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Previous thread:

Please check to see if the content you're looking for is in the spreadsheet below before asking!

Recommended Anime torrent and ddl sites:


>https://www.acgnx.se/ (torrent mirror/scraper)
>https://animetosho.org/ (eng anime, torrent mirror, subs)
>https://animk.info/xdcc/ (XDCC index)
>http://chauthanh.info/ (eng anime & OST)
>https://jpddl.com/ (raws)
>https://nibl.co.uk/bots (XDCC index)

Matrix room:
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EXISTING CONTENT ANCHOR POST, ask about existing content here, link new content to the OP, please.
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BUMP ANCHOR, so you can easily hide any bumps that have to be made. Please bump the thread at page 8 or 9.
Repeating a question I had that was eaten by the bump limit last time:

Are there any art books for Asura Cryin'? Can't find anything on my own aside from the official website, which is paltry at best.
Groizer X and Bem are coming out this month not back in September. Weird.
Page 8 bump.
Does anyone have the .PGS files for the new/official Macross Zero subtitles?
G Gundam Superclass raws.
Found the link floating around elsewhere and was very glad I did. I was considering buying the volumes to scan since I was so curious about it.
(You) could just delete your bump post after the thread's back on page 1. I've seen that done on /trash/.
P8 Bump.
Did they ever return? As in, was there ever a sequel or a spin off?
They returned in the Hakaioh novel and manga.
Contact this guy
ricardo.recto on FB
He's real good, and not crazy expensive
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Yes. Eventually.
D'oh. Posted this in the wrong thread. Herp derp.

Meanwhile: this fella has been translating Tomino's Z Gundam novels (and other stuff like Gunbuster novels as well):

On the off chance whoever ripped the gundam fight albums is around: is there any reason 3 and 5's booklets didn't get scanned? I'm thinking of picking up a copy of 3 for myself in hopes the booklet has transcriptions for the drama parts
Cool art.
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Wonder if a complete scan of this will ever turn up?
Page 8 post.
I finally have a name to that figure of unknown origins I had all those years ago: Top Gunder.
Oh man, I'm surprised these threads are still going. So how much of the links from my old pastebin survived?
Gonna guess only one or two, anyone willing to check them all?
Why is 4chan introducing yet more cancer to prevent us from posting? Endlessly reformatting to try and avoid the spam filter, then there's this like 10 minute delay counter. What the hell?

I've slowly been going through them and seeing which work and which don't, and what needs to be reuploaded and what's outdated. Currently it seems like 50/50, but bear in mind that's not including the ones that did work that I deleted the links for because they were already uploaded in the museum itself
I have been very slowly, it's in the spreadsheet in the meantime (though I don't know if I've posted the version that has it actually, probably should if not, one minute)
if you're referring to the ones in the archive sheet those were sourced from private trackers and such, and not directly scanned by anyone here to my knowledge. Unfortunately the main one has a no-scans policy, so if people don't link to them separately in e.g. the description they get lost if it's only on the main one. Unless they were ripped and uploaded by someone else and that's who you're asking, in which case no idea
Nifty idea, good one Axia
Not a bad idea, though I dunno if it's necessary. I kinda like the idea of them being still extant and just hideable rather than completely gone, though not exactly a strong feeling either way
Nice, thank you!
Semi-related to this:
Now that my dreams of owning Macross Zero are shattered (I am absolutely not paying a single cent for AI slop), where can I find a good custom-subbed DVD release?
Find someone with a Disney Plus account then. The subs are the same there.

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