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Previous thread >>22931169

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

>RideChemy Card Database

>it's not gotchard themed
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>Not using Kusaka
He's the main rider, it's okay.
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why yes, I will buy you
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Good boy.
Poor Gigist.
Are they at least made of decent material and not some cheap fabric?
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Rate Valvarad GT
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This color scheme makes my eyes bleed.
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Reposting this again
>No Winter Movie in Toei release schedule
It's ok
Nah, it's not revice so it's fine.
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Which ones will you buy or skip from this pic?
Better than Marvelous Live/10
This just reinforced my schizophrenia >>22929934
I kinda like the fact that its just a custom.
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can't they do it without the guest?
I like it. I've always liked white/red/blue color schemes and I think they worked it in well Valvarad's suit. Better than Live and Buffa's movie forms IMO.
You are an idiot. Figuarts Takumi is even bigger news than Valvarad GT, a hacked sound byte. And we're damn sure many will buy him.
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>vulvarad this goshart that
Fuck off
This is the real prize
Now I want FangSkull
Valvarad GT isn’t a custom in the belt.
Meh, I wanna see what Lost Driver Accel looks like.
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All of them are shit. Happy?
Wrong, Top row is great, 2nd row is meh, 3rd row is shit, and 4th row is great.
What were they thinking with the Live/Evil repaints.
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Shit taste indeed
You get two spins. First roll lets you become the corresponding V-Cinema suit/character and the second spin is your opponent. Spinning the same spot leads you into a mirror match.
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>So yeah i was just about to go to-

Bro was about to





SHF video.
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Kamen Rider Revice Dear Gaga 1 + Episode 29
>Put important part of Hiromi's backstory on a Blu-Ray special
>That is followed up with a clipshow episode in the actual series with little real development
>This is how Revice's second arc ends
>shitposts this early
Like clockwork
Handa and Murakami video.
>Metal Build vs Necrom Yuujou Burst
I got this by the ass.
Guys I stepped away for like 12 hours have we stopped giving attention to retards with shit ta-
>last few hours
Alright I'll try again tomorrow
It would've been slightly better without the ugly goggles. But anything that uses pieces from Iron Gotchard is automatically shit.
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Does Japan even remember Delta exists
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Ouroboros (Tomokazu Sugita)
Stop watching and skip revice.
>Super Mashin Chaser vs Necrom Yuujou Burst
I got super bit in the ass.
This is cool but it just makes me wish CycloneNazca was a real thing
>Metsuboujinrai vs Espada Arabian Night
I... Can't tell who's gonna get their ass bit
Huggin Gummy
>Knuckle Jimber Marron Arms vs Super Masin Chaser
man what the fuck
What a dumb special. Where was Sakura? Why aren't we shown what she thinks about all this?
Try SkullAccel. Remember, this was Shroud's idea because she won't want her son to fuse with Shotaro.
Looks good even if it's a blatant reuse of Gigist's suit. Gotchard's monster designs were great. All the suit designs in fact, the only one I didn't like was Eld.
this doesn't even look like kusaka
So no Phillip at all? Why don't you just ask for TerrorCockroach while you're at it
I don't think Double can exist without Phillip as a component.
Clip shows are always bad and a sign of a lack of competence on the writer.
>This is how Revice's second arc ends
And it gets worse.
>krg loses its shit when people actually discuss rider
Many such cases
Valvarad GT isn't a Custom.
You already posted it, dumbass nigger
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King Express Zabyun looking ass motherfucker.
His body is a squid
Dollar store bootleg looking ass
This is like one of those cheap gimmick toys that Bandai makes for the Chang market
>Accel Booster vs Valkyrie Serval Jobber
I win.
I love Machi bros
Imagine being psychologically traumatized by the idea that people can have different opinions.
Those aren't opinions, those are shitposts.
>Winter Movie started with Skull debut
>Died when a Skull anime movie currently on theaters
Now kiss
I don't, I'm not a depraved criminal like you.
>other series have repaint 2-3 suits
>gotchard only have 1
Gotshartbros...i thought we're the best seller in reiwa?????????
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This anon's favorite meal is feces caked in cum and children's blood.
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Now that winter movies are dead. What was your favorite and least favorite one?
>least favorite
Probably Geats x Gotchard.
Where the fuck are the jannies? there's got to be 30 posts not even talking about Kamen Rider ITT
Between Megamax and HeiGen Final. But Forever does has a spot in my heart

Gotchard and Geats/Ghost x Drive share the bottom spot
Stop projecting, shit eater.
>More King Ohger
So this is the power of Gira Hastee...
Surely Toei Studios will bring winter movies back in 2025 onwards, right?
Is King Ohger just super sentais Build?
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No, King-Ohger flopped. Sentai’s equivalent to Build is probably Kyuranger
isnt KO the same producer as Build?
anon jhero was being retarded, the "more kingohger" was just additional live shows
You can stop replying to yourself now, Kyle.
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You can stop posting now, diabetic molester.
that shit also flopped
I guess it depends on when they finish filming Gavv and when they start filming the next season.
If you could see any KR series get a Power Rangers style sequel where the characters return but get a new power set who do you choose?
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No, Build actually excels in being a Kamen Rider and a henshin hero show. King-Ohger feels like a shonen that tries to stay away from its Sentai and ironically the most MCU of the tokusatsus.
Part of me is somewhat salty that Legend is not Tsukasa, but Kaguya is a good replacement so I accept.

Other would probably be Momotaros honestly. I always figured Den-O would get a sequel-ish show so Momotaros should be the Zero-in-Geed equivalent.
Isn't that also why people said KO felt like a breath of fresh air when it felt like a character focussed show first and a toy advert second?
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Okay, here me out.

Kiva sequel.

