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新企画『キューティーハニーNova』始動!ホビージャパン55周年 イベントで 高峰ナダレ 氏による描き下ろしの「キューティーハニー」を初公開。続報をお楽しみに!
・会場/AKIBAカルチャーズZONE 4階
Series or just a toy?
More detail next week
For now everything is TBA
Feels far more Taimanin than Symphogear, especially with the focus on the leggings.
must buy.
Be cool if a new series. I'm still bummed about all the nothing they did for Mazinger.
>but no more retarded pants
Fucking finally
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10/10 design would bang
would also bang
Going full taimanin huh
Her ass is too big.
Normally that's a good thing, but the opening explicitly says "cute, small butt".
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small tweak will do
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Not a fan of the art style, but the mecha musume take on Cutie Honey does interest me.

Damn, that really is better. Leggings and feathered hair really are essential to her look.
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Leggings are really gay when used an excuse for censorship. Seriously why do you fags hate thighs and thighhighs so much?
Yeah, she looks less like Honey without her leggings, I'm all for exposed thighs but it doesn't feel right on her.

>Hate's one of her signature traits in her design, and has the gall to call it muh censorship
Good job outing yourself as fake Cutie Honey fans.
Based uncle Goon
Just figures
New design. You're fine with gundams getting new iterations but not this?
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I have nothing against new designs and comparing her to Gundam is a little silly since there's over three times of Gundam series compared to Cutie Honey. I'm not fully against the new look but this one will have to take some getting used to.
To be fair, Grendizer U Majinga did look stupid.
Being a fan doesn't mean blindly eating up whatever bit of trash gets tossed our way. Maybe other fandoms could do with being a bit more difficult.
>You're not allowed to criticize things ever
>Also I need to seethe about America for no reason
She looks more like a robot
The stockings look good
She looks like a PSO2 character
so many qrts were actually complaining that this can't be Honey because her butt is supposed to be small
Is not like thick Honey is a new concept, Shin Cutie Honey is right there, tho this Honey seems to have an even fatter ass considering how petite her frame is. Then maybe the rest of the characters have even enormous asses.
>Then maybe the rest of the characters have even enormous asses
this would actually be funny to see.
Go Nakai keeps getting on with the times.
Wasn't the small butt thing a mistranslation anyways
Onegai does say "oshiri no chiisana" with her butt being in the frame. Not much room for mistranslation.
aaaa i love Honey
Try sitting on a lacerated ass.
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No, that is not my cutie honey
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Posting pachinco Honey
That's not the stockings fault, it's all the panel lines and junk on her outfit. She looks like a FAG
Speaking from experience?
Well, she is a lesbo.
No that's her friend Natsuko who's the lesbo.

>But RE
No, she isn't against guys that are into her; Honey's love is for everyone, simple as.
That's just a fence sitting lesbo!
If you must have something more concrete, then in Shin she was flirting with Chokei in more than one occasion, but if Shin had more episodes, then he would've been that worlds Natsuko or there would've been some kind of love triangle thing if I were to guess.
I think Honey wanted to hook up Chokei with Natsuko
Yeah, pretty much, Shin really hits it home that because she' a gyonoid, she will outlive everyone she loves and cares about so she wanted the kid who was having feeling for her find a love interest who isn’t immortal.
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Wonder how she feels about orcs.
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Cutie Honey Boys with no big butt
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I hope the enemy designs are like the Cutie Honey pachinko machine.

And then I hope that it's super popular and turns "monster girl of the week" into a less niche subgenre.
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Second live action, Re, and the new design are the only good ones. Short hair is hard to get right.

When I think about the short haired anime girls that I like, being THICC makes it a lot safer. For anime characters, anyways.
>pretty hot most of the time
>gets a huge downgrade for the action scenes
Cutie Honey Nova does look like more of a Taimanin than Cutie Honey
Cutie Honey Tears wasn't included but to be fair, that's probably for the best
Yuribros... we WON!
People aren't all that hot on Universe's design, and that's basically Honey adapted faithfully in a 2010s art style.

