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Previous Thread: >>22886814

>List of subbed series

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>/krg/ archives

>RideChemy Card Database

Nu-Riderfags are doomed.
Which chocolate motif Rider suit do you personally like more?
god i hate decade
>Getting the electric chair vs getting eaten by an alien and get your remains to be used as armor and ammunition
So, what will it be?
All reiwanewfags are so fucking insufferable
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Saa, dousuru?
do grannies really coom whenever he does that?
So like Valen is totally gonna get a kitbash using Gavv's armor
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Machi > Alisa
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She needs the red ribbon
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Apologize, now!
I’m sorry
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Is this really how you get a gf?
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I did my own research about Gummies vs Chocolate in Japan, and apparently Gummies frequently wrestle with Chocolate and Cookies/Biscuits for the top spot there but not for straightforward taste preferences:

Culture-While you can break off bits of a chocolate bar and there are snack size versions of chocolate snacks, Gummies are typically much easier to share with others, which appeals to the more collectivist mindset of Japanese culture.

Business-Gummies are easier to remold and repackage than chocolates for promotional tie-ins for various events.

Convenience-While sticky in their own way, gummies are usually easier to eat in increments than chocolates and don’t leave as much as a mess as cookies. Especially with the advent of resealable bags.

Medical-Gummies get a mild boost due to how the treat type has been used to deliver medicine to both the very young and the very old.

Variety-can be injected with a lot of novelty flavors easier than chocolate or cookies.

Currently, Chocolate is the top confection in Japan as of August 2024, but as said earlier, the top spot is ever in flux among those three.
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Saki's an underrated cutie.
I want one of Shomas hoodies.
oh, it's BL
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Now that you mention it, why the third rider is pudding while biscuits/crackers literally the one that's more popular?
Because Sachika will be a biscuit and cracker Rider with a P-Bandai belt. She's gonna be the third Rider instead of Pudding.
She's so cool, bros.
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Going through Amazons S1 right now. I don't understand why show force me to sympathy with human-eating monsters?
Because they were dealt a shit hand by Jin and Nozama.
Because it's a show meant for adults and anti heroes are cool.
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it's not their fault they designed to eat humans
Classic /krg/ lacking media literacy as usual. Just ignore what happens in s2 if you like s1.
Chocodan jingle is very satisfying
Pudding is straight up one of the most popular desserts in Japan, retard
As Alpha, Jin did nothing wrong. Except for making a mutant monster baby I guess but how was he supposed to know what would happen. At least he had the work effort to try and kill his mistake.
If you can’t speak English you may generally have trouble reading and understanding the English subtitles.
Wow wow.
He also, you know, played God and made horrifying monsters that eat people without any hesitation until after they broke out.
Like that's kind of the whole problem.
He tried to fix it afterwards though.
Attempts to right a wrong still implies a wrong was done
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That anon didn't BELIEVE YOURSELF enough. Hate these Reiwa complainers of insert songs.
>media literacy
I've noticed that the people who use this phrase, are the least likely to have it.
>Except for making a mutant monster baby I guess but how was he supposed to know what would happen
Considering he was one of the big men behind the Amazons project, he could probably put 2 and 2 together that an Amazon impregnating and sharing DNA with a Human would make some fucked messiah baby
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I was bored.
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They really made her look near 40 with that makeup
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Get bored more often.
>character is titled a Kamen Rider
>doesn't use a belt to transform

When was the last time?
Fuwa & Yua in Zero-One
Buster, Slash, Kenzan in Saber
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>Valen and Gavv picked their names
>secret identities are back
>”Kamen Rider” came from the online rumours about a literal masked rider fighting monsters
>The absolute tribute to Showa rider with the first couple of episodes
>Both riders got surgery to be able to transform
>people genuinely fear Gavv at first sight
>Shouma named the gochizos, invented the gochizo storage merch, and uses them for granute surveillance
>the smartphone merch is actually useful unlike the countless series where there just there for no reason

