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With Power Rangers dead, what will happen to the fandom?
>oh no the other power ranger thread hit the bump limit 3 hours ago. I need to make another power ranger thread.
With all honesty, move on. It was a novelty for its time that found accidental success (not saying I hate it, used to love it as a kid and alongside the Godzilla films introduced me to toku and mecha)
Thing is, Gdozilla still is popular, even if Power Rangers may die, I think the idea of it can be used for another show. Buffy was essentially Tokusatsu at it's core, maybe something like that can bring it back.
power rangers still has a fandom?
I always assumed it was kind of a Simpsons thing. Like yeah it's still around, you'll see some toys on the shelves or episodes if you flip channels, but it's been utterly irrelevant for decades at this point.
just enjoy the seasons you did have. if you really need new stories about spandex fighter guys then learn to handle some subs and watch sentai, I guess.
What will happen to Mr. Weenie? Guy was a fucking conspiracy theorist.
All I know is that Linkara must be devastated right now.
Doubt he gives a shit, hasn't made a new video in a long time
>prg dies
>one retard that can't let go forces a sneaky general for no reason
Imagine if we had mods.
You would be the first to be banned
It'll come out when it comes out!
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I don't know anyone who still cares about it who didn't also at least dabble into Sentai, so i imagine they will just change ship.
I will NEVER watch reiwa era sentai
I mean, why would anyone when heisei sentai exists?
Because DonBros and KingOh are very enjoyable
Why do they look so retarded
DonBros is a comedy series - the cast by and large *are* retarded.
Move on and get a new autism
Stop me if you've heard this one before.

They'll continue desperately praying that one day it somehow makes a comeback, trying to cope by mocking Sentai fans that at least their franchise is the ones normies think of and their license deal means Japan can't legally get their support, and they'll be divorced by their wives because they spent all their life savings on a private party where they paid any PR actor they could to show up and hang with them.
>they'll be divorced by their wives because they spent all their life savings on a private party where they paid any PR actor they could to show up and hang with them.
That sounds like something a Robotech fan boy did than a PR one. Despite my disdain for PR, I don't think their fans are that insane.
Do people even like Power Rangers beyong the first few seasons? I always figured that enough people who still liked it beyond that just moved to Super Sentai
power ranger fans need to move on
I abhor MMPR, somewhat tolerated Zeo to Turbo, but love in Space and beyond until RPM (except some seasons) and completely abhors the Neo Saban/Hasbro era. It's just it's a thing of the past, there's no point for an 'Americanized' adaptation to exist now especially when you have Sentai, especially when recent adaptations makes even the mediocre Sentai seasons more watcheable.

I used to be on the camp of maybe the benefits of PR adaptations are that they can improve the 'bad' Sentai such as Ninninger but no, they couldn't even do that. It also didn't help that PR is trying too hard to distance itself from Sentai and its, idk, identity and tropes.

So move on. PR fans would be healthier wishing that Sentai found a new success worldwide, especially when PR is viewed as a joke.
It is what a Robotech fanboy did. Give PR fans some time, they'll go insane eventually as well
>I always assumed it was kind of a Simpsons thing.
Which does have a fandom you know.
That reminds me of the guy who paid $5000 to meet Mari Iijima when her car got totaled and her husband refused to pay for it lol
godzilla dies more often than james bond. godzilla was dead for an entire decade and you people act like there no chance power rangers gets used again.
Except Godzilla isn't a hack and slasher like Power Rangers. Only the 1956 and 1985 Americanizations of 1954 and 1984 Godzilla did that editing of American footage.
power rangers was getting movies and video games that were all newly made since near the start of the franchise. and it's still really not seen as something japanese to the absolute broad public.. the point of comparison is that godzilla ip goes on full hiatus a lot until until some project manages to trigger a revival.
Hopefully that dies too.
That quickly went from general to very specific as it went.
Godzilla and James Bond are each seen as one guy by the general populace, one pop culture icon, regardless of how different each version is. Every face is attached to a specific version of the character, but the name of the IP evokes the general idea of the character as a whole.
Power Rangers is all about keeping a legacy alive and passing the torch to the next interpretation of the brand with its own lore and cast.
They use MMPR as the evergreen version of the IP for marketing and merchandise sake, but when they tried to actually reboot Power Rangers as a new iteration of the specific season people are nostalgic for (Jason and crew in the Hollywood movie), everyone hated it.
They unfortunately created expectations that if Power Rangers doesn't keep moving forward, it looks like something is wrong.
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Power Rangers is dead. There's plenty of other series that are willing to take its place.
Difference is that The Simpsons knew its formula and that's why it has survived. Power Rangers blew itself up by making Kimberly, the least popular MMPR ranger, into the face of the series.
Since Power Rangers seems to be winding down, I wanted to check out seasons that people said were standouts. Watching RPM, which everyone really presses as the "dark" season.
While I admit it's a very inventive way to adapt Go-Onger, I'm kind of confused at what they were going for tonally. They decided on reducing MOTW to mindless goons that just make animal noises. I'm guessing to make them less comical. But then in the same episode, introduced a blaster that makes mobster's clothes fall off, instantly making them non threats. Completely played for laughs.
It feels less like it's trying to specifically be dark, and more like it's compulsively zigging where Go-Onger zagged. To an arbitrary degree. Another being the weird narrative favoritism they give the black ranger.
I don't know how anyone can stomach the unrelenting Whedon scented snark that passes as comedy in the Disney era. It never lets up.
>Since Power Rangers seems to be winding down

It's not winding down. It's already over. It's been cancelled. Keep up.

>Watching RPM, which everyone really presses as the "dark" season.

It's not a dark season. Other people don't know how to properly express themselves. RPM had a dark backstory, but the presentation of the story is still a "colorful action comedy" that you see throughout the Disney era.

>I don't know how anyone can stomach the unrelenting Whedon scented snark that passes as comedy in the Disney era. It never lets up.