The whole things already set up. Put it 4 years in the future for Kivas 20th anniversary. Bring in the Neo Fangire idea as a basis for a new rider system as the current one simply doesn't work. Obviously have Wateru's son as the protagonist and bring back the three monsters as his mentors and say Wateru mysteriously vanished 10 years ago so they can have some flashbacks to the start of the reiwa era riders without splitting the show 50/50

and a different fucking writer i dont need to explain why.
Mind you King-Ohger IS a fantastic show, but if you remove the Sentai stuff and make it a typical shonen nothing would change much (the mecha would be substituted with something else, let's just say a kaiju). Whereas Build the suits, the gimmicks are all tied to the show. I know people hate toy adverts, but it is tokusatsu's DNA, even older tokusatsu sell toys too.
Its funny how many people complained about not enough giant robot fights in KO and now complain thats the answer to every problem in Boomboonger.
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...is Jeremy the Evolto of King Ohger?
I don’t understand the comparison
character intended as adjacent to main protagonist ends up more popular to due sassy nature and always having some plan going i guess.

Though i feel like Kaguragi Dyboski is written much closer to Evolto as a hero but people do love a sassy bitch posing and doing faggy little finger wiggling waves as he saunters off laughing.
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>Geiz Majesty vs. Cross-ZEvol
I might be fucked.
You're replying to one particular schizo who would often spam /ssg/ with complaints about King-Ohger being "MCU" and "a shonen" like because the characters don't transform as much as other Sentai.

It is a very different Sentai, but that anon is wrong when saying that it doesn't feel like one. Its biggest differential is first and foremost being really serialized instead of episodic like Sentai usually is. It doesn't do away with Sentai tropes but it contextualizes them within this serialized setup. The mecha, enemy grunts, transformations, even the way the monsters grow are all given a place within the larger lore. This means they won't show up every episode because they need to serve the plot (as opposed to the plot being the pretext of the trope as it normally is in Sentai), but you also can't get rid of any of them without radically changing the show.

That being said, it is like Build in general structure (being basically split in two halves with the second half's main villain being an all powerful alien and generally having some commentary on war), but that's where they stop being similar.

Boonboomger's problem is being boring. It's much like Gotchard in that regard. "Back to basics" but without charm of well done basics series, underutilizes its cast etc.
dont forget Evolto and Dagded both have a Black Hole as their logo and are cosmic, world destroying parasites.

but Evolto didn't need any jobsters.
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there’s a much better comparison and someone that’s basically Sentai Evol
>You will never see Black Hole Evolto versus Dagded Djaradin
>Could even have Evolt possess a nameless Rider the same way Dagded is latched onto the head of a nameless red ranger
hurts just a little bit
Looks pretty good. This is a step up from the Izu one. From the males, i hope they do Sento, Asakura, or Eiji (with Ankh's arm).
I'm guessing here they cannot longer do Kabuto/Tendou. From the girls, maybe Aguilera, Beroba, or Lachesis, since they are the best looking ones.
I need your citations anon
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King-Ohger is very Kamen Rider-ish in that the good guys's power actually came from the bad guy and was originally intended to be used for genocide
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Alisa was really getting chubbier as Gotchard went on. On the plus side, her thighs looked like big hams by Q4. She's back to being thin though.
It's a valid complaint anon, look at how they'd rather show the civilian forms than the suits
honestly if a riderfag had never seen a sentai series KO is the one i would recommend. Its everything people love about shows like Build, OOO's and Saber but ironically its about a group that far less often work as a team over putting their own motivations as a king first. But does still have those moments like when Sento and Banjo communicate with grunts and subtitles only they can read.

Racles Haste in particular is made for kamen rider fans.
To be fair its a fantasy setting where each is from a culturally disparate foreign kingdom so having them in matching outfits too much kind of defeats the visual metaphor of characters like Kaguragi and Yanma.
> like when Sento and Banjo communicate with grunts and subtitles only they can read.
I miss those fucking idiots like you wouldn't believe.
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Hope they answer in the Valvarad v-cinema what happened to Lachesis's corpse. Did she get cremated, buried, or frozen? My guess is that Kyoka froze her.
Okay, now I remember. This guy is responsible for the Ouroboros Realm.
But how does this sell more Chemy cards??
>trusting mattcunt thai edition
Also it's because the show is really dialogue heavy, which is probably one of the reasons kids were turned off by it. It's very talky for a Sentai which means there'll be more scenes where the characters are just there talking to each other instead of fighting, so they won't be transformed as often.
Megamax, but just to give variety, Reiwa the First Generation. Amazing Zero-One story, only hindered by Zi-O bits
Wizard X Fourze. Pure waste of time.
Hesei Generations Final, the actual acknowledgement of True Ending's Build cameo and direct lead in into this story combined with the returning Riders helping out to deal with Foundation X is IMHO peak Heisei Phase 2 content
>least favorite
Heisei Generations Forever. It ignores the show, it's an awful W tribute which we didn't even get IN the show but Den-O got fucking two of em. Also fuck Another Kuuga and that nothing villain that's Tid, what's a Super Timejacker? I sure as hell don't know and I don't think Toei does either.
So is he the one who sealed the dark kings? Maybe even turned them from their original human forms?
Dybowski was not a character designed for 4-year-olds.
He's a game of thrones character toned down for a kids show.
Kyoka quartered her corpse and contained it in chemy cards. Buy these packs to try and complete the Lachesis Exodia.
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Not sure, seems pretty strong if he was able to make his own pocket dimension. They’ll probably attribute X-Fortress to him since Sugita voiced that Chemy as well. IDK if the state he’s in is just the endgame for all top-level alchemists, or he made some pact with the Underworld King. Hope we find out!
Willy Wonkas Golden Ticket but for Hapa Simps.
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>Cross-Z Evol vs Eternal Red Flare
The Drive Driver and Shift Cars are never unsealed and Shinnosuke uses a Ghost Driver.
I'm starting to forget Keiwa even existed
>two Faiz SHFs
So is there any particular reason for this beyond Faiz being decently popular
Wait there's no winter movie? Didn't the cast already say they'd filmed one?
I know this is just a theoretical depiction of Shroud's original plan for Double using Sokichi as the body, but that pose is all Shotaro.
ChemyXstorybros... its Gotchover...
Was Gotchard that much of a failure that they don't want it tainting Gaav
You’re a fucking idiot
Surprised Legend isn't here honestly
No shitposting or bullshit i want big boy pants discussion here: Is Reiwa not as popular/successful as Heisei era Kamen Rider? if so what do you think is the cause?
Fourze with teacher Gentaro could be cool, or it could be shit, I dunno if I would even enjoy Fourze now compared to when I watched it at the time
>Metal/Phantom Build vs. Grease Perfect
Well shit.
>Is Reiwa not as popular/successful as Heisei era Kamen Rider?
It is definitely not as popular.
>if so what do you think is the cause
Poor writing. Just look at revice, a show that was so poorly written that it had normally quiet Japanese fans loudly expressing how much they hated it to the head writer directly and it was on the 50th anniversary. That made people distrust rider and weakened its popularity and reputation.
> i want big boy pants discussion
The only response is >>22935158 a shitposter
> Reiwa not as popular/successful
It is. What makes you think it isn’t?
Why did you use figuarts for some while Valen is just a suit.
Why did you make this dogshit image to begin with
>thinks legitimate answers are shitposts
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every time you bring up Japanese fans complaining about Revice it’s always the same 4 tweets from randos
It's much more than that. You can check for yourself. But I know you won't.
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Judge it yourself.
Half the Reiwa shows so far have been huge hits, and it's only been 6 years. Zero-One has the second highest toy sales in the history of the franchise, Geats is the most shilled Rider show right now, and Gavv's Gochizos are currently driving people all over Japan crazy.

