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Sex with Sachika.
Pretty standard 2-parter type episode, was solid enough. Wonder what's gonna happen to the twins after this though
That song that the kids are dancing to, I've heard it but I can't remember WHERE. Just that it was another kamen rider show. My mind's telling me Ex-Aid, but I can't find the song
Build Up of Build
It's Build Genius form theme song
Thanks. That was driving me nuts, especially they weren't playing enough to reach the part I'd recognize immediately.
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What would you like to say on Gavv's October episodes?
As a halloween enjoyer I hated this episode because all the trees were green, flowers were in bloom and they shot everything in daytime. Shouma didn't even go trick or treating with anyone he just sort of autistically wandered off. And they didn't barely teied to makeit halloween themed or spooky. I haven't seen Kamen Rider in so long Im not sure if this is normal though.

But Shoma autstically wandering off was cute and the motw plot with the kid was really touching. Shooting lasers at Gavv was a retardedly stupid but good plan that almost worked out which amused me. I love the twins. I thought lollipop would be my least favourite form but I kind of love it too.

Did not like fart jokes.
Good as usual. Gavv's actually making good on the classic votw/2-parter structure which is nice
Kinda split on the episode. It's a fairly straight forward two parter with a good enough story and little twists. But half felt like we need to give everyone else something to do. Plus this might be where the plot hits the breaks. If we got more episodes like this but there was minor plot progression then that'd be great. If those melting lasers come back I'll forgive half being a bit well that happened.
>Agent baits Shouma into a trap by stealing his candy
Shouma you idiot.
Shoma couldn't ignore the agent. The agent was the bait. He was just trolling him... ...right?
>Plus this might be where the plot hits the breaks. If we got more episodes like this but there was minor plot progression then that'd be great.
It's not gonna last long, Q2 is gonna debut at least 3 Riders and 2 upgrades.
You're witnessing the effects of them filming in advance so they can air Kamen Rider in China simultaneously.
Top quality.
I wonder what will force the twins to fight themselves cause right now only Glotta gets her hands dirty.
inb4 they're actually surprisingly weak
Makes sense, they are a business, not fighters. They have people for that. Glotta is the odd one out in that regard.
In a normal time, Frappe Custom would be Valen’s Final Form, released in the late March timeframe like many other Secondary Final Form items.

But this is Reiwa and there has to be one final P-Bandai upgrade, even more so since the lack of P-Bandai product so far in Gavv.
>they are a business, not fighters
Read the last sentence I wrote.
I bet the little girl got those no candy ideas from K Pop idols
They have custom weapons.
Being thin is the common quality for idols in Western, J-Pop, K-Pop… culture anon
And only Glotta is a fighter.
>an ENTIRE BUILDING disappears without a trace
>woman communicates it to Shouma as if it were just a weird little thing that happened
Yeah, but I wanna make fun of kpop
The shoes'candy looks like an eggman nose and moustache
I will never be a fan of these mecha forms in Kamen Rider.
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Your loss, I love em
But he got it during Halloween! It's even more special!
According to your headcanon.
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Gotchard mogs.
Gavv has so many fun things for showing people without context.
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Despite hating the one in Ex-Aid and Gaim, i am currently Loving this power armor, so far.
What are your thoughts on this form now?
I'm a bit mixed on a lot of the design elements, still don't really like the chest or face portions (feel like the mask could have integrated the lollipop in a less awkward way) still but the bulky weightiness of the form is nice. It being a very clear ranged-combat form avoids the usual problems that a huge suit like this often can struggle with.
The Gochizos blowing on the gun barrels to cool them down was cute.
Cool form and nice that it's use is more defensive.
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Form's cool, love the weapon
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GuruCan's debut was surprisingly awesome. The fight theme (not the transformation theme) really buffs it up.
In Ex-Aid's case, this is a penultimate form, not just a simple form change.
I'm glad they're showcasing that each of Gavv's forms has a unique application to battle. I just hope they find GuruCan's weakness, so he's forced to switch it up.
>a break week
aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck
it was cool until the cg happened
Good episode, but I’m a little disappointed at Shita and Jeebh’s Last Chance plan was just two buglights. Maybe 4 or 5 more agents would have helped make it a more engaging ambush.