This 100%. It's a major reason why I stopped watching the show during the Disney era. The characters themselves wouldn't take their own circumstances seriously. Constantly making quips and jokes and slapstick humor during moments when it should be taken seriously. It destroys immersion and my suspension of disbelief. The writers messed up.

At least the early seasons of the show had a better balance of humor. A giant pig may have been eating all of the Earth's food, but the Power Ranger still took the situation seriously. They never made fun of the pig's costume, or laughed at how cheap looking Alpha 5's costume looked.

That isn't to say jokes weren't made, but certain things were off the table in terms of joking and humor to keep the show semi-believable. The timing of jokes were a lot better too.
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Hasbro has decided that the Power Rangers franchise is retired. The only toys that will be coming out will be made from licensees.
Say what you want by RPM but at least it did it's own thing. It didn't outright rape the corpse of the decent sentai it's based off of like Jungle Fury did.
I dunno, I thought it was pretty terrible how they made the engines into non-entities. Seems weird they didn't jump at the chance to make them Night Rider style AI with toned down personalities, specially in a rewrite that's supposed to be about AI.
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I think that RPM did its best to distance itself as much it could from being like Turbo. That includes having "intelligent vehicles" like Turbo had.
You know what would be hilarious? If Kamen Rider had a resurgence in the US again. Maybe the third time's the charm?

Only question would be which Late Heisei or Reiwa era Kamen Rider should be adapted...
Build had the same kind of feel as a show you would see on Saturday mornings airing as part of a Saturday morning cartoon block.
Which is a thing that most boys don't watch anymore. Don't know if a block like that even EXISTS anymore.
I know a lot of you guys are old and out of touch but yes, TV is absolutely dead. Viewership is at an all time low and the only people still watching it are boomers, gen x and the milennials who grew up with it and can't let go. Kids do NOT watch TV anymore. There is no Saturday morning cartoon block and there hasn't been for over a decade. Streaming completely took over like everyone said it was.
Who was this
Maybe they will finally get some fucking taste.
Hasbro announces layoffs for employees as revenue is down 15%.

Makes sense why Power Rangers is cancelled. We're in a recession and companies can't afford to fund it.

>Are we out of touch? NO it’s the economy that’s at fault
Sigh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k95DSQbQmJY
It doesn't. There's only Nick and CN as the only avenues for children's programming these days and they just air Spongebob and Teen Titans Go most of the time. They have no interest in live action or any kind of action for that matter. They're mostly just watched by toddlers who parents turn it on to shut them up and who are too young to know how to change the channel.
I admit it's the only Disney season I have seen. But It doesn't really feel distanced from Turbo to me. It's still incredibly goofy and silly, with gags like the pool table fight and baby carriage fight that don't really feel as concerned with being serious as fans claim. It feels right in place with stuff like the pizza chef monster in Turbo. Which I'm fine with, really.
It just specifically seems to do the opposite of Go-Onger at every chance, even when it doesn't really benefit anything in the end.
Like I don't really understand the monsters of the week not talking. You didn't HAVE to give them goofy dialogue. You could make them seem more serious without just having them make repetitive electronic sounds when their mouths open. I don't really get it either, because the generals that hang out with Venjix still act like typical goofy Power Rangers monsters.
That just makes it feel unfortunate that it was purchased by Hasbro then.
I feel like smaller companies would be more desperate to make this work. But Hasbro just sees this as an obvious way to cut costs.
>and we at r/powerrangers all laughing!!!
That was funny when we all thought Harmony Gold was inevitably losing the license.
Now it just hurts.
They were apparently told to knock off their jewery and do things with the Macross license or else they'd risk losing it, hence why they were finally more willing to play a little bit of ball. I doubt Hasbro will get that.
Are the comics dead too?
Are they worth reading regardless?
They will be soon. I'm pretty sure it was mentioned they're ending because presumably they lost the license.

