills on the druggies.
Mediocre for the first 25 episodes. Abysmal afterwards.

It's shit.
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>We are not a collective you underage undead abortion
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>You're shit.
>Seed is GOAT.
SEED was pretty bad.
Destiny was complete shit to the point it makes SEED look kinda good.
Freedom is shockingly good.
Morosawa was cancer
>Freedom is shockingly good.
Lol no.
Freedom is so bad that it makes destiny look kind of good.
Got any examples?
I only need to give one, NTR.
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I wonder if it was an attempt to give Kira and Lacus more flaws because people complained about them being flawless in Destiny. Sure, Kira loses to Shinn, but it's treated as just a minor setback for him compared to Orphee almost stealing Lacus from him in Freedom.
>Kira loses to Shinn
Only reason kira lost was because he was not trying to kill shinn, if he wanted to kill him it would have been over in seconds.
You're right. Still, I don't think it bothered him much aside from Freedom getting destroyed. After that he's fine and he gets Strike Freedom later on anyway. Compare that to him losing his shit over Lacus in Freedom.
You know, I actually liked the first quarter of it or so better than the original series. You can criticize it for being a retread of Mobile Suit Gundam, but most of the things they cribbed from it felt like actual improvements on the formula. We get to see more of the protagonists' home colony and life before the war so there's a bigger sense of loss when the attack happens. The relationships between the characters felt more fleshed out and the sense of tension between the civilians and the military carried a lot better throughout the first few story arcs rather than just having one or two episodes focusing on it. It was a worthy Successor to the original Mobile Suit Gundam right up until Kira failed to stay dead, I think. Then it just got kinda silly.
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SEED is fantastic, and IMO a better telling of 0079, even if Kira's characterization gets worse and worse as the sequels come out, compared to Amuro becoming better.

DESTINY is fucking awful, and is the reason people think of Kira as Jesus Yamato. The beam spam gets horrendous and the villain's plot is nonsensical.

haven't seen the newest one.
>SEED differentiates itself
SEED is literally a early 00s remake of 0079 with teen drama thrown in, the fuck?
Destiny already demonstrated a replacement Lacus can be made
>Sad depressed Kira doesn't react as Lacus v3/Meer v2 bounces her tits in his face
Kira didn't want to kill anyone else he'd ever faced in a bunch of fights before that and they didn't beat him. Sounds like you're coping over Shinn being The One in 1-0
Was Shinn the first person to take advantage of Kira not making killing blows?
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No, he lost to Athrun. Kira beat Rey.
He (well Rey) was the first person to even notice Kira did that. Apparently everyone else just chalked it up to coincidence.
I liked the show's MS design. Story was a ripoff the original MSG and Kira was cringe though.
>SEEDiot got got

rare Janny W
How is Mobile Fighter G Gundam a UC rehash?
Cinema Concert.
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ugly MS
SHITnn lost at ORB
That’s SHITnn
He watches CHADira and Athrun take turns with Luna like a good dog.

Nice headcanon cope for the clone shit in Seed Freedom

Tl;dr he proposes the clones are like VoltureLumiere funnels and act independently by following and predicting shinn's thoughts
Athrun's cheating on Cagalli? That bastard.
Original Sneed is quite good, I'm actually rewatching it for the first time in like a decade. I liked the world building and melodrama. Destiny sucked.

I haven't checked out the other stuff.
He already cheated on her with Meer and Meyrin.
Watching the original or the remaster?
I keep forgetting how much of a manwhore Destiny Athrun is.


this fool can't even spell kek
>>following and predicting shinn's thoughts
>Can't wait to plow Luna tonight
Keep coping, Xfag.
CHADira won and you lost.
What does After War have to do with Kira?
>Cucked Humiliatingly And Decisively ira
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cope ;)
Cucked Obediently Plus Entirely?
Are you saying that Kira likes being cucked?
Seed was okay, I guess. High highs, but very low lows.
Destiny is terrible. Just bad.
Freedom is so much fucking fun and way better than it has any right to be.
It's not like he's got a choice...
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The best, most loving and most canon couple in Gundam.
Given how the industry has developed and brought in idol purity culture, it's refreshing to see actual couples and sexo
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Happy 57th birthday, Mitsuishi.
Lacus canonically doesn't fuck with Kira.
I actually grown to dislike Hirai's character designs and art style.
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His artwork peaked at S-cry-ed.
GoT of Gundam

by that, I mean it goes grimdark early (teenage sex manipulation) to have it end anything like that (pink princesses, powerful Gundams that allow to spare most of enemies, drop of berserk status, retconning death...)
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The NTR in this movie gets fucking obliterated. The bad guy dies like a bitch and the main couple fuck on the beach immediately after killing him. What the fuck are you complaining about? If you're the type to seethe and get triggered by NTR then this should be right up your alley.
>Can't wait to watch destiny because I hear it becomes a trainwreck.
I actually really like the first third of Destiny. Then Jesus Yamato takes over and it goes to shit.
Jesus saved Destiny.
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What's eating this purist brat?
/m/ can never convince anyone they hate anything SEED related ever again, considering SEED Freedom had multiple continued threads leading up to its release and for weeks after that.

