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So who won in the end, Wily or Light?
Wawey. His final creation is now a hero while the one made by his rival will be touted as the tyrant
>Light destroyed his best friends career and got him kicked out of academia because he was scared his work in progress that would have been ironed out would have hurt the poor little toasters.

I'm not saying Light's a piece of shit. I am saying the writers are very bad at their jobs though.
Funny how before 11 came out the Archie comics made it so the reason Wily got banned from robotics was because of that walker he made that uses chemical weapons.
Whoever won, everyone else lost.
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part 3 soon
Wily was the bad guy, but Light's actions actually ended up causing more harm.
The version of Light that decided to focus on cyberspace instead of robotics
I don't know how you got that takeaway from what I said but you're a special kind of retarded.
If we just go by ZX it seems like neither one of them is remembered as much as you might think, especially with X. I can see Zero being forgotten because a lot of his actions might have been hidden from public view, but X was the poster boy leader/savior for the Maverick Hunters and then basically all of humanity a good chunk of time.
>Et tu
Not how you use that.
>>poor little toasters
Yes. The unthinking, unfeeling machines that he placed above loyalty to his friend. And had Wiley not been ousted his gears would have been able to be developed to a point where the "danger" wouldn't be an issue.
The Mavericks
No they all died too.
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It's said right away, that Zero was built to be the antithesis to X - implying that Wily knew what was going on with Light's future creation. He expressly named the robot Zero because while X stands for any possible variable in an equation, 0 is the equation killer that reduces any value to nothing.

In the end, Wily got the last laugh because Zero ended up surpassing X in every possible way, even in terms of 'free will.' X was essentially brainwashed by Dr. Light's morality tests, making him obsessed with justice to the point that he could never truly fight for himself—only for humans and other Reploids. He was trapped by his own robot moral code and could never be truly free. Zero, on the other hand, was free to be whatever he wanted, whether a Maverick or a hero and he chose to be the latter.
>0 is the equation killer that reduces any value to nothing.

God that is the exact kind of retarded chuuni bullshit I expect out of Japan
Wily literally cannot die. Megaman could blow his fucking head off on screen and he'd still show up next game like "Well, i won't bore you with the details of my miraculous escape, but FUCK YOU MEGAMAN!!!"
Who's remembers that Eddie LeBron film? One thing I remember from it is that Dr. Light programming his robots to feel hunger even if they don't need to eat.
I remember watching it when it first got released. It was definitely one of the most valiant fan made efforts ever. I actually liked his take on Wiley as a guy that fell off the beaten path more than just evil.
It’s not a masterpiece, but it’s competent and impressive for a guy with no budget.
Cool, X came to the same conclusion did hundreds of years before Zero does
If we're going by your logic, Zero's reluctance to fully accept being a hero got way more people killed compared to X
I assume the writers meant for Light to be pure in his intentions and having him be the one to block Wily's project would make the conflict more personal, but all it does is make it look like Light was just using "ethics" as an paper-thin excuse to get all the research grant money for himself. Anyone with even a passing familiarity with academia knows that is what we call a dick move.

They should've just had Light actually supporting Wily the whole time, and then Wily just projects the insecurity of his failure onto his friend who was succeeding over him.
These are literally Juzo Kabuto and Dr. Hell btw
>best friend scientists
>each creates a robot
>one to protect humanity, the other to conquer the world
Needs moar Quake Woman.
I think I honestly hate Zero as a character. Not only did he start to really overshadow X in that line of games but everything about him just reads like an edgy fanfic insert the more you go on.

The whole "I've never tried to be a hero" bullshit is something that only sounds cool to a 14 year old. It's purely retarded.
Nah it's just purely cool
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Dr. Light, he made X a self realizing robot that in the end X determined that he wants to do good.

