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We Are VR!
They've absolutely butchered Metalder.
They had to change it so they wouldn't get sued.
is that alpha?
Is it not still immediately recognizable? Actual licenced Kikaider redesigns are about that separated from that original designs.
No, it's Ryan.
Do they no longer hold rights to Metalder et al? I always figured it was a package deal with PR.
>Metalder but he's chinked out
VR Troopers/Beetleborgs/Masked Rider were seperate licenses that was done well after the Sentai/PR deal (and probably done with more attention on Japan's part). Not only did they not change hands with the PR deal several times, but I'm pretty sure they expired long ago.
Anyone see this?
I actually like how it blends the Metalder design with his Battle Grid suit. Need to see the others up close to see how well they did the same, but I'm impressed they put this much effort into them.

It pops up in my head from time to time. When the BoonBoomger suits were revealed all I could think was "I CAN'T SEE A GODDAMN THING!"

Thanks for this.
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Courtesy of /co/

Rate the other designs
Power Rangers are dead, WE ARE VR!!!
huh, kind of makes you wonder of a possible Reiwa live-action adaption of Metalder using this design?
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>"The American Grimlord suit doesn't look very good. How can we fix it, or at least distract people from it?"
>"Eh, a cape, maybe?"
>"Brilliant! Done."
Honestly, it wouldn't look THAT bad if they'd just made the cape black, instead of the brightest fucking red possible.
It's all shite, just watch the original Metalder.
SEA hands typed this post.
Where I live it's cold when it rains instead of being hot when it rains.
Needs a nose, and tits too big, would clang and clip with the upper arms
A new live action metalder would use the OG design.
It's pathetic that SEAseether are PRfags
If it bothers you, why do you keep responding to people who hate SEAs? Are you a butthurt SEA?
Too good
Damn, these guys are pretty cool-looking. Why don't I remember them?
I don't get why you'd watch still Saban shows when you can watch the originals.
Make JB Captain Chaku. The Gavan suit would have been his updated VR Battlesuit.
I am, in fact, deathly allergic to Japanese people. Even just a hint of Asian heritage and I break out in a rash.
as a kid it's always bothered me how grimlord changed from having this dark technological imperial dungeon full of cool looking drones to an empty green room with a couple of cheap-dressed people in it, let alone the new suit

so lame
Is Boom! actually worth reading now or is it still just going through the motions of a bunch of half-baked what-if plotlines like a Transformers Botcon comic? I could not find anything substantial enough to sink my teeth into when I initially read it and even the Godzilla Crossover really went out with a whimper.
>"Should we keep the American Grimlord suit in darkness and shadow, since that's how he looked in the Japanese footage anyway, plus it'll help hide how bad the suit looks?"
>"Nah, light that fucker as brightly as possible."

They didn't have a choice. They swapped out Metalder for Shaider and that's what the Shaider villain lair looked like.
The latter. Especially now that Hasbro is done with PR.
Pretty boring. The Shattered Grid crossover was kinda neat, if only for the novelty of having ALL the Rangers. But, otherwise it's inoffensive and boring. There's worse capeshit to read.

If you want a good comic reboot of a kids property, I'd check out the Skybound GI Joe/Transformers stuff instead. It's really entertaining so far.
70's Hakaider, I still love you.
Because you're watching a shit edit,

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