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Characters reveal video
Also some more pics following below.
please be yuri please be yuri please be yuri
12,000 years? Again? Already?
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First the titular robot main form and it's alts, Aquarion Sigel
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Aquarion Tir
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Aquarion Feoh
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Sakko Otori, voiced by Yumiri Hanamori
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Momohime Amaha, voiced by Azumi Waki
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Rimiya Tsukishiro, voiced by Makoto Koichi
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Toshi Hatano, voiced by Aki Toyosaki
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Sayo Ichiki, voiced by Konomi Kohara
Site with some info (in japanese) updated now.

As a somewhat relevant staff refresh, the Character Designer is Masashi Kudo, whom previously worked in such capacity on Maoyuu Maou Yuusha, Bleach and Tower of God.

This... certainly looks very different.
man Satelight really went completely down the shitter huh
oh so that's what they mean by MOE
Wow what an UGLY fucking Adult Swim art style.
In a way this is a all star cast for the female VA fans. Yumiri Hanamori is pretty talented thought,i wonder how would she handle shota MC voice this time
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>Super stylized character designs with flat details
>Same old-ass Aquarion models from 20 years ago
Pick one or the other. The character designs could in theory work for a mecha show, but they clash with the heavily-detailed Aquarion forms too much. Imagine if the cast of a Precure season was inserted into a Bayformers flick while retaining their art style, that's what's going on visually with this show's art style.
The mecha need to be SD too. I don't know why mecha designers today are so afraid of doing SD mecha for a tv show. This is clearly the show for that kind of mecha style.
12000 years and humanity devolved.
>trigger style
Why does it look like Panty and Stocking
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People did complain when Granbelm went with SD mecha
Other than that, there's a new Wataru coming, so SD mecha aren't completely dead https://youtu.be/1_jTRYqzenU
What the fuck is this artstyle
Nobody gave a single fuck about granbelm.
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>LOGOS bombed hard in part due to its unappealing character designs
>MOE just takes it even further
How in the ever loving fuck do you go from Chinatsu Kurahana and Ishida Kana to this? It's like they know nobody gives a shit about the franchise so why even bother. If there's no AKINO doing the opening theme then it's pretty much dead in the water.
That's exactyl my point: Anon is saying why not more SD mecha and I point out that the last attempt years ago failed to be succesful and thus this would make the money people in charge of greenlighting and giving their money to shows scared of SD stuff. Wataru gets away with it because it's an stablished franchise thqt already had SD mecha from the start as part of the identity
This looks like utter shit, this sort of cartoony block style is so unappealing and garbage. At least there's Yamato and a Zegapain sequel so it should be fine
In terms of designs:

That show looked ugly as hell
>dat character design


But seriously, so this is why they took so long before revealing the designs.
I liked it's unique early 2000s designs over EVOL's more generic 2010s LN adaptation designs, personally
Also, can't wait to see how they'll pull off the series's iconic orgasm gattei with this character designs.
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Outside EVOL none of the Aquarion anime were particularly good looking hell the guy who was in charge of LOGOS character designs never work on anything else prior so art has never been this franchises' forte HOWEVER this looks like utter shit like they didn't even try to make any of the characters distinct or interesting even if the SD aesthetic is intentional it doesn't make me want to watch it.
The style is fine, it's like you people don't watch any anime besides gundam. I'm more worried about the stiff animation and the plot being trash like every previous aquarion.
They were bland as shit and feels like something you would find off a generic 90s movie where every character feels like a diversity checkmark. EVOL definitely went towards pandering to otaku/fujo but I wouldn't call them generic like Sousei or bad like LOGOS.
Name 5 90s movies.
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>It doesn't have to have good character designs
>You just don't watch anything outside Gundam

Swan Princess
Page master
Quest to Camelot
>Satelight dropped Macross for this

How this studio continues to stand despite all the metric ton of bad decisions it's made for 20 years os beyond me. What's worse is that Aquarion is the only franchise by them that's survived up to this point so for them to treat it like this is really concerning.
With each new entry I keep asking myself more and more just how the fuck this franchise even still exists and who the fuck keeps asking for it.
By now it feels more like some Horizon- or Nora-esque vanity thing.
Did they acutally "drop" Macross, or was that something outside of their control?
>me who actually like Aquarion, especially EVOL