They're getting a pseudo-reboot/new entry point with Prime.
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I can't wait to see how that goes.
Lauren, the Red female Samurai ranger, is the center of the first arc. Also, new female red. Does not sound promising.
Speaking of comics, it's baffling that Parrot wrote GGPR which is the ideal Power Rangers comics, but when he writes for the main series it's blahhh
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The comics devolved into Kimberly fanfiction. She wass on so many fucking teams holy shit.
They're selling off all the suits and props. A lot of good stuff here, 700 lots.
To be fair none of that really has anything to do with the future of the show. Besides them saying several times that they plan on going original from here on out most of those props and suit are way too fucking old and beat up to ever be used meaningfully in any show whatsoever. They're really just clearing out their junk closet.
On /m/? /prg/ talk will merge into the /ssg/, if the reboot never comes to fruition. /tv/ will have the odd nostalgia thread from time to time.
In general within the pop culture? Who gives a shit.
Yeah, look how going original turned out with Cosmic Fury. It's like Hasbro forgot that Power Rangers, just like Digimon, makes money off of its merch. The show should be just a very long toy commercial. The same is true with the comics.
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Sounds like it's going to end up like present day Star Wars. There's going to be a bunch of female OC donut steels with a token bland guy here and there on the human side. All of the villains will be male. Hell, the villain will probably Lord Zedd. Again.
I thought Lauren was going to the be new MMPR-style Red for plot reasons. Wouldn't be surprised if they tried to jam two different female Reds into the story though.
To be fair, a number of those are Ranger Slayer
Lauren is described as being "from a different time". Maybe she becomes the new MMPR Red pictured, maybe she won't.
Writers are mad that Cat was the better ship for Tommy and it showed.
You're quoting pre Cosmic Fury shit.
Now they say they are just giving the IP a rest. Which is a really bad idea if you ask me. Once they lose momentum, it's essentially just going to get thrown into the Hasbro IP vault and only get taken out for MMPR nostalgia during anniversaries and shit. It's no longer going to be a legacy series, it's essentially going the way of things like Voltron and Thundercats, except just MMPR.
The comics are entirely lore driven despite the lore in it not really mattering for anything else. The characterization and pacing is really weak, its more about presenting ideas that seemed cool on paper, then working back from that concrete connecting fiber.
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Going all original is the worst decision Hasbro could've made. Adapting Lupinranger into Power Rangers: Lupin III could've been a pretty good show. Problem is that nowadays they'd probably scrub away the phantom thief theming like they did with the angel and pirate theming.
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Honesty, Zyuohger stuff should've been incorporated into Beast Morphers. I mean, doesn't this shit look like it would fit in?
What a sad state of affairs.
Americans only have themselves to blame. They fell for VOD/streaming/subscription without realizing that it was design to destroy their entertainment industry
>doesn't this shit look like it would fit in?
would actually fit in a minecraft themed power rangers
it has enough of a brand name/recognition that there will always be some type of merchandise.
only amongst nostalgia-ridden millenials
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>It destroys immersion and my suspension of disbelief.
How do the jokes do that but not when the location magically changes from a park to a forest or vice-versa every time they switch from original to Sentai footage? Besides, it's Power Rangers. Almost everyone was making jokes about the show at that point. A self-serious season wouldn't have appeased anybody except the autists. I'll take Ninja Storm's endless quips over Wild Force's failed sincerity any time.
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That looks generic as fuck.
I dunno but Sentai and rider is gonna lose their extra budget.
Remember how the guy over pic related spent most of his time shitposting fans on Twitter?
No it won't, they still get their licensing fee. They haven't made any real toy money off PR in a while since the owner changed to Hasbro, who used their own toy production (and now are licensing it) rather than Bandai America's
Internal logic isn't hard to grasp on to over time.
A sense of humor you're not a fan of is just going to annoy you the whole way through.
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Yeah, eternal MMPR merch. No one doubts that. Very few people are particularly excited about it though, since Hasbro makes it sound like it's essentially all going to be outsourced form this point on, so it's going to be a bunch of random companies making shit that doesn't fit into a collection anymore.
It's also unlikely any of these companies will be incentivized to move beyond the core team and first Megazord, so it's going to be an endless cycle of the same shit forever, like what you see with second party Getter and Mazinger toys now.
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>Internal logic isn't hard to grasp on to over time.
What internal logic? It's Power Rangers. Applying logic doesn't work because you're just gonna ask why if the villains can teleport and can see what the Rangers are doing, they don't just sneak into the Rangers' houses when they're asleep and slit their throats instead of attacking the city in broad daylight every week. Or why Rita can't just make a meteor or a meteor-themed monster grow and throw it at the Power Chamber while the Rangers are busy. Plus, we know outside of little kids and the hardcore PR fans, everyone else already thinks PR is dumb and annoying. Even the good seasons. I watched the 90s PR movie with some friends, and they all reacted to it as if it was Birdemic.
SMP>>>>lucky cat
You're getting so critical, I feel like a lot of these points apply more generally to Sentai or Tokusatsu conventions as a whole.
>Two(2) different female Reds
>Tacticool Ranger powers
>Heroes on the run from villains who control everything
>Sexy version of Rita
Boom's really speedrunning all their tropes with this miniseries.
I know it was probably a pipedream in the first place, but it's a shame there's definitely never going to be a Super Sentai VS Power Rangers special episode or short.
Well, besides that episode of Dino Thunder technically (And the Powerful Rangers).
>You're getting so critical,
I'm just saying what most people think about PR. Why else do you think most viewers moved on after the first few seasons?
Because of one simple rule.

The villains want to beat the Power Rangers publicly. They want people to witness their heroes failing, and show the world they are stronger.

Rita and Zedd would never throw a Meteor at Earth. They want to rule the planet. Not destroy it. They want a population of slaves and worshippers. Not a dead planet.
I stopped caring about being amazed at Power Rangers, but I was invested in the characters. I wanted to know how their story ended. I stopped watching once the generation of Rangers I grew up with left the show. And the show in dumb ways. Jason, Zach, and Trini just left for some weird epave conference. Kimberly broke up with Tommy and cheated on him with some other guy. Jason came back for a bit as Gold Ranger and then left again. Billy got infected with an aging virus and had to leave the planet. And Tommy retired to go to college and study. That was it. Their story ended. So I stopped watching.
Not to mention it would invite escalation from Zordon. If Rita tries to throw a Meteor at Earth or the Command Center, then Zordon would just teleport an alien nuke at Rita's Palace. It would not surprise me if Rita and Zordon (or even good and evil) have a tacit agreement where both sides agree to not use weapons of mass destruction. Both sides don't want planets destroyed.

If Rita tries to assassinate a Ranger while they sleep, then Zordon would start assassinating Rita's Generals and supporters too. Zordon would teleport Finster into sun when Finster is asleep. Zordon's "No escalation rule" probably exists NOT because Zordon is a nice guy. The rule probably exists because whole planets have been reduced to ash in previous wars when both sides held nothing back. So now they both sides understand that escalation leads only to destruction. Nobody wins with escalation. Of course the comic writers are too stupid to realize this.
Maybe Beetleborgs will finally get another shot.
Pfffthahahaha. Being a Beetleborgs fan is suffering.
>tolerated Zeo
Why "tolerated"?
I get Turbo, but I thought Zeo was great. At least up until King Mondo dies for the first time, then it kinda loses the direction
Otherwise agree.
That possibility, however slight died with JDF
Is that Rita or that daughter they introduced in the AJJ vanity project?
>Not to mention it would invite escalation from Zordon.
Zordon was too lazy to build security protocols or even give Alpha a weapon in case Rita and Zedd's forces broke into the Power Chamber, which they end up doing several times in the show. He never had a secret ace up his nonexistent sleeve like an alien nuke. If he had some nuclear option backup plans just in case, why would his first line of defense be a bunch of high school freshmen instead of drones or something that wouldn't risk human loss? Besides, that makes Zordon look shitty if the tacit agreement is that Angel Grove gets to have its own 9/11 every week for the foreseeable future.