Reiwa will overtake Heisei once the kids who grew up watching it become old enough to post on social media and buy P-Bandai merch. And when that time comes, nostalgia for the less popular Reiwa shows like Saber and Gotchard might start to kick in, like what happened with Blade, Kabuto and Kiva.
My girlfriend is interested in watching Gavv with me but I can't for the life of me find the episodes in good streaming quality anywhere
All I have is my phone and our TV in which I can cast it but its a matter of finding the episodes in a quality that isn't absolute dogshit.
Can anyone help?
A poll that came out when there was 2 reiwa riders isn’t a good example anon
>Half the Reiwa shows so far have been huge hits,
Only Zero-One(which was boosted by Zi-O being bad) and Gavv have been hits. The rest have been middling to bad.
Look at the the first three links under direct download
It shows that the recent reiwa riders aren't on people's minds.
Zi-O's reception was decent and Geats is objectively a big success.
I feel like Reiwa thus far is very hit or miss and compared to Heisei obviously being like two decades versus like 6 the quantity of midcore makes it seem more dire. Plus Heisei was the triumphant return of Kamen Rider to the point it became a yearly franchise since the turn of the millenium. I think it just lacks an identity. Heisei was very much "Two young men grab each others collars and yell about dreams or revenge" but this aint the 2000's and late zoomoids don't seem to resonate with that as much and i think they are trying to find out what does.

So far i think Gotchard has potential to be Build for the zoomkinde with its pacing and quality but it also could go full kiva halfway and become a mess, which i hope it doesn't but we can't judge it till its finished.

I think right now its just an issue of writing and variety. Heisei has more seasons and thus has more chances for good writing to shine so has more you would recommend. Personally i know if someones new to the show i'm probably not recommending them starting with any Reiwa show but who knows what could come out 5 years from now y'know?
Zi-O made money but was poorly received. Geats was middling at best.
Toy sales =/= popularity
Daybreak sealed the Dark Kings.
Ouroboros is probably another form of the Dark Kings like it was hinted in the production blog.
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will geats ever end
>Zi-O made money but was poorly received
Its Twitter account has the most followers out of any Rider show, it has two of the most popular films in the franchise, and two of its actors are mildly successful.

Unpopular shows are never best sellers.
because they just ended
If they just ended then they should be on people's minds, but they aren't.
>Its Twitter account has the most followers out of any Rider show,
> it has two of the most popular films in the franchise,
>and two of its actors are mildly successful
Not relevant.
It’s a list of people’s favorite rider not a list of riders that people remember.
You sound like a fucking idiot
>Unpopular shows are never best sellers.
Zi-O proves you wrong.
And this proves they don't like the newer shows.
Popularity discussions are retarded. It’s always shitposters or anons that don’t what they’re talking about.
unless you were raised in Japan, you won’t know what’s popular and why it’s popular with them.
Or they’ve never heard of it because it’s so new.
So they are both disliked and people don't pay attention to them as much. Seems like Reiwa is unpopular to me.
Because the average Japanese normie isn’t gonna know about every rider.
Seems like you’re a shitposter to me
The average Japanese person would know more about shows airing in their own country. They don't care reiwa rider isn't popular.
How do you fix Zi-O?
Japanese Spider-man made lower ratings than JAKQ but kids loved the robot. Ohranger is infamous for its low ratings and record toy sales. And those are before streaming
Make the returning actors relevant to the plots, make Sougo obviously villainous at the start so Ohma is actually believeable, make Tsukuyomi less annoying, don't rewrite Black Woz into a good guy.
Murder Shirakura before filming started
>make returning actors plot relevant
>actually show oma zi-oh being evil and directing Woz
>make Woz a dark rider and dont puss out on it
>don't turn into fucking Kiva 2 and introduce a random childhood friend to become the new demon king and rival late in the game
>Fucking tuskiyoma do SOMETHING
Kamen Rider Den-O more like Kamen Rider DATED
That's right Den-O fags, eat dirt, this show is DIRT FOR BREAKFAST
Fanwank time patrol, literally just that simple. Foundation X is fucking with Time and pushing their own Another Riders to test their tech and the Time Patrol makes sure history doesn't get ass blasted. Make Sougo the Gai Ikari of Kamen Rider and have him be a Rider fanboy that documents Riders in a little scrap book, and for extra flavor start the series off with him having dreams of the Sky Wall World before running into Build and Cross-Z.
Copy Gokaiger
Fiscally they've all been more successful than anything before OOO, even the one that makes the anon reading this the angriest. In comparison to Phase 2 Heisei it's on par, nothing as high as Zi-O but nothing as low as the Yokai Watch era either.
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Movie side is doing much worse than before at least, aside from Shin Kamen Rider. The winter movies post-Heisei Generation Forever took a big hit when they dropped past Rider guests, and never recovered. It's really bizarre they just didn't try going back to the Heisei Generations formula and rather chose killing off the movies. Reminds me of the Super-1 situation, where the staff was annoyed Skyrider only did well when adding past Riders and set out to make the next show one that could stand by itself. In the end, it just ended up killing Rider on tv for almost 10 years.

