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what the fuck was his problem?
The universe, and human subconscious, were willing their own end.
Also the gay
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Ate too much Metatron.
he was just like nahman
He was crazy from metatron over-exposure so it's no wonder he was trying to do crazy shit.
How and why did he have a robotic clone of Viola?
>"I knew others could be killed."
>"But I never thought it could happen to viola."
>"She was a capable officer.."
Mr. Metatron cared a bit about her
Where's my ZoE3?
Anubis what?
Anudeez nuts
In the same place as Mega Man Legends 3.
Half-Life 3?
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Highly breedable
so lovely
The moon?
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Viola > Ken
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Thick full Long hair>>>>Short dyke cut
Ample breasts>>>>Tiny tits
Slightly tsundere>>>>>>>>Raging death obsessed psycho
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Viola actually cares about the cause she joined and didn't trick anyone like Ken did, also all that hair is detrimental in combat, just shows she's quite stupid as well

yandere > tsunshit
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>didn't trick anyone like Ken did,
Didn't. Can't.
>also all that hair is detrimental in combat
Hair bun technology in the future has developed to a point where it's a non issue. Stupid is chopping off glorious flowing sink your hands deep hair into it to fix a problem that doesn't exist. Anyways Radium never liked you.
>Reaching out to catch the suuun~
>To jold it in our haaaands~
>longing for something stroooong
>To hide our weakness
God I fucking LOVE the music in this game.
Fucking SHAME that the best track (MARS Survival) wasn't included in the OST

As much as I like ZOE I don't think they really should make a new one.
Nohman is dead, Anubis is destroyed. ADA is with Leo again, Dingo is with Ken.
Neith >>>>> Ardjet
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Doesn't she and Dingo eventually end up together?
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It's the details that build a world.

It's not really expressly stated or anything, romance is a very far removed topic in the game but at the same time it's hard to interpret this end card any other way.
>TFW there's on model in character doujin epilogues of them sexing.
Isn't that doujin actually canon-ish?
Bahram and Mars are completely right
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No. Unless there was some mandate from Konami I missed. It's just one of the rare instances where a doujin was drawn and written by someone who actually played the game and used the in universe hooks instead of going for the routine plots of "and then the heroine gets raped somehow"
Oh well...still a happy end.
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For as much as people want it this is why I'm personally glad we never got a third game. I don't want to see the happy ending undermined just because we need to manufacture some forced drama. Granted they COULD always do something like Idolo/Dolores/FoM and expand the world a bit by focusing on other areas but you know they wouldn't. Dullard fanboys would just be all WHERE MUH JEHUTY.
>glad we never got a third game
Thing is a 3rd game was planned, but it would've been a prequel. And from what it looked it was something absolutely bonkers, but in a good way.
Shame it never came to be.

It was supposed to be set in a very distant past and expanding on the metatron thing. With a ultra-advanced civilization and from what I've seen, with more organic looking frames.
Hell, the Jehuty shown there was not only more organic looking, but also having a scarier demonic look.
Anubis on the other hand looked more sinister.
Only minus of the designs?
No COCKpits.
Does anyone have that image of Dingo noticing that the Viola AI has bigger boobs that it's original counterpart?
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>Since the dawn of history, human beings have realized various forms of energy. Civilizations have progressed with them! So where does an energy like Metatron lead our civilization?

Make sense to me.
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Bahram queens
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>Actually using the left stick after getting Zero Shift
no lies detected
Jehuty vs Anubis is what the final fight between the 00 Raiser and Reborn should've been.
>As much as I like ZOE I don't think they really should make a new one.
>Nohman is dead, Anubis is destroyed. ADA is with Leo again, Dingo is with Ken.

I can see your point, from a story perspective the main characters have been resolved.

But I think the setting and gameplay is still pretty interesting and could be explored.

Just set the story decades or centuries after ZoE2.
Make a ZoE1 or 2 remake of The Fist of Mars.
Nah, I like it as an SRPG.
Needs a prequel that connects it to Metal Gear
Years ago I saw an MGS fanart of an MGS6 title called MGS Ouroboros that had an O'Neil cylinder colony in the background.

Immediately thought of it being a prequel to MGS.
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Literally Metatron poisoning over the years. Every shred of evidence and information we have implies he was remarkably level headed and sane originally, but he gets progressively worse and worse over the course of the ZoE chronology until it results in his lunacy in Second Runner.
Isn't he canonically gay for Dingo in the Japanese version? I remember reading that they changed some of his dialogue for the western release back then that implied this.
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psycho women always radiate such a sexual aura
It's also heavily implied Metatron itself is evil and intentionally drives people to commit atrocities

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