Trying to apply any sense of logic to PR will never work, and it's best to meet the show halfway if you want to get any enjoyment out of it. It's okay to admit the heroes and villains have retarded battle strategies that make zero sense, because the appeal comes from the rubber suit fights and not the tactics.
>Zordon was too lazy to build security protocols
He did. No one could enter the Command Center without a power coin.

>If he had some nuclear option backup plans just in case
Zordon has a ton of secret backup plans. Wtf are you talking about. Secret bunkers. Secret powers. Secret Zords. Secret technology. Zordon doesn't use it because he doesn't want to escalate. But if Zordon wanted to, then he could just teleport half USA's nukes and detonate them insides Rita's Palace.

>He never had a secret ace up his nonexistent sleeve like an alien nuke.
Sure he did. He WAS universal wide nuke that destroys evil energy.

>If he had some nuclear option backup plans just in case, why would his first line of defense be a bunch of high school freshmen instead of drones
1. He wants the planet to learn to defend and fight for itself eventually.
He views himself as a parent and guardian of lesser developed worlds like Earth. Eventually Earth won't need Zordon and he can move on. And Zordon was RIGHT. Humanity learned to build their own power ranger technology, build their own Zords, and harness the Morphin grid. Even after Zordon was gone.

2. The comics (and I think a few episodes of the TV show) covered this. Robots and drones can be corrupted or hacked. They don't have discernment or thinking skills and always go overboard. No matter what technology is used, what ultimately saves the day is always human will, goodness, and courage.

>Besides, that makes Zordon look shitty if the tacit agreement is that Angel Grove gets to have its own 9/11 every week for the foreseeable future.
How? You have no argument against me. Its actually a brilliant idea. Zordon declares he's protecting Angel Grove to Rita and Zedd. Then Rita's and Zedd's egos can't handle it and want to conquer Angel Grove first. So it limits attacks on other parts of the planet.

>Trying to apply any sense of logic to PR will never work
Just did. You have no argument. You have been debunked.
I don't think that. Sentai if anything is way more consistent with stuff like that because it can film itself as required and doesn't have to worry about mashing footage together. Because Sentai footage requires characters to immediately be in a totally different area, and because they choose to make the main setting of PR a school that's almost never attacked directly (because again Sentai footage doesn't attack any high schools in Zyuranger) everyone can teleport which raises questions as people have said.

Plus Rita knowing everyone's identities and being able to spy on them at all moments with her telescope and thus always knowing where everyone was. Sure the Command Center was protected but there was nothing stopping Goldar from teleporting into Tommy's bathroom and stabbing him while he's taking a dump. And I don't think "They don't want to escalate because Zordon will teleport bombs to the moon" really cuts it because there are plenty of times where Rita tries to kill the Rangers they just always escape. In Zyuranger their identities aren't secret but they all live in a secret base that Bandora can't get to. Bandora spends a long time finding Burai's cave but when she does locate it she attacks it immediately. And the Zyuranger can't go to the moon, so they can't hit Bandora directly until she brings her palace to Earth in the finale (which she only does because the Zyuranger lost their powers for the moment so she figured she won)

Sentai is able to flow much better because they can film as written and don't have to worry about stuff like "We have to open the first 10 minutes at the High School, then immediately have everyone go to an abandoned junkyard for the Ranger fight and we can't show the monster's intro scene because there's too many Asians in the shot so we'll have to just have them teleport right into the Sentai fight."
No one cares about Sentai.
You can't make a statement that it's just a thing of the genre Sentai included and then end with that. Fuck you.
Solicits say it's Rita.
Why are you here. No one cares. Go watch Sentai if you like Sentai.
>He did. No one could enter the Command Center without a power coin.
And he had zero backup plan in case a villain showed up with a power coin like when Tommy showed up and wrecked the base?
>Zordon has a ton of secret backup plans.
When Divatox blew up the place and Zordon was captured by Dark Specter, the Rangers had to fucking guess and go to space for help instead of Zordon leaving them something on Earth in case shit went bad. Not even directions to Gosei.
>Robots and drones can be corrupted or hacked.
And a 15-year-old can't be persuaded to do stupid shit? Zordon's just lucky he found wholesome kids with squeaky-clean records instead of accidentally grabbing a hood rat with anger issues.
>Its actually a brilliant idea.
How the fuck is making the Rangers' hometown the center of an alien terrorist attack every single week a brilliant idea? Zordon's lucky Rita and Zedd conveniently went for all the days the Rangers' loved ones weren't in the metropolitan part of Angel Grove, and conveniently attacked the buildings that were all empty and didn't leak any lead or chemicals upon getting destroyed by giant monsters..
>You have been debunked.
All you did was introduce stupid headcanons to prop up this show's retarded lore. It's just easier to accept that the dumb show for toddlers probably had inconsistent lore than to pretend Zordon was secretly a super genius whose best plan was "Recruit half a dozen kids as child soldiers at the last minute, give them lasers and robots they'll have to learn how to use while on the job, and hope for the best".
I enjoy Zeo the most out of MMPR-Turbo, but rewatching it again, first half is just MMPR (up until the Red Battlezord arc which is where I really love the show) plus after King for a Day it felt like it lost its steam in some ways.
>And I don't think "They don't want to escalate because Zordon will teleport bombs to the moon" really cuts it because there are plenty of times where Rita tries to kill the Rangers they just always escape.
Same with how every giant MOTW attack on Angel Grove always results in no collateral damage or the Power Rangers finding out one of their friends, family, or family of their friends died from a collapsing skyscraper or poisoning from a leakage. Do Zordon truthers really want to pretend Rita just spends half the day looking up Angel Grove's map, examining which buildings are all empty and won't leak asbestos or formaldehyde during destruction, and specifically tells her monsters to attack those places just to show they mean business while not accidentally escalating the conflict? Escalation theory is retarded.
>And he had zero backup plan in case a villain showed up with a power coin like when Tommy showed up and wrecked the base?

