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Oh my god, AGE is terrible.
no, this is where it gets good
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the kits were pretty good though, and that's what matters.
AGE was really bad. Cool concept bungled by a pretty poorly-written execution. It's made all the more frustrating by the fact that it actually gets pretty good during the Asemu arc. Only to completely shit the bed once Kio takes over.

Also Flit was right. TOTAL VEGAN DEATH.
Kill vegans. Behead vegans. Vaporize a vegan with a DODS rifle.. Slam dunk a vegan baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy vegans. Defecate in a vegan's food. Fire that big nuke at vegans. Stir fry vegans in a wok. Toss vegans into active volcanoes. Urinate into a vegan's propellant tank. Judo throw vegans into a wood chipper. Twist vegans heads off. Report vegans to the EF. Use a beam saber to chop vegans in half. Curb stomp pregnant vegans. Trap vegans in quicksand. Crush vegans with an MS' foot. Liquefy vegans in a vat of acid. Eat vegans. Dissect vegans. Exterminate vegans in the gas chamber. Stomp vegans skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate vegans in the oven. Lobotomize vegans. Mandatory abortions for vegans. Grind vegan fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown vegans in tempura grease. Vaporize vegans with a blastia cannon. Kick old vegans down the stairs. Feed vegans to alligators. Slice vegans with a C funnel.
>It's made all the more frustrating by the fact that it actually gets pretty good during the Asemu arc.
No it fucking doesn't. The Asemu arc is easily the worst part of AGE as far as actually telling a story, building a setting, or doing anything that means anything at all. A full quarter of its entire runtime is spent on being in high school. No locations that are established in it have appeared before or appear again. The only important thing that happens in twelve episodes is that Zeheart is established as a character who exists.

People like the Asemu arc because Asemu is an Oldtype and /m/ is full of the kinds of people who'll mark out for an Oldtype protagonist every time. The fact that his being a "super pilot" amounts to the enemy X-Rounders going "Wh-what? I can't read his movements! But he's not even an X-Rounder!" is irrelevant because Oldtype protagonists are so rare that even slop content is still content.
the MG Age-1 was actually pretty solid for a decade old kit, the Age-2 + all its dark hound variants were dogshit floppy transformers and then they never bothered with anything Age-3 related

Eh, I didn't like it just because of that. I liked that Asemu struggled a bit and actually had some a pretty interesting character arc. I wouldn't say it was the best Gundam had ever been, but it was getting better for me.

Every AGE kit I've built has been a blast. The show's dubious quality aside, all of the plamo have had some really fun molds and some sturdy engineering. I hope the AGE-FX and the G-Exes get a reprint soon.
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>Cool concept bungled by a pretty poorly-written execution

