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Dirty Pair episodes are mostly self contained without any big arcs. Which one is your favorite?
When I think about the series, episode 5 of the first TV show (The Heartbeat of Criados) always comes to my mind. The antagonist offing himself some time before while his will is being carried on by mechanical creations is such a good concept. Patlabor Movie did the same later but DP also had a slasher or Terminator vibe to it because the robots go after the Lovely Angels directly and want them executed wherever they are.
kei's free use sweaty 80's tomboy body on my face right fuckijng npw

also insult my masculinity and furniture choices. in dub voice pls

I like the Halloween episode of the OVA. It was fun.
The Halloween episode is good fun. For the TV series the cowboy planet episode. And the sewer monster.
Nolandia stands out because of the forest setting and psychic illusions, along with the scene where the Angels try to reach out to the kid through various games.
The other movies are a bit more pedestrian.
As for the TV series, I like the part where they completely demolish a hotel through stray gunfire (episode 18, if memory serves).
Nolandia was probably one of their weirder adventures. The designs being ... I don't want to say more realistic but less cutsey also stands out.
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Seriously though the fuck is it?
Relax, we had an update back in September so chill out
That one was lovely, the cowboy planet one was one of the episodes that made me burst out laughing once they started bitchslapping each other denying a standoff
Can Crunchyroll die already? Please? They're an even bigger cancer than Toonami was. At least Toonami did what it had to do to get stuff aired on American TV. Crunchy just fucks shit up because they actually hate Anime.
>Relax, we had an update back in September so chill out

The fact that this took more than a year at all is pretty bad
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I can't believe Flash is 30 years old.
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Flight 5 had the best designs for them
I liked it because their boobies were bigger
for me it's the uniforms and faces, they also look better proportioned compared to the tv ones
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The OVA made them look more developed/mature in general
TV comparatively went for a move "cutesy" look.
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cute mole
it feels like they are chubbier there, that said the boob window collar tube tops are far better
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Speaking of the characters designs, I don't understand why in TV show Kei is the one with slanted eyes but in OVA it's Yuri. Why switch it around?
The first episode.
The one where they get tied and gagged
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One day they'll make a movie with their original designs.
Someone did make this back in the 80s though.
Paradoxically crusher Joe has been seen as a film or series the “lovey angels” have watched, even more hilarious is that one of the channels had those very original designs appear again
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How do you cameo in your own movie? Is this some kind of Crisis shit? or maybe it's just cheeky animators. I'm pretty sure this kind of thing happens a bunch across the series.
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Among other places. Man older animators sure did love their easter eggs. Now everyone's scared of getting sued.
>Reliant Chart
Nice to see it going both ways.
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Oh yeah all the time. Star Trek might be one of the most referenced franchises in existence.
Mhmm. Just a little surprised that the movie stuff got in on that. Usually it's TOS. I shouldn't be - it's obvious that the people who made Dirty Pair had excellent taste.
Wrath of Khan was a very well known movie. Often still regarded as the best Trek anything. Personally I was always more a fan of Undiscovered Country.
Yeah if you're Osomatsu-san, your first episode and the skit making fun of Anpanman are banned forever for copyright crimes.
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Even the BD of Dirty Pair itself had some stuff airbrushed out. Like blink and you miss it stuff nobody should ever care about. Gone.
>They're an even bigger cancer than Toonami was
You take that back. The Snoyfags are doing far more harm than CN ever will. Never forget that Funimation died for these clowns, and that they functionally own a monopoly over dubs and subs now. As Gabe Newell once said, "The best way to combat piracy is to sell a better service", which Crunchyroll IS NOT. I don't even click on their ads anymore because I refuse to give them a damn cent.
Probably to give her more of a tomboyish edge tbdesu.
I honestly get annoyed when people try to call Kei a tomboy. Because she's more obsessed with chasing down cock, having dates and being girly than Yuri is by a HUGE margin.
Fine, hot-headed. You happy now, your highness? You don't ALWAYS have to be such a pedantic fuck, you know.
There is no need to become upset.
No. Both are bad, but CN at least did what they could to enlighten the retarded masses to mecha and really good stuff. They went with what they thought might have the broadest appeal, while still being good. Sure they butchered shit, and then Adult Swim liked to cut up EDs and remove OPs. But their bullshit did give us stuff we might have never seen, or heard of. Their biggest crime was introducing the masses to anime, though. It was a double-edge sword. I don't think their intention was to destroy the medium. But normalfags gonna normalfag.