Dr. Wily made Zero just an unga-bunga monkey that Sigma has to subdue and reprogram

X might be called naive by other reploids even upto 400 years since his awakening, but his naiveite and morals and his interaction with Zero influenced Zero into becoming a genuinely good guy that in MMZ he became true hero in X's stead
>that Sigma has to subdue and reprogram
tell me you don't know the events without saying it
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did you forget that Sigma was a former UH-rank maverick hunter, before the wily virus stored in Zero's head infected him?
I miss when this was just about jump and shoot man. This is Sonic levels of retarded
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blame Inafune, its obvious that he wanted his red guy to be the main center of attention, so he kept storyfagging Zero to be the cool guy with a backstory, he wasnt able to replace Rockman with Blues, but he was successful in replacing X with Zero
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Don't you have to guy buy a new trench coat for the keyblade convention?
I mean the reprogram part, the only thing that can change Zero is the wily virus which later evolves into the sigma virus
>replace Rockman with Blues
things that never happened, Blues was the Saburo (Hakaider) to Rock's Jin (Kikaider), I hate inafune like most people but don't make shit up

Zero replacing X was what Inafune wanted from the start though so you're right
I mean, even classic Megaman is already slightly edgier Astroboy and all its sequels go full-in on the edgelord shit. You're not wrong, it's just...it's fundamental to what the series is so I don't see the point in complaining too hard about it. Gotta embrace the chuuni shit in all its glory.
I'd say Astroboy is edgier than Megaman
People tend to forget that the entire reason Zero had any notion of good instilled upon him was because he had X around to act as his moral compass. If he hadn't met X he would've eventually gone full Omega.
In the end, Wily kind of won given what happened in MMZ, but I'd say both Light and Wily's creations long surpassed their creator's original intentions, ironically, by relying on one another and working together to achieve something greater.
Close enough. It's more about willpower and how "human" they are. X is a robot with full human like faculties, so much so that he actually retreats from fighting the moment he realized he no longer felt remorse for murdering other reploids and gave up to rest.

Zero on the other hand is a living weapon that embodies the will of whoever is ordering him about. In the X series, this causes him problems because he's working for a authority that labels anything it sees as a threat as diseased and malfunctioning. It's only when he works for a innocent girl and inherits X's will to preserve both humans and reploids that he actually does make a real difference in Z4.

For this to work, you do have to disregard the games post X4 or at most after X6 since Zero is a nothing character after X6.
Zero turned good because the virus entered his body over the course of the battle with Sigma and essentially made him lucid while making Sigma lose his inhibitions.
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Water won.
Both but not in the ways they thought they would.
Light's dream became a thing, but because of Wily's final and most greatest creation.
It was not X who brought peace between machines and humans. It was Zero. A bot whom Wily created to originally ruin the world with the Maverick Virus.
Wily, as MM11 showed before he turned into the asshat we all knew, wanted robots to be heroes. Wily however didn't know that his creation would bring out the future Light wanted.
The Maverick Virus was implanted into Zero because originally Zero was like a mindless beast. The virus however, instead of turning him crazier, mellowed him out in a - + - way which let him to later develop over time when the virus jumped to Sigma.
In a way Wily won because his dream of bots being heroes came to be with Zero in the latter's own spin-off series. If it were the old Wily, then he'd be damn proud of Zero.
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reminder that in X5 bad ending, someone deleted X's data about Zero and the crew can't reprogram him to give him data about Zero

its pretty much implied that reploids can be reprogrammed. Zero included. it can be inferred that once Sigma subdued Zero, he was brought back to be reprogrammed to be a good reploid
>I mean, even classic Megaman is already slightly edgier Astroboy