Summer movie box office is the lowest its ever been too, although Geats' summer movie was an improvement over the other Reiwa movies. Still bellow most Heisei ones though.
You just know
Clean up some of the writing in the first part, don't go into Decade's "actually it was alternate universe all along" at the end, and give us some side flashes to a version of each episode where Sougo didn't take the second trip through the Gaim arc and show how the lesson he learned the first time, that other people are basically useless and you can only rely on yourself, snowballed into him eventually becoming Oma. That implication's in the final product, but it's not emphasized as much as it could have been by seeing that contrast on camera.
A couple more Inoue arcs, the Ginga arc was hilarious. Keep him away from the main plot though.
I thought Tsukuyomi was OK, she was pretty irrelevant until near the end really. Sexy voice though.
Time Jackoffs should be former riders from destroyed worlds instead of whatever the hell they were
Woz doesn't need to be a rider, him being a rider added nothing, do more stuff with him being Sougo's insane hype man but keep him as that, Zi-O's mascot character
Make Geiz more useful, also don't just disregard Geiz Revive's drawback a few episodes after it's debut
Either give Tsukuyomi more to do or scrap her, if the former make her a rider around the same time as Geiz
Make Another Zi-O more relevant
I don't think Decade should be involved too much, it's not his show after all, but I think both him and Narutaki should play a role
Oma Zi-O is the true final form, not Grand Zi-O or whatever (that can be a movie form I guess)
Gotchard aside, no winter movie means Gavv only have one theatrical movie. Wouldn't they lose quite a big portion of money?
Adhere more strictly to Den-O's rules about time travel. Splash the cash to get more returning actors back. Work our way backwards from Build (Build > Ex-aid > Ghost > Drive > Gaim > Wizard > Fourze > OOO > W) with Decade being the midpoint then phase 1 to end on Kuuga. We aren't getting godai's actor back, he wants nothing to do with Rider, so Ichijou will do. They pass on the ridewatches after each 2-parter.

Decade is gained in the winter movie, making it a canon movie to the series and. It takes place after Episode 16. Zi-O II is gained after the Kabuto episodes instead owing to how Hyper Kabuto from the series is from an alternate timeline (God Speed Love), and Zi-O needs it to keep up with Hyper Kabuto. Rather than the mirror Zi-O, it's a Worm impersonating him that has stolen geiz's driver and the base form Zi-O watch.

The Future Rider Arc takes place between the Hibiki and Blade episodes (8 episodes, 2 per future rider). It also includes Geiz Revive's debut in a 2-parter after he sees the potential Sogou has to alter the future and thus they fight. This takes place right before the Ginga arc. Episode 1 has geiz and zi-o fight, episode 2 has them reconcile thanks to tsukuyomi and white woz is killed by black woz, who takes his belt. After this, we get the ginga episodes and Ginga Finally.

There isn't a Ryuuki arc; it's a 2-part special for Rider Time Ryuuki where Zi-o Gets the Ryuuki watch.
The Kuuga arc gives Grand Zi-O at the end, and then ends on a cliffhanger of Grand Zi-O fighting Ohma. The next episode has Ohma chide present Sogou for his insistence on conflict and mocks him, saying he thought he was going to become a kind demon king.

The last episodes show schwartz become Another Decade, and he walks through Zi-O, Geiz, and Woz. Just to fuck with sogou and mock him for his attempts at becoming a "kind demon king", he murders geiz. Events proceed as normal and he becomes Ohma.

We also get one episode between Gaim part 1 and part 2, detailing the original .timeline.
>Chasing a young girl around town
He is just like -
Hanto isn't dressed like a Rabbi whilst doing it though.
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Wow our taste are complete opposites

>What's a Super Timejacker?
Are you retarded? It's a timejacker who is super. Are you dumb? Do you need it spelled out for you?
Reception has nothing to do with popularity and Geats was pretty well received where it matters (not /krg/)

This doesn't look right
The chest does look a bit off.
>Evolto didn't need any jobsters
The Washio brothers and Utsumi.
I wonder what happened to Powered Builder. The show never hesitated to shill Monster but Builder just disappeared and was never kitbashed into anything else
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Kiss scene already in ep 2!?
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Houtarou's moisturizing game on point
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It was a movie form that made an appearance in the series. That's special enough.
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Bluray release on March, no more 1 year wait
I hope it's swappable armor instead of a whole new figure
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Do you think there is a single living human who loves IXA the most out of all riders?
I saw some nip made a shrine out of Kyuun merch despite his little appearance in the show.
So there's a none 0 chance I guess
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It's a damn good design.
>Kamen Rider Christcuck
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It's another NTR Shotaro form
Favorite: Megamax
Least Favorite: Movie War Core. Full Throttle, Super Movie Wars Genesis.
Huh, I guess I never liked Drive crossovers.
It looks like after kitbashing other suits together, the creator had these pieces leftover, and made a kitbashed suit with the remaining pieces.
(not literal, you stupid fucking autists, I can tell it's not recycled pieces)
I do like that shade of purple, but it's ruined on that suit by all the other shit going on.
I like the subdued gold finish on Garo. If Wingman ends good, then I might get both.
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This would have been an interesting impromptu form if Ace couldn't use Geats IX.
We already saw it when Shotaro got Old'd.
And you fags talk like you knew shit but in reality y'all not even Japanese and will never be the target audience.
So stfu.
Wingman is very good so far. It's what gotchard should've been.
Best toku this year alongside gavv.
I think part of the problem with comparing Reiwa to Heisei, is that the start of Heisei was so long ago, that those attitudes no longer exist anymore. Japanese culture has changed from what was being made in the early Heisei era.
Which is fine, all cultures change, but if anyone's holding out hope for a return to that kind of Kamen Rider, it's never going to happen.
The best we can hope for is blurays of Heisei. Though that being said, companies like Shout have already been showing the same problems that anime does with western translations.
>translators trying to push lgbtshit into the translations "just to see what they can get away with"
Ouja was never fantranslated to be aroused by fighting, but we got little bits of that in Shout's translation. Shout's translators were stretching "the racing heartbeat of feeling alive" with arousal.

