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So am I still waiting
For the english patch to start releasing?
Can't find a good reason
Can't find hope to believe in

Also Sakura Wars thread
I’ve been meaning to get into this series. Gonna download 5 to play on my Wii.
V is a very bad choice to start, the story is kind of weak and has a feeling that they hadnot complete it and just released the game anyway. But if you're into something so bad it's good then have fun.
Last big update from 10 months ago:
>Many of the in-game menus and graphics still need to be converted into English, and solutions need to be found for several technical issues we’ve run into with our current builds. Specifically, we are experiencing quite a few bugs in the battle segments at the moment. Also, we currently only have disc 1 up and running in English. That means that the script will continue to be polished and edited as we see more of the English text for disc 2 and 3 in-game. And once everything has been implemented, we’ll still have to do an extensive amount of testing, especially since the game is three discs long compared to SW1’s two discs.

Small update, 1 month ago:
>1) The game is playable from start to end. It’s possible there are some crashes and/or hangs still in there but as of now, none are known.

Recent update, over a week ago:
It's ridiculous how much exposure of SW I had over the years with collabs, crossovers, anime, AMV and such bullshit but never played the original games.
I'm gonna play 1 and 2 back to back once 2 is fully translated.
Fuck sega, fucking retards, they have absolute classic on their hand, a golden fucking goose, and all they ever do is whore it out.
How the fuck PXZ and SRW30 got english version with SW in them, but not actual fucking games? Just release them on steam or something?
Fucking retard mafia.
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Ignore that >>22929167 guy. V is a great place to start. It has some funny segments, good aesthetics and music, but most importantly it has the best missions, boss battles, and level design in the series. The precursor to Valkyria Chronicles. SW1 I was a bit more into the Taisho era setting and aesthetics, and the 2D spritework, but the gameplay is lackluster and unengaging. No cool battles or tense missions like SW5.
Sequel with Russian loli romance when?
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Apparently it failed so hard they scrapped it altogether.
At least we got one game and one sequel show.
It's better than what happened to kakumei.
>Apparently it failed so hard they scrapped it altogether.
Grim, I wish they'd officially port the games over to gauge Western interest.
Only played the first game so far but it's got a lot of charm.
V just sucked
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anything came from this yet?
2026 is the 30th anniversary, maybe we will see some rumors next year.
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there's a reason 5 is the black sheep of the series, anon. they had a perfect ending to the franchise with 4 and dropped an extremely half-assed sequel a few years later to squeeze in some extra cash.
start with 1 and end at 4, its all one big connected narrative that builds upon the previous game. its one of those series where you don't skip entries unless you want to ruin the experience for yourself.
Is there ever going to be an eng patch for the first one on the dreamcast? Don't wanna deal with saturn emulation.
What's wrong with saturn emulation?
NTA; personally I've had no issues with it.
Dreamcast probably has better graphics, though.
it sucks
Reminder Nagoshi nearly embarrassed his career with the reboot. He got demoted and ran off to a money laundering chinese company. If sega didn't cover his ass he would of ended up in the same position as the guy who directed Thunder Force 6.
I emulated the Saturn version and don't remember having any issues
No money to be found with porting there old stuff. Their Ages ports selling poorly was enough to prove that, selling them through limited supply mini consoles worked out well.

They did recently delist a bunch their old games and purchased the rights to Kenji Enno's games which are all Saturn and DC only so maybe a new collection is underway but Sakura being on their at least for the west is very low for a untranslated text heavy game.
Konami and crapcopm are selling their old shit with bundled emulators on steam.
It's free fucking money.
You can run SW through some AI translator, clean it up a bit and market it as a fucking grandiose classic's western debut or something.
Literally free money.
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Sega's own old devs dont value their old work and youtubers don't talk about their old games at all unlike the way they talk about shitcom and konami titles. When they do its just just to trash on NiGHTS or Shenmue cause zoomers and millennials cant perceive what these games are doing.
With that attitude whatever new SW game they're making, it's gonna flop.
Exactly like shin and kakumei did.
Fucking senile retards.
That attitude is the reason why something Jet Set Radio or Sakura Wars exist in the first place retard. They didn’t waste 30 years making streets of rage sequels for a good reason.
>When they do its just just to trash on NiGHTS or Shenmue cause zoomers and millennials cant perceive what these games are doing
Outside of Shenmue III I only ever see praise for these games. I think the voices in your head just got too loud.
>They didn’t waste 30 years making streets of rage sequels
Which was a retarded fucking decision.
30 years-long franchises that keep going, just keep going.
FF, SRW, COD, fucking Armored Core of all things.
Nothing fucking wrong with that.
All of those are terrible examples. All that hard work could just been done making new things. Slaving away the same shit over and over. No wonder the industry is so dire. Can’t wait for Fortnite jet set radio and Fortnite crazy taxi to fail.
What new things?
What good new games were released since I dunno 2005 that isn't some coneptual indie shit?
I'd rather play Streets of Rage 30 than AAAA shit about non-binary furries.
>All of those are terrible examples
Fuck you.
Terrible example would be dynasty warriors, that they keep trying to reinvent for no reason.
If it aint broke don't fix it.
Don’t worry I’m sure you’ll be satisfied with that new 3D streets of rage by canadia-pfffahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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I dunno where you got that comparison, since neither SRW nor AC and not even DW were outsourced to canada.
Maybe some franchise I don't know about did, but since it's sega we're talking about, who doesn't give a shit about its own legacy, we wouldn't get anything good anyway.
English translationa take forever, learn Japanese instead, it'll always be faster than waiting for all of your awaited translations
I don't even think that Shin Sakura Wars was really that bad. They definitely gambled too hard on it being a commercial success but it wasn't terrible.

Sakura Kakumei on the other hand, yeah was a catastrophic failure. God what were they thinking? Between handing the game over to Delightworks for development and the possibility of having Hideo Baba involved in it, it was a recipe for disaster. I played the game too and its a war crime how much money they put into that trainwreck and what they got out of it.
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Old Sega designer posting about Maria's Gun which is a Enfield No.2Mk1, he fell in love with this type of gun because of its usage in Xabungle https://x.com/rew_w/status/1850752703104012701?s=46

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