Crunchyroll on the other hand? They're trying to outright obliterate Anime. Nothing positive has come from Crunchyroll. They're the Fakku of anime.
Anon I think your “tinfoil hat theory” of them being a company that’s main purpose is distributing anime actually “hates” the medium is quite the stretch. If you REALLY want to discuss this shit just make a bait thread on /a/ and not here or if somehow you think crunchy’s so called motive is part of some greater tinfoil hat nonsense you ought as well visit an /xpol/ thread instead, now leave us
I think you're have a kneejerk reaction to my opinion of how terrible Cruncyroll is by assuming I'm some conspiracy schizo.
Make a noose and hang from it.
Clam yourself down, we were having a nice thread and you came barging in here about something I already clarified immediately afterwards.
kei's red pubes!
I wish we got official art/screencaps of titty popping out that wasn't weird Nolandia tier or cheap TV tier. I wish the movie had some nice exposed Kei tit.
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There have been a few versions of the Lovely Angel. They never really explain why. This one is my favorite.
I love dirty pair.
Don't have anything to add to the thread, sorry, I just love to see this show getting the attention it deserves.
Man I know the science people probably had it coming for their experiments being an affront to god and nature and all, but at the end of the day Mimsy was kind of a giant bitch.
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It's called different artists you fucking noob.
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such a lovely angel
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They see Kei rollan, they hatin'
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Hey, that seems familiar
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Presidential elections be like
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They sure do get around
Even when they look completely different.
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I'm always very curious about all these references from shows in the 80s, because a lot of this stuff wasn't so wide spread and the creators would have to really be deep into the hobby to get it. Like finding a DP reference or something in the 80s early 90s is hugely different compared to how stuff that gets referenced now
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This is a well known one
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another shot in the same episode
This was kind of a sad story honestly
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That face makes me go HNNNG!!
Fuck off with your concern trolling. If you aren't a passionate fan about anime and mecha then why even post here?
Concern trolling requires some statement of concern. They're just calling you crazy and paranoid and telling you to fuck off.
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NTA, but his entire rhetoric boils down to "NORMIES REEE!!", so why are you even trying to debate him at this stage?
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Though I certainly agree with him that Crunchy is a fucking terrible company to get anime from.
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Why is she looking at me like that?
Eyeing her prey
Don't make me your prey, Yuri.
I'd let her prey on me...
Also no
Yuri, yamete.
Kei is an 80's form of tomboy that has mostly died out over the past 40 years. At that time being romantically aggressive and actively sexual was considered "boyish/masculine" while being more romantically passive and demure was considered "feminine/girly."
The 80s and 90s scifi/fantasy, gaming and comic book convention circuits were relatively small and interlinked group (and later joined by the furries). Pretty much every major player either knew every other major player or knew someone who did. OVA viewings were common at almost all conventions. Those in Hollywood (like the Star Trek prop people) tended to be at the center of it and likely spent many a weekend watching Anime.
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It is interesting to not how older anime girls tended to be more flirty in general compare to the milquetoast waifs you see later on. I guess general slutiness either wasn't as faux pas or the audiences weren't so easily slighted.

I remember my local comic shop used to hold viewings. Granted it was a lot of questionably subtitled things or just episodes of star blazers but you took what you could get.
>It is interesting to not how older anime girls tended to be more flirty in general compare to the milquetoast waifs you see later on. I guess general slutiness either wasn't as faux pas or the audiences weren't so easily slighted.