If that's what we're in for with future translations, then maybe we've already got everything that we need, with fantranslations.
Pick only one.
You guys have dropped your standards so much that this era of shonenshit is something that you like.
Well it's a show that shills legend riders. It would be not to be popular AND successful.
It's so dumb that Gotchard didn't utilize the school setting well, when it's perfect for the Chemy. They could have turned the school into sanctuary for the Chemies and have the students in the background interacting with them
> It would be not to be popular AND successful.
Zenkaiger and Donbrothers says otherwise
It the dumb chemy law that they established that sabotage the school premise
They should have made the Academy a lot bigger then. Instead of just the four of them, why not have other students also as a fellow alchemist in training, with different students visiting the lair every week to tie them in to the Chemy of the week
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It's your beloved translator, ladies and gentleman.
Drive was always a boring series to do fun things with.
>Twitter screenshot
Idc what the troon over there think
Ei's the brains, Flame is just the mouth
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>only power builder and command not getting demo
Come on
..maybe next year :)
It sucks.
You literally have the NHK poll as proof that, yes, there's more than a few people who consider Ixa their favorite Rider.
Even fucking Hikaru from Revice has a fangirl.
I always forget he has that exposed tech detail there.
I do appreciate how much kaijin focus we had in Gotchard, cause I was kinda getting tired of the constant Rider vs Rider fights of the last couple of seasons. Hoping Gavv continues that trend
Well, like CAX, it never actually existed outside of Shroud's imagination.
I know a guy, but he went tranny now (even though that's irrelevant)
Because Zenkaiger doesn't do jack shit with its anniversary premise. If you remove the anniversary element, almost nothing would change. DonBros might not gross much but it was an increase from Zenkaiger.
I think those two show that you really need an actual past hero element/team up for the boost to work, not just collectibles themed on past heroes.
I mean, Otoya is the clear best character in his show by a country mile. I can see it.
They use Sentai-themed powers, the android teammates are themed on old Sentai, Stacey can summon old Sentai member illusions, Zenkaiger himself is basically Akaranger+Big One in look.
So no, it does do things with the anniversary theming.
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Eat V(b)ento
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>No Choco Dino Gochizo in sight
That thing must be crazy popular
>Hoping Gavv continues that trend
It's getting two Dark Riders next quarter.
Probably because of it being based on an actual Bandai-owned chocolate toy that isn't part of Gavv Halloween, so easily bought from shops ergo scalpers and tokuota buying them all up.
> Next Faiz vs Eternal Red Flare
Alright this is going to suck but I think I can make this work
Vlast is Q3
Unless you're saying Pudding is an evil rider
Just watched episode 1 of Outsiders and while the Ryuki sfx and music really won my heart, I really hate that they've set this after the true end. Also what the fuck happened to the Ouja suit actor
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It sure is
The VitalMagnum Rider is Q2, March is a Q2 month. Also his name's not Vlast, Vlast is a mistranslation of Vram (the Pudding Rider).
It supposed to be a different universe. Not the OG.

He got fat but they want him to keep playing Ouja since he's the OG Ouja suit actor
It's an easy win.
>It supposed to be a different universe. Not the OG.
It's supposed to be the timeline from the final episode.
You know those are customs, right?
He has the same build as Hiroshi Fujioka.
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It shows clips from episode 50, so it seems to me like it's following the episode 50 timeline
Is this AI?
Soon I will able to make a whole feature length jav of my favorite ship
The MK 9 Buckle does seem off
I wonder if one day >>22934998 will get tired of repeating that complaint.
Can't relate to that guy, I'm glad there's no Winter movie as I don't really want to see any more of Hotarou
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cringey ass behavior
Well yeah anyone that RPs on Twitter is a cringelord
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You're not wrong
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another day to apologize to this masterpiece
This is what should happen to every furfag.
No amount of gaslighting will convince me that revice is bad. Middling/mediocre maybe.
But no rider is outright bad.
Another day of you sitting in your room shitposting on 4chan.
Mindbroken by literal sarcasm.
>Reminds me of the Super-1 situation, where the staff was annoyed Skyrider only did well when adding past Riders and set out to make the next show one that could stand by itself. In the end, it just ended up killing Rider on tv for almost 10 years.
As a series that killed the franchise's tv side for that amount of time, how come Super-1 doesn't get a similar level of shitposting fury like the other Rider shows?
there's no old man like me on 4chan... otherwise i would be able to assemble a team of antis
Cry harder, shitposting furfaggot.
Rider is like Pokémon.
EVERY single one has a fan.
You seriously think there's even enough anons who have seen Showa Rider? Most find it boring or not appealing enough.
Fujioka doesn't wear the Ichigo suit anymore
So what's the deal with CycloneSkull?
Does Gavv shf come with any weapon at all
you are the worst poster in this general
Only Decade.
This is the best poster ngl
you are the poster in this general fr fr no cap!
I'd rather watch Decade over anything made after Build, and even Build isn't that good.
>Rider is like Pokémon.
They're all made to shill toys, the creators don't really care about it, and the fans project way too much onto the low effort slop?
>how come Super-1 doesn't get a similar level of shitposting fury like the other Rider shows?
Most people haven't touched any Showa. The majority that have, only watched a few, and go off the recommended few. There's only a tiny majority of people who've actually seen all of Kamen Rider.
Super-1's just not high on most people's lists, of shows to watch. Especially when you'll have people saying "Oh, don't watch Skyrider and Super-1" when talking about working their way through Showa.
You are literally the worst poster in this general
>seething Buildbabby spotted
Why would I care what you have to say? Revice was shit. Reiwa was shit.
Decade had interesting alternate reality stories, Toei telling us their side of the Hibiki situation, and Tsukasa's charisma.
>Toei telling us their side of the Hibiki situation
But i am the main poster in this general..right, minna?
Someone wasn't paying attention to the Hibiki episodes.
>hero was a fuck, who was ruining it for everyone else
>the side characters in the cast just wanted to do their best
If you couldn't see the meta-narrative there, then I don't know what to tell you. It worked as an opposite of Hibiki, with the hero being the opposite of well-trained, but it really felt on-the-nose, in a way that the other alternate heroes weren't like.
Behold! the most retarded poster in this general!
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>Not painting the button when the cheaper alternative does
Fuck you John Bandai
A poster in this general
Sounds like you need to take your meds.
You could at least try to refute them instead of being needlessly antagonistic.
It's impossible to argue with schizos.
>instead of being needlessly antagonistic
Funny you say that when your boyfriend used the term "seething buildbabby" unironically.
blame Bandai Vietnam
these boxes are fucking huge for what they have inside
The gochizos are huge
I will miss the song. Winter movie themes were total bops;
>Stay the Ride Alive
>Heart Breaker
>Samurai Strong Style
>Forest of Rock
>Hajimari no Hi
>Another Daybreak
>Change My Future