Why is the candy-themed rider the most well thought-out and grounded series they ever made?
Toei's apologizing for Gotchard and Geats.
They have to work hard to make the candy theme not suck.
Because when you have a hook like "It's a Rider who transforms with snacks he shoves into his waist-mouth" you need to put in the work to keep people hooked on and interested so that you can still sell to the people who aren't into that premise. If you're selling a cool design and an easily marketable toy like collectible cards or big chunky belt buckles with cool English, you can coast entirely on the visual level and let the surface details do most of the work to keep people latched on.
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>Strange and not-fully-cool concepts stick better and grow with the viewer, making for a more enjoyable experience
>Entirely just "cool" concepts open great but never grow because once you hit "cool" there's no real going past it
Shirakura as always was correct.
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>Why is the candy-themed rider the most well thought-out and grounded series they ever made?
Watch more Rider, newfag.
The same guy who produced and has been milking 555 for 20 years, everyone.
Soulless vs soulful
Character-wise? Yes.
Design-wise? Valen is more soulful than Majade, but Gotchard is more soulful than Gavv.
That sounds like cope
Kuuga is 23 years old.
Big agree
He claimed Gavv's the most well thought-out and grounded series they ever made.
I have some mixed feelings about Gotchard as a whole but god damn is Steamhopper such a cool design. >>22890255
The fact the show was able to get me to shill for a gochizo not even 5 episodes in shows how much thought I’d being put into Gavv. Also the little snack bastards are just really cute
I can’t believe anon embellishes a post
I get that you like Gavv, I do too, but you don't have to go as far as defending fans of the show who are retarded.
Kuuga is an anomaly even in phase 1 heisei.
I can’t imagine Godai and the other characters meeting other riders
Agito, 555 and Hibiki aren't too far off from its level of groundedness.
Godai would absolutely cave Asakura's skull in.
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Being bored is fun
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I like that the Chips Gochizo have a Kenshin Himura-ass scar on their face.
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>I have to know why. What's the reason for all of this? Why do Gummy and Choco Gochizo have to keep on fighting? I have to find out why!
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Nah, they absolutely are. Even though Inoue's shows still had that whole "drama" atmosphere, the toku elements are just much more immediately... Toku.

Like in Agito several times you had the police suddenly announcing "reports" about an Uknown appearing in the middle of nowhere and sending G3 after it, rather than actually portraying a realistic tracking/investigation leading to the battle.

Hibiki is really its own odd thing, like with monsters appearing everywhere and being almost a "normal" occurrence with people fighting around them all around Japan for centuries. The characters are grounded, but the setting itself really wasn't.
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Still more grounded than Gavv.
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Masahiro is super based.
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>Milking 555 for 20 years
Faiz basically was irrelevant until its 10th anniversary where Takumi and Kusaka got a couple movie/crossover cameos, and the show didn't actually get any significant "milking" until its 20th anniversary.
Episode 26 of Saber.

Now, now, Master Logos. No need to have such plans. You know, there is a kind sushi chef with a heart of Gold. You two could be good friends.
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555 is the second most shilled Phase 1 show.

Shouma is a popular boy
I didn't actually know until now that this is the same actor. Master Logos' old man energy is too strong.
nah Sentaifags just have lower standards.
If we ever got a character like Kaito Black, you would never hear the end of it.
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Did you read the Buster manga? Also what's your opinion on the silly sword man so far? As well as the big mid-season twist.
They'd rather fight their own brothers than be subjected to painful but adorable electrocution
What if the Stomachs were born the same way as agents?
They weren’t.
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Sachika becoming a rider is gonna ruin this show for me
Nah, it'll make it better
It won’t, I fucking hate when every main character is a Kamen Rider. Sachika doesn’t deserve to be a rider just for being a somewhat nice enough person, especially when Shoma and Hanto had to suffer for theirs
Everyone wants to have their own Pressed Shouma
>Retail belt + weapon for a woman Rider

