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--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

Full Armed Huckebein Metal Robot Damashii (Ka Signature)
New SRW game in development

Raideen - God Gorgon Spread Shot (MAP)
Souseke Sagara - ARX-8 Laeviathan
Mao Lin - Full Armed Huckebein
Kou Uraki - Gundam GP01 "Zephyranthes"
Akira Tadokoro - Buriki DaiOh

For discussion on SRC (SRW fangame program), please join the dedicated Discord

If you need help with any game try checking Akurasu for help (links for other resources also here):
(add ?action=purge to the end of the url in case of a blank page)

SRW Japanese Wiki


Game Availability in English:

Music Pastebin:

Bring Stabity's Quick Guide to Katakana:

Game Modification Pastebin:

Translated Plot Pastebin:

Art Pastebin:

SRC Pastebin V2:

Make your own SRW character Pastebin:

If you wish to help with the SRW fan game they are always in need of more musicians and artists
Please contact the following e-mail: suparoboeternity@gmail.com
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Why do Gundam Generation games have much better attack animations than the nuSRW?
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If only Irm was at least as brilliant as his Dad when it comes to Science. He could have been the Tony Stark of OG
VXT had fine animations besides the Yamato, it's 30 that feels really jank.
>all the rabbits keep missing 70%~80% shots
>except Tamaki, Tamaki keeps landing 20%~30% shots
Based walking pair of tits.
Longer dev times, and it's easier to make a 3D model move than drawing it 2D.
How come Banpresto was never sued for the ART-1?
Out of every SRW original why would that be the one they'd get sued over
Could she work in an SRW?
Only if Inuyashiki is also there
Because they already got in trouble for the Huckbein.
Waverider Crash
You are fucking stupid. Lurk more
In some aspects Irm reminds me of Joseph Joestar
New product announcement on 2024 10.11.
If Inuyashiki gets in SRW then they also gotta put in Roujin Z
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You can make any of the units that don't have real finishers in 30 kinda okay by giving them the parts that makes their last attack (usually something cheap) into a 4/5/6k power attack
But its funnier to use those on something like Giant Sang-Yung or El Dora V
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SRW when?
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Post characters that will never be playable.
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(anymore at least)
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I'm the world's only Keith and GM Cannon II fan and I can't help but be a little upset he's going to be a grinding map cameo at best if 0083 ever makes it back in
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Don't underestimate the power of fanservice, she's just one DD event away from revival
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SRW when
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What's his appeal besides his girl?
Was he ever playable in any of the G Generation games?
I think most of them?

I know the only classic game he wasn't in was EX.
(Ronald) Reagan no Chesto... I kneel
Is it just me or is Reagan literally using a Guest/Zuvorg AI voice from SRW?
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I think it's mainly because SRW has been stuck with this very traditional model for the animations - the sprites slide in from the sides and the attack, while G Gen tried to make even the generic parts of the battle animations much more dynamic and cinematic. Even when you have machinegun firing animations, the sprites flying around and firing towards the screen make them much more dynamic looking compared to SRW's that will just fire horizontally forward on a 2d plane.
wait him being absent isn't just a weird AP cockery?
>the sprites slide in from the sides and the attack
That's one of the best parts though
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So say for another multipart game, which is more preferable?
>GGG, Betterman, GGG Final, Hakaioh
>Transformers, 1986 movie, next season, Headmasters, possibly more
The real answer is I've got another dream game list, but I do try to keep it """realistic""" by avoiding bloat and putting in a hundred different series, so I'm back-and-forth on which one of these series.
Not transformers.
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Today is 35 years since the premiere of Patlabor's TV series.
>35 years
The X scrander is both silly and can't really compete with "and then I transform into a giant fist to punch you into another dimension".
So is the world of Trails JUST like Turn A what with technology getting wiped out only to slowly get make a comeback?
Trails is literally whatever the writers think is cool now with zero regard for how much sense anything makes. "Orbal" technology is king bullshit. You go from only barely having radios to suddenly email to now space in the span of a half dozen years.
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Yes that is in fact an important plot point they've been bringing up since the beginning, brainlet

