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Let the pilots take a backseat.
Who is the best ship commander in terms of leadership?
Whose the best in terms of tact?
not her
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Max Jenius.

Are you really the best ship captain if you can't tell your crew to charge up and fire your main cannon into empty space, only for an enemy fleet to defold into that exact location when the cannon finishes charging and fires?
That was Exodol
It was Max.

Exedol did the same thing later on when he was urged to fire the main cannon when Max wasn't around, they fired the cannon into empty space.
I love the doujin where kira was tongue deep in this bitch's asshole and it absolutely drover her CRAZY
Best Dressed: Jamil Neate.
Best performing: >>22932854

Agreed. An excellent performance by Kira in the field, a commendable effort.
Sauce pls
Yes. Best captain. Best ship.
I bet there's a joke to be made with these two.
Like having the same voice actress?
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Ms. Howmei was sick yesterday, so we had to make do with ship's biscuits. The captain rudely ordered us to distract ourselves by beating on drums while executing maneuvers. Tactless tact tact as a change of tack from hardtack.
This, and it's not even close.
Doesn't Sumeragi have like 350 IQ or some shit?
>I don't know, I'm making this up as I go.
Crazy son of a bitch actually did it
The way her dub VA goes "FIRE!" is really funny.
Why the fuck is her name Badger Rule?
Max and Okita would defeat the enemy more decisively, but Tylor would not lose a single crewmate in the process.
Which dub actor? Ocean or NYAV?
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Lest we forget about Captain Einus.
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In Gundam it would have to be Sumeragi.
No one else runs a tight enough operation to be able to tell their squad to switch from plan 17C to 35B mid-battle.
Honestly i can't think of any commander in any other /m/ media that can match that.
Bright would beat her ass in a fistfight though. His hair is green, too.
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Fist fights weren't in OP's requirements.
Besides, Captain Douglas Gordon (Godzilla: Final War) would bend, fold, spindle, and mutilate Bright. Green hair is no match for the manliness of Don Frye.
Think again, mother fricker. Shouldn't have messed with the Federation's best and brightest.
He successfully fought off his rival by just giving commands to the bridge crew and taking control of the guns, without needing any friendlies to support him
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Clearly the answer is Riker
She's very much a Misato clone, but I liked her a lot. Always a fan of CO characters that place more of a focus on the actual engagement planning side of things.
Being a CO isn't just slapping soldiers and projecting confidence while shouting orders to the bridge bunnies, it's being up three days before the engagement pouring over intel and drawing up contingencies, and on the day it's keeping on top of the bigger picture so the individual soldiers just have to worry about the fight in front of them.
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I'd say he was pretty good.
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>Boldly go to seek out new life and surrender to it.
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Effete snob

Man's man
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Amateurs. The SurveyConLegiment is a sinking ship
Fuck off, faggot.
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Hes the only real answer, shown to place his subordinates needs above his own even as an unexperienced young officer
This man was willing to try to push back Axis with the Ra Cailum. Absolutely selfless hero.
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Heroic Age was a pretty cool show.
If it wasn't for ZZ you'd be right. However, Bright is almost completely useless in Double Zeta.
I just remember that one woman flirting with him even though he's married.
I hate her so god damn much. Thank god puru 2 murking her.
i thought she played the shamisen but it turned out to be ukulele
I can never get used to Bright with actual eye whites

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