Unless it’s primarily used by a dude, it’s not gonna happen
There's grounded series and then there's fantasy abomination like this shitty reiwa series >>22890409
every heisei series before kabuto are more grounded than gavv
It won't be a retail belt. If the description rumors are correct, it's gonna be this year's Demons driver filled with LEDs, meaning straight to p-bandai.
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>There's grounded series and then there's fantasy kino like this great Reiwa series
It actually kinda depressing cause I feel next year won't be this good.
>Sachika doesn’t deserve to be a rider just for being a somewhat nice enough person
She's still developing as a character. We literally just saw something brewing in her last episode.
Don't jinx it retard
The only upcoming Riders we know of are the Pudding one (retail) and Dark Gavv (P-Bandai).
Am I missing part of the leak where they said the pudding belt would be retail?
The brain damaged retard can only say the same thing over and over
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Hell yeah
The pudding Rider uses a belt and a bow weapon and the items are released on the same timeline as the previous New Year Riders (Saikou, Thouser, Grease…). When it comes with a weapon, it is retail.
P-Bandai Riders never have any unique weapon.
Don't forget that the pudding rider is male according to the leaks.
sachika is a man confirmed, TWO trannies in 1 show
Not just male but a male Granute.
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>filtered by kinoue once again
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I hate this gay outfit so damn much
Color said it's the Q2 belt, it's also getting a weapon toy to go alongside it like other retail Riders.
I'll wear it for you anon don't worry.
Him being a Granute is just a theory by anons here, not something the leakers said.
Color confirmed it's gonna be sachika, you dumbfuck
It’s Sachika’s brother from America she’s never mentioned before previously.
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The belt drawing looked a lot like the belts the Stomach family have.
Color didn't say anything, one of the leakers just posted a couple of pics of the main yellow Idolmaster girl, without saying anything about what that meant.
Saber Episode 27... absolutely Riderkino. Elemental Dragon should be the final form.
Haven't read the Manga yet, saving it for later. Are you talking about Master Logos, the first humans, or Kento pulling a Dr.Strange? I'm down with all 3 anyway.
That's exactly what it means. sachika the main female cast will be the third rider. even the openings already had hinted her role
They're not giving a girl her own retail belt, you need to cope.
Thematically, it's a great final form idea. Design-wise, it's a fucking eyesore.
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Pudding Belt again. No elaborate LED here.
You can just ask color if you're not convinced.
The actual final form has far more build-up than Elemental, they've been cooking it since the early episodes.
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What do you think of him now?
At this point the people that want Sachika to be the pudding rider so bad is just so they can complain about it like spastics because all they have is making a toku hero general worse for their amusement
Again, Color isn't the one who posted those Idolmaster pics.
We go through this every year.
Just wait for Dukemon to confirm it.
>matt butt
As opposed to shitting up the general like usual?
He's mid.
Stay mad saborenigger.
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Cool.. didn't know sugihara is a fan of HK action movies
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Speaking of weird "could have been the final" forms, I much prefer Platina over Rainbow in terms of design and functionality, but, like, I get what they were going for with Rainbow and get why it was made the final form over Platina even if they could have stopped at Platina.
Though having to add in Nijigon to an already huge cast didn't really do Gotchard any favors.
Oh? Looking forward to seeing it.
A very nice addition to the cast while Touma was at a low point, with some funny gags.
It's not even the third most. Den-O, Decade, and Kuuga are all shilled far more.
The 5ch posters said that the pudding rider reminded them of Momotaros, but said that they don’t really look alike. I feel like if it was a female suit they would’ve either mentioned it or not gotten a momotaros vibe
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Not only does the driver look like the Stomach inc belts, but they both load the same way - with the Gochizo’s going in from the top
Anything to make the general worse
Kuuga was only relevant in Decade and Heisei Generations Forever.
>at gym doing barbell lunges
>guy doing resistance bands next to me
>guy is Hispanic and wearing a Japan is Life hawaiin shirt
>doing fucking V3 poses with the bands
Surreal as fuck
It's just the Meispada autism all over again, even the only "evidence" they have is from the opening ironically
There are definitely some people who genuinely want her to be a Rider and would see it as something good, like the Meispadafags.
Would be somewhat funny if Pudding Rider's character ends being like Thouser's or in the case of Komura's previous scriptwriting, the Noel of Gavv.
Nijigon having the most disgusting voice out of all the Chemys didn't help either Rainbow is still a great looking final form in my opinion despite that.
did you start doing your own poses?
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You mean, badly redeemed villains?
Here’s my schizo theory-pudding rider is actually the Uncle. You have a half granite rider and a full human rider. That means you have to have a full granute rider. Well him or Nyelv at least
Honestly I could actually see this happening, or at the very least maybe it’ll be his son/Shoma’s cousin or something
>His belt is different from the other family members
>Doesn’t have a human actor yet
>Fascination with human snacks already and the capabilities to create a driver
>I could see how a uncle personality could remind viewers of Momotaros
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Lmao what a joke vcins
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Also they banking on more chemy shenanigans, but after the series already ended.
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It's absolutely going to be Nyelv. He found Dente's notes, and he's starting to experiment on the part-timers.
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Kijkino's back on the menu, boys!
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I'll welcome the possibility of a megane Pudding Rider.
That research could be for Dark Gavv.
Or perhaps Nyelv develops the technology but it gets stolen
>Pudding Rider is yellow and blue
>Dente is blue with yellow highlights
Oh yeah. I forgot that Drak Gavv was supposed to be a thing.
Ah right, another family member. Also following the same trend as kiva, wataru and taiga. Although taiga is his half brother.
Shut the fuck up Thanksgiving-kun.
Why is WACHACHA WACHACHA WACHACHA FIRE such an unpleasant earrape even though Rider Chips sang it?
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so now we got 4 riders, 2 being retail and confirmed being granute
am i missing some other rumours?
I think Dente lacks a human form in order to soften his eventual destruction a bit. Just like all human deaths so far consist of just breaking an acrylic in half.
Because Rider Chips songs haven't been good since kabuto
Shit taste.
Gavv, Valen and Pudding are retail.

