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Amuro Ray is literally the coolest ever. I am in love with Amuro Ray.
more like Amuro Gay
Take it back.
>tfw you are the only fangirl alive that ships Char with women
How should I kill myself?
I hear if you hang yourself with a red rope the pain goes away three times faster.
>tranny talking about suicide
At least pretend you are not a walking stereotype.
Stop being obsessed for one thread.
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How bisexual is he?
Seven. Seven Braverns out of ten.
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I think Char loved Lalah, was actually sexually attracted to Amuro, and incidentally slept with Garma to get closer to him.
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Imagine not shipping char with the boys :( he’s a gigatop and fucks the shit it of Amuro and Kamille
A Core Speeder would be awesome on a ground type Gundam!
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I absolutely love his Zeta design, if only the jacket wasn't so fucking expensive
Is this true?

>Tomino originally ships Amuro and Sayla.
>Sayla's VA becomes unavailable.
>Tomino ships Amuro with Beltochika instead, which later leads to the novel Beltochika's Children.
>The Gundam fanbase hates Beltochika. The studio heads overrules Tomino's Amuro x Beltochika ship.
>Chan becomes Amuro's new love interest in CCA.
>As a final "Fuck You" to everyone, Tomino has Hathaway kill Chan.
I don’t know about the whole “studio rejecting Beltorchika” thing. But I kind of like the way things worked out, Amuro kind of drifting from girl to girl. It shows he still suffers from the loss of Lalah, as much as Char does. Difference is he doesn’t give in to despair. When Amuro goes “A mother? Lalah?” I like to think that’s not just his shock at how petty Char’s motivations are, but his own realization of what it is he’s been subconsciously seeking in his own love life. Amuro’s own mommy issues are no secret
God do I really like Chan Agi and I wish she didn't die off here.
>Works as a mechanic, complimenting Amuro's job as a pilot
>Also researches Newtype technology, showing she's not distanced from Amuro in that regard either
>Her death shows she's also a Newtype
>Despite that she stays sensible and reasonable
>She's also there to support Amuro emotionally, and can tell he's shouldering some severe trauma that she wants to help him out with
>Is good with kids
>Is a crackshot on a turret and can pilot a mobile suit if necessary too
Fuck you for killing her, Hathaway. And fuck you for angsting about Quess's death when she was a violent enemy combatant and CHAN'S death is the one on your hands.
It's really sad how pathetic Hathaway turned out. The son of Bright and Mirai, a loser? If only Amuro, Kamille, Judau or Quattro had been around to straighten him out...
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If Amuro had his own kids he would be aloof as hell and his own kid would be an even bigger faggot than Hathaway. Look what happened with Katz: The Faggot King.
CCA Amuro is NOT Zeta Amuro! Tomino clearly thought he was finally ready for fatherhood, at least to some extent (Beltorchika's Children).
Or else what?
>Tomino originally ships Amuro and Sayla.

No info on that as far as I'm concerned.

>Sayla's VA becomes unavailable.

>Tomino ships Amuro with Beltochika instead, which later leads to the novel Beltochika's Children.

Sayla voice actor being unavailable has no correlation to Beltorchika being a replacement ship to Sayla.

>The studio heads overrules Tomino's Amuro x Beltochika ship.

Can't find any source on that, but it's largely assumed that it got veto based on the original draft. I remember reading somewhere the reason that they rejected the idea because the execs didn't like the idea of Amuro being a family man.
>I remember reading somewhere the reason that they rejected the idea because the execs didn't like the idea of Amuro being a family man.
That's retarded, shouldn't they be ultra-conservative and approve the family part but not the part where he's unwed?
>no info on that as far as I'm concerned
Don't they fuck in the novel? Doesn't Amuro wear the pube necklace?
you're thinking of a completely different thing, that's the 0079 novels
>ships Amuro and Sayla

The novels have them fuck, and if you want some Sayla and Amuro moments post OYW. Read Sayla's parts in Zeta Defined.
>Zeta Define
that's not even by tomino so I can't really see how it's a tomino thing
Char would be a better father than Amuro. Change my mind.
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Only if Lalah was there
>I see, so a father figure is what Quess was searching for!
>that must be why I found her so annoying, and turned her into a machine!
Quess wanted the dick and Amuro treated her just as badly.
>amuro treated her just as badly
How? He was cordial with her, that's it. He knew he wasn't up to the task. He didn't maliciously manipulate her and turn her into an obedient killing machine like Char. Char doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself. Even Lalah is just another tool to him, there to fill in the hole in his heart left behind by a broken childhood that left his development stunted
Wait, what the fuck did he even do?
Nothing! He saw her and thought "holy shit, this girl's got daddy issues. I can't handle this, plate's too full with char and the dead woman haunting my dreams"
Char didn't even realize what her problem was
He didn't give a damn
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Being a aloof piece of shit like always.
Has anybody remade this comic with Lalah and Amuro while Char is in the next room?
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He was great with Mineva. Give the dude a chance.
Char Aznable has been given many chances.
And he only fucked up like half of them.
Not his fault that Haman went on a power trip
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In Japan if you look up Gundam with Amazon Prime Video you will get something extra.
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>Ones father was murdered and was hunted all his childhood.
>One was ignored by his father who worked on super weapons
Tough call.

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