Describes AGE to a T. Level 5 is incapable of writing a war story with anything resembling nuance and it showed. Danball Senki WARS flopping as hard as it did is testament to that. If Level 5 was only in charge of making the game, and not writing both the game and anime, I feel like AGE would have been a significantly better product, but we don't live in that kind of timeline.
This is literally a perfect review, I can't believe how many people like Asemu.
>The Asemu arc is easily the worst part of AGE as far as actually telling a story, building a setting, or doing anything that means anything at all.
Ehhhh, it's bad, but the whole of Age suffers from truly atrocious worldbuilding, like never explaining why the Federation is so inept against not only the initial invasion, anything to do with Fardain, why the Vagans are being so goddamn hostile when they're got all kinds of tech advantages and allies in the Federation, anything to do with Exa-DB, and Asemu's completely retarded logic for abandoning his family.
Go to bed, Duel
Kio did nothing wrong and was the first smart man born to that misbegotten family
Wait what was the plot of Danball Senki Wars
>Level 5 is incapable of writing a war story with anything resembling nuance and it showed
War stories are lame and gay. The "nuance" always comes down to the same two flavors of bullshit that can be achieved with any basic understanding of character and world-building. AGE sucks but it sucks for the same reason Zeta and most other Gundam series do: mediocrity trying to pass itself off as something special.
chronic 4channers are fucking retarded and their only dialog consists of "Everything is shit" and "slurslurslurslurslur"
I dunno, this is one instance where I don't think you'll find 4chan brand contrarionism to be to source of disdain.
Disliking AGE is pretty much the default.
I liked it. I wouldn't recommend as someone's first Gundam or a must watch series. But I had fun in many parts of it.
Watched episode 42.
This backstory is so dumb. It's like something an SRW would give a character as an excuse backstory for why they're fighting for the bad guys.
I recently beat Universe Accel for PSP. The pacing was better than the show and it was pretty cool to travel around the AGE setting like in a JRPG. The final bossrush took me a few tries and my Grandpa Flit and Kio kept dying but I managed somehow. The only negative I can say about the game is that the post-game grind is killer.
so goddamn filtered it beggars belief
>you don't like bad writing? Filtered!
>Hey remember when we did the Hyper Beam Saber moment in episode 14?
>Want to see us do it again in episode 47?
Finished AGE.
I wish everyone who worked on this had their heads chopped off and mounted on pikes for this atrocity.
Fuck you nigger, AGE was shit.
It was certainly something experimental. Age 1 and it's variants were pretty. I loved how the child character designed a "childish" gundam with a sports car's spoiler on the back. Flit was an entertaining character throughout the series. He starts off determined to kill the enemy, almost changes, but then he becomes worse. He throws his son into the war and when he loses him, he throws his grandson after him like it's nothing. It was also nice to see the AGE 1 showing up even after it's arc was finished, and taking central stage in the end. The AGE 2 arc was weak but I appreciated that the pilot struggled with being an oldtype and decided to become the best pilot he can.
I still don't understand the plot point of the Age FX apparently being so perfect, the AGE system doesn't need to upgrade it more.
It makes it seems more like the AGE system is just tapped out and obsolete, not that the FX is perfect.
Sex with Don Boyage in his Gouf costume
Where did they say it was perfect? The AGE-FX still receives later upgrades from other people working on it, lore said there were like six other different funnel equipment packages for it
They aren't developed from the AGE system, like you said they were from other people working on it. Which lends to the idea that the AGE system was simply out of ideas.
The AGE system realized it just created a knockoff of 00 Quant just a year after it made it's debut so it peaced out, out of embarrassment.
It's better than G-Bitch
Holy filtered
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Age was such a weird experience
>announced /m/ meltdown assuming the new au is a pure kiddy
>first Gen starts
>/m/starts to accept the show and Flit
>move to Gen 2
>Curve continues to move up culminating in a white age ii and Generalissimo Asuno's purge
>Gen 3 starts
>looks promising then it all just goes out the window
> pink haired loli makes kio go stupid sympathizing with one of the most cut and dry evil factions in all of Gundam
>the only sympathetic internal view of the vegans military goes full koolaid leading the vegans
>Gen 2 Protag’s become a deadbeat pirate dad with a goal of maintaining a forever war where no one wins
>kio who has done shit is to prove it is to good for his Gundam
>just push the colony away from the mars rays becomes a valid criticism
>when flits about to nuke the vegans once and for all, just newtype mind rape him not to
>war continues off screen for three more decades, but flit has a statue
What an amazing last 20ish episodes. Worst part this was the last proper AI I enjoyed watching.
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If only the right girl survived
It was a great experience to watch live but oh my god I'd consider it in my bottom list of gundams, it has its entertaining moments but fuck, it's surreal how little Asemu and Kio matter in the grand scheme of things.
We don't sign our posts here.
Who is we?
It's always pretty funny how early in Kio's arc we have Seric questioning how the Vagan have such advanced technology - just like characters were in the beginning show. Pretty much nothing happens in Asemu's arc and Kio's arc mostly picks up dropped plots from the beginning.

They really should have just had SID/EXA-DB as the true cause/puppet master of the entire war to justify how Vagan continued to endlessly pull out technology that surpassed the Federation at every point.
To be fair the Federation (and Vagan) weren't exactly progressing their technology very fast outside of the AGE System shitting out new weapons out of nowhere. It took the EF 25 years just to roll out mass produced units based on the AGE-1.
Fuck you. Macross 7 was great.
Fucking what. Adele was in Gen 2
yea and gen 2 is 25 years after gen 1
Stop lying
People keep blaming the flaws on Level-5, but I feel like with the amount of stuff lifted wholesale from Zeta, Stardust Memory, 00, and fucking Unicorn, it's proably Banrise itself that's to blame for thinking they could attract an audience of children by stealing from the hardcore otaku shows.
Gen 1 is AG 115, Gen 2 is AG 141, Gen 3 is AG 164. The Adele wasn't rolled out until AG 140, it was brand-new at the time of Gen 2 and the Titus and Spallow were still treated as top-of-the-line gear.
Yeah. I think it being "Gundam's Greatest Hits ft. The Jovian Lizards" didn't help things. The premise itself being kinda out there helped.

It's crazy that this is the last kinda traditional Gundam series. IE: Big space war between an Earth Federation and some disgusting space people.
Who the fuck asked you tripfag
Such riveting conversation.

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