The Green Power Coin was the ONLY loophole to enter the Command Center. And they thought the coin was lost forever. Like tens of thousands of years lost. And they fixed that loophole later on.

>When Divatox blew up the place and Zordon was captured by Dark Specter, the Rangers had to...
Blame Dimitria. Zordon left the Rangers brand new Zords and technology. Also the retired Rangers still had their Zeo powers. The planet wasn't completely defenseless.

>Zordon's just lucky he found wholesome kids
His technology scanned the minds of teens. It wasnt a guess. It's literally in the first episode.

>How the fuck is making the Rangers' hometown the center of an alien terrorist attack every single week a brilliant idea?
Do you not read? You were just told why. Stop rambling and read before posting.
Zordon probably just teleports all the Civilians away of out the battlezone.
>Do you not read? You were just told why.
But he's not protecting Angel Grove. That fucking city gets wrecked every fucking week. Saying that's protection is like saying NYC got protected in 9/11 just because only a few buildings fell.
The Green Power Coin was the ONLY loophole to enter the Command Center. And they thought the coin was lost forever. Like tens of thousands of years lost. And they fixed that loophole later on.
Do you even watch the show? There were other loopholes. Zedd could just enter one time.
But how do you deal with all the aftermath? Because this was the early 90s, and building compliance at the time means a lot of those buildings are gonna leak toxic shit if they fall. Think of how many first responders in NYC got cancer after September 11th. You really gonna think Alpha cleaned all that shit every week?
For me the biggest problem with Zeo was the non-finale because they wanted to use a movie to segway to Turbo. And honestly did a pretty shit job with it,
>complains there's no security
>actually there is security
>well...uhhh...its not perfect security.
Nothings perfect and Zordon and Alpha fix any loopholes

>Zedd could just enter one time.
The hell is wrong with you? They had to lower their defenses and teleport Zedd inside. Zedd didn't just enter freely.

Are you just posting random shit and baiting a debate? Because I will leave if you keep this nonsense going. And you can have your dead ranger thread.

Speak truth or don't post.
>But how do you deal with all the aftermath?
What aftermath? It was a massive boom to the construction economy.
No, he entered because he had Kimberly as a hostage in that episode. And that means all Zedd has to do is beat the shit out of one of the Rangers, steal their power coin, and enter the Command Center as much as he likes. Quit being a retard. Your show has stupid lore, and Zordon's a failure whose only success was killing himself. Arguing in favor of PR's internal logic is like trying to explain why Blue's Clues has consistent internal logic.
>Zedd: Teleport me to your Command Center
>Zordon: Alpha you may proceed
>Zedd and his Throne are teleported inside.

Literally in the dialog of the clip.
>Also the retired Rangers still had their Zeo powers. The planet wasn't completely defenseless.
I don't think that's quite right

Otherwise Adam wouldn't have risked his life morphing into MMPR Black with a busted morpher. And the Zeo Rangers could have helped out during Countdown to Destruction

Tommy got his Zeo powers back eventually in some undisclosed way
But he had an eventful life after retiring, somehow getting the Zeo powers working again for Forever Red
But he stopped using them before Dino Thunder less than 2 years later

I don't think any team permanently got their powers back (who had lost them) until sometime after Once a Ranger and before the Legend War, that's when we started seeing multiple retired Ranger teams operating on Earth off screen
>Otherwise Adam wouldn't have risked his life morphing into MMPR Black with a busted morpher. And the Zeo Rangers could have helped out during Countdown to Destruction

1. He probably didn't have his Zeo Morpher with him. Maybe it was kept in a vault or safe like Tommy did with his old Morphers.

2. Carlos was Black Space Ranger so Adam needed to use his Black MMPR powers to connect with him as a fellow ranger.

3. Adam was trying to teach Carlos like Zordon once taught Adam. That being a ranger can be dangerous and they put their life on the line everytime. But it's not Carlos' fault his friends got hurt earlier in the episode.
No fuck off, you don't get to throw out statements like that and then say nobody cares when someone shoots back. You want to open this can you WILL take this seriously if you know what's good for you.
Not that anon but you flooded a power ranger thread with sentai posts. It does not belong here and you deserve every insult you get for annoying everyone. I'm glad people are laughing at you.

I honestly think he's just a tsundere Power Ranger fan.

Look at the Sentai thread.

Real Sentai fans do not care at all about Power Rangers. They don't talk about it.

But this anon...its all he can talk about. Constant nonsense about PR vs Sentai.

No one cares.

Does he really think we read his long essays about Sentai vs PR ?

I wouldnt go that far but yeah. At the end of the day this is a Power Ranger thread. Why post about sentai constantly? I literally just skip over sentai related posts here. Dont even read them. I dont watch sentai regularly. I come here to talk power ranger lore. Sentai is meaningless to me. Like coming to a forum about apples and constantly talking about strawberries. No one cares.
I love David Kaye Megatron.
The writers were mad that:
>Kat was the better girl for Tommy
>Jason, Zack, and Trini left and were replaced with Rocky, Adam, and Aisha
>Villains better and more powerful than Rita were introduced
>The Dino Zords got replaced
And they DID NOT hide it. They were pissed and let their "I'm going to fix this!" mentality seep into and ruin the comic. Zedd, Rocky, Adam, and Aisha were WASTED. As sad as I am the comic never made it to Season 3, I'm glad the comic never made it to Season 3. They already ruined Master Vile and Rito (and it wasn't even Season 3 yet!), and I'm sure Ninjor, Kat, and the Ninja Zords wouldn't have fared much better.
I care
Oh my God we've officially become the Robotech fandom.
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No one asked but I need to go on a rant. Im just a casual Power Ranger fan. I grew up with MMPR to Time Force and loved them all but never watched anything past that. I kinda go back to it a little bit out of nostalgia now and then like with the comic and reunine. So as a PR normie I guess, its actually fucking insane to me that within the hyper nostalgic original first series fandom (genwunners?) that people STILL hate anything after season 1 or don't want to move on from it. Tommy becoming white, The Lightning Zords and Ninja Zords, Ninjor and Zedd and the new bad guys were all amazing and I have so much nostalgia for the movie. I also lover Zeo. Its just fucking nuts that nope fuck anything past season 1 we need the green ranger and Mmpr forever. In a series with so much history on both the Japanese and American side people can't even get past season 1.