And I knew it wouldn’t happen this episode (too early) but I am curious what exactly will it take for the Twins to take off their masks and jump into the fray themselves. How desperate do they have to get?
She's seen enough horror films to know that asking too many questions gets you killed. I'm more surprised that the girl who lives right next to the mysterious tunnel where children disappear was allowed to walk home by herself. If she left that dance studio 3 minutes earlier, she probably would've been grabbed instead of that boy.
>As long as she has her rape whistle, she’s safe!
>Saves best friend from a potential kidnapper
>Sees best friend talking to the same man alone the next day
>Does nothing
She's too dumb to live, and Hanto should be arrested.
We will see what happens next week after her friend has been kidnapped and Hanto is still prowling around the dance studio.
I assume the weakness is that Shouma needs those big lolipops for it since normal suckers give him the bike instead.
So inserting a stick in a piece of candy is enough to make it different to a Granute's biology. Weird.
>gotchard already uses the fucking feudal japanese background on episode 9
dear lord they had no ideas from the start
something about that face on his chest I actually freaking love
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>we have to wait an extra week for more Gabu
I think the other fairly glaring weakness is that Gurucan is slooooow and heeeeavy. Sure its got great armor and fire power, but at some point Shoma's gonna have to deal with an enemy that's too fast to hit with any of its weapons, or one that's strong enough to punch through the candy armor.
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I'd say for me this was the weakest episode of Gavv so far and I still really enjoyed it, Valen's parts were definitely the stronger parts of the episode but overall still a fun time.
Mindbroken by chemies
I gotta say, even though I hate how the Valenbuster looks, I love the way Hanto transforms with it.
>20 episodes were done filming before the show even started
>we're almost at the end of the first quarter
>Gavv's first quarter upgrade form's design hasn't leaked at all
At this point it's clear you're just shitposting.
Gochizo hitmen
Will the twins pick Shouma's side?
Everyone just shits on them and they only want to please the family.
They've been waving the heel-face flag since like the second episode they were in. I wouldn't be surprised if both of them became Riders (or A Rider) by the end of the show.
If that happens only one of them will because the other got killed.
I hope the show isn't gonna kill itself later with the daddy issues. We know how that goes.
It's definitely going that way ... Or maybe brothers issues, we haven't had that since mitsuzane and takatora
I hope they pull the whole two characters one rider thing.
Maybe you cancelled the memory, which i fully understand, but the entirety of Daiji/Evil's character was brother issues. He wouldn't have had his rider form if he didn't have seething brother envy.
Are Oreos popular in Japan?
>captcha: R0Y00
I didn't watch revice
No clue, but it'd be a great motif for the twins.
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Even though Michy was infuriating, Gaim did it ways better.
Michy was at least infuriating on purpose, he was a little pissant by design whereas Daiji was supposed to be "the dangers of suppressing your inner demon" or some shit but it just was him being a little bitch and that somehow just being his arc now.
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The worst episode so far. It's not terrible, but it's just a weak start to a two-parter. Shoma and Hanto's plotlines are completely unrelated and both suffer because of it. We get to see the new form next week, so I don't know why we couldn't have that episode be the debut. Not a fan of Hanto being ridiculed like that either.
That said, I do like that big forms (that have a real suit and aren't just CGI) seem to be here to stay.
You know its bad when Revice has the best one
They're really selling how weak our heroes are, especially Valen. He's basically fumbling around looking for openings.
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I like how scrappy Valen's fights feel
So does Gavv take place in Build's New World?
I don't see why not. Nothing about Gavv seems like it'd require it to being a different standalone Earth like Build's before the ending.

Oddly no winter movie announced yet though, I wonder if something happened...
The idea of Sento and Banjo existing in the same place as Shouma and Hanto. I feel like Banjo and Shouma would get along well
Banjo sharing his banana protein shakes with Shouma like a papa gorilla
It's gonna be daddy issue for the midseason new antagonist like Build. You know it, we all know it
Somehow, Bouche has returned
I've been enjoying Gavv so far, but in the back of my mind I'm waiting for Komura to shit her pants after the first quarter just like every other series she's headlined. Pulling out yet another tired, stale FUCK YOU EVIL DAD arc, especially this early, is the perfect way to bring all this momentum to a grinding halt.
The problem with Komura isn't her doing dumb stuff though (well, before the ending). It's her doing fuck all after the first quarter until we're near the ending, when she has to rush everything and then does dumb stuff. A new plot dynamic and arc starting for q2 would be the opposite of that.
Good episode.
I like it! Fun looking, and I love lollipops.
I don't really think they cared about the moral of Daiji's arc given they directly acknowledge how it contradicts Ikki's in the final episode, they just needed to give Daiji something to do because they gave the season to someone who had never written for TV before.
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I am candy weapons guy
Really? I thought it was Stormy Story from the Ex-aid ost, just an instrumental.
No you guys are right I guess the schizophrenia must have been in overdrive.
any webms for this episode yet?
try telling that to a land whale while they are baring down on you at 500lb/second after you grab their chocolate
Now that I think about it, why didn't Shoma try chips? It's fragile, sure, but the twins' device seemed to be specifically for melting armor.
Gavv ain’t weak to shit, he hasn’t lost one battle yet
His stats are pretty low and his armor is very frail, needing to use the Gochizo to regenerate it. Stronger than Valen but still rather weak and has to get creative in how he fights.
>His stats are pretty low
That's only compared to Riders from other shows, in his own show Gavv is clearly stronger than the average Granute.
There's still force to the projectiles, so it's possible that they'd just break the chips before he could start chucking the slicing projectiles.
If the Agent's gun could break the swords, the lasers would definitely wreck Zakuzaku

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