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What are your honest opinions about Arasa OL Haman-sama?
A surprisingly well written manga. It's a gag manga but it has some really real moment too.
It probably can be enjoyed even if you are not a gundam fan, though the gundam references really makes it better
I still haven’t read this. But I will! Puru 2 manga when?
Puru 2 is a major supporting character in it
This just moved to the top of my to-read list.
How is this manga going to end? Haman kills herself?
Honestly I can't see how for now, Glemy wasn't even properly introduced yet.
Reincarnated as regent of a fallen space empire?!
(Un)happily married to the love of her life.
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>OL versions of the female caasst
What more could I ask for?
Is Lalah there?
Mineva introduces Haman to her new boyfriend, Banana.
>Tiny hands
>Long legs
>Triangle face with no detail

This is a bad artist.
He was? I thought he appeared early in the manga and showed his loyalty by being helpful to her at times. He even tried to act as a booster for Haman to reach objects in a high shelf by kneeling to the ground.
She will marry me(yes I will become a manga character)
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What role does Rouxxx play in this manga?
Rival love interest.

CCA Char starts his own company and Haman has to decide if she wants to work with him as his partner or retire as his housewife.
Roux Louka! Know shame, you degenerate peon!
Roux is definitely advancing her career at incredible pace
That's Mashmyre, anon.
She wants to kill herself every single day
What's other Gundam series should do OL spinoff? Seed? Witch? GReco? 00?
CEO spinoff
For all that it's a silly gag manga and it can easily be accused of turning Haman into a moe anime character, I think it really captures the essence of all the characters when taken out of the UC setting.

It also manages to put into words and explicitly lay out Haman's character and story, something Zeta and ZZ kind of dance around and imply but never fully confirm, which causes people to misunderstand her as a character.
>It also manages to put into words and explicitly lay out Haman's character and story, something Zeta and ZZ kind of dance around and imply but never fully confirm, which causes people to misunderstand her as a character.
Does it take cues or conflict with Char's Deleted Affair? What is Haman's actual character and story?
NTA, but I always read her as another Quess. Or Quess as another Haman, rather. Their stories kind of clarify each other’s in relation to Char. She’s a girl he used and then tossed aside looking for a replacement Lalah. The appearance of Haman in Z was the first indication of what was coming in CCA. Char still hadn’t totally come of age after the OYW. He was still in some sense stuck in the past. All it took was one more push, the destruction of the AEUG through the Gryps Conflict and the First Neo Zeon War, to make Char “fuck it, I hate the government, I hate Amuro, and I WANT MY MOMMY! This politics shit is POINTLESS! Reform is IMPOSSIBLE!” Being used by this kind of temperamental manchild, who drops asteroids and kills thousands when he has a bad day, you can understand why Haman ended up locking away her heart to an extent and becoming bitter. She lost the ability to trust. It’s only through her encounters with Judau that she recovers some of who she once was, before Char comet’d all over her
Besides what the other anon has said, I also think of Haman the same way Char is ultimately displayed in CCA, as someone who hides behind strength, pretty words and charisma because the real core of their character is being vulnerable and in a way kind of pathetic.

I also think that besides Quess, we can see shades of Haman's character in the Purus. Zeta on a whole had a lot of meditation on the way girls and women are taken advantage of by the world around them, and by ZZ I think a lot of these themes are filtered through the Purus and Haman. The relationship the Purus have with Glemy are, to me, the most on-screen depiction of the way that someone like Haman could have had with Char, especially since Char either isn't allowed or Tomino chooses not to put Char in ZZ. Part of Haman's being drawn to Char is, to me, similar to how the Purus are eventually drawn to Judau despite themselves, too, and in a way, their relationship is the closest we get to a depiction of Haman and Judau would interact in a setting where their first instinct isn't to kill each other - Puru for younger Haman, Puru 2 for older, more jaded Haman.

That's why I think having the Purus hang around Haman often in the OL manga is a really good character move, since they never actually get to do so with Haman in ZZ, which was a real missed opportunity, and allows Haman to see some of herself in them.
Banrise never ever.
Haman needs to hurry up and get married
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Where's Mineva? We all know how much she loves bananas.
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How did these two absolute retards end up being my favorite fictional heterosexual couple ever? They just deserve each other so much.
She disappeared halfway through the chapter. Isn't it sad?
Shut up Haman, you're just a Haman.

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