Epstein had knowledge of previous timeloops

And the prologues of CS1 and 3 were setting up the loops so no it's not "whatever the writers think is cool now "
Big Bang Punch is gay and lame
Is there mecha combat in gameplay? Is it different like how Xeno games do it?
What's gay and lame about the Big Bang Punch?
>There are timeloops
That you think this is a plus is exactly part of the problem
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Yes and yes
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Which Tekkaman is Hahaman?
I just remembered Laughing Boy has the same voice actor as Banana, Ichika, and Crybaby Devilman.
Hahaman doesn't get to be a Tekkaman because he's getting back into the robot

The white one is Lelouch though
I thought Hahaman only ever got the best, is his robot better than a Tekkaman? Hell I thought Hahaman by himself was so OP he doesn't need his robot.
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Started replaying Alpha this week, planning to go all the way through the 4 games.
Was afraid of being spoiled by the newer games with all the new mechanics so everything feels a bit clunky but then again it's nice to go back to the game I started the series more than a decade ago. Feeling old never felt so good.
CS1's timeloop was because of the Crossbell shenanigans though. But, I do get what you mean. There was *some* foreshadowing of a grander time loop thing going on.
>Crossbell shenanigans
I'm at the start of ch4 in Lloyds first game and this intrigues me because I thought the Crossbell games would be mostly self contained. Who'd of thought the *Not Bracers would get into BIG time stuff?
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>Crossbell games would be mostly self contained
I swear there's nothing new to talk about anymore.
I'm glad then that Lloyd's games have impact then unlike Trails 3 which felt like a gaiden. Unless Kevin's game also has impact that I am yet aware of?
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>Crossbell games would be mostly self contained
How about both? Depending on the series you're using, GGG & TF cab share the same space.
Aren't you forgetting to invite someone?
What if I tell you an A machine is in the works as a Bandai kit? Welcome Ashsaviour.
I'm surprised there hasn't been some kind of Brave and Transformers crossover yet, has there?
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G Gen also used the same assets from spirits to overworld, and there has only been two games since then.
Why WOULD there be?
You would think that because of the memes but Hahaman isn't even the strongest in his own arc, let alone the whole setting.
Keith has a reasonable shot at being in. Really only the GP-01, the GP-01Fb, and the GP-03 Dendrobium Orchis are like... "required", out of 0083 stuff (and they can and have cut out the base GP-01 before), and after that having a few mooks to fit in Gundam units is something most SRWs do. And after Kou, the two people that make the most sense are Keith and Burning, and Keith's been in more games.
Wasn't the Brave Series inspired by Transformers or something? Takara did make the toys for both.
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So the Rean QRD is a lie?
Brave straight up reused old Transformers designs
But the thing is that you can think of Brave in the same way you can think of any old Transformers show
They don't revisit anything that isn't G1 and occasionally BW. Your question is like asking why there hasn't been a crossover between the Unicron Trilogy and WFC
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The cave part was real
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TFW you get to the Death of Prime with enough skill points and get:
>"One shall stand and one shall fall. A binary decision; to be or not to be."
>"To never give in when your back is to the wall while fighting for what you believe in, such conviction shows not only shows your personal strength, but your respect to your enemy as well! No matter how bitter a rival he may be."
>"But to turn your back on that respect and honor with dirty tricks simply to defeat your enemy- That is what is called 'cowardice!'"
>Megatron: "Who are you!?"
>???: "You don't deserve to know my name!
The moment they stopped using Transformers designs ends with the series dying. The very series is GaoGaiGar, as none of the designs from that show were borrowed from Transformers.