All above are my go to Rider songs
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Forget about card and candy rider. Where's my full season NINJA Rider!?

CaKing Gochizo and Gavv Whipir review
Bandai Vietnam aren't the ones making the Kamen Rider Figuarts. They're all still made in china.
I don't like the finisher standby also the sword can't read other Gochizo which is a downgrade compare to last year
This toyline is carried by the Gochizos alone.
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I don't get what's the problem with the question, people here barely know about Wingman before the live action announcement anyway.
Anon's one of those people that want others to hate Flame as much as he does for whatever reason.
The whole point of the Fang Memory is that it's the result of Philip breaking free from mind control
Additionally you could get a FangJoker Extreme by way of creating a "T2 Fang Memory" that lacks the dino body
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Description said this ttfc special will have Shirakura discuss about the next sentai series and this year winter movie
Looking forward to the Gozyuger news. With it being the 50th anniversary show it'll hopefully be like a Gokaiger celebration.
>Twitter screenshot drama whoring
/v/ pls go and stay go.
No gas required, the show proves revice is bad.
>But no rider is outright bad.
Except revice.
I'm kinda surprised that they didn't resort to using a Dark rider as a the main villain for Gotchard's vcinema
Same I thought they gonna kitbash Wind suit since it was barely used
We all know Wind existed solely so boys wouldn't see the Alchemisdriver as a "girl toy."
Cute gyaru
My new hot steamy onsen lovemaking partner :)
Not even 1/10th of the sex appeal Sakura had.
I mean I'm sure someone out there is attracted to a monkey wearing unflattering thrift store reject outfits.
Well yeah, that's how you were made.
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They made one for Ark One Malgam before they made one for Valvarad Kurogane.

Obviously they'll never make one of Majade Twilight but nobody expect that one to begin with
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Kamen Rider Revice Episodes 30 + 31
Well, at least the question of why Ikki never went pro has been answered, even if I think it's not that good of an answer. With family being one of the main themes, it would have been more interesting if Ikki did try to go pro but responsibilities to his family prevented him from doing so.
Sakura is official a member of Weekend. Hope the dental plan is good. Are the unionized?
I have seen a clip from Battle Familia and I know Aguilera's dress comes back, making her scene here pointless
Revice's Third arc has an okay start, even if I have to raise my eyebrow at the auto fellatio that Subaru Kimura is giving himself here.
>With family being one of the main themes, it would have been more interesting if Ikki did try to go pro but responsibilities to his family prevented him from doing so.
This absolutely was the plan when the series started, and no one will convince me otherwise.
Oh so Bandai is going back to making figures that no one gives a shit about?
It's for display and as another anon said above, every Rider has a fan.
Gotchard, Ghost, Saber
Stop watching and skip revice.
Hey, what if the first act of a four act story was stretched to the length of an entire episode? Wouldn’t that be super fun, and not at all monotonous and repetitive? Shockingly, no, it would be an almost indescribably dull installment of Kamen Rider Revice. I’m as surprised as the producers surely must’ve been after watching this episode!
As a stylistic choice, a vanishing Ikki to denote Ikki forgetting things feels sort of backwards to me? Wouldn’t a vanishing Ikki mean that his family is forgetting him, not the other way around?
>Well, at least the question of why Ikki never went pro has been answered, even if I think it's not that good of an answer.
Both the revelation and the story around that revelation are absolutely abysmal.
Hi, Harp faggot
By shitshow
Not a fan. First, Ikki is once again called out, only for it to be pushed aside with "That's who I am" again. Only this time, he's also complimented for it. Then equal parts blame is placed on Jiko for both him encouraging Ikki to continue soccer as well as his cold attitude? Then the ending basically being Ikki will forget his family, rather than others will forget Ikki if he keeps fighting? That's kind of a shit resolution to this plot. Blade overusing King Form this is not. Revice has a tendency to set up some good dunks, then proceeding to drop the ball mid-jump. I can't wait to be disappointed by the Aguilera plot, because I already know I will be.
These are bad episodes. Like, revice doesn't need this memory loss gimmick, at all? ikki having multiple events he asked vice to supress is kinda cool, (and an interesting method of exnaming his character if you use it properly!) but having *every* use of vice's power(him transforming) make him lose his memory...........? it's like they realized they still need a major "risk factor" for using vice (after we've had 2 forms and bunch of episodes dedicating to minimizing that risk and all) for these last stretch of episodes? it just feels like another unnecessary roadblock that doesn't really add anything to revice's themes.
The ones in your pic are customs made by someone on Twitter.

