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G-saviour shouldn’t be ignored. With all the side content like the game, dramas and novel, it actually had a lot of things.
Based on artbook, most of the setting was written and designed in Japan too. It wasn’t just the US/Canada (who only worked on the movie part)
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Most of the design were made in Japan but a few were made by the west too for the movie. Was this a good design ?
Designed by Kevin Ishioka
I like it a lot. This guy is seriously talented and I'm glad to see he's still doing mechanical designs for Hollywood. Apparently he did the robots for Avatar.
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G-Saviour is the last Gundam entry that's of any real interest to me: it occupies a pretty unique spot in the history of Gundam by being a multimedia project at the turn of the century in which the full story is only told in each piece of media.

The story might not be the strongest overall, but I like that a full world was put together and involves late UC factions. I think the most appealing thing is how much the MS have been reset in terms of presentation, and how it's one of the few Gundam entries where the MS, across the board, are this streamlined and basic. Everything from SEED onward has felt like an excess in terms of how many beams, funnels or sabres can be used, and MS are more acrobatic than ever before. If you take the G-Saviour film and game as the main audiovisual entries, your MS technology is pretty paired back and not garish, which I think is more compelling.
The designs are one of the best things about it
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Bumping for more G-Saviour.
Always like the way the ost of the game sounds some of the early ps2 games like Orphen have a similar sound
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Glad to see it get a little appreciation in the last decade or so. I was one of only like 12 fans of it when it released, being my first entry into Gundam from a bootleg VHS
The instrument presets used on the in-game version of the soundtrack are really nice too.
>G-Saviour manga pages
Where are the rest of the scans?
In three separate issues of Famitsu Bros (it's never been scanned).
I'd love to at least see a manga retelling in style of Origin/Define/Rebellion.
Just, like, good for once.
Give me the same story, the same characters, the same tech, just have it all go extensively from start to finish with any blanks filled in using the material that exists. Don't re-invent, retcon, or introduce anything that is more at home in Thunderbolt, Unicorn or Narrative.
Give me the same story, the same characters, the same tech, just have it all go extensively from start to finish with any blanks filled in using the material that exists. Don't re-invent, retcon, or introduce anything that is more at home in Thunderbolt or Origin.
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>tfw no G-S manga series drawn by early 90s Shirow about the dangers of autonomous weapons in UC
Nope, you instead get endless rehashes of OYW side stories and Bandai seeing what else they can squeeze in between dates.
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Behold the latest GM.
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Thanks I love it
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something's rising alright
them thighs
them hips
that womb
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>but I like that a full world was put together and involves late UC factions.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's pretty by the books for a late 90's sci-fi film but G-SAVIOUR's politics/political drama are actually shockingly solid. It gets the whole sci-fi political drama aspect of Gundam a whole lot more than many other entries in the franchise.
Never understood the criticism that G-Saviour is thematically not like Gundam when people specifically cite the food shortage crisis and how a military is capitalising on it. The in-world solution to it (a fictional type of heatless light) might be a bit tacked on but I'm willing to let it slide considering the universe it takes place in.
Oh yeah, I like that the novel acknowledges that Mark is a North American and that the work he works on is located in the Sohm Abyssal Plain.
Maybe it's because G-Saviour does not promote the same values as other Gundam series
I'm getting schizo vibes but fine, I'll bite. Elaborate what you mean on that?
The first audio drama with the F-saviour would make a really good OVA
>I'm getting schizo vibes
Go back twitterdrone.
okay, thanks for proving my point
It's a bot, don't reply to it.
I like everything about it except for the really tired way Andy goes maniacal and crazy when he's in the cockpit of a mobile suit, just really brought the quality down.
where can you listen to it / read the text?
I found the japanese version, but there's no subtitles outside of japanese or auto translation... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uomQg9ZkJQc&list=PLC46FC4B41F7927F9
The G-Saviour novels are really nicely-written, even in the opening chapter they expand on things like the background and Mark in little ways that don't come off as forced exposition.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD0olKfasQQ It's a shame we probably won't ever have this in higher quality, on the other hand it's wild how much G-Saviour material is available now, 15 years ago very little was available and people were less willing to look.
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