There hasn't been anything as hyped up as GSF in /m/'s recent history
You can like something but that doesn't mean you have to like every aspect about it.
Seed has the same problem as many other AUs do where there are some good ideas that aren't used well. Not a good show.
Destiny is more of the same problems and some more Gundam cliches mixed in.
Freedom felt like a joke that went on for too long. I can't believe they made a movie like that.
>Seed has the same problem as many other AUs do where there are some good ideas that aren't used well. Not a good show.
the fuck was up with that spacewhale?
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Nice outfits.

Captcha: GAYDP
Pure conjecture on my part, but I think the existence of the spacewhale was supposed to discredit religious beliefs within the CE, which contributes to people in-universe being angry and feeling hopeless about the state of the world. But then there's a priest hanging around anyway.
They're showing the Special Edition version of Freedom on Youtube on the 28th,
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Le Creuset did nothing wrong
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Confirmed to have never seen either
>SEED is fantastic, and IMO a better telling of 0079
Bait used to be believable
I actually enjoyed Seed: Destiny. It wasn’t nearly as bad as everyone made it out to be.
I recently binged SEED and SEED: Destiny, it was one of the few series I ignored, after giving it a try when it aired on Toonami, and just not being into it.
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The three cucks
Lacus is a cuck? Nice try, Agnes.
I'm rewatching it, after like 15 years later.
The Battle of Orb hit hard.

It's a "you'll understand when you're older" series that sometimes doesn't be serious.
The sound of Japanese boys crying is disgusting but thankfully it's a series with a tolerable dub.
Your 2nd act and finale was retarded.
Spotted the yaoi fan.
Lunamaria wanted to fuck Athrun for most of the series and got together with Shinn out of nowhere.
Athrun was watching Yuna harass Cagalli while doing nothing and also blamed her for being forced into a marriage.
Lacus in FREEDOM would rather spend time and cry in front of a rapist than talk to Kira, she even tries to save Orphee at the end.
I can defend 00 and Iron-Blooded Orphans for all their flaws compared to that shitfest of SEED and its even worse sequel SEED Destiny. At least 00 and IBO tried to do unique ideas and characters.
Meer and Meyrin wanted to fuck Athrun too. Does that make Cagalli a cuck or Luna when it came to Stella?
Cagalli is not a cuck because she didn't know and Athrun didn't care about them, but she is retarded for trying to pursue a relationship with someone as stupid as Athrun.
Makes you wonder if Athrun had joined Archangel when Fllay was around, would she hop on his cock too?

I dislike CE Gundam and what they did with Athrun is everything wrong with that franchise. He had the set-up to be a very good deuteragonist; he was fighting on the opposite of the war from his old childhood friend. Yet Athrun wasn't a raging eugenics supremacist like other Coordinators. He felt it was his duty to protect the PLANTs from the EA (specifically the Atlantic Federation) so that a tragedy like Junius 7 wouldn't happen again.

My favorite part of SEED was Athrun actually visiting the wreckage of the Strike and meeting the orphans where he realized ZAFT was seen as the bad guys. And then meeting up with the Archangel crew like Sai welcoming him. In some ways, I wish Kira had actually died when Aegis self-destructed and then Athrun takes over as the protagonist to atone for killing Kira and rejecting his father's warmongering.
Didn't she tell Meyrin to look after Athrun for her or something? Obviously, that could mean anything, but I wouldn't be surprised some people thought that meant she was giving up Athrun to her. Meyrin being with him in Final Plus's ending but not Cagalli probably didn't help either.
She couldn't physically be with Athrun because she has a country to run, Athrun even tells Kira and Lacus that it's fine for him to wait for Cagalli and that they "both want the same thing".
Who knows what Morosawa wanted to do with Meyrin, she is irrelevant in both the series and the movie.
Unironically, Destiny would probably have been better with Kira as the villain
>She couldn't physically be with Athrun because she has a country to run

Which is and has always been ridiculous
Wasn't that supposed to happen?

