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New releases on Mondays (usually)

Manga adaptation
Cafe collab

Previous talk
This any fun?
Oh, very. The trains' armour is made of railway support vehicles, there are lots of cool MOTWs, and the big moments are really cool.
Hoping for one more vehicle gattai swap before the end!
No. Same rehashed story as the last 2 series. Stereotypical characters with as much depth as a thimble. CGI, blech!
Walmart Ramiel
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gotta love jester themed enemies.
How was the 25th episode?
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This tube finally has a Shinkalion form. Too bad it became something cooler.
Does it have a boomer driver?
Wasn't it obvious? It's the masked guy. How much has he changed?
>reiji ended in coma because of ERDA
>his body disappeared out of the blue one day
>ERDA: well he dead, moving on
>wtf why do you hate us?!
Ina and the prof are either retarded or coping. Like, they were fucking there when it happen.
Ina can't amnesia lmao out of that.
there's a smol zero shiki on its head
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Cute boy
>Shiiiii-kaaaaaa.... shiiii-KAAAAA....
>out of Ten!
And I just placed an amazon order for the 500 series...Oh well, it probably won't be out for awhile anyways, but looks sick
Man, one aspect of this show that's kinda lame is just how kinda nothing the Unknown are. Only a handful of times do they relate back to the plot or something unique to the episode, and are typically just some random mechanical enemy design. Like, why were the Unknown from last week's episode printers? Them being busses a few episodes ago was kind of neat. Too bad the reason they were busses was not built up to at all and just kind of thrown in there mid-battle. Just something that the two prior shows did a much better job at.
Not having enemy generals really hurts the series, yes. Genbu and Sogyoku were pure soul, Valtom certainly helped spice up Z. As enemies, Ina and Reiji(so far) are basically no characters to be honest.
Is 0-Series Shinkalion getting a toy?
And will they do the Doctor Yellow version later?
maybe there's some super cool reason for everything that has yet to be revealed? a fella can dream...
based on previous eps it's probably something lame like burnt NFTs gaining sentience.
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I like the new character
I need this to SRG with the 2 dark shinkalion
The CGI is the best part of the franchise.
Writers are really going out of their way to keep the Unknown a mystery.

All we know is that they were active ten years ago, vanished and resurfaced in the modern era.

We don't know who or what made them or why they were made.

We don't know why the main villain, implied to be a former Shinkalion driver, sided with the Unknown and gained the power to control them.
All Reiji has done for the past like what, 10 episodes is groan ERDA after losing battles. He has nothing else to say. I mean, in the original series it’s not like the giant monstrous beings themselves had a background, but most of them related back to a unique aspect of the episode. All of the kitoralsus also were actual characters before their big deep lore was dropped. In CW we just aren’t getting anything lol
they look like they just want food.
This should've been an unknown general's mech.
>she ask this after info dumping why would that be in the last episode
Ina pls
Cute boyfriends!
I will be surprised if Reiji doesn't use Delta's AI buddy to hack the whole metaverse or some shit like that.
Also, I should be getting my Z 500 and CW H5 soon.
Episode 26.
I don't trust that robot. He's black, the color of evil.
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>black, the color of evil.
I like Yama, but I just don't get his drama, he couldn't drive the shinkalion because... he's too dumb or something?
His "I'm gonna mess it up" mentality didn't let him.
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one last Dr Yellow
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Not much of a surprise. The driver is Taisei's boyfriend so they'll UNITE their Shinkalions in a metaversal trainsexual way.
I thought Delta is a digital being. Eh, anyway, the Doctor Yellow improves on the SRG's combat data because they knew SRG alone can never beat Hades Shinkalion Destroy Mode, let alone Chaos (if we see that and it would nearly kill Taisei to force him to stop for good until Delta helps him up, this plot thread will be cliché but kino), showing that this kid is done playing neutral and decides to help ERDA against the true enemy.
Ah, yes. The root of all evil.
It's actually something like "Blood Smoke Road, True Hunter Duty."

They took every syllable of "Change! Shinkalion!" and wrote it with the most awesome kanji they could pick. It made it sound like as hot blooded mecha show/delinquent show as possible, and splatter it across the screen like a fightin' show.
Sorry, >>22892560 was directed at >>22880131
Sounds riveting.
>phonetically spelling English words with cool-ass kanji
I live for this shit
What does green car mean?
Green cars are first-class cars with fewer seats per row and more space/luxuries. The catch is that you have to reserve your seats in advance.
can someone post pics of Shinkalion 0 in ep 26 given how long we actually gotten a Zero series?
There's lots of potential in seeing a Shinkalion E4 Max in any franchise, but those chances burned up after it got retired from service.

