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No? You should.
I have. It offered a good balance of worldbuilding and resolving character arcs.

A pity it hasn't gotten a BD release nor has it been in a Super Robot Wars game.
I tried to watch it a really long time ago but dropped it during the first episode because it was so boring
>aired in 2007 but looks like it's from 2002
>mogged by its younger sibling Strike Witches because panties > plugsuits I guess
>told a (mostly) complete story but insisted on an ending which could have feasibly expanded the cast in the future
>nobody has ever followed up on this potential
All in all it's a foundational title in the mecha musume genre but beyond that I found it unremarkable and rendered a neglected older sibling by Fumikane's later works.
Also I remember all the specials revolved around fishing which felt like a weird tangent. At least do an OVA or something.
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>We could've had a future with more mecha musume in mechsuits, but instead got all this strike witch/FAG/megami device/AGA robot-amputee limbs like it's fucking Galidor bullshit instead
Fuck Japan
>>aired in 2007 but looks like it's from 2002
why do zoomers say shit like this
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>>mogged by its younger sibling Strike Witches because panties > plugsuits I guess
No, it's because there's far more variety in the designs for the cast in Strike Witches. Just compare the cast pic in your post to pic related and you get more variety in height, skin tone, attire, and more, and that's not even going into the personality of each character. And honestly it's just the faces, the lack of nose and how far apart the eyes are really kill the look of the Sky Girls cast when put side by side.. Hell even by 2007 mecha musume standards Sky Girls didn't look all that great, Busou Shinki was released right around the same time and the designs looked so much better too.

Humikane took all the shit he learned going from Sky Girls to Strike Witches and threw it into Girls und Panzer, which is a huge part of why GuP is still a big franchise in Japan more than 10 years after it originally aired.
It's fun.
I haven't watched it, so no.
panties > panties_underplugsuit pantylines > plugsuit
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Love u Elize.
so what you're saying is strike witches is the answer to "pants are for?"
how illuminating
I actually like the tone and setting a lot more than Strike Witches, even if the animation was worse.
Worse how?
Much stiffer, not as flashy. I did not like Strike Witches very much but it seemed to have more budget behind the animation.
That's fair yeah, Sky Girls isn't too flashy.
Here's a thought: how would this work in a Super Robot Wars game?
They could go in the (non-existent) maho shoujo SRW style game.
But what makes it fun?
The characters.
Ok fair enough.
Hope you like it.

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