To wit:
>Exkaiser: The four Geisters were all the Diaclone-era dinos except Dino Geist, which is all-new. The Raker Brothers were initially conceived to be the next generation Train Robo, but TF's cancellation transferred them to the Brave franchise
>Fighbird doesn't seem to borrow from Transformers, but there are still influences like with Draias and Thunder Baron
>Da-Garn reused Deathsaurus for Red Geist
>Might Gaine has Joe's machines taken from Dai-Atlas and Sonic Bomber
>J-Decker's Shadowmaru is a heavily retooled Sixshot, with Kagero also using similar framework. The former's Brave Cannon (which is named in SRW 30 for being a one-scene wonder in the show) is one last evidence of its past as Sixshot
>Goldran has Zazorigun, Walter's first machine before switching sides to Legendra's Braves, being based off of Scorponok, and then his younger brother Sirius used Death Garry Gun, which is heavily remolded from Sky Garry and Shot Bomber.
>Dagwon has Thunder Dagwon (Rai's machine) being a semi-retool of Galaxy Shuttle, with an added empty cavity for his Thunder Bike/DagThunder
he didn't even fight Caius in that scene
Takara pretty much abandoned Brave to go focus on Transformers again, so they had no reason to push a crossover between them. Note all the modern Brave merch isn't by Takara.
It outright reuses designs in some of the early shows. iirc, Goryu is straight up a Dai-Atlas repaint when it comes to the toy. The animation model makes it a bit more distinct.

I want to say the Geisters were unused Dinobot molds but don't quote me.
The CS games have the biggest number of fights you're forced to lose so that Rean can kneel than all the others. There's multiple per game while Kai doesn't even have a single one.
Does Cassius ever "fight" or just hangs back and let's his kids do it?
I think you fight him as a boss in Sky 3rd
Rean fights him in CS4
Because of course he does....
no he doesn't.
Like I said, bloat.
>the Crossbell games would be mostly self contained
LOL. This franchise demands you play every single fucking game in release order or else, because by god does it love bringing back characters and plot points from older games to suddenly become extremely important and punish anyone who doesn't.
Thank christ I dropped Kiseki after Coldsteel 2.
I thought /vrpg/ was made specifically to quarantine any and all Falcom chat. Why aren't people banned from talking about it on other boards?

HG Ashsaviour
what made you think that?

also by your logic due to /vp/ existing that means that Pokemon is not allowed on other boards and yet there is no rule stating that
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HG Weiss.
>written rules
LOL. They don't even tell you what words are filtered or get OPs autosaged.
Fuck, this is /srwg/, a general that got uniquely quarantined here separate from /vg/ for being just that un-vidya.
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>series has mecha in it
>being discussed on the mecha board
Geisters were just straight recolored dinobots except Dino Geist who was an unused G2 Grimlock concept
>Dagwon has Thunder Dagwon (Rai's machine) being a semi-retool of Galaxy Shuttle, with an added empty cavity for his Thunder Bike/DagThunder

And, you know, Dag Base being Grandus.
They're using the Obari proportions?
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P-Bandai Weisssavior soon
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Basically the very reason we got the Ashsaviour in short order.
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yes he does dumbfuck that's literally the boss fight where he unlocks his true shinki gouitsu
We used to have regular discussions on game release before it faded. Around OE or so would be the start of the OE generals. Most players lost interest in OE between Chapters 3 to 5 and OE general became a regular catchall general for SRW. /vg/ was invented sometime in between but at that point, no one could be assed to leave.
except the boss is against Rean's own self, not against Caius
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Every time I think Trails fags can't get any more embarrassing they keep talking. Look I know this series is a massive sunk cost but you need help. It's okay to realize it's retarded.
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Would be some shit if pic related was implemented on /m/ and the other boards like /vg/'s having.
Cassius in 3rd is a copy by Phantasma that was incapable of holding back.
Cassius in CS4 is just him acting as a proctor for Rean during the Divine Blade test. The fight is just him copying Rean's moves instead of fighting seriously so it doesn't really count.
Kiseki does have an issue with the sense of time being comically compressed compared to the real world, however they've been having waving it away since Sky due to a lot of tech being reverse engineered from ancient tech. For example, the archetype for the internet was in FC, Olivier had what was essentially a cellphone in SC, Tita's parents had hoverbikes in 3rd which makes it hilarious that no one considered making a regular motorbike until an entire year later etc.
Not like Falcom gives a shit considering that Crossbell wasnt supposed to happen and a ton of games are horribly paced.
Rean NEVER fought Caius, that test was against Rean's inner self.