Oddly specific
Macross and Symphogear should have right holders that just decided to work with Satelight for many years. Second OP of the Symphogear gacha had already ditched Satelight for KAI for example
I assume they have actual partial ownership of Aquarion since it's always been a clusterfuck franchise
Japan unironically loves this type of art styles so It has more chances of having higher than logos who just looked fugly.
Maybe they will pander to all the lolicons that they got in LOGOS and also pandering to shotacons. Like seriously, Karan has so much more hentai drawings than anyone else and it's funny. My expectation was that the designs and lack of popularity of LOGOS itself would mean a lack of drawings for LOGOS as a whole, but somehow the loli exploded. Not much, I'll admit but she's still far more popular than the rest of the cast combined among artists and Gelbooru's most recent drawing of her is 2023. I'd expect people to stop drawing her sooner than that, given LOGOS aired in 2015, I'd give it 2 or 3 years for such an unpopular show to stop getting fanart and yet some artists kept going with the loli far beyond that
You say pandering to diversity, but it's the typical asian/europeans characters except for Pierre
Maybe Rena with her being a blind cripple. But that's still 2 characters
As opposed to?
Are you for real? Are you fucking kidding me? Fuck this, I hope Sunrise Macross doesn't disappoint me.
Thanks anon. This explains so much.
The style is garbage and there's so much mecha outside of Gundam that looks better than Gundam and obviously this
Sounds cool enough
Thanks I hate it
Is this now a children's card game show? What's going on?
I'll still watch it but wew
>MOE has moe art
Oh I get it now
did you know EVOL is LOVE spelled asswards
I'd one thing if it's just this artstyle, but combined with the fact that the director only ever did a kid film series doesn't really strike me with confidence.
Guess we know why it took them so long to show anything about it.
Is Ishigaki involved in the mecha designs for this one?
I loved the granbelm designs fuck haters
I don't say this often, but the characters look soulless when they're staring into the camera. The cockpit scenes are very unsettling.
>project aquarian moe
GARbros........ not like this.........
File deleted.
>All that talking and no monsters
I got a bad feeling about this. And why did the Bleach guy copy Panty and Stocking? It's still Aquarion and I'll watch it, it's just... Odd.
So this is gonna be a tourism ad show, yeah?
Anyway, I can't say I expected Puyo Puyo Tetris character designs, but I prefer this over whatever the hell Logos' design was supposed to be.
Looking at the story/character concepts I like it more than the language gimmick of Logos, but then the character designs feel like a kid show and the combination doesn't work for me at all. Hopefully it feels better in practice. Also a big part of what made Aquarion fun for me was the really good use of insert songs and while I hope we go back to that, I'm a bit pessimistic.
Oh yeah? Name three granbelm designs.
It's going to be a quirky literally-me show to fuel shipping and porn artists if >>22924932 is to be believed. There's probably going to be little action since Satelight has such little money they had to get the 20th anniversary project for their big homegrown franchise sponsored by a municipal government. I like the launches, though; they're very Eldran-esque. If it ends up being a kids' show, it will probably be pretty good, but if it's not, then I am SCARED.
>Looking at the story/character concepts I like it more than the language gimmick of Logos
How? It's the most generic concept imaginable. It's like G-Witch; a bunch of quirky literally-me characters in a school have to fight bad adults for no good reason. Logos at least was interesting with its word gimmick.
>M(yth) O(f) E(motions)
>Character designs are dumb and moe-ified
Imagine if they do what Panty and Stocking does and they go from Stylized Chibi to more EVOL-esque character designs when they lock in?
It won't.
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>Myth of EMOTION
>all the characters have mood ring hair
Okay okay, but more importantly is AKINO involved with the project?
>we want the Trigger audience
It's funny how Aquarion character design gets progressively simpler over time.
The old show looks like a 90s OVA in comparison.
Technically it was from Gainax, newfriend.
You haven't seen any 90s OVAs.
we're so fucking back
>no pilot suits
This ain't looking too good, bros.
It's possible they could get pilot suits later, and just wear their casual clothes in the robot for the first episode.
But it looks like they might be controlling the Vectors from a remote VR cockpit rather than actually being inside of the machines, so I doubt it.
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Panty stocking worked because it was satire and batshit insane with guy's penis transforming into shotgun and shit.
This is just garbage that nobody will watch.
Japs ironically like chibishit, because when one gets released nobody fucking cares.
Like other anon said Panty stocking worked because it was satire and comedy ( which at times had real animation too) this is just trash and ugly no wonder they didn't show the character designs early
>This is just garbage that nobody will watch.
well, it's aquarion after all
>Kawamori isn’t involved aside from mechanical design
What’s the point? I would take dog fucker over this.
>i wonder how would she handle shota MC voice this time
There's precedence like Minowa Gin from Yuuki Yuuna
Seems that it would be futuristic isekai for PV shows people in non chibi look, and has chibi model on screen.
>real animation
You first retard.
>red MC
>extroverted green
>introverted purple
Oh fuck not again.
It's never been more over.
Long hair girl is automatically main girl though.
That's what they WANT you to think.
I have no idea why they're even bothering with another series if they're gonna quarter-ass it so hard. Seriously, what were they thinking with that artstyle?
Cute artstyle. I never really bothered with Aquarion before but I might finally check it out
Will Green Hair be allowed happiness this time?
Kawamori's not really involved beyond the mech designs so it's possible
>yfw da Momohime wins da Aqua Lion
Between the art style and the director's background, is this gonna be aimed squarely at young children?
looks like shit
Unless this is gonna shit all over Evol retroactively the same way Evol shat over the original I'm not interested.
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Not him but Viola Katze, White Lily, and Viola Katze F.F :))