The 80s were a pretty major time of female empowerment with women attempting to be more masculine with things such as power suits, so it was a fairly common female archetype at the time.
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I like Dirty Pair, it's just a shame the threads are always full of the same fags. It's sadly become one of the more compromised shows.
Like this, total fag.
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>power suits,
That is my fetish
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spess mehreens
Pretty much all the space suits and jetpacks and so on in DP are excellent.
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I really like jet packs
I am also generally fond of the space Volkswagen
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See also the unseen Casa Noir mission with Kei supposedly apprehending two guys while naked in an onsen.
Which episode was that mentioned in? I honestly forget yet I saw the entirety of the 80s series back in the summer
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the lovely angels owe me paizuri
Since when am I a fag? My sentence was grammatically correct, ESL-kun. "That" is referring to her expression in the third person, rather than the first, you absolute retard. Stop trying to grammar nazi people when you have no clue wtf you're talking about.
Says who and what army?
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Any fan sites in English that list all the mechanics and creatures?
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Google. Fuck off you plagiarizing cunt retard.
I beg your pardon?
I think he's trolling you.
Not surprised, /m/ has been getting very anti- information collecting in recent years.
There's some truth to that, but there's also a lot of people asking for everyone else to do all the work for them when they haven't put even the least amount of effort in themselves. Some shit is obscure or niche or hard to find; a lot isn't.
>Some shit is obscure or niche or hard to find
Isn't that what Fandom sites are for?
We have a board wiki for a lot of that and while you can find a bunch of otherwise niche and hard to find information it only has one anon working on it who's clearly getting hindered by age and the rest of the board is a thousand times more interested in low effort troll posting. I don't know when to point the blame game, but pre-IBO /m/ and post-IBO /m/ are almost two different boards entirely.
Sometimes people want accurate information and/or not to be overwhelmed with garbage ads and design.
iirc that wiki is ran by duel unless you’re talking about something else
>We have a board wiki
No we don't. And this is exactly why you got told to fuck off. You just wanted to steal all that information to throw it up on your own shit hole site and you can't even be assed to do the basic amount of work to get it.
I don't know who duel is, the articles there look accurate after skimming then a bit.
I'm not a member of the board wiki.
Could you link the wiki? Curious as to what it is and make sure it isn’t his
Dirty Pair has a Fandom and Gears Online has a thorough lay out for mecha (dunno about monsters).

It's text focused, lacks pictures for some reason.
That is a lot of navboxes, not sure why they get their own page instead of being on the home page. Good to see Ikeda Shigemi get one though.
Lack of images aside this isn't half bad for a hodge podge of obscure archiving. Looks inactive as fuck though.
Yeah that’s his
Huh, I wish I knew about this sooner.
Project Eden, bath scene.
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I called you a fag because you're an RP fag.
>Clicks on the Tetsujin page
>That fucking size

Fucking yikes.
I think the Braves pages are even bigger than that.
And this after Betterman stuff separated into its own article.
This does not exist.
What do you mean exactly by that?
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Someone on /a/ recently made a thread asking about series they'd like to see remade and DP was the opening image. I don't think I want to see it REMADE but I feel like if they were inclined they could simply just make more giving it's episodic nature. Like they could just put out a new season or movie Lupin style.
It's wild how much better Kei is than Yuri. Like not even close. Did they stylize Yuri the way they did because of Lum from Urusei Yatsura? The anime version is almost a carbon copy of Lum.

For the series, I found the movie by the the best. It's just a long music video and tons of FUN!

Is there a manga series out there? I want more Dirty Pair, but I know it's mostly a light novel series.
>It's wild how much better Kei is than Yuri. Like not even close.
Does this apply to the Flash incarnations as well?
>Does this apply to the Flash incarnations as well?

Yes, even there. It only continues from the original anime series where Kei is portrayed as the hero and leader while Yuri is sort of the side kick. I think the original dynamic is that Yuri si the science officer, and Kei is the protagonist? I know she's the narrator of the novels.
You know what I've noticed in almost every Dirty Pair thread? It is universally without fail Keifags who feel the need to start an argument. Nobody even asks which one and all sooner rather than later Keifags will have the sudden need to try and make it a contest completely unprovoked. Really comes off as insecure if you ask me. Also makes me wonder if they've actually watched any of this recently.
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Lum was a breakout character, so it's not shock that they'd model anime Yuri on Lum. Yes, I know that light novel Yuri has a different design.
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>40 year old fucking series

grim. There's nothing new to talk about? Is /m/ going to be the same old fogies talking about the same series until they hit the old folks home? I can see them making a reboot of Dirty Pair, but like Ranma or Urusei Yatsura I know it'd be some glassy plastic looking shit.