I think the three casts members getting saban'd was absolute greedy moneygrubbing bullshit, but idk man turning them into covert decret agent alchemist rangers while ignoring the rocky canyon trio was fucking bizarre. I have no idea what I would have done to adapt the cast change into something that makes sense in a new story though. I also hated how they made Matt the new green ranger in a shitty redesigned suit, but I wouldn't have had a problem keeping the dragonzord around. (Just let the original rangers be able to summon the shield and flute.)

I have so many franchises I like that only get attention to the very first entry. It doesn't bother me as much as it does some people but there's so much wasted potential. Transformers is another big one like that.

I wish I could be excited about Prime but I don't have any faith in it despite the focus on a Samurai character of all things. But they don't even have good suit designs anymore and a female red seems a bit forced because they keep doing it and I never like the characters. Why wasnt Lauren enough
They destroyed the thunderzords for a reason
It's hard to get used to shape helmets after so much dinos. Even on the villain side there's no human actors.
I've seen more post seething at power ranger fans than actual PR fans seething that is over.
Lord Zedd is generally considered one of the best and most memorable PR villains tbqh. I don't know what the writers' beef with him is, but from what I've seen that kind of opinion is in minority.
Zedd is pretty beloved even by geewunners.
>So as a PR normie I guess, its actually fucking insane to me that within the hyper nostalgic original first series fandom (genwunners?) that people STILL hate anything after season 1 or don't want to move on from it.
To this day, I wonder if "MMPR Fatigue" is actually just "Season 1 Fatigue," or at the very least, if Season 1 Fatigue is responsible for making MMPR Fatigue even worse than it would've been if it acknowledged all three seasons.
G1 one obsession is a cancer that latches on to many franchises. Pretty much the entirety of pop culture refuses to move on from the 80s/early 90s.
>The writers were mad
>And they DID NOT hide it. They were pissed and let their "I'm going to fix this!" mentality seep into and ruin the comic.

I definitely got that feeling with Higgins, but Parrott and (to a lesser extent) Flores were just dealing with the board Higgins and Hasbro's mandates set for them.

I can somewhat agree with this. As a long time fan I'd still prefer other seasons get attention, but I'd be slightly less salty about the MMPR wank if it were allowed to be covered in total instead of S1 and sections of season 2 they always default to.
>Parrott and (to a lesser extent) Flores were just dealing with the board Higgins and Hasbro's mandates set for them.
Were they the ones that wrote Darkest Hour? Because even at their dumbest, I can't imagine Hasbro gave the comic a mandate that said "Make Rita completely untouchable and have her outdo Lord Zedd and Master Vile at every possible moment because she's the specialest snowflake villain who can never be inferior to anyone." And after which arc did Higgins leave the comic? Was it Shattered Grid? I'm not sure he can be blamed for all the Season 2 stuff getting the shaft.
>Were they the ones that wrote Darkest Hour?
No, that was all Flores, which is why I said "to a lesser extent" with her. She's still way into the Rita wank, but the wank conforms to Hasbro's mandate not to stray too far from S1's continuity.

>And after which arc did Higgins leave the comic? Was it Shattered Grid?
That's correct. But I misremembered Higgins writing parts of Necessary Evil when that was all Parrott (with Sina Grace).
So it's fair to say that when it comes to handling elements from S2, Parrott dropped the ball first and Flores spiked it into the ground, but it's still keeping within the guides of Hasbro's stupidity.
>the wank conforms to Hasbro's mandate not to stray too far from S1's continuity
But they had moved on to Season 2, so what does that even mean? All three seasons have the same continuity. Unless you're saying Hasbro wanted the comic to stay in Season 1, in which case why would they even move on to Season 2 at all then?
>With Power Rangers dead
that's why there's no more /prg/?
He was apparently really stretched thin and it shows
Prime is basically doing a relaunch like what IDW TMNT is doing while trying to cash in on the trend Ultimate Marvel (6160) and Absolute DC are doing with drastic reinventions
I'm turned off by multiple things about this approach
I don't hate Flores as a write as much as other people but I was already tired of Darkest Hour and she hasn't really written anything that exceptionally WOWED me even outside of Rangers work and Prime looks so far to be more of the same of what burnt me about the Boom stuff near the end
t. The guy who just wanted a back to basics approach and probably the biggest Boomfag when /prg/ was still a thing
That said, the one thing that got me curious is how apparently VR Troopers are in Prime
Also I just want to say that as much as it makes me curious, I also 100% expect them to not do anything of note and are just there for meaningless fan service but that's just the cynic in me speaking
>why would they even move on to Season 2 at all then?
Because of White Ranger and more importantly, Lord Zedd. That's it. If it were them they'd just do MMPR season 1 and just throw in Zedd, even White Ranger is unsafe despite White being peak Tommywank.
>With Power Rangers dead
Huh? So Hasbro give up?
They never wanted it. The guy who did want it died shortly after buying it and the rest of the company wanted nothing to do with it.
That general died sometime ago but this thread is basically one in disguise as a front to keep discussion going, 100% bet that once this archives or reaches its bump limit, somehow magically /prg/ gets revived linking to this thread under some title such as “Once a general always a general edition” or some other bullshit like that, no reason to throw the corpse around, even the Kaiju general learned when to be a end
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It died because policy is that you aren't supposed to have an active general for a dead franchise with no active shows or movies. Generals have been deleted by mods before.

