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This is an absolutely normal Felsi Friday. Please commence posting as normal. Do not pay any attention to that tied-up Pineapple in the corner. Things are under our control.
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Just ate a slice of pineapple.
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How'd it taste?
You have a board for this >>>/c/
/c/ is kinda fucked up now../e/ rulebreaking one off shitpost ops and even advertising and qr in op threads.
Cleave gags are not effective in keeping someone quiet.
Whole site is going cuckoo.
Sophie my beloved
I don't know who the fuck that is. Also chains and stuffing, in that order.
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Sweaty cheerleader Felsi
Sex with Felsi's stinky pitpussy
>shorts under skirt

What happened to this world? I see this a lot in media now
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This is what the first Felsi clone should look like when a new Gundam show comes out.
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Would you apply sunscreen on Felsi's back?
i'd apply it to the inside of my shorts simultaneously
Most of it would end up on her ass tbdesu
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quality Jeturk
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Ideal height difference.
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If your girl reaches your shoulders, you're conforming to society.
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Prospera might have been defeated, but the repli-child agenda will continue.
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Sexy as in a goblin?
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Treat your Felsi with love
chuchu angery?
The normal angery, sir?
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One of my favorite parts of G-Witch is Norea going "Sophieee..." that one time. Powerful line read.
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Aoi Yuuki is always a great actor. She really got into Norea's obsession with Sophie both as a character and irl.
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I must contribute
7 minutes..
angery chuchu
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fuck off back to /a/ cancerous faggot
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We're drawing closer to Friday...
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>Ah, there you are! You left all your dorm registration data at home this morning, right? I won't tell dad, so hurry up and take it!
>Senior: She's a very reliable little sister, I'm looking forward to her entering school.
>.... It's my mom. She's a graduate. Thank you mom, you really helped me out!
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>During her childhood, Felsi Rollo was spoiled and pampered by her parents.
>Until the age of five, she thought her name was "Cute".
It's amazing how much bondage art this got compared to previous shows.
Really? I don't remember there being any scenes that could count as bondage, though. The closest thing I can recall is probably episode 15.
Is this Felsi or Sophie?
fuckoff with this shit thread
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Sophie. It's referencing Lfrith Ur knocking down Lauda's Dilanza in episode 14.
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Felsi wearing anon's uniform jacket.
>Momsi has a mullet
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It's believable since her ponytail got bigger in epilogue.
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>celebrity desperately trying to ignore an enthusiastic fan
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need hq of the other cards plus new illustrations, like ceo guel and lauda (didn't see felsi new illustration from the gameplay they showed, it's the same of the card?)
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and secret guel U card
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they all on the site
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Felsibros... Our girl did it!
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Officially relevant AND an important member of G-Witch's main cast
>background shota hug
Guel fangirls must be squealing.
Huh, based on the trailer Felsi seems to prefer long-ranged combat. I thought that she'd be more a close-ranged fighter, but I suppose they wanted a contrast to Guel and Lauda piloting more melee MS.
I'm happy to see that Lauda has his iconic schizo look.
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pretty nice card, love the smug look in the ceo artwork
the showcase video the acting is good, less schizo but still spot-on
His girlfriend should be here too.
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It's here :)
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Really love that Dilanza post
>happy shipperfags and /u/fags got their new SuleMio merch and nice figurines yesterday
>excited Felsifags and /m/fags got new Jeturkbros and cute Felsi-chan drawings and cards today
G-witch bros we keep winning
Guel/Lauda fujos*
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According to Japs who play Arsenal Base, Felsi's stats make her a really strong defensive player, and some were even calling her Dilanza the strongest of the new MS.
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Don't forget that Nika's figure-rise was released last Friday.
Who the fuck asked for this?
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Me and the two other people who like Nika.
Huh Guel really need to marry her then if she really that good.
Felsi is out of his league.
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Felsi is in my league.
his parallel card
>strongest defense
>literal momma bear energy
Felsi has the strongest womb. She must carry the future of the Jeturk dynasty.
>Guel's only choice is El0n
Pretty based
Felsi is the only girl who's genuinely interested in Jeturk bros and cared so much about her Guel-senpai in the story. She's actually the best choice and best grill ngl
>since CEO Guel is working with El0n and Secelia, anons thought nips would ship GuelxSecelia
>nips are obsessed about GuelxEl0n ship instead
What the hell happened?
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>they just released another Lauda and Felsi being worried about Guel card
Bandai finally (((knows)))
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The back of Lauda's parallel has Felsi text
Nips are obsessed? Not much if you look at doujinshi or fanart there is not much going on. If you want to talk what nips actually like didn't change much since the broadcast, Guel main yaoi ship are Lauda or Olcot.
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That ship don't really makes sense considering Secelia already has the Chadshota
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Cropped Felsi
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Japs were already having fun with it.

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This is depicting episode 20.
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Felsi videos from her trailer and the main PV announcement, brought to you by 2chan's Felsi threads.
the MTL is weird but reading nips comments on the secret seems is reference how guel's exterior is changed but the inside is the same as he was at the time he met his brother (a memory that's cherished by both)
I'm bit confused at the Lauda's text lol
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The MTL of a better crop makes more sense, since it's written from the perspective of Felsi ranting to Lauda.
>Felsi wanted to write a comment for Guel's card
>was only able to write one for Lauda
>rants about it to Lauda
>"Well, you technically got what you wanted, since we're brothers" t. Lauda
>confirmed Felsi has a crush on Guel
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Description of Felsi card
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last is ceo lauda but can't find pictures of the flavor text
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found it
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>the absolute state of Lauda
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Nice, seems like the terrorists honored their word and let Bob's coworkers go, and they were even worried about his capture.
Someone does the Gihren fist at least once in every Gundam show, except Zeta.
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Halloween Felsi!
Elans and Shaddiq's harem when?
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What are you talking about? Renee is already in the game!
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In other words, Felsi is the Gihren of G-Witch
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Happy Halloween, Felsibros!
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Gentlemen... A toast! To Felsi Rollo!
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>My Space Pineapple Friend Felsi
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A slime ate Felsi and evolved
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>nobody has posted this pineapple card
Shame on you /m/
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Apologies, anon, thank you for bringing it to our attention.
>"She is just doing her best to do what she believes in."
Our girl is practically a shonen protagonist.
I likes.
So just students?
whoops, I thought it's not translated.
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Was there ever any doubt?
With twintails, it's impossible to be worst girl.
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>Come here, girl. Come here! Here, doggie! Come on, now. Here, girl!
You calling her a bitch?
Yes, but not the female dog kind.
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Two week-late Halloween Felsis that I found
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Based on Japanese Twitter, Felsi is currently in a good tier of the Arsenal Base meta. Asobase players like to pair her with Gundam F91 to such an extent, they've begun calling the move "91Felsi" or "Felsi91".
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I got Lauda
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Nice. That Schwarzette card is admittedly cool.
>Not F91si
Fuck. That's an edit, right? There's no way she's actually that small. I don't remember her being like that.
Felsi is small but Guel is also huge. They're both extremes.
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There was a somewhat official height chart at the Asticassia School Assembly event. Felsi is probably the shortest non-kid character, barely squaring up to Norea.

This is also true. Guel is about 192 cm (6.3 ft), while Felsi is likely 149 cm (4.9 ft).
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I wouldn't blame you for misremembering things, though. Felsi did shrink come season 2.
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Without the lines
Impressive stuff, anon.
>Guel is about 192 cm (6.3 ft), while Felsi is likely 149 cm (4.9 ft)
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It's not my chart, but I agree. Felsi lives among giants.
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>*starts dominating the meta*

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