Did you even play the game?
Kind of interesting that the /srwg/ started with OE of all games. I wonder what the original reaction to Zoids being in the game without Bit Cloud or Liger Zero was like. Which is the exact opposite of other series in OE which only had the protagonists and maybe a few other characters and remnants.
Oh, and Sergeant Keroro too. How did people react to that?
It's Casius copying Rean's moves dumbass
People were glad to see CC/GF in SRW, especially since the last game with Zoids was K. However, OE got a lot of shit for Bit Cloud being missing from the DLC and we even assumed that they'd add him in later.
What killed the momentum was definitely Chapter 3 though, there was a section where you couldnt use any ground only series which is a massive pain in the ass, considering the endgame is a bunch of forced Zoids stages back to back in a game with aggressive level penalties. The OYW only spam didnt help either, especially since at that point, a lot of them sucked.
I mean the RX-78 itself has been terrible in every game I've played that has it except GC
Has there ever been any game where the Guncannon and Guntank haven't sucked?
>The OYW only spam didnt help either, especially since at that point, a lot of them sucked.
Was it as bad as GC/XO in that regard?
What made the RX-78 good in GC?
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Rest in peace, Toshinari Yamashita.
The RX-78 was worse than the Guncannon and Guntank in GC, because the latter 2 had stupid upgrade scaling.
It being both early and Amuro being broken strong in GC to the point where you need to lean on him heavily in the early game because everyone else still sucks. It's just ok honestly, you're better off using a captured machine since you can refund any money you spend on that unless you want to abuse it being combinable with the G-Fighter, but that's not a special feature of the GC version and due to the capture system in GC you're never hurting for good UC mechs to put pilots in.
I hate getting old
I think OE was the last game to use classic Zeta TV portraits for Kamille and Quattro. All the recent games use the New Translation ones from Z1.
G-Fighter combination could give it high enough mobility to make it basically invincible
Are Shinn, Kira, and Athrun still considered Coordinators in OE, even if the PLANTs don't seem to exist in that universe?
OE has a bunch of OYW stages where you're forced to use only UC gundam units excluding Quattro and Bernie. Its really annoying in Chapter 5.
RX-78 got buffed in a patch in OE, so its actually not bad for a UC unit, especially when you unlock Last Shooting in Chapter 5. In GC, Amuro is an early pilot with Sniping which is notable due to M or smaller units being bad during the endgame unless they had that or the Snipe spirit (major reason why RR OG is so much worse than SR). But I wouldnt really call him like super broken or anything, just a high end real. Amuro's major advantage over most pilots is his availability which is big in a game like GC due to its ace system. Kind of annoying to get Melee ace on him for the free movement though.
>Ashsaviour kit means we’ll get Ashsaviour M and Weisssaviour too
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Rest in peace Nobuyo Oyama, the original voice of Doraemon and Jin Kappei.
This only "stops" spam in fast boards, the kind of spam we get here needs active jannies plucking out the few bad apples (AKA Duel).
I think I would have rather had any OG robot besides Ashsavior
They're probably gonna skip Razangriff too
The last time i heard anything from the Zambot trio is on Aria the Benedizione 2 years ago
She already retired in 2016 due to dementia but this news is still depressing to hear.
by going straight to raven no doubt
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What is today?
In Alpha 1 it's one of your few early game reals that doesn't get totally fucked by B ranks on land which makes it... still kind of shit and totally outclassed about 10 maps later when you start getting decent units but it's something
So, is there any good guide for DD ? I'm just dicking around and have no particular idea of what I should be doing (outside of clearing the main worlds).
Hope they don't try to AI her voice for future games.
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Am I crazy or did they stretch it out
No, they're called Euzeth Gozzo because "Sore mo watashi da."
They're going for a more Obari~The Inspectors look
do the getter downgrades keep the predecessor's upgrades in AP
Short answer is no, they don't.
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Pretty sure they got her a replacement VA.
They suck due to meme upgrade tiers.
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we came a long way

