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Why did Earth Federation replace GM with Jegan, Jesta etc?
Why did OP post a shit thread today?
To get AE involved.
Well, the GM is based on the RX-78 body and frame. It had a decent lifetime of over 10 years for the Fed's first successful MS design. However, even in peacetime and doing nothing but training flights and patrol duty, machines wear out and need to be replaced. You can perform maintenance to keep them running, swap in spare parts, but what happens when the entire body is worn out from metal fatigue, when the whole machine is creaking even with a new engine? Manufacture a new chassis/frame for the 10+ year old RX-78 style body? By that time, there have been new advancements, so they start over with a mostly new MS.

Enter the Jegan, the next generation of economy grunt. Cheap where it counts, but it's got upgraded armor, more modular design thanks to movable frame, and backpack that is strongly influenced by the recent Gundam Mark II. While the GM lasted 15 years just fine before being phased out, the Jegan is open to a lot more modification and upgrades that let it go on for 30 years before being considered too old. Same deal when it comes to the next grunts, the Javelin and Jamesgun, except one is a bit more specialized for space-use and the other for ground-use.

That said, it's not like the GM series is completely unusable after it gets phased out by the Feds. F90FF manga tells us that private military companies still use some highly modified and specialized GM types up to the mid UC 110s that can present a threat for newer MS. They're not the most efficient or up to date, but raw specs can still do work.
GodDAMN the Javelin is such a sexy design.
they needed a bot that doesn't explode when you sneeze in it's general direction
what the fuck
>doesn't explode when you sneeze in its general direction
But GM variants and descendants are usually better than most zaku versions...
X Jim looks borderline naked.
Jegen has LESS armor than the GM III though.
Is it just me or do they lose soul with every new iteration?
They should've used the GM Kai in RfV.
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They couldn't even fucking get the Zaku I right
>le heckin soul
You people are so obnoxious. Use real words.
Okay then. Everything after the GM is an over designed, ugly piece of shit that seems to have no practical purpose other than to die to the main characters or the villains of the week and sell cheap models. The only appeal of the old GM is the age of the machine and the nostalgia surrounding it, much like Star Wars. No one gives a flying fuck about Star Wars without the tie fighters and x-wings, and no one would give two shits about Gundam without some overdesigned nu-Jim to get blown up by some raging homo in a cyclops-esque mobile suit. The new grunts are all shaft, no balls, and derivative. Does this appease your use of the English language, you anachronistic, pedantic faggot?
>No one gives a flying fuck about Star Wars without the tie fighters and x-wings
>What is Star Wars The Clone Wars?
My point exactly.
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For the same reason Corsairs and Mustangs got replaced by F-16s and F-22s in real life retard
Doesn't silver phantom have a gm with 90% the generator output of nu gundam? Only its all silverb
The jesta has higher performance than the nu gundam. It's arguably not even a grunt suit, you might call it a super ace unit only used by professionals.
It's the G-Line of mid-UC
In real life, there's high intensity periods and experimental times where people replace crap like crazy. In WWII, there was so much demand for weapons that you'd have several new models made within a year. But during calmer times when everyone thinks of logistics rather than fancy new things, there tends to be more retrofitting. Much of our modern equipment for many countries dates back to the Cold War, maybe with modern technology improving it or advanced systems added to an existing system, There's times when it's a ground-up new system though.

In UC, GMs were still used much later than the OYW and honestly, they had further than CCA given how GM IIIs showed up to push back Axis. Rear-line troops still used GMs. But Jegans remained for about 30+ years because nothing after was as intense before F91. They were all smaller scale conflicts.
I love the original GM.
It's simple, clean, and has an iconic chest grill that pops out.
Nearly every MS design after the 0079 is an overdesigned piece of shit with slabs of metal polygons bolted on everywhere.
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Movable Frame. Many GMs, even upgraded variations, are retrofitted regular GMs. This means they lacked a major improvement with the Gundam MK 2 that makes it better and more maintainence friendly.
sovlless tourist
the GM III wasn't even around for a year before the Jegan stole its thunder. Such a shame for such a great mobile suit.
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The GM III was around in UC0088, but the Jegan only had limited deployment even by UC0093.
>a great mobile suit.
I mean, it was heavily dated suit at the time of it's roll out. Useful, of course, but dated.
The only reason it was made is because AEUG tech was too expensive with their Gundarium armor and Titans tech became a big no-no (and was expensive still, even if you didn't have to pay Anaheim's tax and had ready construction lines).
It always was just a stopgap until a cheaper MP suit with a movable frame would be made.
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Economics. It all boils down to economics.
The GM was created around the RX-78 data, all the GM variations onward worked on the GM basis and expanded upon that.

AE had worked on EF MS data prior, in the form of the MSA-003 Nemo, which they offered to the AEUG, as it was made on the data collected on the Rick Dias and Hyaku Shiki, but also the GM Sniper II.

So it was only matter of time before AE offered -once again- their concepts to the EF, in the form of the Jegan and later the "Gun" series (Heavygun, Jamesgun, Javelin etc...)

AE offered cheap unit that was easy to develop and custom and adapt to diferent situations (Jegan into Jesta comes to mind), and the EF just winged with it even after they kicked AE to the curb and had the SNRI do their miniaturizatrion thing.

Heck AE had tried over and over to sell a "new unit for mas
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To be fair, a two of those are Nouvel GM III, which are a different beast, not unlike GM Custom/Quel and Hazel series and the last one got a Full Armor upgrade.
And all of them also were fitted with a bunch of late UC Jegan components.
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for me, its the Nero
I dislike the Jegan. It looks flimsy, incomplete, and underdesigned. You can tell Izubuchi didn’t have enough time to develop it.
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Do you have the rest of the monthly mobile pages?
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Original Jegan looked like a doll with arms that flail around. It being "underdesigned" is intentional since it was meant to emphasize efficiency over raw performance. Modern Jegan is beefier including specs upgrade, but also more generic-looking.
The return of GM

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