And none of those weird experimental episodes, film or ova like before.
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Inabe the dream maker has really nice art.
Are you the guy who also asks the same in every Dunbine thread?
I prefer Flash, the more serialized storytelling allows the characters and setting to be developed in ways that never would've worked within the original run's format.
It's cool how the big plan to take over the intergalactic comms network fell apart mostly because Kei's lust for revenge was strong enough to cut through the 3WA's regulations and corruption.
She’s great but yuri really grew on me while going through the classic series back in the summer, in the end I found them both equally enjoyable characters. As for the Lum comparison I don’t think she’s like her entirely besides the massive wavy hair
This thread reminded me that when I rewatched the whole series a couple of years ago, I made a lot of stitches along the way. I uploaded them to a MEGA folder, here's the link:


(Man, the art style of Affair of Nolandia was shockingly different from the rest of the series.)
How the characters looked in nolandia almost feel like prototype designs for the characters depicted in the television series, yet the ova was released in December that same year
>Affair of Nolandia
To clarify, I'm not a fan of the 'realistic' facial features they have in that OVA (well, realistic compared to how they look in the rest of the series).
If anything it makes them look like the cake straight out of zeta gundam backround characters (also humorously enough when watching the show itself I saw a few blink and you miss it cameos of characters from said show like four and even an episode that had recolors of m’quve and Jamaica)
“They came” weird I do not remember typing that out, thanks autocorrect
>noooooooo stop liking old stuff only watch new seasonal anime
Zoomer rotted brain mentality.
He's saying there's no good new stuff being made you retard. Acquire better reading comprehension before replying.
Why does everything need constant regurgitation? Why can't things just be fine being done?
>constant regurgitation
Again, new good stuff. You still haven't acquired that all-important reading comprehension I told you about.
Images you can hear
I like all the episodes with Kei
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Claremont's love of anime was uncommon enough that his script making the western comic artists under Marvel's employ at the time just completely crumpled when having to draw something evocative of anime and resulted in some of the more... *choice* looking panels in of that era. That said, it's more impressive to me it was done out of love of the stuff rather than the perpetual seethe you'd see Western Animation do.
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It's sad to think that the last time these two were "relevant" was during the collab with Alice Gear Aegis.
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On the flip side I do appreciate that they got the original va’s for this, even kei. Although it might also the the last time we even hear these incarnations of these characters unless they do something for the show’s 40th anniversary(dear fucking god that doesn’t sound right)
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God I can't believe the only game we ever got was that mediocre famicom disk game
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Look at the time period: 85-87. The Famicom was taking off right as Dirty Pair was running out of steam. Urusei Yatsura had the exact same problem where it came out 78-85 and lingered like a bad smell for a couple of years mising out on the big boom in PC engine, Famicom, Super Famicom, PlayStation, Saturn.

Ranma got like 3 snes fighting games, Sailor moon a bunch of snes shit, etc. Any notable 90's anime series got a bunch of PC Engine, saturn, and SFC games. But Dirty Pair was old hat by then.
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I don't think that should matter really. The series picked up more in the video market anyways so I feel like it probably had staying power as a brand if they wanted to market it more. And they were making Dirty Pair Esque games well into the genesis era.
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Dirty Pair as an anime was a modest hit and a bit of a flash in the pan: it was there and then it wasn't. Though the Famicom came out 83, it really didn't take off until 85, and a lot of the top tier games for it started in 87. Second, the on DP game is made by Bandai which wasn't known for quality back then. The good licensed games back then were by Konami and Capcom.

Even medicore anime series from the 90's got solid SNES games so it's really just about timing.

And yes, a lot of "not dirty pair" game characters including Battle Mania 1-2. Viper V-12 is a hentai game not dirty pair as well.
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Don't Kei and Yuri have some kind of energy shield, which is why they choose to wear skimpy clothing to give them the most movement options? I think that's the canon reason why they wear near bikinis at all time.
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>lacks pictures for some reason.
It's a side effect of speedwatching.
>and the rest of the board is a thousand times more interested in low effort troll posting.
Maybe people don't want to contribute to his wiki because he's an out and proud pedophile?
That's in the novels. But they'd probably wear bikinis anyways. Honestly I feel like this kind of stuff only stands out more when you try to justify it. Like everyone knows THE REAL reason. Nobody was ever won over with an in universe justification. We all know the score. We're on board. We're happy to roll with it.
Kei and Yuri are pure and choose clothing for comfort and maximum movement. This is akin to what gymnasts wear. They are called "Lovely Angels" for a reason!
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They sloots.
Needs more people working on it, issue is it's user only so randos with only an IP can't edit it.
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There's a FujiTV video game themed variety show called Game Center CX that i'm trying to get Gundam, and other mecha games onto. Battle Mania is on my list as a not-Dirty Pair. I'm wondering if I should add the FDS Dirty Pair game to the list, since kusoage games actually make for nice entertaining challenges.

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