But there seems to be one lonely power ranger anon who can't help talking about sentai vs power rangers. Or Twitter PR drama. It's his life. So he makes these stealth threads asking a random Power ranger question that gets answered within 10 posts. Then starts talking about unrelated garbage.

You know what the worst part is? He doesn't even post hot power ranger girls in these threads. It would help smooth things over with many of us. We might even 'overlook' some things. Like a bribe under the table to keep us looking away. But Nope. The guy unironically wants to talk about power ranger drama. And gets upset when the discussion shifts away from his drama topics. He actively hates talking about girls. I honestly think he's h0m0 or something or has mental issues.
I should have said "elements" instead of "continuity". But as the other anon said, capitalizing on the elements most remembered by casual fans (MMPR S1-1st half of S2) while downplaying or disregarding less acclaimed elements (the majority of S3).

It may be conjecture, but it makes some sense as to why they've gone out of their way to downplay or disregard material from season 3 while keeping the first season and a half in the spotlight.
>get Barbara Goodson back to play Rita in Once and Always
>recast her again with Susan Brady when Rita showed up in Cosmic Fury
What happened? Goodson isn't an expensive VA, and CF already had Fred Tatasciore as Zedd.
Your shitty over is over! Stop posting about it!
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>It died because policy is that you aren't supposed to have an active general for a dead franchise with no active shows or movies.
Wait, so I can't like make a thread to talk about Betterman or something?
While I agree with you, I will admit that was at least the first and only time Susan actually sounded like Rita. I thought it was Barbara at first.
Not that anon, but you can have normal threads. The main purpose with generals is to keep discussion of currently airing shows to one thread, but unfortunately discussing finished shows in the same franchise also got lumped in.
You can make a thread asking a question, but you can't use it to make another stealth general thread. Mods are weird when it comes to PR. They've nuked the entire board clean of PR threads before, and banned users. But I guess they are feeling merciful with this thread...for now.
I sincerely hope it's either Neo-Saban coomer or the one anon who begs people to watch Dino Fury s2 and Cosmic Fury.
This is why /m/ sucks
In any other board, threads with bullshit OPs with discussions organically (or not) happening within them are encouraged. Here you have a bunch of redditors trying to police everything.
Get off your high horse and let people talk about Power Rangers here, lest you want the catalog polluted with multiple useless PR threads.
Clearly you weren't around when there were 7 active power ranger active generals at once on the board. With multiple low effort side threads being made. Usually with one picture and a sentence that means nothing.

I even remember multiple PR Generals competing for the right to be called the true power ranger General. With each one making their own rules, and users screaming at the other thread accusing them of stealing eachothers posters and not being the true general. Mods got upset and deleted everything. Everything. Banned everyone.

Giving power ranger autists ANY freedom on this board is a mistake. You are lucky this thread is even still allowed.
I think you struck a nerve on him lol
Stuff like that almost always happens because a couple of individuals absolutely need to be reigned in or they'll ruin everything for everybody.
I guess that makes sense, but if they were all "We've GOTTA include Lord Zedd and the White Ranger, they're iconic and nostalgic!" why would they then proceed to go out of their way to treat them like shit once they were in the comic?
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This will never be bandora
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>It died because policy is that you aren't supposed to have an active general for a dead franchise with no active shows or movies.
I've been coming here on and off for years and never knew about that rule. Found it strange how /prg/ vanished out of nowhere months ago but I did realize these "stealthy" threads were a bit suspicious, too.

Anyway, I was going to argue in favor of the general coming back given the comics and the upcoming vidya but then I remembered that most of the time it was held up mostly by regurgitated actor drama and/or asinine arguments like why Billy's body language is "gay" and if Jason or Tommy is the better swordsman (not making these up, I'm putting examples of stupid shit I've seen pop up in the past) so letting it rest might be for the best. With that said, these threads (or at least this one) weren't so bad besides the occasional PR vs. Sentai shitflinging.
It's not a rule written on the main current website. It's a set of /m/ policy guidelines released many, many, many years ago. It's also why we need to wait until old threads fall to Page 8 to make a new threads about the same topic. We didn't just make that rule up randomly. You never asked why things were done this way? It actually came from somewhere. True OG Veteran Oldfags will know. Anyone who says, "I've never heard of that rule" instantly reveals themselves as a newfag and should be laughed at.

But go ahead. Make 20 power ranger threads and insult anyone who tells you stop. Watch your threads get nuked. ZZ Gundam ironic shitposting died for a reason. Funny at first then mods got tired of seeing it. Or try to make random Generals about long dead franchise with no active anime. Your precious general gets deleted one day because the mod tired of humoring you.
t. redditor
Verification not required.
>but you can't use it to make another stealth general thread.
Can't someone easily just piggyback on to a thread regarding a specific point of discussion, because they had another question about the same show, and a janny can just go "Oops, that's a general!"
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>Anyone who says, "I've never heard of that rule" instantly reveals themselves as a newfag and should be laughed at.
I think you're misreading the situation.
I hope this post is either satire or you are some lost zoomer playing pretend. Have another (You) for the effort anyway.
Why do you think some leeway and "benefit of the doubt" is allowed? Some people truly do have questions and don't want to take up board space with a brand new thread. Those people are genuine and cool.

But there are others that use it to hijack threads. Some people ruin it for everyone. So mods decide themselves whether to allow it or it crosses their tolerance zone. I've seen tons of threads get nuked and the archive didn't even save them. Power ranger threads have a history of getting out of hand. Years of posters spamming this board. So Power Rangers threads have used up all the "good will" in the community. Why do you think we laugh at you or don't bother replying to your threads.
That's why you had 3 of your spam power ranger threads deleted today eh?