Oh so that's why. I wondered why even though Dino Geist was a new design he still looked very clearly like Grimlock if he was super edgy.
I don't think she's ever voiced Kappei in any SRW game, has she? I think it was always Chika Sakamoto.
That Randy and Tio at the end?
Yeah they're in Sen 3/4/Hajimari
Please go back to your containment thread and stop shoving potential spoilers into the faces of anyone here still waiting for releases
Falcom literally sends these to you if you sign up for their mail magazine and plasters them all over Famitsu, the final boss is in the goddamn opening sequence they put on Youtube weeks before release. I hate it.
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Still doesn't justify talking about it in a thread for a completely different series.

S'bit gauche really
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I always disliked Rein and was disappointed when they retconned the einst parts disappearing. 2nd OG Weiss lost a lot of mobility anyway, it didn't match the animation.
Oooooh I need Fafner to return and for Star Driver to get into a main game already...
She's not cut out to continue voicing Kappei by Z, I think, before retiring in 2010.
Did she voice him in Impact or A Portable?
I mean, when has all-gold ever not been gauche?
He's a solid bro trying to wingman for Kou and generally help him in life, he's a solid if not exceptional pilot and just all around good support
What happened to Winvurga manga, it just stopped translating. SRW when
The manga got cancelled and then resumed but the author decided he wanted to do something funny and made Win (the wolf robot) isekai reincarnate into a loli girl who can grow a dick
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The mangaka's working on Sworgrader instead.
Guy who finished OGs a thread or two ago here. Do they ever go back to address Shadow Mirror world Kyosuke in the later OGs?
Jumping between Swordgrader and the Hangyaku-hen spinoff.

Did it get cancelled? I always thought Tsunashima wanted to do something weird and go back and link the two since the version with Win as a girl can basically be translated as Rebellion Chapter (assuming my rough Japanese is accurate) and the last volume of the original run sort of ends on a cliffhanger with Mashiro wondering where Win is during the Midori and Gloria fight.
Still ongoing as a monthly manga. Not as fast as it used to be, but I have a suspicion it involves time travel, as Win's reincarnation might have happened after a bad end with the main story. Mashiro might be dead in this new reality, and Win is most likely jumping back in time with her Jinrouki so that not only can she deliver her promise to take away Mashiro's virginity, but to set the world in a more acceptable direction. Could also be the reason Sworgrader is bi-monthly with how slow the story is moving for an anniversary manga.
Sworgrader doesn't seem to be that slow to me.
Ah, I see. So who would Starscream would bamboozle into giving him leadership first: Neo Zeon or The Titans?

It was cancelled and picked up by an entirely different magazine.
Kappei Yamaguchi.
i am once again going to attempt to finish srw v
I'm busy and not too busy. I'm putting off my desires, thinking about Kira and Raku's thoughts after watching Tane Jiyuu, and wanting to draw a shot of Kid and a shot of a little boy in panties in the sea with Uso's sea panties Gundam face on the Arsenal base. But for now, I want to draw a virtual Acrylic Tifa.
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They all betrayed us
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Bros... Do I still need a repair bot if I get Bright's Ace Bonus in SRW A Portable? If yes, who is the best repair mech other than Dragonar-2? Thanks
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I played the easier/patched ver as my first SRW and didn't ever really need to use repair, ever. So probably not.
If you're already using Dragonar-3 you're probably fine between spirits and battleships tossing repair kits, most of the other repair units in AP are really bad

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