Athrun facing Rau and Patrick; the 2 fucked up male authority figures in his life would have been great.
It is, and it's also nonsense, because they meet up in FREEDOM and in ZERO. It's just forced drama.
Initially I thought that was the angle that the middle section of Destiny was going for. Kira doesn't turn evil at all, but the escalating war, his unresolved PTSD from everything that happened in SEED, and Freedom's performance advantage over every other MS leads him to conduct increasingly more extreme battlefield interventions that don't actually help. His sense of guilt increases with each failed intervention, which leads to more extreme interventions, and he gets caught in a downward spiral that he only gets snapped out of by his shock defeat from Angel Down. But instead the protagonist switch happens, Kira is treated as being 100% right about everything, and his PTSD barely surfaces for the rest of Destiny.
Seed Freedom sort of runs with this concept instead, but does it in a way that makes Kira look like a really bad leader because he tries to do everything himself in a less powerful suit, while not utilising the talents of his squad mates.
No. Kira was originally supposed to die at the end of SEED until Fukuda changed his mind but never during the middle of it. And never during Destiny at all.
What if he did?
Destiny wouldn't have been nearly as successful for one
Yeah, Japanese fans love Kira and Lacus.
I meant in-universe, but sure. Also, what if ‘Destiny’ had focused on Kira from the start?
Loved*, they don't really care about them anymore
>Movie is the highest grossing Gundam theatrical production.
>Lot of online buzz about the characters
>They don't care about them anymore.
Huh, really makes you think.
The buzz was around Athrun in the Z'Gok and Shinn in the Destiny.
And Kira, and Lacus, and Cagalli. Multiple things can be talked about. Geez, brother.
They came in at No. 2 and 3 in the fan poll. You're retarded.
Hathaway is the same thing.
Yes, the majority of it was Athrun and Shinn, this is a fact. Look up Lacus fanarts or tweets about the movie compared to Athrun and Shinn who had a marginal role compared to her.

And Neumann came 7th, your point?
Lacus was literally 5th halfway through the poll, that's when fans of the couple stopped voting for both Kira and Lacus and mostly spammed votes for Lacus.

This is also how Cagalli got first place, she received 10x more votes than second place because you could just refresh the page to have the 10x vote back up, her autistic filippino fanbase went crazy on this.
That and Athrun defeating Shura while being horny as fuck.
Yeah, I should have said Athrun in general.
Neither Kira or Lacus are talked about, and the movie is literally all about them (at least on surface level, it's just retarded retcons and ooc shit that goes nowhere and contradicts their established characters).
These all read like childish conspiracy theories.
Was this the poll where they released provisional results halfway through the voting period, which changed voting patterns?

Kira feels somewhat in character during the opening scenes, but he's still an idiot for trying to shoulder everything himself when he has an actually good squad under his command now. Lacus acts like a spineless retard for the first half of the movie so that the villains can get their plot in motion, then regrows her spine as soon as she's in captivity and could no longer do anything by herself. Athrun being a coomer was somehow the most respectful writing among the main cast.
Lacus had no spine at the beginning of Freedom because Orphee was blowing her back out
Yeah, it's that poll.
Even Athrun, for how little he is in the movie, is completely retarded. He shows up, claims that the Accords could mind read and everyone believes him?

It's not like she'd mind. After all, she accepted to get raped because "she'd still have Kira's love".
Fukuda is completely retarded but the fanbase that eats up shit like this is even more retarded.
kek SEEDiots really are the WWE fans of /m/
Probably would have been a better story because that's clearly what Fukuda and Morosawa wanted to do anyway
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Pre-Resurrection Seed is good, not groundbreaking but it's solid, then it hits Episode 31 and what an amazing episode of TV, the series has taken a hard turn by killing it's main hero and we can only wonder how it will continue.


What a fantastic scene,,, which is all thrown out because Kira miraculously survived, woke up in space somehow, starts dating a princess and gets a super duper Gundam that doesn't have to kill people and becomes Jesus.
Yeah they were never gonna commit to killing the protag halfway through the story
Tha fuck is that?
The word that Kira and Athrun's series accurately deserves.
Gundamn SEED.
More like GunKINO SEED
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They broadcast SEED in 2004 here but I don't think it was as popular as Wing was, in 2001 or whatever.
See, I like the SEED side story stuff but cannot be fucked to care about anything in 00 even though there is more or less the same amount of side content. SEED just does it way better. SEED is is like a Gundam B-movie while 00 is really high budget AAA top shelf stuff, but you can't help but to think SEED has more heart. I'm comparing them because they came out in the same decade. They are both high quality though.
>Gung-Epic Failure.
>G Gundam is a UC rehash
Least braindead SEED fanboy opinion.
Dogshit but has some cool designs. I'll probably but a freedom gunpla kit at some point.
The thing that kills seed the most for me is how repetitive it is, every fight looks the same because of the reused footage all the time. Plus half the fights are completely pointless, especially early on when its the archangel getting chased by the other gundams.
I watched the tv series when I was a kid and that was enough for me. Everyone flies around missing each other for 5 minutes and then retreats to do it again next episode. The movies probably fix this but I ain't watching that shit,
Starts out kind of interesting then becomes dogshit again
>becomes dogshit again
Seed Destiny's level of dogshit is far worse than Seed's.

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