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Is there a cooler /m/ main guy
John Carter
Chirico at the end of the original show.
Reiji, because it's the same character, but can fight supernatural enemies without a mech.
You can argue that he's not exactly /m/ main guy.

Maybe in his prime, but there is nothing cool in his actual appearance in ZOE.


Blue hair is for women only.

He's a villain AND a virgin.
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>Maybe in his prime, but there is nothing cool in his actual appearance in ZOE.

>Managed to put his family back together
>Goes all die hard every few episodes
>Made the entire military look like a bunch of puds
>Has best robo daughteru
Sonny, if you don't think any of that is cool then you need to learn a thing or two about coolness. And it sure as shit isn't swinging around a mall katana rack while cosplaying as your better so often you fell into a close hamper. You capice you two toned nit wit.
What about him?
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Homosexual level posting.
Masaki/Masato from Zeorymer.
>Genetically engineered to rule an underground criminal organization/cult.
>No young pilot bullshit; another personality takes control.
>Cool robo-waifu as copilot/start engine.
>Mech so powerful it wrecks stuff by rubbing two balls together.
Breed your sniper already!
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He gets best girl in his franchise at least so that's a big point for him.
Pretty much the guy everyone wanted to be in highschool
How THE FUCK this is so much better than SRW 30? What happened to the franchise?
Rising costs of development, preasue understand
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>he hasn't been mentioned yet
I'm tempted to put Gladion instead given his true origins. Also, any main Brave robot is automatically the coolest /m/ain character if we're not sticking to human-looking characters.
If you can't make new animations just reuse the old ones.
They straight up put 10 years old anime clips into the attacks, you can't get any lazier than that, just use old sprites holy shit.
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>jobs through his entire series
>every time gets saved by a new toy ahem I mean character
>need cybernetic body
>needs magic space artifacts
>needs an army of groupies
>uses robots and weapons made by other people/aliens
>follows the script, gotta sell toys
>feminine hair (doesn't look like mane)
>sailor moon tiara what the fuck dude
>decides to not have children because he's a beta
For a supposed king of braves Guy's a bitch nigga.

His younger alter ego is much cooler.
>no super powers
>makes his own robot buddies and gadgets
>no artificial body/prosthetics
>peak physical form even before his prime
>only loses twice
>manly hair (actual mane)
>cool helmet
>says fuck you to executives
>only needs his waifu's magic powers once, to break 4th wall
>wants to have babies
>trains are cooler than animals what are you furry
The OG games always had bigger budgets than the main ones since they don't have to worry about anime licensing.
Based Kojibros.
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>Looks and acts like a wild animal
>Runs a karate dojo, borrows money from the yakuza to sustain it. Refuses to pay back his debts and beats the shit out of the yakuza when they try to collect
>Fights an assassin and two racist stereotypes, kills them all.
>Has a mexican neighbor. Tells him to go back to mexico as soon as he sees him.
>All of this happens in the first episode (Shin Getter Robo)
>Later, they tear his dojo down while he's gone, and he kicks all their asses again.
>Fights giant demons in a giant robot alongside a Buddhist priest who fights bears and an actual terrorist and mass murderer who kills dozens of innocent people in his introduction, including his own men. This is glossed over and never addressed again, and he forges unbreakable bonds of friendship with them both.

Then, in apocalypse,
>Is at ground zero for the end of the world
>Survives, comes back to life after experiencing the lives of every living thing, this does not impact his personality at all
>Finally comes to, finds he's on the fucking moon. Survives, finds the scraps of the destroyed super robots left over from when he was fighting aliens on the moon, before the series even began.
>Builds a brand new getter robo using these discarded parts, with nobody's help, even though it took a genius scientist years to develop them. Does not feel like an asspull at all.
>Shows up later, near the north pole ,fights a monster that assimilates the bodies of the colonists there, using them as human shields
>Doesn't give a fuck about any of this tears the monster apart anyways, no regard for casualties. New getter pilot even jumps out of her robot and demands an explanation for such reckless brutality
>Literally refuses to elaborate, leaves.
>S T O N E R S U N S H I N E
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I don't even know who this is.
Manga/2014 Ryoma wouldn't be sitting in a fucking jail for 10 years for a crime he didn't commit. Fuck he would break out even if he DID commit the crime. Fuck the authorities!
Armageddon Ryoma is a pussy.
>stealing Jin's red scarf
What a bitch.
Real Man Ryoma wears highlighter neon yellow-green scarf, so enemies would see him even at night.
The MC of G-Saviour
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>best girl
Uh huh.
Armageddon Ryoma wasn't in jail for 10 years you tit. Genki was still a kid when he got out he was probably there for a year tops. The 10 year gap was post bomb. You're an idiot.
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>discount copycat
>cool in any way
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Ackchyually it's based on Shinichi from Majuu Sensen.
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>Ackchyually it's based on Shinichi from Majuu Sensen.
>another copycat, this time only 2-3 years younger
That's because you're a false.
Nothing from that movie could be considered cool outside of the design for the main Gundam.
>outside of the design for the main Gundam
The G-Savior looks like shit.
>jobs through his entire series
For the TV series, I only remember Guy losing on episode 31.
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Love me some Alt Eisen
Love some Dakka
Love me some Rampage Ghost
Simple as
Gonna be honest, Kyosuke. I think you're rad as shit but that's a really prissy pose.
Old men are not cool. They are lame. Always were, always will be.
They can only serve as mentor/villain archetype, if you make old man the protagonist, you fail.
Only old men can think that granpa can be anything else other than a supporting role.
So, you only accept pretty boys?
00 is one of the most insufferable works of animation I’ve ever forced myself to endure. The character designs are already dated, the mechanical design is excessive and overcomplicated, the feeling of the setting is dull, and the philosophy is insipid
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Pretty girls are fine too. Though there aren't many /m/edia with female protagonists.

Be old and hipster somewhere else, gramps. 00 1st season is pure art, 2nd season is meh but still better than any gundam show since then.
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>Though there aren't many /m/edia with female protagonists.
There's a good decent few.
That's just amuro with fake tit pads and without depression.
He is actually the coolest guy in mecha, but not exactly the mainest of characters. He's only a pickable MC in what, Alpha Gaiden?
For me, it's The King of Hearts
Alpha 2. He was a boss who could join you in Alpha Gaiden.
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Think it's kind of hard to top Noriko.
I love good Daddy Sanger doujin. It reminds me of Yotsuba
Nah, she is a bottom, those are easy to top
>For a supposed king of braves Guy's a bitch nigga.

The technology in his cyborg body is shoddier than Robocop's, and he spends most of his time outside combat in a hospital gown eating through a straw. GaoGaiGar itself is likewise a deathtrap that's nearly killed him multiple times just from the recoil of combining or using its weapons.

This isn't just brushed over, it's clear that he knows how much this all sucks. But instead of cursing his fate he takes his second chance at life as a blessing, and as a chance to save the lives of others.

Courage is not the absence of fear.

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