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robot horse girl
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The horse girl game released a new campaign where you help R&D on a robot horse girl upgrading both hardware and software over 3 years to make it run better
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Discuss the necessity of belly buttons on robots
it looks like a kamen rider
So if you CLANG her, is it bestiality or mechanophilia? Is there even a term for wanting to fuck robots besides 'based'?
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You just had to remind me didn't you?
Its actually an access port disguised as a belly button.
There should be more mecha shows that aren't focused in fighting.
All sorts of sports can be enhanced with mecha.
Yeah but you won't watch them.
>All sorts of sports can be enhanced with mecha.
Iron Leaguer then.
Don't care about gacha but Uma Musume seems to be pretty based for this.
So this one and the one in the op post are the same android after some upgrades?
Is she a welfare character? Someone you get after the event ends?
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Will the yakuza get mad at me if I try to lubricate her?
Nope. cripple organization will.
She looks great. Wasn't expecting this in a gacha about horses of all places but I'm pleasantly surprised.
Why is cygames quite pro DEI for gacha company?
It's a permanent content but she's not an obtainable character. It's a story campaign about developing the robot while also training the crippled horse girl to pilot it.
It's not fair to have a jet powered robot run against normal people
(what the fuck is this new verification system)
Either way you get murdered by the yakuza.
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Serious answer, the mecha horse girl and the crippled wheelchair horse professor who controls it with her brain are an OC so no
no, but the keyboard warriors who do their job for free will because she's still technically based on a real horse
she's likely based on Yamanin Global
I like the colors.
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They're for licking

I'd even have more fighting sports mecha myself
Horse Girl Adventures?
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bot if cot
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cute honse
Turns out Touhou mecha musume is a thing
There is really a touhou fangame for almost anything you can imagine huh
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She looks kind of like a medabot
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not really into horse girls but if bandai did a 30MS i'd order her in an instant
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They've done Figurerise and 30MS kits of actual horse girls so it'd be insane for them to not do that mecha horse girl Right?
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Is Cygames /m/?
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always has been
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please upload my consciousness into the robot horse girl
Could've sworn I saw this "crippled girl in a wheelchair controls robot with her mind" plot somewhere else before
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What's this about the Yakuza? I thought it was illegal to draw H fanart of the horse girls due to cipyright laws, is there more to it?
They're shmoovin
It's disapproved of by certain people but there's fuck all they can do about it
retarded western meme
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Bitches with big tits and big guns
Barbatos Sex?
It's heavily discouraged by the producers but they don't really enforce it. If anything, the real obstacle is the diehard fans who kept reporting r18 works to the officials lmao.
I have this on my drawer to watch me sleep.
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The sort of person who would get into training and raising horses (ie affluent Karen type) is also the sort likely to be opposed to to r18 fanart
no, most owners do not care
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I like this one for her lighthearted demeanor
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