Go ahead. Do it again. Make another generic power ranger thread. Just post a ranger picture and write something vague like "this show is so cool".

Annnnnnnd its gone. Nuked.

You think we don't know your low effort tricks? You do it almost every day just to see if you can get away with it.
You anti-PR thread people are weird. Maybe you should have better things to do than worry about what threads are being posted on 4chan.
Realistically, it'll keep going for an extra decade or two. If I can still find Gargoyles fans when the last episode of that show was decades ago, it shouldn't be hard to find PR fans in the future. All the guys comparing PR to Robotech forget that Robotech didn't keep making new episodes for 30 years. Robotech's nicheness is more akin to VR Troopers or Beetleborgs.
That Turbo thread is still up.
Try again, schizo
>thinks it's that thread
Lmao. Thanks for proving our point.
Total schizo
I can only suggest that it's to make Green Ranger more superior than White Ranger even though Tommy is White.

Honestly Green never really struck as leader type for me, it's weird seeing Tommy leading in Green even though White is more suited for the role.
I feel like this circles back around to "The writers were a bunch of Season 1 fanboys that couldn't accept that things changed and new characters were introduced."
>That said, the one thing that got me curious is how apparently VR Troopers are in Prime

Damn it, I thought you were talking the usual name dropping Boom does. I wasn't expecting that. Now I'm begrudgingly curious.
Last decent thing out of the franchise was Battle for the Grid. Mostly to support Clockw0rk and ShadyK though.
They shilled Dino Fury green because she's green (among other reasons), even though MMPR green was like that because he's the sixth
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Wait, where the fuck is he when does the attack? Africa? He's clearly not in Japan since they pass over all of asia
I wish nWay was able to divert some resources to Battle for the Grid again. Aren't they making any money off of Legacy Wars? I don't see how a studio can stay afloat off of just one game.
Same as Bionicle
Bionicle fans can create complete with a MOC community but Power Rangers fans from what I've seen are some of the most uncreative fuckers on the internet
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I know you've made a career out of shitting on Power Ranger fans, but you don't have to blatantly lie for attention.
I prefer Gokaiger and Jetman. Reiwa era Sentai is too babyish to me.
Meanwhile Neo-Saban and Hasbro era are preschoolers. The tone is so bad I'd rather watch Ryusoulger despite it being a meh series.
>Meanwhile Neo-Saban and Hasbro era are preschoolers.
I agree. I think both recent Sentai and PR are too infantile compared to back in the past, and seeing adult men praise either is like watching them talk about the merits of Paw Patrol or Dora the Explorer.
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Not the caribbean or latinx america
Current Sentai is still watchable, the same can't be said about PR
>still watchable
No. The CGI has gotten worse, and those Boonboomger designs? They look like pajamas. How does anybody over the age of 10 watch recent Sentai and not feel embarrassment?
>but PR is worse
Who cares? They're both stupid baby shows, and you're talking to me as if you're arguing if you prefer Teletubbies or Barney more. Give me a 00s Kamen Rider series any day over the slop you're watching.
Boomboomger has fantastic suits. The Mecha and CG isn't great though, yeah.
Also, anyone over the age of 10 is a bonus here. They aren't the primary intended demographic. At least, up until now. PR going pure MMPR nostalgia merch from now on places it firmly in the boomer memberberry camp. And it's not a good thing. The comics are pretty much the only way we are going to get non MMPR stuff now. Second and third party companies trying to profit off Power Rangers are only incentivized to make merch of the absolute biggest part of the franchise. And Hasbro themselves says they are done.
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no cap we dead fr fr?
Unless you like the comics, yeah.
>>Current sentai
Full of babylooking weapons, suits, mechs, unfunny device singing, and faggotry. It's almost like Toei has been disconnected from their audience.
They're both overly infantile but in different ways.
you'll get the following groups
>people who just move on to the Sentai (they've already mostly done this)
>the Linkaras of the world that will cling onto this franchise's corpse, refuse to watch Sentai and latch onto the shitty boom comics
>the ones that just move on completely
overall most people have already moved on and only the really old fans will keep caring about PR and throw a hissy fit when they finally try and reboot the franchise
They are desperately trying to connect with their audience which is supposed to be little kids. The problem is like with most worlds kids, Japanese little kids don't watch as much tv or play with toys anymore and are more impressed with digital entertainment.
Even Hasbro biggest franchises are suffering, didn't Transform One made like 100 mi? They have lucky that It was animated...
I do enjoy stumbling across someone who can't cope with it being dead playing armchair Hasbro executive and rambling about them producing a new movie trilogy and two different concurrent TV shows to start a new expanded universe when Hasbro was too fucking cheap to pay for 20 episodes of Cosmic Fury. It's more entertaining than the TV series they produced.
I remember when people like dosmrider were convinced an all original footage full length series was right around the corner and it was going to save the franchise.
Even before the guy who bought the IP died and Hasbro started bleeding money it was obvious bullshit. For years fans would brag about how they would ditch the Sentai source footage any day now and invest a huge amount of money into the franchise. Meanwhile, the sales were bad, the reboot project was in development hell as Hasbro couldn't find a sucker big enough to foot the bill, the toyline was being left to languish and they were planning on shutting down the NZ production.

The irony is that at the same time, the airing Sentai was King-Ohger, which for better or worse is the most ambitious project either SS or PR have made in a decade. It's not something unique to Power Rangers though. I see other fanbases that can't read the writing on the wall in a similar way.
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I feel bad for all the Transformers One fans who seemed to have missed the memo on that project being a huge loss in Hasbro's eyes.
And now Hasbro is getting fucking sued. It's over. Bandai will buy back the franchise outright using all their KR money.

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