Lol. just lol.
It's actually in the canon that the reason Zero became good despite being created as the most evil robot is that the Wily virus which turns a robot into an evil one cancelled original Zero programming instead of strengthening it which made Zero normal
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still actually wondering if X and the crew encountered the Stardroids, since by X time, they were space-faring reploids already
The "evil" Wily would still be proud because Zero surpassed Thomas' magnum opus. For all we know, X likely went down in history as a coward if Ciel didn't tell the surviving Neo Arcadians about the two Copies.
>Zero on the other hand is a living weapon that embodies the will of whoever is ordering him about. In the X series, this causes him problems because he's working for a authority that labels anything it sees as a threat as diseased and malfunctioning. It's only when he works for a innocent girl and inherits X's will to preserve both humans and reploids that he actually does make a real difference in Z4.
That's just Getter Robo crossed with Hakaider
nta stop try hard, esl
Learn to conjugate.
Who ever mass produces robo lolis first
Zero has two green tits and a feminine ponytail
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Nobody won. They both contributed to the robot apocalypse that almost wiped out humanity.
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sex with the girls on left
The green one is a boy.
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Santa asshole is a prick. Capcom himself canonically says he's a douchie
if not for Light's creation Zero would've died like Sigma
He's the only one we can prove has had sex
man Bass just stopped mattering
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Just finished SF3. Man this is easily the best from start to finish.
Zero in the Rockman Zero series seems heavily inspired by the Hakaider movie, which is edgy but not fanfic. I think its the good kind of edge, it doesnt seem too spiteful or indulgent.
This anon >>22884086 is right. The series only warps into something darker with the progression of Classic > X > Zero. Its feels like a byproduct of the series Heroes being forced to fight newer and endlessly repeating conflicts that unintentionally warps the series worldview into something jaded.
Best SF game in terms of gameplay, but I really have a softspot for the story of 1.
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I'm been replaying it for the first time since it released, and yeah, it's pretty fun. Which version did you play, and what kind of build did you go for? I went with Red Joker and have been running a Freeze Break folder with Virgo Noise; the damage is quite impressive, though it does feel weird to run a folder that cares so little about counter hits.
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robots. sexy.
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They can be reprogrammed and remodeled.
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I think it's fairly obvious.
If we go by zx and legends lore they both won.
>sounds cool to a 14 year old
It sure sounded cool to me.
I guess they didn't want to completely absolve Light of the blame. I'm sure he genuinely believed that the Double Gear System was too dangerous, but his regrets regarding how he handled that incident was probably why he kept the prototype all this time.
Zero was always bound to overshadow X. The biggest issue with X is that he didn't really have much going for him. They immediately revealed what he was and why he was made when you boot the game up for the first time. There should have been more of a mystery surrounding him, like what's his relationship with the original Mega Man, did Light really create him, is Cain hiding something, that sort of thing. But no, they revealed everything.

X has no real story arc, whereas Zero is fully of mysteries and intrigue that make him much easier to build shit around.
as a Zero fan, I kinda feel bad for X fans.
Everybody itt probably knows this, but Zero's design was the original design for X. Capcom didn't like it and asked for a more normal Mega Man.
So behind the scenes you have the MMX creators pushing Zero because that's the character design they originally wanted for the protagonist.
God, this was so cool. In his very last lines ever, Zero declares that he knows what he's fighting fooooor. Pure fucking poetry.
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X wouldn't need mysteries surrounding him if the writers were good enough to handle the potential X represents. He's a completely free-thinking robot, that's wild, what does that mean for the world?
Instead they made him a remorseful cop. And that's kinda it.
>He's a completely free-thinking robot, that's wild, what does that mean for the world?
All the Maverick shit going down is what it meant, until they decided it was just a virus
I like the Zero series but it really did fuck over the X and the X series story wise.
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not MMX creators, just Inafune. he was pushing for his red OC donut steel since Protoman
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>Dr.Light: But we could have Robots with independent thought work better with humanity and built a better future for both man and machine, Albert.

>Dr.WIly: But I don't want Robots to think, Thomas, I want them to go 2 fast 2 furious and gain superpowers!
Who was really in the wrong here?
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>I want to make a toaster you can talk and laugh with
>I want to make a toaster that can make the best damn slice of toasted bread
I stand with Wily.
I don't think your image fits your post...
Well they're both dead, aren't they?
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Leviathan pls
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putting aside the whole ethics issue of thinking it's smart to give robots with singular, pre-ordained purposes the capacity for independent thought, the thing that's funny to me is that it's implied wily literally already has a functioning, working prototype for his double gear system while light is shopping around for funding and research.
like what kind of board actually sits there and thinks "yeah we'll deliberately pass up on the almost-complete project we'd barely need to put any funding into so we can fuck around with this other project despite it being somewhat ethically dubious and almost completely hypothetical, get the fuck out"
even if wily's in the wrong are the board just fucking stupid or something
Somehow somewhere in the MM lore the fringe between human and machine went up in thin air.
So ultimately their struggles and beliefs meant fucking nothing, it was just a small silly chapter, ultimately humans and robots just merged together into some post-human anime race with undisclosed methods of reproduction.