Also, HOW!?
>Also, HOW!?
Stalker seems like an obvious choice for an early Shinkalion review honestly. They previously got LEON channel for Z toys, and it is obvious that he's more of a Bandai guy
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>2 blue dots
is that fucking Ido?
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Wish the other SRG Weapons would show up in the anime, but it seems impossible at this point.
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>next week is another special
Come on man.
I'm gonna be busy as fuck next week, so meh.
Heavily hinted that SRG will no longer be an option if it fights Chaos Shinkalion. It will bring the pilots close to death fighting it, with even Grand Cross not working to eventually traumatize Taisei. It's unavoidable. It will also explain Delta no longer becoming neutral and taking Doctor Yellow.
Episode 27.
Im really not a fan of base mech not having fucking wrists. Theres enough room to give it a swivel. Also srg form is all fucking leg
So....is this going to end in December or there's another courts(s) for next year?
>season ends with a christmas episode
That'd be kinda based.
Why is Ina such a slut? I'm starting to doubt the way she got her good grades.
>average 4chan hacker
I recognize that voice anywhere
Another show with MC voiced by Yuki Kaji
name one (1) moment of sluttiness
i'm holding back on Great Dr Yellow in case they make a 0-series version.
The robot is sus, but I'm not sure what its role in things might be. The Unknown were around long before it got created.

It feels like the series will end with Reiji getting rescued/ redeemed while the Unknown remain a mystery.

Now that I think on it, we don't know what became of the previous director (unless the second part of the flashback reveals his fate)
>smile status: gone
Tender did this.
Tender is kind of a dick.
Neat effect on the subs.
>Now that I think on it, we don't know what became of the previous director
Seems to me that Nabeshima found out about the retarded experiment that ended up getting Reiji corrupted - hence why he started acting erratically and had that weird talk with Reiji - and Hama had him whacked behind the scenes so he couldn't obstruct it, which would explain his weird line about Nabeshima's death being "a blessing in disguise," as well as how shady he is in general.
I watched this on my phone before heading to work so I missed this. Nice.
so did reiji's body die and his mind is stuck in the matrix?
I interpreted it as him becoming a dick due to the shock of Nabeshima's death, so now he wants to protect civilians at the expense of the current ERDA staff (he probably made sure not to get too attached to them).
I think Nabeshima discovered whatever created the Unknown and corrupted Reiji, and when he had that talk with him he was already affected himself. That's why he seemed tired and told Reiji to keep fighting the Unknown. Then, this evil force got rid of Nabeshima and set its sights on Reiji (and latter Ina).
A couple episodes ago Ina said his comatose body disappeared one day. So I think he's piloting Hades as his complete self.
>I think Nabeshima discovered whatever created the Unknown and corrupted Reiji, and when he had that talk with him he was already affected himself.
I think he discovered Tender was the one calling the Unknown, or maybe Tender is a Unknown itself. He not wanting to show Tender's source code to Ina made me think Nabeshima might not have created Tender entirely.
Yama is fun. I hope we get an episode of him interacting with Gamma.
Clown Unknown thought he was gonna punk our heroes the week before Halloween and got shot in the head, LOL.
Correction needed.
Is that the current Kyushu branch commander mommy? On the left. Can't see her mole though.
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wait never mind, the mole is there if you >ENHANCE< by 500%
ah, i must have forgot that. i was thinking my interpretation would line up with the theme of digital life and the erasure thereof but maybe it would be a bit too spooky for a kids show.
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Did W-S say if they are subbing this week's BTS special?
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Are those alienware? lol
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surely they just bought a ton of them used for cheap, right, haha, right???
Stop fucking teasing this thing.
What is this yaoi commander?
What a shitpost
So there's no regular episode this week and just the behind-the-scenes special? Wow, this is the third special episode.
Holy sex
It can't be helped. All the budget went into buying a bunch of Alienware Aurora R13s for the whole CG team.
>another special
It's so fucking over
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They want to keep the actual number to a minimum for obviously stupid reasons. Eh, can't fault them.

On a different note, yes, we're getting the tube train as a toy.
How many episodes does this even have? 52?
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new ED this week by Sayaka Yamamoto
"Seagull", Kamome themed
subs out
39, I think
Hello I bounced off the show after Onee-San got defeated and switched to being a good guy. Is it worth catching back up? I was enjoying it enough, but just fell off of it.
the new drivers are pretty fun and they've just done a whole flashback arc about the masked dude.
>Vina is the protagonist of the new ending
Ep 28.
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Seagull short.
Real heartwarming song compared to the second ending. Also, this is the first time we see Delta in the ending, being part of the main circle of friends right at the end.
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idk man it looks like Vina reminiscing about Taisei being a cute shota.
There's 2 anime before this one?
and a movie
Delta really gets his panties on a knot when anyone dares to say VRchat is not the best thing ever, huh.
I bet he watches Vtubers.
Cute and canon!
>taisei is blushing
wtf its real
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is shinkalion cool? i don't have train autism but i saw it in SRW30 and it looks cool
its kakkoii
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Rather, is this based on a commercial or something?
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>ominous last scene
is ido going to be deleet?
I think he's gonna be installed in Dr. Yellow, like Tender is inside Hades. Isn't like Shinkalion needs top of the line security since only so many people can make them run.
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>not even naked dogeza
I don't believe he's sorry.
Episode 29.
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Yo they were saving the coolest designs for the final arc.
The question is, is Delta really human? He always seems to appear in the digital space and never in the real world, so...
He was shown at school in his introduction episode. Also in today's episode Taisei and the others make him touch grass.
Not a fan of Delta's character though, just because he overlaps with Ten as ending a loner for being too self-centered on his own (virtual)world.
pretty sure that's the highest rank of prostration, reserved only for the Buddha
Oh, thank god. I thought he's a digital entity because I only ever saw him in the digital space.
Or another fat cat

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