From last year.
Bandai Japan is the one who approves the budget and the final result.
From the start they had Ikki disappearing from photos and Vice laughing at it. So, there was supposed to be a drawback to it, they just completely reverses things from something that would be be good for Revi and he was keeping a secret to Revi being Ikki's secret guardian and keeping it a secret just to not worry him.
>it would have been more interesting if Ikki did try to go pro but responsibilities to his family prevented
Vice's first thing he does when given physical form is attempt to murder his mom. Now you MIGHT say a good plot hook would've been Ikki's hidden resentment for his family for taking away his dreams, and letting the devil on his shoulder try and fuck with that. But nah.
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hags birthday :)
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Shoutout to the anon who helped guide my dumb ass to the Gavv doc, it brings me great joy to watch these in high quality and also being able to show my girlfriend her first season of rider!
She came out of the first episode really liking it, said it was so campy and reminded her of drag, which made sense to me in a way
It's taking something that was already corny ages ago and in the modern age it's so glammed up and over the top you can't not appreciate it despite its complete goofiness, which is an awesome take, most people come out of their first episode of Kamen rider with like "yeah I just don't like Asian actors" or "the cgi is fucking terrible" or not being able to get passed the toys or whatever
>Vice's first thing he does when given physical form is attempt to murder his mom.
I remember TV Tropes even included part of the possible reason is that Ikki wants to fuck his mom.
Even as a momcest fan I was like "WTF is this editor smoking"
I wish we got another veteran rider like otoya/tachibana's actor, back in the new rider show..
Why does rainbow gotchard look so shitty?
The paint job looks off and the entire body frame and armor layout looks like a fucking 1.0
This genuinely looks like a repainted version of one of those cheap toys
Hey anon, where do you get picture? There's HD link for it?
Porn addiction.
It’s a custom you retards
Fuck we just had Tamashi Nations 2024 and still no fucking Shinkocchou PuToTyra aaarrrfrgggggghhhhhhg
Holy fuck they look like Shodo or something
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Yeah man that's all I was hoping for
I thought it was our time..
it shows that gotchardfags are newbs. not knowing which one is official release
I've been saying this in previous thread and i still wish gavv final form looks this monstrous.
Fitting because it's takebe series and so damn popular.
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Oh my
Get help.
Fuck off
Stop projecting, ESLmonkey. You weren't even here before Reiwa.
His final form will be Poppingummy but more powerful just like every single other Reiwa series.
I will impregnate Jeep
Gyarus should always have big tits imo, it's important for bimbo aesthetics in general
Get help... So there can be more of these.
Don't post lewd edits of my wife you bastard
I'll be honest, I'm shocked Gavv hasn't had a weight gain or stuffing scene already considering its whole gimmick is junk food.
Fuck off with your fetishes
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Right side - easy to understand
Left side - difficult to understand
Top- light
Bottom - dark
Black Sun isn't difficult to understand.
Blade and Revice should be closer to the middle of the light and dark axis, while Zi-O and Gotchard should be at the top of the light half. Build isn't that dark either.
Thoughts on Saber?
Thinking of watching it solely based on designs and OP song, but heard production was rough because of COVID.
Cute hag!
The first 5 eps was affected heavily by it but they got better after that
It did not get better. It stayed bad.
The start is rough (though the Swordsmen Chronicles specials help a bit with that), but it gets its shit together by Q2 and ends with one of the best final arcs in the franchise imo. If you're interested in the side material (which does nothing but enhance the watching experience), I can give you a watching order for all of it.
The first arc is pretty bad, but Saber is unique among Reiwa shows in that its first part is the worst part. Every time it gets better, it stays that much better for the rest of the show. By the end it's pretty fantastic, and that means you leave it feeling good, as opposed to something like Geats which starts good but ends on a wet fart.
I agree but /krg/ is full of retards that chimped out over the show anyway
that "hard to understand" side includes some plots that are convoluted and some that are simply shit
It doesn't improve, it stays bad. Stop lying.
It isn't difficult to understand. It just isn't good.
It's pretty middle of the road. Has cool designs, and keeps introducing new forms and characters at a consistent enough clip to keep the autistic child in you excited about that stuff.

It is far from the worst this franchise has to offer, but also definitely not the best. I'd place it around Kabuto in terms of quality - a bit more consistent, but lower heights.

Certainly a better show than say, Kiva or Wizard
honestly Geats is a really good parallel for Kabuto, Buffa's got a very similar arc as Kickhopper, starting more antagonistic and focused on his friend but basically becoming the tertiary by the end of the series
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Even the phone toy is sold out? How much money is Gavv making god damn
>How much money is Gavv making god damn
All the money.
Not that much if things are selling out.