Only Dark Gavv is P-Bandai.
Shouma's long lost half-brother who left the family because he didn't approve of their illegal activities.
Dark Valen as well.
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None of the upcoming Riders have been confirmed to be Granutes.
That's just dente, we need another motive.
where's this dark valen rumors came out?
Suga is his human disguise, trust me this is just another komura standard twist.
Gavv, Valen and the pudding rider are all retail
Dark Gavv and the dark Valen retool are p-Bandai
Would be weird if Suga was Dente considering how excited Suga gets at the idea of getting to talk with Shouma
If it's Dente's son he could be one of the governmental officials on the Granute side who are looking into Stomach Inc.
I personally think it could be someone related to Dente, due to the color scheme and Dente's Gavv looking different, but Dente himself doesn't strike me as very Rider-ish. I think a lot of it is that I would expect him to have a different type of voice actor if that were the case. Someone like, I dunno, first random example that comes to mind, Takeuchi Ryota.
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"Hopper 1
X Wizard
X Fortress
Savon Needle
Dente made the technology to process spice from humans and seemingly went rogue only after living in the human world for a while, he wasn't against the Stomachs' illegal business from the get go.
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All these gabbo talk makes me anxious like, what if the quality drops like other reiwa shows? Hopefully i'm wrong but reality is often disappointing :(
What if Dente dies and his gavv is used to make a belt?
he's becoming too attached to humans food..also he's fat
>dark valen
You mean the upgrade chocohore valen right?
gavv tuah snack on that thang!!!!
I fully expect Valen to murder Dente in cold blood
Always set your expectations low so you get pleasantly surprised if they're exceeded and not too frustrated if they aren't.
No, Color teased a ValenBuster retool in the same way Dark Gavv is a retool of the Gavv belt.
It's so fucking over Komura sisters...
But why? It's not even the final quarter..
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Objectively the best full length reiwa movie after Realxtime
I like Rider Chips, but WACHACHA WACHACHA WACHACHA YOUR FIRE is insufferable. Pair that with Gotchard which is Houtaro being insufferable, that song leaves a bad taste.
This show has already had some of the weakest writing in all of Reiwa, we can only really go up from here.
Shin was more like autofellatio and less like an actual movie
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It's better than RealXTime.
nta but it's a great insert, I like that it plays for both Houtaro and Spanner. Only Rider Chips song I don't like is Elements ironically enough, Brave Blade was a way better opening, Elements was hard carried by it's new visuals.
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Law of victory better
based retard
Two step Gummy upgrade after the Cake and Ice Cream power ups.
The movie suffers from Anno having Rider brainrot.
Source: my gaping anus
My gaping Gavv.
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Imagine the accidentally upskirt shot from Gochizo's view
>literally gochizo tears
I don't know if this is genius or horrible invention
Surprising amount of Gochizo abuse in this show so far
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Even Agents are treated better. Shouma is a monster.
didn't chinese leaker also mention the ice cream & hard gummy rider?
Ice Cream is the first Q2 upgrade.
He's fine, it's suga and the other person that treat 'em gremlins terribly
Would Chemy be as likable if they were abused as much as Gochizos were?
Are we sure the original post isn't "the pudding look like the one that was Momotaros' favorite" instead of "looks like Momotaros"?
Give it time, we didn't get Rising Fighter for a while.