It's been 10 years since I've played both legend games, huh? Time fucking flies.
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Are they though?

>Light Capsules has Dr.Light speak with X as though he was physically there which implies he transport is brain in some central computer or somehow turned himself into date via capsules.
>X5 and X6 implies Wily transport his body in a Reploid to monitor Zero and it might have been Isoc from X6
So much unresolved lore is up in the air between what happened in the end of classic and X which leads up to Zero/ZX and Legends.

And if you want to follow ZX is case when it comes to humans and robots blending in, they apparently don't even have normal looking skin and their tights on their limbs are just their skin looks like based on one interview.
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Looking a little like Santa there, Thomas.
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Left the story nowhere to go, the X series did the same thing to the original but the original series didn't have much of a story in the actual games besides MM8.
The story can and did go wherever it wants. Even ignoring MMX playing fast and loose with it's own canon anyway, the Elf Wars are vague enough that they can fit between anything.
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Light is flagrantly naive and irresponsible. What happens when the robots want to do something beyond their core programming? What proof do you have that we're all just going get along and sing Kumbaya? Are the machines supposed to acquiesce to all human commands and decisions?

What you propose, Thomas, is a slave race. You don't even realize it. You speak of coexistence but you have no experience with it or understanding of the long term aspects. You are not considerate of the potential desires of the new race, and yes, they would be at that point a race, you seek to coexist with. You may not have malice in your desire but ignorance is also an evil especially when it can only be done so willfully.

Seriously go watch that Star Trek TNG episode "measure of a man."
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what happens if and when robots are able to think and feel like humans would that not entail complex human emotions like love and the desire to make a family? Would robots be allowed to, for want of a term, "replicate" freely? Would that not strain the planets resources further? They may not need food and water but it's not as if they require no sustenance and there's the simple matter of space.
At the very least both of them survived in digital form into the X series. Wily is definitely Isoc in X6 and he's almost certainly Serges in X2, so it's not like it's an idea that was added late in the story, they had it more or less right from the start. The Zero games drop that plotline, but the ZX games revisit the idea with Model W which is basically the same thing but with Dr. Weil.
The point of Measure of a Man wasn't that we shouldn't have a race of self-aware robots, it's that we should treat self-aware robots like people. The climax of the episode was pointing out that this race is likely inevitable, and therefore we should treat like people the few reploids that exist now so as not to establish a precedent for not doing so when more of them exist in the future.
I don't fucking care how smart my toaster is, it needs to shut up and make me some toast with no backtalk

I'm not even sure why we'd WANT to create a race of self-aware robots. I'm pissed off by how "smart" technology is now; all it does it make simple tasks complex. Machines should be as dumb as possible.
Cuz it's cool.
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>Microwave needs to go through a firmware update so it can better calibrate the exact picto grain and let me watch it cook on my phone better.
The future is fucking retarded.
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Light's idea sounds good on paper, but has too many ways of going wrong or fucking up.
If we count Legends as canon I guess they both lost.
It's ironic you post Data when his very existence and purpose in life proves that Light is right
Lore is more like what Wily wants
I dont, I barely count ZX.
Good thing you don't mater since canon isn't an issue in Japan and it's been confirmed that only Battle Network is considered an AU timeline.
Yeah, and that's fucking stupid and should be ignored.
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I think having the Guardians die by Omega's explosion as an excuse for them not being in MMZ 4 and the black stockings Reploid have in ZX being their "skin" is stupid also and should be ignored but that don't stop it from being canon if the interviews are to be believed.

Any lore that needed to be explained after the story was made shouldn't count in my book.
Not liking this or that detail or bit of trivia is not on the same level as Capcom saying that none of the sub-series are connected or canon to eachother. That's just blatantly untrue.
>The whole "I've never tried to be a hero" bullshit is something that only sounds cool to a 14 year old. It's purely retarded.
It doesn't have to be anything else, because the topics of heroism and morality are one of the many fields where rationality has no use.