Really, that's the problem with Bandai's "upgrade" format since then later quarters will have a different format for the toyline and they might not make up for these early sales they're missing.
I miss Decade. When is he coming back with a new final form?
When Shirakura is done with his 5 year long Sentai plan.
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On January 13th, 20XX.
isn't he dead?
How's Faiz? It looks really cool
One of Japan's most loved series because of how much of a soap opera it was
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Kino but inconsistent.
Better than sabore.
>Mari could have been a mother to me!
Actual line from the show delivered in the rain.
I miss Gotchard's action ngl Gavv's reliant on CG and camera tricks is making it hard to get into it
Well anon ngl you sound like a baka
Reminder that this mentally ill anon confessed he jerks off to the little girl from Gotchard.
Nobody confessed to doing that.
I do prefer when the action focuses more on the suit actors' moves over fancy camera tricks that more often than not make the action harder to follow. Fujita has a bad habit of going overboard.
Saboreschizo did, even if it was just another pathetic attempt of his to get the general's attention.
awww it's the fragile gotshartfags
Are you talking about that one single post you made that no one replied to?
No, I'm talking about that one single post you made that no one replied to.
This anon likes to consume putrid smegma.
Shit, you weren't that person. I was talking about >>22936853 .
It's kinda weird to see how a little better Gotchard is at with hopping action than Gavv. I expected Gavv to be better since Nawata is the hop king, but his action as Gavv feels off
He appeared in the Gotchard movie.
Nice try, pedophile.
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>In order to save this general I must shitpost even harder!
This general has no salvation, the board's moderation is trash and the resident shitposter has made it clear he will be here forever since he hasn't stopped for 6 years straight, might as well ruin the fun for him too.
Ok, child rapist. The police will catch you one day, you sick fuck.
The pedophilic shitpost about Atropos was an actual thing that happened. He only dared to try it once though, but that's enough to out him as a sick faggot.
>might as well ruin the fun for him too
You're ruining it for everyone. Your hero complex made you into an even bigger shitposter than this nonexistent boogeyman that you think confessed to being all this shit. You made a post that could be summed up as,
>If you keep saying bad things about my show you're a big meanie who touches kids and eats poopoo! >:(
If you wanted to get rid of them then you would get information on the, dox them, and actually report them to the police, but if you did you would see that it's multiple people. Even if you're given undoubtable evidence, or even put in a room with all the people who make these posts, you would pull some bullshit mental gymnastics to deny all of it. You're not helping anyone, you're contributing to the death of this general by unironically, no joke, no meme, the worst poster in this thread.
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Maybe if you post pictures like this with your posts you'll scare them away! Being edgy always scares the bullies away!
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I'd buy it
Thank god I got in early
Kamen Rider Revice Episodes 32 + 33
I found Sakura uninteresting before this point, but now she's fallen into character I lowkey hate territory. Her plot with Aguilera is just a nothingburger that the series wants to present as something big, but it's not. I want to feel bad for Aguilera because she's been dealth a pretty shitty hand since she was todler, and now Sakura is deciding what's best for her even if she hates it. And then Aguilera is now part of Weekend? Holy shit, this two-parter was bad.
And while im on the complaining train, I saw the Music Video for Mirage Mirror, and wow, does it make me hate how Daiji and Kagero's plot was so underdeveloped. If I saw this music video without any context, I'd be excited as hell to watch Revice.
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>she's been dealt a pretty shitty hand since she was toddler
Funny that you mentioned it, her original bio mentioned that she and her family was experimented by Fenix, but I guess they dropped that plotline
>You're ruining it for everyone
It was already ruined for everyone by the faggot(s). I'm ruining it for those faggot(s) too.
>Your hero complex
I have no hero complex, this general has no salvation, I simply hate the faggots who ruined it.
>made you into an even bigger shitposter
Can't be a bigger shitposter than someone who averages 20 shitposts per day for the past 6 years and counting.
>this nonexistent boogeyman
You can literally copypaste any of his shitposts in the archive and find pages upon pages of this nigger at work.
>If you keep saying bad things about my show
It's not about saying bad things about shows, it's about the very obvious low effort shitposting he's been doing for years. I hate Revice but I hate this shitposter even more.
>if you did you would see that it's multiple people
What, are you one of them, faggot?
>If you wanted to get rid of them then you would get information on the, dox them
I'm not going to prison just for this faggot.
>Even if you're given undoubtable evidence, or even put in a room with all the people who make these posts, you would pull some bullshit mental gymnastics to deny all of it
Of course I would, because he hates being called things he can't copypaste back at others. And calling him a pedo at least doesn't come completely out of nowhere, he'll have to deal with the consequences of making that one shitpost for as long as he shitposts.
>you're contributing to the death of this general
It's pretty much already dead, and it won't stop being dead because the shitposter never ever stops no matter how many bans he gets and the moderation is the worst it's ever been.
After a plot twist so absurd that it makes the Zeronos memory loss subplot look like a masterpiece, I was fast losing hope and I really needed to see a sign of improvement. But this is what Kinoshita comes up with. Obviously, I don't like the premise, so I won't bother talking about that. I'll talk about the execution. While it's infuriating to see Sakura constantly toying with Aguilera's feelings of despair, the main reason I found this particular episode of the two so painful to watch was how much Tamaki gets punished for his earnest efforts to help. Being Tamaki is a thankless job. He's truly devoted to Aguilera, but he always has to compete with Sakura for attention, a battle he cannot win. And when he does manage to get a few seconds with her before Igarashi Invincible shows up, Aguilera treats him like dirt. Why would anybody want to watch Tamaki suffer like this over and over again? It's just depressing!
BoostMagnum Mk-III. Should have worked for an Extra Final Form, but I guess it's enough as just a toy.

Also, we skip the Winter Movie because Oshi no Ko took away all the filming spots, but what if Sentai would go all "Year of Luigi" and make 2025 the prominent year for Sentai by centering all crossovers and resources to that, while keeping Kamen Rider a minor focus for the year by making Gozyuger vs. Super Sentai a compensation for Gavv's lack of movies?
I liked that aquarium scene where Julio suggested to Aguilera that they should make some memories together, it was a sweet gesture.... I really wish the episode had ended there. So with Julio being ineffectual as usual, my only other hope (and expectation) was that Aguilera would at least get the honorable battle to the death she wanted. But nope! This isn't a show where side characters get what they want. Olteca doesn't get to be understood, Julio doesn't get the girl, Aguilera doesn't get a dignified exit, but Sakura gets a new trophy to show off to the other Weekenders. There were several alternative outcomes where this episode could have salvaged something, but instead it followed the worst case scenario I imagined
All those dead Gochizo are going to come into play eventually, I just know it.
I was willing to give Sakura the benefit of the doubt, when she interrupted Kamen Rider Revice's finisher and promised Aguilera what she wanted. For all her flaws, the show had yet to give me any reason to question her morality, as she was still one of the alleged heroes. Sure, I disliked her, a lot, but I didn't think she was a bad person. I'd even say that adding a condition to that promise was a rare smart move, as it gave Aguilera an incentive to go along with the date, an experience Sakura hoped would change her mind. Aguilera fulfilled her end of the bargain, even enjoying herself a little, but ultimately, she was set on getting her honorable battle to the death. Except, that's not what happens at all.... "Can she really depend on Sakura to honor her last wish?" Aguilera had been betrayed by Gif and Olteca before, but now even Sakura had betrayed her with another false promise, denying her the coup de grace at the very end, turning their whole fight in to a sham and tainting the memory of the date preceding it. Sakura refused to take no for an answer and forced her ideals on her, ruining Aguilera's happy ending with cruel mercy. The episode concludes with Aguilera suddenly being totally okay with this development, having joined the Weekenders as Sakura's sidekick. Everything went exactly the way Sakura orchestrated, but at the cost of Aguilera's autonomy as a human being. Those last ten minutes left me astonished for all the wrong reasons, as I wondered how Kinoshita could conceive of such a hollow narrative.
The Halloween 2-parter should've had a scene where the spirits of the Gochizo haunt the weekly Granute.
>Holy shit, this two-parter was bad.
And it gets worse.

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