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Is build fighters/divers worth watching? So far I've only watched UC and the only thing I know about this show is apparently there's a weasel who pilots a mobile suit that is the gundam equivalent of an AT.
Not yet. It's only worth watching once you've watched enough AU. Production order, SD Gundam also gets represented some but not that much.
UC is sci-fi far future setting, Build Fighters and Divers is a modern day setting similar to today's world but there's a massively successful game centered around plastic models. It's also structured more like tournament sports anime where the MC wants to win some championship or prize, and enemies come in the form of increasingly strong and varied opponents on the playing field.
I think the magic of build fighters can only work if you got a little understanding of gunpla, and by then I mean own a few. If you're expecting the build series to be deep and meaningful, you're probably not gonna see it unless you've built gunpla before, and also have an optimistic, "manchild" thinking, embrace the young self, when life was simple and you had fun, that sort of thing.
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oops, didn't mean to quote you, meant to reply to OP.
Nah, I don't think you need to own any, but you do need to get (at least conceptually) how people can become invested in that kind of hobby. Anything analogous would probably do. Decent chance you've got something of that kind of obsessive nerdery if you're on /m/.
It's one huge Gunpla promotion
Don't take it seriously and have fun, it's nice to see a series/MS you like get represented and a lot of "would series X beat series Y" going on.
You can watch it at anytime but it's a bit more enjoyable if you've watched other AU series.
Divers if you watch both it and Re:Rise.
Absolutely not. Build Fighters was the first Gundam series I watched, and despite not getting any of the references I thought it was an excellent show with superb characters, development, writing, animation and choreography, and music. Oh my god the music is incredible. It made me actively want to get into the franchise, and so I went back and watched 0079 and everything else from there. It made me somewhat disappointed that Try and Divers couldn't reach those same highs that Fighters did, but Re:Rise really came into its own and I think that one is excellent too.

Even today I still consider Build Fighters to be one of the best Gundam series in the entire franchise, and even better if you get all the references. When I recommend a Gundam series to someone Build Fighters is what I recommend to them first.
Build Fighters was a show that brings a smile to your face, where you could tell the whole staff had a blast making it.

Try was a sequel cashgrab which kept setting things up that go nowhere. It's the Digimon Xros Hunters to BF's Xros Wars, basically.

Divers was a series set in an MMO which had occasional interesting stuff about AI rights or losing touch with your friend circles as you age, but spent 90% of the time ignoring that to do slice-of-life instead.

Re:Rise was a sequel to Divers which was darker, more character-driven and overall the closest to a traditional Gundam series, focused around a group of strangers learning to work together as a team. Its backstory expands on elements of the original Divers plot, and managed to redeem it for some fans.

Metaverse is another cashgrab where the casts of previous Build series all co-exist with no regard for continuity.
It's eh. The high budget animation for fights helps, and most of the injokes hit, but anytime it tries to go for drama it just feels really dumb. Plus the tournament arc feels way too samey and Aila and Yuuki are the same character done twice in a row.
I maintain that the first season can be readily enjoyed by anyone. You'll definitely get more out of your first time watching if you get a couple AU's under your belt like Wing, or 00. But it's an extremely approachable series regardless.
Its fanservice so it's best watched if you watch a few series already
Watch the rest of Gundam (yes, all of it) up until Build Fighters starts airing.
Build Fighters is great!
Build Fighters Try is... O.K.
Everything after is completely forgettable slop that I am amazed got any discussion at all on this board.
No. It's a garbage kodomo show that /m/ likes because it has a fuckton of Gundam references and it gets progressively worse after each show.
It's Gundam but without any of the stuff that makes Gundam interesting. Even the robots aren't very compelling once you realize that it's supposed to be magic plastic, or later just video game shit. The drama is all fake Kaiba-corp wank in which the setting demands the politics and intrigue of the universe revolve around settling disputes with toys, except it's MUCH lamer than YGO. So if you like baby toy commercials you might really enjoy it.
Baby toy commercials are usually better than this.
Does anyone know where I can read the press statement about Try being "more building focused"?

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