>X has zero mystery going for him, Zero is full of unknown potential mysteries

Robots have an infinitely easier time with outer space colonisation.
But the thing is, there is no conformation if Legends is an AU to the rest of the series or not same with ZX; both are left up in the air without anything official. The only thing we know for certain is that Battle Network and Star Force are their own universe compared to Classic/X ect.
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>Robots have an infinitely easier time with outer space colonisation.
They also have an infinitely easier time killing humans
Where did the Classic timeline end for you?
No way. They don't spread diseases just by existing, and they don't get off from violence ever enough to be inventive and devoted to it.
No. They just go for pure efficiency.
Whoever made the cuter robot girls is the winner in my book.
Then it's Dr.Light, the only cute girl Wily ever made was Zero and his green boobs.
>Dr Cain: Robots should have belly buttons
There is, you stupid faggot. In the interviews of the MMZ Complete Works guide they outright state that they are working towards Legends. Legends is at the end of the timeline started by classic, this has been common knowledge for 20+ years. It's why Neo Arcadia was originally called "Heaven" (the jap name for Elysium in MML2) in the concept art.
>My post was about Legends not being an AU and is part of the main timeline
>This must mean I said they aren't connected
Reading comprehension anon; or do you not understand AU means Alternate Universe. I never said Legends wasn't connected to Classic or X, just that there aren't any interviews that state that they are their own timeline like Battle Network. An example is how iirc there was one interview saying that X series is somehow not connected to Classic and it's an AU despite years to the contrary and Light and Wily exitance.
>Aren't connected to classic and X
To clarify, I say the timeline is of Classic>X>Zero/ZX and Legends with BN being its own universe which most would likely agree to.
To be fair, Zero is really cute
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But Dr. Cain coped all his work on X's blueprints left over by Light. Light was ahead of his time with Rock and Roll as he made sure they can look more like humans which leads to Reploids causal wear.
You mean this interview?
>Dr Cain: Did this nigga really not leave any copy right or patent information behind? Holy fuck. ROFLMAO!
Didn't have belly buttons, irrelevant
Yeah, it was that basically they left it ambiguous sating that the connection is there but it's just one possibility which sadly most would say they want to call it not canon, but I don't see it to be the case.
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This is why Light didn't want X to be found too soon, because someone will try to bring up copyright as their first thing when digging him up.

You don't know if Light didn't plan to improve later on, or he just prefer outie belly buttons.
Dumbass, you copy right at the design phase. As soon as he had some working blueprints he should had all the stamps he needed.
Does X have hair or is his helmet permanently attached to his head?
those are high waisted shorts. He could have a belly button under there
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Who's to say Light didn't copyright the design and Cain ignored it, as far as we know Light was never giving credit for X is design and kept it secret from everyone. In Day of Sigma, he looked like he regrated not taking Lights words to heart as he up and copied X's design with no answer to the Mavrick problem. The price for belly buttons was too high of a cost.
>Who's to say Light didn't copyright the design and Cain ignored it, as far as we know Light was never giving credit for X is design and kept it secret from everyone.

You sort of just answered your own question there champ. Do you know what words mean?
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They never came up with an answer to it and the only concept is pic related intended for the toy line and stuff from the manga's iirc.
At the end of the day it's just the usual cop out answer so that they can get around stepping on the toes of people that like Classic but not X
The point is he felt like he didn't need to put a stamp on his works, which is why he hoped for X to wake up in a world of peace and understanding. Light biggest fault is being too optimistic and naive to not have a flashing L/R on X is jewel forehead like Wily had with Zero.
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That and not be committed to explaining what happened to everyone from Classic and connecting the two series together. It's kinda of like Castlevania in how we will never get the "battle of 1999 with Julius Belmont.
To be fair, that game would never live up to our collective imaginations. All you need to know is that Julius killed Dracula so hard he turned into an anime, the rest is details.
>The point is he felt like he didn't need to put a stamp on his works,

The point is he's an irresponsible short sighted idiot so blinded by passion that he doesn't understand the consequences of his actions till it's too late and he's bringing a new complex life form into the world as he's dying an unable to care for.
That's how you stop being inventive.
necessity is the mother of invention. They're gonna look at the problem and invent the most pragmatic solution while you're there trying to be "unique"
Reminder that the first bomber plane was universally considered to be retarded by nearly every military expert at the time.

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