If she's supposed to be a mega sex symbol with a bombastic body, it makes sense to make her mega sexy with a bombastic body according to current tastes. Not that I don't sympathize with nostalgiafriends.
Honey is not a lesbian. She loves everybody as a mother
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I loved Universe's designs, Honey's costume was just Flash in a different art style.
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i think why Universe wasn't really well received is that it isn't that sexy. I think that Universe's biggest problem is that Cutie is drawn like a action-shounen protagonist instead of fetish-fuel fanservice character in a action-shounen show.

there have been a lot of sexy and ecchi anime since Cutie Honey and they have been ramping it up. I mean the last Cutie Honey before Universe was 2004 and Universe was less sexy than RE. and since then there were anime like Bikini Warriors, Queens Blade etc. which were basically fanservice anime

I think Nova will not be well received too. they must bring back sexiness or at least draw it in a way that is sakuga in terms of fanservice.
Universe failed because of the writing.
Even though it's the best interpretation of Sister Jill, the fact that Honey didn't pick up on her disguise is so dumb. Nat should not figure out the villain before Honey.
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the writing didn't exactly help. I mean its like they tried to make it like the Shin Mazinger, which is also shit.

but Honey isn't just nice to look at. the promotional stills and the transformation sequence looks fine, but on average, she's drawn like a man in a modern getter anime style. shit is eyepokingly bad.
Not really liking it.
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Where is this from?
Robot Girls Z Online.
2nd from left is perfect
Wasn't t here some other live action show.
Nova has the most sexed up design of the lot. Even more than the heart cleavage window entries. There's no question about what they're going for.

I'm just hoping that it extends to the enemies at this point.
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Almost comical how much The Live mogs Anno's Honey.
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Hobby Japan is directly involved in this? I hate to say it, but if this goes beyond handling the merchandise, you should temper your expectations. They have a habit of taking 10/10 designs and concepts and making boring shows that aren't worth watching if you're keeping both hands free. And then the studio that they use is often dying and makes the show look amateurish. Their chronic mediocrity is a big part of why we have the ecchi drought.

Their best show is Bikini Warriors, and that's comprised of five minute mini-episodes that are basically non-stop punchlines. They can't do that here. Or they shouldn't, at least.
Manga and Shin Honey's blue parts really stand out in this collage.
It should be par for the course by now, but it is a little disheartening how much more popular the Toei color scheme is over the original manga palette.
The Live has one of the best designs on there, to be fair.
Rikken party will censor them soon.
After Grendizer U.

I'm worried


I prefer F's design for Honey
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who is the best Cutie Honey homage character in your opinion?

I vote for Noble Rose from Rumble Roses
>but it is a little disheartening how much more popular the Toei color scheme is over the original manga palette.
Now I'm curious about Mazinger and Devilman's track records of using their manga color palettes compared to the Toei ones on motion picture media. I know the former uses the blacker colors on the Kaiser OVA, Shin and Grendizer U.
Looks more like an Utena character than Honey.
Meanwhile the anime color design has appeared in the vs 009 and crybaby installments, amon used a more purple look
When are we getting more info?
And it's always the same punchline of
>WWAaaaaah isn't video game logic silly!!
does angel blade count? or is she more of a kekko kamen?
Peak gachacore design (this is a good thing)
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For me it's Ryuko. More subtle than most homages, but it's an added bonus to an already good character on her own merits.
Any news on Nova?
No further news on Nova yet.
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>Change pink to blue
How very Megami Device-esque
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Her butt was always big.
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Finaly someone else said it, many here took the lyrics too seriously.

Honey was meant to have the perfect body, in both boobs and butt.
I was thinking the same, especially the 70s adaptation and 90s ova
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We are so back.
cutie honey was always such a lame design, that somehow generic sci fi version is a massive improvement.
What's lame about Cutie Honey's design?
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thighs could be thicker but spot on with the hair
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The scarf should've been a default design trait on Honey.
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Cutie Honey by Rui Araizumi

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