Besides, the BGM for Gavv is 10/10, so even if we don't get an insert until later or at all that BGM is gonna carry.
That would be The Future Daybreak.
sadly we didn't even get the full version of that battle bgm :(
Stay mad retard
Don't be a faggot, you know we're going to get it when the OST drops. Stop being an impatient zoom-zoom who needs everything RIGHT NOW NOW NOW like a petulant child.
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They should've done ramen/miso form for exclusive movie form.... Or maybe the obligatory HBV one
what worthless criticism
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Tsuda was Redyue before even Vail.
I highly doubt it.
If they were treated more like Shift Cars then probably.
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i see then we got probably 4 rider until gavv reaching mid point..
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It's just a projection.
Shoma doesn't generate Gochizos from eating normal food.
The only things so far that have actually been shown to significantly upset the Gochizos is the prospect of being denied a violent death in battle.
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The ESLnigger who posts here is dumber than a child.
Shoma and Hanto in dan vol 53.
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So...is this supposed to be a mouth or a Mario mustache referance?
If moustache why doesnt Mighty in Mighty Action X doesnt have a mustache...
I don't get what's so special with RealXTime, sure Eden's actor is cool but then they redeem him and replace him with some literal who as the final boss?
And Suga's electric ch- I mean Valenbuster.
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You're replying to the general's resident shitposter, his newest gimmick is spamming "rent free" and "stay mad". Just report and ignore.
It's his face.
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Sick of these kinds of posts already. They're just bait at this point.
>seething this much
You are low IQ, low T, and most definitely gay.
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is it duelrager, the spambot again?
So the Gochizo is inserted on the top and flipped over, and then the Gochizo face is built into the driver. Almost like the whole driver is one big Gochizo
>Outsiders e6 is still unsubbes
TV-N please. I know that it takes them about a month, but damn. Two more weeks are such a long wait.
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If this is pudding then what is this?
Also pudding
If gochizos wish to die in combat how come the agents are created with life preservation instincts
Too skinny
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Who knows
wtf cares about outsiders
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What did Ichinose do to Supana?
He dealt with him
Not a fan of it just being eva with kamen rider skin
Supana did nothing wrong.
And he was still beaten like a red headed step child
You know, I get this feeling that /m/ is just a kamen rider board.
Has desast done anything else?
Well the toku generals are some of the most active /m/ threads, but it's still the mecha board
>series without mecha rules the mecha board
laida chads... we kneel
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What do you mean no mecha?
Not really sonething to brag abiut when 90% of the post is from one retard having an episode
How did /m/ even come to have the toku threads? Only guess I have is because of Sentai and their mechs.
/krg/ is full of retarded contrarian faggots who hate good things because they're popular and love bad things because they aren't.

Change my mind.
Moot put them here after they were on /a/ for the longest time IIRC. That's it really.
That's it? I would've put us in /jp/ but then I'm just going off the board name.
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>I would've put us in /jp/
The Kamen Rider audience (Western) is too normalfaggy and underaged nowadays
wait, mari isn't married to takumi? wtf
westerners have always been like that
Well moot's word was law, and he said /m/
As in you could guarantee more people nowadays would kick up a fuss about "not being autisticly weeb enough to warrant being relegated to /jp/", like it's a shameful thing
too young to have experienced all the /jp/ shitposting...
is geats really ending with a jesus allegory
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No, he's a local kami

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