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Was this toku?
>This thread
This guy must be crazy! Dang, deploy it nowhere!
>Bait machine
It's inspired by Thunderbirds so I guess it's kinda toku-adjacent, but not really
Right back at you.
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I liked the weathered Arwings in Adventure. Adventure's railshooter segments were better than I expected.
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>Supermarionation Starfox
Why didn't we get this.
Is it possible to shill a new SRW to tendies by including Star Fox and Kirby (Halberd)?
>"Back when we released it, I imagined Star Fox selling a lot and the company that producedThunderbirdscoming all the way from England for negotiations to adapt it into a puppet drama. And then I would say, “To be honest, I’ve always lovedThunderbirds.” Licensing it out by saying so was a dream of mine. And that’s all it ever was!”

Apparently because Star Fox didn't sell enough
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Well now I'm just sad.
>Apparently because Star Fox didn't sell enough
It sounds like Miyamoto wanted to license to Anderson but there was no actual communication between the two camps also Star Fox on SNES actually did sell very well, around 3 million or more.
>and Kirby (Halberd)?
Why the Halberd when the Robobot Armor exists?
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Everytime I see Thunderbirds/X Bomber clips I always think of picrel as my first exposure to supermarionation
Didn't ask.
Shut up retard.
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Well it's definitely /m/
Its original inspiration was radio dramas, which is why the mission briefings take the format that they do.
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man i was into the idea until the wiiu controls were revealed. shame we never got actual models of this, though the transformation her is impossible for now reason

so how bout that fox in space?
We don't sign our posts here.
The first time I read the word "gundam" was back in 1997, on Club Nintendo magazine, where they mentioned it as one of the inspirations for SF64
Yes, it was toku.
>Zero is STILL marooned on the Wii U
I'd seen an article saying that ninty pulled the plug on a later starfox adaption, this one stop motion, as collateral damage when they saw that news regarding an affiliated Zelda project was being leaked.

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I love Assault designs
Probably too much effort to rework the controls to justify it considering the sales. Thiugh ironically standard controls would fix a lot of things.
Switch ports do mega numbers as long as they're not complete shit though, it'd be easy money.
It was a video game version of old special effects shows, specifically British ones like Thunderbirds. So, kind of?
Nintendo is so fucking retarded they don't know what to do with their coolest characters so they just let them stagnate for decades. Metroid FINALLY got it's comeback, so maybe in 10 years we will see a few new, good Starfox games.
SFZero is still the only 1st party Nintendo game from the WiiU that didn't get a Switch port. That's how detrimental the gyro controls were. Everything else about the game was great.
Dread had been in development on and off for nearly 20 years.
Miyamoto watched Thunderbirds?
Thunderbirds was big in japan, loads of creators from his generation reference Thunderbirds and other Gerry Anderson shows like UFO rather often

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