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Finally, after years, I finished watching the Mazinger Toei trilogy and it's a fun trilogy.
Mazinger Z is a mix of comedy, action, and slice-of-life drama.
Great Mazinger is that but way more cartoony for some reason.
then Grendizer comes way more serious with melodrama and romance.

Now I understand why some people find Z more enjoyable than Grendizer or vice versa depending on which show they started with. both shows are very different.

Z's first 20 episodes were kinda boring. around the time of Jet Scrander the show becomes way better. from Episode 60 onwards it became actually amazing.

Great Mazinger wasn't really fun which is a shame since I like Great's design the most out of the three Mazingers.

Grendizer starts off great. Loved the serious and horror-ish atmosphere of the first part. halfway the show started to be more like its prequels by adding slice-of-life drama and more humor. it has the best mecha battles and music.
btw, I want to re-watch Getter Robo since last time I did it had crab stick subs. Does it have good subs now?
>Great Mazinger is that but way more cartoony

What the fuck are you talking about?
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Haven't finished Grendizer but yeah, Z picks up pretty quick and remains consistently good, Great has some of its own good uniqueness but falls just short of being Z-quality, Grendizer I haven't finished but it's alright so far. I'm thankful for Grendizer, but I do wonder about a story we could have gotten, where Tetsuya is the older brother character instead of Daisuke, and we got something more for Z and Great. I can see why Great might feel like the weakest of the three, even though I do like the Great Mazinger and Tetsuya a lot.
>mfw every single fucking time Great gets shafted or is disliked
Great used to get shilled a lot until recently.
It got Emperor G and a main role in Devilman vs Hades manga
I did like Hades, Emperor G I didn't like the colours of, until I saw the latest version that got announced. Turns out Great was given a lot of focus in Shin vs Ankoku as well
But I get why people would find Toei Great a bit disappointing. The only thing I've seen that sort of mends the story is Tetsuya still feeling guilty in SRW30 over Kenzo, with Koji being completely fine. I think even one movie showing them working together post-show would have been nice. Treading similar concepts as Z, having a tragedy, and then disappearing is something I imagine people might feel sour about, even if they liked Great in other stuff.
I guess he’s talking about how much more traditionally super robot great is doing all sorts of stunts and flips while Z felt very mechanical not unlike giant robo. It’s charming enough that even in Great, Z kept its portrayal the same way it was previously, nothing insane but still a super robot
OP here. I meant by "Cartoony" is how childish and comical it was.
like, all villains looked silly and acted like children to each other. Ankoku Daishogun and the cat lady were the only ones that felt menacing, evil monsters.
Boss's antiques got tiresome so fast, and they brought back the obnoxious talking crow.
I actually didn’t mind but I can see why since it was targeted towards the exact same audience that was watching Kamen rider at the time(specifically X to Stronger) even though liked the plot and action to those better
He's right, 1974 was 100 years ago
Where is Tetsuya during Grendizer?
I don't have an answer to that mystery, do you have any ideas?
Screw Pressuring and Breast Burning Jun if you get my drift of the Great Typhoon.
>still sparring even though they've defeated the Mycenae
Uhhh... I guess?
the Dragonsaurus movie had him working with Dr. Yumi for any danger that arises with Great
>Front facing Kouji
Stop it.
>they see your kikaiju
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What's the issue with front facing Koji?
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One of the tie-in books during its release said Tetsuya was still hospitalized after the events of Great.
Only Koji, Duke and maybe Cassado will sell. Grendizer is for fujos
Surely the girls would sell regardless of the fujo factor. Waifupowers must be strong there, right?
Sadly only cheap low tier gacha sluts sell these days. The fact that Sayaka has a boyfriend to someone who's not a blank self insert will no doubt intimidate otaku losers. You're gonna compete with this? Come on.
More often than not, otaku mentality just leaves me in bamboozlement, especially on the topic and tastes of female characters.
Seriously. It's insane. I know there's no real way to predict or force popularity but some of the stuff and how it catches on just completely flabbergasts me.
>still sparring even though they've defeated the Mycenae
But they never defeated Emperor of Darkness?
Oh shit, that's right.
Well, maybe for all of Grendizer they're hunting down the remaining Mycenae? And Sayaka's there too I guess, except Boss never mentions it and Koji somehow has the leisure to build UFOs instead of helping out his brother?
>begs Koji to rest and let his big bro take care of it to make up for things, since Shiro can't lose his dad AND Koji
Never mind, I can see it happening
Well, Ota's Grendizer manga is the only media where they actually deal with it and everything else treats Great Mazinger ending as if there is nothing to expand upon.
>make up a scenario in your head
>get mad at it

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