Aconite Renata and Ji Guan Long (in its mecha form) are cool and memorable too but I did have to look up their names
>check comments
>"It looks like it's being sponsored by Takara Tomy on TV Tokyo at 6pm"
What japanese issue with Takara Tomy?
How do you even shit on Evol at this point outside of completely retconning it out of existence?
So this is why they took the longest time to reveal the character designs.
They just mean it looks like a show marketing toys for kids.
Did you know that LOGOS is an anagram for “O! Slog!”
>Series Composition: Sadayuki Murai
the writer says otherwise
... [SPOILER] lol [/SPOILER]
[SPOILER]man how do you blacktext[/spoiler]
Epic fail.
help me brotha HELP ME
What else have they done?
This aired at midnight so no
I don't necessarily hate the character design, but it clashes way too hard vs the backgrounds and vs the mech designs. None of these three fit with each other in any combination. Who is this for?
What if it really is PSG with mechs?
You'd think Trigger would have done it first.
Are they going for a Sunday morning time slot?
Wait, what's the GATTAI sequences even gonna look like now?
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they better be going full balls-to-the-wall batshit with this installment if they're gonna have everyone look like this.
Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Steamboy, Sidonia, the Blame! movie, Kaina, Boogiepop, the CG Godzilla movies, the first adaptation of Kino’s Journey, this guy has quite the resume
>all adaptations
At first I thought trying to comparing the visuals to Panty and Stocking was strenuous, but that's pretty much exactly how they did ears and eyes in Panty and Stocking specifically.
Damn, so these are literally just slight mods, so they can just make variants of existing merch instead of having to come up with new stuff.
Wouldn't surprise me if they already have a SMP kit with like one different sheet of parts ready to go.
>literally the same fucking mechs as the original but with character designs from an adult comedy
>"Uhhh is this for babies????"
I don't understand people.
I mean the last series just didn't get merch, so it makes sense to play it safe.
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It's weird seeing male characters use that design template since pretty much only the dressed up version Brief looked that way in Panty and Stocking. So they specifically look like alterations of one character.
Love the artstyle ! It reminds me of french comics I read when I was a kid in the 2000s
Millennium Actress and Steamboy are adaptations of what exactly? I didn’t list his TV screenwriting credits either because they’re not projects he was head writer of
The neck, back of the head and lower ear all being defined by one swooping line is so distinctly P&G I'm surprised they went with it.
>took so long for PSG2 to come out the fans at Satelight decided to make their own and slapped the Aquarion name onto it.
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They already did announce the SMP for it.
Still waiting for the standalone vectors of Evol along with the SMP version of them.
Anyone still have that Dog meme of Evol around a decade ago?
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I know the one you're talking about, but I can't find it at a glance. I have this one, though.
all these times,
These 12,000 years,
Bark Bark Bark Bark Bark
I miss Evolposting so much. Where have the years gone...?
>13 years since Evol
>9 years since Logos
Time keeps on slippin.
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it's not the same without the dog
Imagine all the "you just know" posting if Evol aired today.
I have to go now, my planet needs me.
>so I tricked my two former lovers into getting knotted by my pet dog
>funniest shit I've ever seen.
>tripfag AND questionable character designs
Terrible thread.
Axia is based.
Oh. OH.
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Uh oh, trip janny melty!
Qrd on Aquarion? Heard it's about love or something?
1st two are about turning love triangles into enjoyable threesomes
Every 12000 years a group of goofy teens with attitude pilot a magical Getter Robo type robot to defeat homo angels using the power of love and insane pilot-specific asspull finishing moves that usually only appear once each with some staple exceptions. Usually 6-8 different pilots take turns operating 1 of the 3 Getter Machines which results in different combinations and abilities of the Getter Robo depending on the form they take and the group of specific pilots. Also when they gattai it makes them cum.
Love and fate are central themes, usually with some amount of love triangle shenanigans between the pilots to varying degrees depending on the series, and the idea of "fated couples" with the main pilots being descendants/reincarnations of lovers from the previous 12000 years.
Logos kind of does its own thing and is unrelated to the other two series, but carries a lot of the same thematic DNA.
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...homo angels?
The antagonist of the first two series is a fruity angel guy that's seething at humanity because 12000 years ago his angel butt buddy dumped him for a human chick instead.
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Why didn't he just turn into a woman or something?
>people stopped adding new ones after like ep13
Really goes to show how hard it shit the bed in the second half.
I might've just missed an updated version.
These coloschemes are a mess
I think the very last one was the episode where Jin died.
A series that was only notable for its first opening and racking in big pachinkobux. They tried making a sequel to it and it turned out a mess.
Then they tried making a third series unrelated to the first two and it was just kinda bland.
Now they're making a fourth series for god knows what reason.
>PSG style
If they actually go all-in on the PSG influence it has potential.
It'll probably just be some boring shit aimed at tollders though.
I love her already.
This series has one of the gayest spins on reincarnation I've seen.
Maybe deliberately so, since the transformations/form factor looks very similar to the very first Aquarion.
That just says they have no confidence in this series so they played it safe with the mech designs.
>Then they tried making a third series unrelated to the first two and it was just kinda bland.
It was the smartest piece of animation ever released to the public.
The only thing I rememver about Logos is that one time the MC went on stage to talk about being a savior.

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